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November 7, 1868.] — THE ——— TOM AH A WK...
firmament ON" Monday . Madlle , the . 26...
One decided horn of the Church's Dilemma...
Letter Last (for the present).—Adieu to ...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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November 7, 1868.] — The ——— Tom Ah A Wk...
November 7 , 1868 . ] — THE ——— TOM AH A WK . 205 _____ _ . —— . ———— ________ - ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~^—~~~~~
Majdzle. Mijstjsrie Hauck,
Firmament On" Monday . Madlle , The . 26...
firmament ON" Monday . Madlle , the . 26 Minnie th , shone Hauck forth made a new her star firs in t the operatic before the British public in Bsllini ' s Sonnambulaj she appearance came to us be always laden fairly will chronicled with ) an good impartial reports that she hearing , and achieved she from received a her success audience ( as , and a new . it may It comer may be her added good that qualities she deserved are her , to own a certain , and extent her shortcomings , her good fortune should : be laid to the door of others . Those to whom has been trusted the management of Madlle Hauck % ' s career VMAWWi have -tr done ill — b
Tri their (_; Xll charge CillU'Cl Vfi in ^^ VlXI bring * V ^_ ing _»— . _ 4 * her V **_ . W forward — . — . «« . _* . V »— _ so _ r early ; they _ w ^ should v- *^_ - —— ^ - __ have ** y allowed her to live out more of her childhood before calling upon which her is unsuited to appear to before her means the world and in in an a theatre , which the size must of necessarily provoke comparisons , between the opera debutajite and so asserting many other that artists a serious , past and and present lasting . injury We have has no been hesitation done to in which Madlle she . Hauck has undergone ' s professional Her prospects voice has by the already precocious ¦ been >¦ unnatu training
-WlllvA * •_»__ % _• UUU UXAVk . i CL ^_» —JL ^_» . _ . _ . ^ r — V V ^ —V >^_> _ . _ — - ^ ___* v ^ uy _^» ^__ - _ - __ — —« w —_ has rally been forced taught , and in rather her acting than to she be appears following to the be doing impulse what of her she portions own intelli of gence her b , . y-play In , certai she recalls n tricks the manner of vocalisation of Madlle , and . Patti in , prime indicating donne ( as spring we fancy s from is the the same case ) source that the . instruction of both for We she have has written a rare amount the foregoing of intelli in bare gence justice , and to she Madlle migh . Hauck t have , taken t-tlV ^ J-X , * « and *__*__ we VV U trust LAUJb may _ IJLC-JT * still _>_ . -- — take faC 4 . C—Vr , y a in hig ___ the ^ h « . _ position j _ lower -w . _ p _ _* . w _ and _ amongst m > i middle . iav _^^ W
reg artists isters . , Her but voice her upper has but notes little are sonority bright , liquid , and are delivered voice in some is , moreover facile respects , and , , very without to run good up any , but and sort down it of oug effort a ht scale to . should be Her better execution be , nothing for the is , more of the to opera her than Madlle the . signing Hauck of evinced her name much . In sensibility many , portions and in the recitative which precedes the slow movement Ah / non credea t - / t'tt'C' . C' mirartL 9 rvf"W LW « ' * ' * her UWl . <¦ singing JLll ^ lUg was VV * UO that faLAUtl ¦» - » * of \ S— an —___ artist — _____ 1 >*•• 1 . B " ^ y J the »» Bellini T ** *» >— ¦ time __ t * . is _
that otherwise she * reached lovel the to worthless an end Rondo Madlle which Hauck * brings had arrived at ' s the limit of her y p opera hysical means , and , failed to do herself justice . sympath Before this y of time her , audience however , and she she had was done recalled enough with to enlist acclama the - tions . is We gravel would y noticeable direct the in young her Italian lady ' s pronunciation attention to a , namel fault which y , her singing of as the thoug closed h they vowel were "
this compagne v w rr *> £ no SW { Z r greater **& £ *«_ bllUUgU fault of _ — pronunciation Vo J »» V * •¦ W IT t _ _ WW exists -- —*_ V * _ » , and wv any ywv ^ »• real '_ ••'• . Italian _* — ___ will be , driven out of his mind when he hears it . Madlle . excellent Hauck ' s . articulation and pronunciation are in other respects somewhat It may niggardl seem that y as we to praise are treating , or even the encouragement new prim * . donna This is very far from our desireand we shall watch the career of this still promising we cannot and overlook talented the , fact young that lady results with genuine not interest are ; for the worldand regret that Madlle J . Hauck i , UUU ! V processes should Jl & have ,
her appeare - ~ - wt to »\* do I d | herself in 11 U England , dXJ . 14 full . we VVb justice before l ^ glbV . Llldl years , T and _ C * , V 4 . 14 experience . ^ . .. i . . have VUJ enabled . ' ^ 14 »» l , of Si his gnor voice Mongini and the undertook fervour of the his part sing of ing Ely induce ino , and us the to forg beauty ive which him many we will of his not faults forgive . There himand is that one thing is the , alteration by the way which , for he that lanel b has there uicic ti thought dono * fit It to is make right of Bellini in that the , Signor first which phrase Mongini neither of the should he duet Ptendi know
> " ~ are are passages jJrisscigca ut —JCiiixn ' s s vvmi-ii uciiuci . nu , , nor vja any any one question else is can one change of them without . destroying , and the phrase in is mount , town The a great ; general the but boon throne it seems performance to heretofore those at first whom , rather at Covent choice strange Garden or Mr necessity to Costa see is very Signor has as good also kept Arditi , and to in graced by , , to see h imself . Mapleson ! occupying the box which Mr . Gye reserves
One Decided Horn Of The Church's Dilemma...
One decided horn of the Church ' s Dilemma .. —The L ° rnu-cope-ice /
French Pictures For The English By Jules Canard.
Letter Last (For The Present).—Adieu To ...
Letter Last ( for the present ) . —Adieu to London . The Cause of Canard ' s Departure . The British Government and the Price of u Cat-is-meet . " Anecdotes of the English People . yones " s Hat . A Sly Fruiterer . Madam Chose Conclusion . Old , Wives and Young Husbands . Canard ' s Song . To the Editor of the " Gamin de Paris . "
Hotel of the Two Worlds Nov and . 1 , St 1868 . Cloud . , Leicester square , My dear and mltcei-respected Redacteur , haps This months is the — last may letter be years that . you I will am receive utterly from depressed me for by per the - _ rate wretched •**• + r \* the V ** V * brutal ft ^ A climate . W 4 . W *_>_ __ manners ***• of »»* __ this ^ . >_ mf miserable of ^* * — its % »•_ barbarous Wbfct country * ¦ _ i ^ A VS MkJ — inhabitants A AA can _& £ *• tmJi no . l > C ( longer fll b ^« . But J—* tole U W A I -
would have stayed at my post had the British Government permitted it . Yes , you should have had no reason to complain may of him have who his now faults addresses , but it is you onl . y when Jules a Canard Tyrant is orders loyal that . He he obeys . So the British Government is afraid of my pen ! It would seem so . fiding It is ! wrong to be positive , but then one must not be too con-- But —— ¦ w & V there % »*¦—«__ «_ , —• I can ¦**?*** m . _ . exp w < h * _ ¦ lain _ *>«•— __ the — »_^ at matter *_&•>« . % , ^* Hr _ _ in __ * a *• ___ moment W lltV ** V # . I J- have UfcV * **• been KJ'Wr ^^ — fc
but driven by the out of Hunger London ! , Yes not , b I y can the no military longer , buy not food by the I I police must , the starve price , for of " cat this -is toothsome -meet" is now viand too 1 dear for me . Who raised Was it the British Government ? You must tell me : I am not good at riddles ! I Then shak for e the the dust present off my I bid feet perfide . I kiss Albion my farewell hand to ! the great " Lor ¦ - M / ' bow fl a -w salute w « to W « a ^ the " Admiral UHili -rows" Yes !> in
sp ite «^_ of _ . the ayor * - * T *— ' * advice *«^ S ^ of my _*^« r » friends * . ^* ( who offered — *> to —b— — c arry VVtJa . me about Vf _ f , a 111 in state on the 5 th of November in recognition of my services ) , I leave London for the land of the brave and the free . I go to Paris I ! Joy Rd ful d news acteur I to I see heart my friends and emb —I race kiss him their . cheeks . press It appears my to me that my it will be happiness . Mr . says " it is good to be happy ! " Why does he not add "• it is also happy to be good ? " Do you know ? But thereI have done *^^ tm __ Before closing wf ^ this fc letter AVVbVA I give & ¥
a few ——» V * W social » " —*^^ X ^* J , anecdotes ** bV V ^ _ . __ which — . p > I __^ have ^* ^^ ^ . *_ V p icked — — __ *** up m here and —• j ^ \ there * you V V ^ kC . that If they to amuse . you , read them . If they do not—well , I leave It hurts you no one to go to sleep ! Laudanum is not only used as a poison ! At least so says Smith . * * *
began Brown to rain and . Jones As fate were would walking have it , down neither Regent of them street possessed . It umbrellas . They entered a shop , but had to leave it . Shop peop walked le do on not until like they to shelter got wet men to the without skin . umbrellas By and . bye So Brown they began to smile . *• Why do you smile 1 " asked Jones . " I was i thinking **^ good comrade MViv ^ " lied iv \ 4 Brown trying % . _ lii
_> » M » w *>**&*_» % * »* £ ^ , my _ ^ wm vw » A « . Ay , rep x w us _*_ . ui v / rv , y ti to Jones look serious wore a , hat " that ! this Brown seems , on a the bad contrary time for , hats had t " got on a cap . Was it not cruel ? You would not have said this ! It is well understood that Madam Smith is fond of chesnuts . Madam If all the Smith world ' s . does not know this it is the world ' s fault , not
The other day this excellent lady was in Covent Garden chesnuts Market . . As one might have expected , she asked for some Was " I hav the e none fruiterer , " said speaking a fruiterer the . truth ? * M- Sir Tennyson has said , " Hone * sty is the best policy ; " but 1
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Nov. 7, 1868, page 205, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_07111868/page/7/