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No. 5.] LONDON, JUNE 8, 1S67. [Price Two...
To Her God) Gracious Qpeen of Great Maje...
disgraceful We have disclosures had quit...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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The Tomahawk: A Saturday Journal Of Sati...
No. 5.] London, June 8, 1s67. [Price Two...
No . 5 . ] LONDON , JUNE 8 , 1 S 67 . [ Price Twopence .
Where Is Britannia?
To Her God) Gracious Qpeen Of Great Maje...
To Her God ) Gracious Qpeen of Great Majesty Britain VICTORIA and Ireland , by the , Defende Grace r of of the Faith , &* c ., Balmoral , Scotlan d * MAY it please Your Majesty . your We Majesty , the undersigned , beg respectfull , being y to loyal address and you faithful . on a subject : subjects near of to our hearts . in with of
! . were faithful Gracious We the have subjects natural Majesty waited , fruit for to patientl throw the of your time y * off great the when company gloom sorrow it should . and Our many apath p hopes leas y e which have your your i to been meet raised your by loving certain subjects isolated as atte was mpts your on y custom our Majesty heretofo ' s part re ; : but instant those return hopes to have that been seclusion sorely from quenched which , by we your had Majesty fondl ' s fancied that your Majesty had emerged . y J It ^ ^ would TT IJtl na . be Ii ^ -W presump UAVWWUIf'feMWMM limit tuous to in * A the * us % > U to fe % ^ poi ^^^ % ^ nt **** » out ^ SM « r ' to «»* which ^ your J >^ W »* ' those Majesty dfc »« fc »»*^ WM * of » T
us that iir there this world should , who be a have important period public during duties to perform , to can us afford whom to Death indulge may in lethargic have called grief away for . those Your , howev Majesty er d will ear be our pedes the activity , us first in . t , o the an recognise d performance lessens the our fact capacity of , that our duties the for sorrow usefulness , and wh debars ich , whi paral us ch from yses imfulfilling satisfaction the to responsibilities the dead , while of our it must position occasion , can affor great d but dissatis little - faction We humbly among submit the living that . there may be as much selfishness in a prolonged indulgence in sorrow «« v ^»* as the -WJfc «« re **^* is in levity or
thoughtless C an « V f * d hilarity * charity * V » A # ^ fc ^^ , ; w and * e r » fc may »*« that j ^**»^* gratif ^^ even •*• y in our *^ w performing w ow , »^» w n fancies •** acts *** an *^* d of * » v li benevolence k ings ^* ww , w ^^^ hile y ^ myt we avoid the self-sacrifice involved in those petty duties and ness us every less , - the day praise punctual acts from of courtesy and others proper , , or and rarer performance justifies act * less of of ceremonial satisfaction which gams polite from for - ourselyes stranger . with It is due oftener courtesy a greater than it effort is to to visit receive the bedside a distinguished of some . suffering fellow-creature ; but the former may be none the less
a duty We . would respectfully urge on your Majesty , that those who have enjoy no the right power to neglect which belongs the duties to and a high responsibilities position in attaching the State I thereto portant ness they , functions however should irksome belonging concentrate , and to though their their office energ no doubt , ies they on in cannot the times more be of justi sick im - - - duties fied in which continuing are most from pleasant year to to . themselves year only to and discharge most nattering those " to their vanityand ignoring those •••*^**^ wh ¥ •»• i ch though nmm- * mmm ^»» intrinsi **** # call «««** of
their less W ^ # V ** importance V privileges ** W *•**•* V J ; J , , however are »»•• ¦* still ^^**^** non troublesome Cl e the les » s and es , sential distasteful comple **• *»• they ments may y w o ^* f be We to them would , respectfully ask your Majesty whether , when five years have elapsed since the death o your lamented Consort , years to go to in succession n obscure , an just d r at em a ote time villag when e in your the Highla Parliament nds two is engaged in discussing most important" affairs of State , is an
also action than ask it which is your consonant can Majesty gratify with whether the the spirit spirit the studied of of your your disrespect peop husband le . , with We any which would more all foreign visitors of importance have been lately treated in rei this shoul gn country , d or ever to increase be , is held calculated b the all respect to other add and countries any honour lustre . in to which your this Majesty nation ' s We do not in any way y wish to depreciate the readiness or the formed courtesy those with f which unctions your which Majesty usuall ' s sons devolve and daughters the have reigning
permonarch should , during . We the could first ndt two have years expected at y least of that upon your your * widowhood Majesty , humility hav of many e taken , that disting part to an in uished occasion any ceremonial from forei now gn offers potentates . retirement But itself it , appears in to the and this proposed in to capital us , in , visit own for all your person le Maj to would esty welcome desire emerge to to this ho , nour country your . Afflictions those guests , and whom troubles your your of peop
various so aid verei in assisting degrees , but in have at the ite fallen ot peaceful this upon , they many festival are all of your which doing Majesty their is now utmost ' s fellow taking to - promote place in that Paris good , and / understanding by a mutual interchange among one of another courtesies which , to forms We one would of humbly the greatest submit , preventions to your Majesty of war . , that it cannot be a very much greater exertion to entertain persons of your Majesty of Scotch ' s own ghillies rank , tha and n to their preside families at balls . We therefore other amusements trust , that before before . this this session session is is over over , we we m mav ay have have th the e incalculable incalculable p T > lea
lea-hosp sure ital of ity seei ' which ng your is at Majesty once , the once privileg more e and exercising duty of that the Sove royal - rei gn . uld this hope be realizedwe shall not hear the question for s o often t e he nial purposes askect hospitality , wh of en serious , Where the monarchs cons is , Britan ultation nia of , or Europe ? for th , are e i assembling nterchange Your Majesty We ' s are humble The , St and aff faithful of the subjects " Tomahawk , . "
The Betting Ring.
Disgraceful We Have Disclosures Had Quit...
disgraceful We have disclosures had quite , enough the subsequent of the Soiled correspondence Dove Case . , The the alt men ercations " and " among gentlemen , and , " the all contribute charges scattered to the formation against , " of noble but - elevate better one opini than the on " by they ring the " should world into What a at be " large profession . " There , viz . ! : / 1 a Who " in re Betting which those believe " who men honour this seek are save " no to is the the presiding frequenters genius of Tattersall . ' s , humbug —and they themselves don't . The chi of The Tu is as proverbial as % ** ' s Philosoph ti
VlAlvMttVt than It is canery insiste the followers % * d upon 4 k **\* , of in !•** certain A other Art ** W " qu f professions * V arters ? \*& •^•** , th . at •* " Tupper " better We w ww deny s *^ " are this no www , worse — ** but » y . at even best if . true The , it Soiled proves D nothing ove may . The be placed position under is a negative the turf and one under b forfcotten e at best a thousand , but composed upon different the of just turf names one we carat . shall The of still good Ring have metal may Soiled be to ten said Doves that to is spurious and worthless .
Tomahawk (1867-1870), June 8, 1867, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_08061867/page/1/