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London : Printed by M'Cowan and Danks, 1...
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The Tomahawk.
PROTECTION FROM FIRE . EXTRACT FROM "THE TIMES / ' JUNE 8 , 1867 . " The ARCHDUCHESS MATILDA has ceased from suffering . The intended Mother of the future Kings of Italy , a lady destined to wear a diadem which has not rested on a female brow for centuries , a scion of that branch of the House of Hapsburg-Lorraine in which public and private worth is most conspicuously hereditary , the daughter of the conqueror of Custozza , and grand-daughter of the hero of Aspern and Essling , a Princess in her nineteenth year , by all accounts endowed with rare gifts of person , mind , and heart , died on Thursday last at 8 o ' clock in the morning—OF A LUCIFER MATCH . She inadvertently trod on one which was lying at her feet on the floor , as she leant out at the window talking to one of her relatives ; HER SUMMER DRESS WAS IN A BLAZE BEFORE SHE WAS AWARE OF IT , and before anyone could run to her rescue , she sank to the ground in an agony of pain , from which only DEATH RELEASED HER . " The above ACCIDENT could not possibly have occurred with BRYANT AND MAY'S PATENT SAFETY MATCHES , WHICH LIGHT ONLY ON THE BOX in which they are contained , as they may be trodden upon or exposed to any ordinary degree of heat without becoming ignited . BRYANT and MAY'S PATENT SAFETY MATCHES , which are not poisonous and light only on the Box , are sold by almost all respectable Grocers , Chemists , Ironmongers , & c ., in the United Kingdom . Without the precaution of observing elosely the Address , BRYANT & MAY , and their TRADE MARETRAD E ddPllllgB ^ MABK ¦ j ^ j ^ lJB a ^^^ jfcc ^ ythe Public may be imposed upon with an article that does not afford PROTECTION FROM FIRE .
London : Printed By M'Cowan And Danks, 1...
London : Printed by M'Cowan and Danks , 1 G Groat Windmill Street , Hayraarket , and Published by Thomas Guild IIiscox , 9 Burleigk street , W . Q .
Tomahawk (1867-1870), June 8, 1867, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_08061867/page/10/