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52 THE TOMAHAWK. [June 8, 1867.
department A PUBLIC of meeting the build...
The Mystery of Growth ^ by the Reverend ...
the Hire Reform Aims League .—Mr ), was ...
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52 The Tomahawk. [June 8, 1867.
52 THE TOMAHAWK . [ June 8 , 1867 .
Universal Peace Guarantee Association.
Department A Public Of Meeting The Build...
department A PUBLIC of meeting the building was held of the yesterday Universal evening Exposition , in the , French in the named Champ- Association de-Mars , for . The the scheme purpose which of inaugu it rating beretnembered the abovehad been set on foot under the patronage , , of may a long list of vice- , presidents proposes to of supp high ly European a great cosmopolitan rank and distinguished want . character , b His * . - ¦ . A *» -r Majesty ^ * bb > b > J * .. ^ " > * the * ¦¦ -VA ¦ " Emperor r r J _ T Jb . a —• ^^ ^ b » *¦» of ^ r " * the ¦» . «¦ b . bb , — French sb > ~ — -- ¦ —• ¦— - — , as —— — honorary —— ¦ " ¦ J
president There was of the a large Association attendance , occup , among ied the others chair the . following : of His Austria Majesty the the Kings Czar of of Prussia all the , Hollan Russias d , the , and Emperor Greece , rising gortschakoff His The Serene , read Imperial a , list Highness , of count Chairman distinguished blsmarck the , Sultan who members , was lord of distinctl cowley of Turkey the y Association cheered , & , Prince c , & c on . who above had was sent one from excuses Her for Most inability Gracious to be Majesty present , , among expressing the her strongest fa sympathwith the WobBb schemebut regretting that — — — —
the AbV ^^ JV great % ^ ^ A *^^ A A pressure ** ^ b »»^ W ^ b * T # * 4 b m of ^^ m' * j » bVsb her y w v V public bV ^^» A ^ Br duties m ^ ^^^^^ b **** ^ in ^ , 7 ^^ Eng ^^ land ^^^ J ^^ had ^^ pre- were vented also her read from one being from personall Mr . Bright y present and . the Two other other from letters the dissemination King of Portugal , of peace ; the and former good to -will the , effect princi that ples the in continual England , monopolized against certain the informalities whole of his spare in his time invitation . The , latter which to , though protest entertaining a warm sympathy with the object of the meeting , he considered a decided casus belli
. The Sultan of Turkey here rose , and in the midst of that several he objected cries of strong "Chair ly " to and sitting "Order next , " to was the understood King of Greece to say . { It Laug was hter bad ?) enoug Peace h to was have all him very so near well him in in its the way Archipelago . { Cries of . he Oh insisted / oh /) on Honourable changing his associates place . This might speech cry " , Oh which ! oh , with ! " but its interruption ^™ ^^ ^^ BP ^ Bp ^^ B » ^ B ^^ b ^ p ^ B ^ B" ^^ ^^ s ^^^ " ¦ , was ^^^^ ^^^ delivered ^ B"B" ^ BP ^^ ^^ ™ ^ bp ^^ ^ bp ^ Bi ^^ throug ^ P ^ ^^«^^^ ~^™~ ^^^^ bI ^ M h " ^~ ¦ ¦ an ^—» - »™ - ^^ interpreter —— —— - ™* ^^ h j — — — - ^ ~— ¦ ~ , ^ m having ~ ¦ ~~ m » ^^ " ~* ~~ ^ B" ^ fc
created The Emperor considerable of confusion Russia rose , — . Order having been restored , he said . He could scarcely conceal his surprise at the conduct wanted of the Sultan to know . As what to his he was making doing objections in Europe to at his all place ! { Loud , he cheers Sultan , in joined which , heartil owing y . * ) to the King absence George of the was interpreter an estimable , the young man . { Oh / oh ! and . laughter . ) He repeated it , an
estimable estimable alliance with you vouner ng his man man niece . . He He . { was was Groans about about . ) to to He contract contract did not a a matrimonial matrimonial understand those groans . Russia had nothing to gain by a Greek alliance . and She , did as not for care Constantinop for a footing le , — at { pro Athens longed . cheering { Oh / oh from !) No THE , — — Sultan Constantinople on catching , —{ the renewed word cheering Constantinople from THE )—he Sultan repeated ) , —all it , he could BBBl wasthat he begged PB leave to move the first res B olu VT B -
BB BB ^ BP ^ BP ^ P * « ^ " ^ W say BBF B ^ BJ W b V W ^ B" ^ ^ bj BP , BJ ^ P pPB > a ^ P ^ V VP BP ^ BP ^ b ' ] ^ BP SBJh a « Ba > ^ ^ B ^ B ^« " ^ B » jk VBBP P V bb m ^ P ^ BP ^ B a Bp B . ^ B' ^ ^ B a ^ P ^ P ^ P « b > p BT ^ ^ P ^ v BT bi H ^ p > »* » BjfB * tion assimilation , " That ^^^^^ m of it Turkey is the is op a inion European of this necessity Association , and that that THE the ^ Sultan be therefore requested to resign his membership forthwith . " that that The resolution resolution ImperIal . . The The Chairman acre was was , an an rising aee , of of said ldeas ideas he desired and and ideas ideas to needed needed second age age ,
development . Facts were the development ^ of ideas . He referred to the present map of Europe in corroboration of his statement . He had had ideas on most subjects—he had had " ideas And about Luxem the burg Crimea " )— , he Cochin thanked China that , Ital gentleman y , Mexico ; — yes { A , he voice had : ideas ^ BJBJ V ^ T ^ BV B . p" about VBVJP IBT ^ bT * J ^ W Luxemburg BBJBV ^ pB > BT «¦ ¦ ^^ «> sfr Bj B ^ b * ^ i ^ ^ V ^ h ; but V «^ ^^ ^^ had Bb * r f VjBB ^ VW ^ he v W . «¦ ^ not ^ ^ V ^ propounded ^^ Br ^ W B ^ ^ WP B . SB V ^ B ^ ^ P ^ B >^ that W BA B ^ BjpBJ ^^ con ^^ T ^ p ^ 4 -
and soling much dogma confusion , " L'Emp ?) Yes ire , c had ' est he la not Paix reduced ? " { Oh the / oh strength / groans of , had the French he not— army to the mere nominal figure of 875 , 000 men ?—The King of Prussia here rose . He was sorry to interrupt his imperial cousin , but he wished to make a joke—a new joke . { m - ^ Cries ^ w ^ " ^^ - ^^ of ^^ *^ " Order ^ P P BFBT- 1 B ^ » ^ ? and » w » ^ ^ B * ¦ same " ¦ " ^^* ^ r ^ ^^ ' cheering w ^ ^ P ^ P" B ^ ^ » Jl ^ " » . ) J He ^^ ^^ ^™^ was ^ ^^ in — the ^^ habit ^^ ^^ •¦ ^ B * B * B * W of V ^ B > A A BB a >« « M « t * % BB SI « 1 41 . V « i « i ^ A
that making he alway jokes s — considere { Oh ! oh d !) there —and was he something would tell wrong that assembl about the y imperial orthography . The Emperor meant " L'Empire c ' est on L'Ep the ee other . " { Grea hand t cheering was decked , and with cries olive of Oh branches ! oh / " . ) Could Germany , one doubt her mission , ? In conclusion , he would ask the asso any
partment ciation if . they ( IJis had Majesty visited het Krupp e resumed ' s big guns his seat in the , amidst Prussian appeals deto Lord the Chair Cowley and loud then cries addressed of ' " Question the meeting " ) . He had nothing to support say . to ( Hear everything , hear . . ) If Eng occasion land had required always it , g or iven even her if moral it did not Conference , she could in London bombard a the great * Piraeus proof . of He her considered moral weight the . ( recent Cries — ter of » " . ) Oh land — He / -w oh to hoped - / ™ jv ^ and ib , no m . m .- * laug + one wx » w hter would * V « bp'V . ) A ^ A . hurt He L-LV * -fc . > meant the *« bL 4 VX * poor »^\/ it . Sultan ^ ( Renewed 4 AfcMA <* , and « bWAA- *& laug ^ obli ¦ f *^ M . M ge h ^^ % - *
noble Eng lord here bring was her understood moral support to enter to into his a assistance tedious account . The impatience of his domestic , and arrangement at times considerable , which was jeering listened . He to was with about marked to refut ment e in the the charges Rue Faubourg of niggardliness St . Honore broug when ht against amid his loud establish cries of - to sembled " Question Count touch ? upon for Bismarck , " an the important business rose and purpose of the asked day . ( Laughter . when , He the , said . ) meeting they Their were meant union aswas ( Great regarded laughter as" ) a moral He joined guarantee in that for laug the h peace There of Europe was VbIV no .
V , — - » w » — - vw-v- ¦ W W m . W ^^ ^* ^ " ^ ^^ * ¦ * * * BP >^ BB > B >^^ * P AdV ^ BJtB * 1 ^ "J % « % k * B ) . B bV A * A V ^ H ^ B * dB . 4 k « B * but humbug one about Sadowa bTTb him was . ( Oh worth / oh /) ten Expositions of them . ( Great were fine confusion * things , , several during attempts -which the to obtain Emperor a hearing of Austria , sat down , after apparentl having y satis made - fied uproar on receiving somewhat a abated confidential . ) whisper from the Chairman , the some The length King , and of with Hollan considerable d rose , and feeling addressed , in Hi the gh Dutch meeting . at Count Bismarck appealed to the chair . He Bk did not under VBT
-¦ ¦ I ~~ ¦> « B > ^^^ P ~ ^ B ^^ p *> B ^ B Bl ^ ^ ^ B ^ ^| k ^ B * ^^^ P BP B * v ^ T *^> A ^ BP ^ W ^ Bjf ~ | | ~ ^ ^ b ^ ^^ ^ p > ^ B ^ k ^ B ^ P ^ ^ h > « 1 B * % ^ ^ B'Bfe ^ B WVP ^ B rffe ^ b ^ B > W A W ^ feB *^ Bto stand know a word why of he the could honourable not speak associate German ' s speech or at . least He wh wanted y an interpreter was not at hand . ( Cheers . ) , The Emperor of Russia did not see any occasion for call- . did ing not that care functionary to . ( Laughter . He . did ) not understand the speech , an < J The ^^ S »^ fc > « - ^« Imperial ^ M « . WK ^» ^ IB ~ " ^^ S *^ W . B ^ n ^ Chairman Bf ¦ « ^ " » V ^ Bfc'BB «> b > *•> V « rose ^ ¦ Bjb * ^ B * . B He ^ . l « p agreed ^* " J * ^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ with ^^ his BfcBfc B ^ BT Impe BIB > S > HB MB- ' ^ B' -t I
mastered rial brother High . He Dutch , however . He , thoroug had mastered hly understood most things the speech . Had . ( understood Oh ! oh !) this Yes meeting , he did . . ( Laug He understood hter ) It was most a fraternal things . meet He - ing . ( Oh / oh !) France was the guardian of fraternity . ( tress Groans —( Oh . ) / France oh !)— , by the her final position appeal , — was the the —{ Tremendous arbiter—the mis con - - fusion point of , during the proceedings which the our gas Reporter was suddenl left y . ) turned out . At this
Later by Telegraph . to S address everal the speakers meeting subsequentl , but the uproar y made and several confusion fruitless increasing efforts , the associates at length dispersed in the dark .
Essence Of Criticism.
The Mystery Of Growth ^ By The Reverend ...
The Mystery of Growth ^ by the Reverend Edward White . — Y-a-a-awn ! conti A nued Chip in of our the next Old . Block , by George Gratton . —Rub—( To be from The our Dawn last ) , . and —bish its ! Object , by Emma Davonport ( continued Constance Rivers , by Lady Barret Lennard . —Stuff !
The . Flying Scud , oy Charles Clarke . —Yoicks ! A yoyc Scientific e Dormer and ' s Story General . —Gammon Vindication J of the Mosaic History of Watkins the Creation , —Spinach , adapted ! to all Capacities , by the Rev . C . P . ! A Third loud hullabaloo Series oj Proverbial a wild . war- Philosophy danceand , then by M . with F . Tupper a hi . ho — j tantivy , merrily off , to Bedlam ! , , , ,
The Hire Reform Aims League .—Mr ), Was ...
the Hire Reform Aims League . —Mr ) , was . Beales the other ( accompanied day summoned by a by member a cabman of . He had hired the cab at Hyde-Park Corner ( where he had been to driven contemp to the late Adelp the hi scene ( where of he his was former to preside triump at hs a ) , meeting and been of the sidered Reform he had League driven ) . " The a couple stupid of cabman Leagues stated ? and was that therefore he conentitled to his fare for this distance .
Tomahawk (1867-1870), June 8, 1867, page 52, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_08061867/page/2/