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J une 8, 1867.3 THE TOMAHAWK. 57 _
p the Last eop Ref le week , re orm ques...
The Tomahawks were invited, a few days s...
ing A curious contemporary advertisement...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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J Une 8, 1867.3 The Tomahawk. 57 _
J une 8 , 1867 . 3 THE TOMAHAWK . 57 _
The International Letter-Writer.
P The Last Eop Ref Le Week , Re Orm Ques...
p the Last eop Ref le week , re orm questing we League published their . In acceptance some our of present Mr of . Beale the number vice ' s lette -presidentshi we rs have to various much p of b pleasure the wo in printing Master some of Arts of the in notes answer that to his have invitation been received . y y I . From the Emperor of all the Russias . The Emperor of all the Russias begs to thank Mr . Beales and his
Provisional Government for their very flattering letter . The name of Russia is associated indissolubly with Liberty ; the highest ambition of the Czar is to be the father of his people . Let our close alliance with Circassia America , , let testif a y grateful how deep reconstructed , how sincere Poland , how , let y the ing , devoted is Russia tribes ' s love of
of freedom . The Emperor hopes that some day or other he may have the honour of receiving Mr . Beales , M . A ., in his dominions . Siberia will open her arms , and clasp to her genial loving bosom the great Apostle of Reform . 2 . From the Emperor Theodorus .
Most high and mighty Majesty Beales , I am a Vice-President of your great Society ; you have made me so , and I have accepted . Why do you not marry your Queen ? Bah ! she has no taste . Come and see me . Bring your dancing slaves and womankind . I will take care c £ you and them . I will give , them gold chains to wear round their arms
and ankles . You too shall be looked aftex * . Come soon . Theodorus . P . S . —Don ' t take a return ticket . 3 . From Mr . Wager (? uido 7 ver ) . Dear Beales , —Certainly . Make me anything you like . My
nature is a very gentle and simple one , as you know . I agree with you in admiring Walpole . He has done much for both of us . Of course directly you get into power you will make me Home Secretary . My amiable disposition would fit me for Yours the post tenderl . y ,
J . Wager ( Widower ) , x ( His mark ) . P . S . —Shall you want me to kick anybody ' s brains out ? Not yours—I could not do that . 4 . From Mr , Algernon Charles Swinburne .
Dear Sir , —You ask me to become a Vice-President of your Reform League . I have to answer you . At a time when the sickening , sodden sighs of Society stab and sting the mind of those who profoundly pity the petulant , peevish pulings of prostituted press-ridden parasites , prancing in prurient purple before the foul creed-stained porches of their
tinkling * . * < Bh temples , while * Mazzini , the glorious golden-gird ed giant , groans neglected by the viper-eaten hearts of his dastard deserters , while the flowers that sicken and the blood that blunders , the flanks that are mock flipped and , and madden the breasts and moulder that betray , . ringing in resonant red , refrain , away
I have answered you . Yours , A . C . Swinburnf .
Reform Palaver.
The Tomahawks Were Invited, A Few Days S...
The Tomahawks were invited , a few days since , to assist at been a private won war by - the dance great in celebration Path-finder of over the the victory Haw which -haws and has by the which Rootbreakers the end , has and been anxious achieved to do honour , they accordingl to the Indian y went virtues up to Grosvenor Gate in their best war-paint . Immediately inside the one one chief side siae ' of 01 s wi the tne g-wam entrance entrance they a a were Tory 1 ory agreeabl warrior warrior y impaled impaled surprised , and and to find on on the the on
himself other a Liberal was encouraging being slowl them y boiled to die alive like , Braves while the by , pointing Path-finder out the to each Tomahawks of them , the the sufferings chief rose of from the his other seat . and On the passed arrival round of the pipe of peace , after which he addressed them as follows : — to " the Fello land w chiefs of Shams and . warriors He has , the long Path known -finder the bids merits welcome of the
The Tomahawks Were Invited, A Few Days S...
children of the Great Spirit , and may claim to be the only chief virtues of the S of hams which who they has were ever the dared first discoverers adopt and to , and practis of wh e th ich e you are the true and original representatives . Here , in this friends benighted and lan to , it p ose lon one g ' s enemies en the fa , s hio nd n to was sup port me , oh ' s Tomahawks enemies . ' and that it friends was first reserved rather to as take know in equall braves y both of my my , , you ,
o our ur sorts sorts have have neither neither enemies enemies nor nor friends friends , , for for we we know know that that all all th of e the tribe hunting s of m - grounds n were onl in which allowed we find have them tem , porary in order possessio that we n , b or in ur som sup e erio other r craft way , mi , partiall ght eith y er re- establish possess that them great altogether law of , onl Natur y get e which it . When tells us the that Path everything -finder went belongs out to among us if men we , can he said said that that he he would would make make to to himself himself a a name name : ; at at which which the the squ sauaws aws
of Liberals the T , should ories should grow pale tre . mble The , and moons we marched , the war on riors , and time the s be ch en anged livi , n but for the Path- summers finder changed with the sons them , of and those now has whose scal g ps he many first whetted his among knife . He has shown to them upon a ^ the ^¦^ ^ Rootbreaker H * ^ ~ face i ~ v ^ v * 4 BV ^— of ^^ v ^^^ iov a ^^^^ Haw , w ^ and v ^«»^» - - ^^^ haw he ^ m ^ m ¦ ^ b * , «>^» but h ^^ r o " ^^ his f ^ w t ^ p en ^^ ^™ ^» h and ^ e art ^ m ~^ v ^ ofte - ^^ has ^* ^ F ~^ mw n ^ m ^ m e la a »« v er u ^^^ 7 ^ ghed % AA b e e n MA the 4 his * B >^ Bi ^ h IW heart b B *^ F o ^^ B so ^ f ^^^^ h m of A 4 >
the fo at r their forest chiefs blood of the , who . The land , lik Blunderer of e the Sham Blun s , when failed derer , th because o soug ught ht h he to e was knew pass thi throug n rs ot ting th h e following craft of th e strai red- g skin ht line , an . Such mov , ed foolishness eve , r in the was light unworth of the sun , great did not chief make , and the the trail Path more -finder clear laug for him . And it , for now the oh Blu Toma nderer - hawks haws , a ! n m d y take work n away is done the , I trop have hies shaken of the the Rootbreakers hearts of , the . I H shall awdown to the sons »¦ of the pale ¦ r -faces as ¦ w ^^^ ' a great statesman and
a go ^ Bf c - ** - wonderful " ^«* - *** » ^ i ^^» «* - ^^ ^^^ chief - ^^ w ^» . ¦ ¦ - From " ^^ ^» ^^ w - ^^ the _ " i" rising ^^^ — — ^^ ^ m- ^^ to the vw ¦ % setting ^ ^^ ™ ™ v ^^ v » sun ^ m - ^^ » nr gi they b bi bi ^ r n mi fc will i'a ^ ^ Bi believe that it was the Path-finder who gave them liberty , and his name will be honoured like the name of the chief who gave c Tomahawks orn to the ! that ple it is ecause the Rootbreakers he could ' nt hel who p it broke . We the know ground , oh ^ rea ro ^ ^^^ ^ und " ^^ ped B" ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ the the ^^ ^—^— ^^^ seed crop ^^^ ^^ b *^^ , ^ W and and ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ watered the ^^ ~ — ^™~ pale ^^~* ~" r ™~ ¦ the ~^^ -faces ¦« ~^^~ grain v ~^^ ™ will w — , ^™ but ^^ m henceforth ^^ ^ w ^^ v th ^^ ^ h - e ^^ - ^^ r ^™ P ^^^ athfi ^^ 9 ^^ *^ " ™» g ^ BIBh n ive ^ der ^ Br him BIBIBI ha BtBfB s
their hearts . " discovered The Path- himself finder then in full took war off -paint his lavender , and forming -coloured a circle overcoat with , the Tomahawks , led the dance for which they had been invited . the This haw was ks pr dispersed olonged till and returned early hour to their the next hiding morning -places , whe more n for than the ev chief er co who nfirme has d i so n thei well applied principles them , and . full of admiration
Aux Dames.
Ing A Curious Contemporary Advertisement...
ing A curious contemporary advertisement has directed which appeared public attention in the Morning to the follow Post - of Friday last : — Jj T ADY Wished PARTNERSHIP brewery , and a . — delig A Bachelor htful residence of fifty in , with a most an romantic old-estapart b'VBj ^ Bjf ^ of ^^ the WA and * ^ M * country ^ BT ^^ about BPB ! M M BP ^ V , V wishes V W ^« V ^ W B | ft . to ^ ^ V ^ MEET - ^ - - - i of " ^— — ™ i with » - —¦ ^ — ^ a W ~ V « LADY B ^« B ^ H ^^ «^ H , w of ^^ B | T the W « b <» ^ B » * E Bk ^ B |^ for ^ stablished VWH * which Bi * t « P * A ^ V *
landed Church , and other security forty will years be provided age , possessing . Perfect £ 10 confidence , 000 , would be preserved . —Apply for information to Mr . P ., & c , & c . least Our , in bachelor our opinion friend —to proclaims know better himself than to make be old himself enough the — fool at he in petticoats does . Is he and a knave chignons or , a confessing dotard—or to both forty ? , here Come ' s , a credulity chance !
tempting Who Who will will , you nibble nibbl must e and and admit bite bite . ? ? Just The The contemplate bait bait is is at at least least the " savoury savourv bachelor and and of naturall fifty " for y wishes an instant " to , meet " with with an old a - lad est y ablished " with also brew something ery . " He bitter established influence , so he of fixes beer on on the the one " Established side is offere Church d in exchange . " The ^ for B ^^ ^ b the W ^ b » B ^ sweet Bfe ^ V V ^ 0 ^ T BB BB influences ^ ^ ^ » B ^ V «* V ^ ' *^^ «^ r of ^^ ^ religion v- - ^ — — ^^ v — ^ on ^ V — ^ W the v ^^ ^ b > other < BP ^^ BB ^ BT ^ . * B | This VBB BlB B > «¦¦ is flh B ^ truly B # dfe Bjf ^ ^ y
in sublime Overend ! Mesdames Gurney , ' s have , or in any any of you bubble ^ 10 Company , 000 in the ? ' Consols " Mr . , P or . " invites If there you is in silliness " perfect , and confidence crassitude " , to and communicate vanity , and with credulity him . lead enoug some h still sill remaining y , crass , in vain this , and world trusting ( and we woman fear there to answer is ) , to your " Mr . P P ' s ., and " then Q ' s all at the we same can say time to . them is—Beward you mind
Tomahawk (1867-1870), June 8, 1867, page 57, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_08061867/page/7/