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No. 66.] LONDON, AUGUST 8, 1868. [Price ...
A GOOD deal of natural curiosity was exc...
With telegraph wires over the whole of E...
tion Mr at . Ronald Teheran, Thompson ha...
Good News for a Distinguished Volunteer ...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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"The Tomahawk: • - . " A Saturday Journa...
No. 66.] London, August 8, 1868. [Price ...
No . 66 . ] LONDON , AUGUST 8 , 1868 . [ Price Twopence .
The Results Of Enquiring Within.
A Good Deal Of Natural Curiosity Was Exc...
A GOOD deal of natural curiosity was excited at the time of the Her sourc Majesty e fro ' s m recent which garden the Lord party Chamb at Bucking erlain ham had Palace obtained , as his to views of the proper costume on such an occasion for the real has gentleman been graduall of the period y subsiding ; and onl the y public because interest everybody in the has question begun to an despair enigma fc pppi of . finding We think pp . pp the « pp » ppb solution we have pf of solve ppj ^ r so peculiar d it . We and reall perplexing flatter
ourselves ^^ " ^* ^™ ^™ ^ Pp ' ^^^^ ^ " ^^ p ^ p »» pp - ^^ that ^ m ^ v pf we ^ Pp ^ ^ p have p ^ pppppP w discovere w ^^^ r ^ j ( pppa ^ p * ^^^ p > d ^ B ^¦¦ F ^ the p ™ V ^^^ f ^ b ^ Ppp source ^ p" " ¦* V of ^ B ^ r . "P . this ^ 1 ^ * p ^ p * ^ ** y V second ^^ ^^ ^^^ V ^^ ^ W ^^ p # . ^ p * Nile . The Lord Chamberlain has been diligently studying the " Within three Upon hundre Everything d and sixty . Afraid -second of thousand discovery " , that of sensitive Enquire magnate did not adhere literally to the instructions there given under the head of " Visiting Dress , " but just slightly
howe deviated deviated ver , from from to the them them critical , , in in order order mind to to where elude elude he detection detection got the . . hint It It is is for clear clear the ., famous evening coat and waistcoat and morning trousers . Enquire Within lays it down that " a black coat and trousers are indispensable for a visit of ceremony or entertainment . " Now a visit to Her Majesty must always be one more or less of
there ceremony was ; a but novelty about , which the particular made some entertainment people—wretched in question old but Tories positivel , no doubt y free —pronounce -and-easy . it Of not cours only e far we from do not ceremonious take that , view ourselves ; but we can quite believe that it had come under a little the cognisanc lexed how e of to the combine Lord Chamberlai a certain amount n , and of that he was ¦ with " ™ - ^ —^ the - »^^— perp ipapp expectation ^ w ppb > v - ^ pp- ^ pp * ^ ¦ i" »^ up « p . pp » of ^^ w a vppp ^ certain ^^ ^^* m ¦¦ ^ m *»¦»«¦» ¦¦ . ¦ absence "pp ^ ^ p » v *« ^^ ^ p ^ of ^^ ^ ¦ it " "p" . At " ¦ ¦¦ "^^ ceremony that ^ * " ¦¦** . ^ ^ 0 mo lih Apb ^ p » f -
ment Within he . received He did his enquire copy within of the , found new edition the paragraph of Enqu we ire have likely quoted we shall , and have the some reupon more framed Court his regulations sartorial from edict the . same Very source overlooked . One . It of is the that m , however " a gentleman , we do walking devoutly should hope , will always be wear breeding gloves . " , The this lat being e Mr . one Thackeray of the characteristics never wore them of ; good but perhaps ¦¦ ¦»¦ ¦« Enquire Within would retort that he was only an
W ^ ^ p » ^ ¦ " ¦ " . *^ ^ pppp . » r ^ * m v ^ ^ v ^^ w r ^ r grf ^ mr V ^ T V V ^^ ^»" p » W ^ W «« Vlr W ^ aF « fc W ^ ^^« a ^ ^ ^^ ¦ ^^ T S ^^^ ir V ^ ^ a *« % T ^^ W ^ J « author . A , and ¦¦ that ^^* nothi * l p Pk . ng better ^ could ^ r pA be ^ expected from ^ pfc ^^ him __ B . the We young are willing gentlemen to waive of the that very point highest ; but breeding in the who interest , we hear of all , gloves are going be not to get considered married quite on ^ as 300 " indispensable a-year , we must " in the pray streets that , as " black trousers at , a visit of ceremony . "
Flashes In The Pan.
With Telegraph Wires Over The Whole Of E...
With telegraph wires over the whole of Europe , and through re in a good c the eive morning half such a mea papers rest gre seldom amoun the world t occupy of , dai it more l y strange news than . The that half we telegrams a column should wei of space ghts . , and For a instance great portion , almost of these every are other only day inserted there as are make half - - a ings -dozen of the messages shithat in the largest the typ Indian e , telling mails us . of Now the as proceed these - ships clockw sail ork twice ( or if week they carry , some and make times their do no journeys t , we don as 't regularl hear of y it as ) ,
With Telegraph Wires Over The Whole Of E...
such information cannot be either useful or interesting to anybody . It would be just as sensible to announce the safe arrival at Edinburgh of the limited mail in the second edition of the Islington Times , or omnibuses to reproduce in the the evening way-bills papers of . the Brompton and cussion Now that it is the a subj ity that ect some of telegrap influential h monopolies does is under not come
disforward , as the cham p pion of the public interest person . Hitherto the question has only been ventilated from a purely selfish and perdinner sonal Brighton point for , or Jones of if view cook on — his will what unexpected get it will her cost message return to telegrap home in time . h to to Brown prepare at Such details as these should doubtless not be overlooked ; but ~ r at v the v same vv B KB F time F h - -r it should v i be p ^^ pr ^^^ v remembered m jp . 1 i ^ b k vb v V Vb that ^ pi ^ p > . flp 1 the V *« V electri J c ™ ^^^^ ^^ " ^^^ ^^ *^^ ^^ p ^ . ^ ^^^^^^^^*^^^^^^ ^^ ip ^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ p ^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ p . ^^ ^¦ p' ^ p' ^ p * ^^ p ^ p" ^^ p ^ ppF ^^ p ^ ^ p * ^ . pr ^ fep ^ Vp ^ ^ pfpi ^^ p ^
telegraph has a mission far nobler than that of ministering to the comforts of the upper classes . Its mission is to let the world sign of know the times what that the while world so thinks many and great does men ; and are interesting it is a bad has themselves occurred in to the no reorganisation one to still further of the develop telegraphic the systems real value , it fruit of this it is magnificent true , but it innovation requires cultivation of modern to days supp . l The y those tree multi bears - farious from its benefits branches which . all nations may claim as a right to cull
Pearls Among S Wine.
Tion Mr At . Ronald Teheran, Thompson Ha...
tion Mr at . Ronald Teheran , Thompson has rendered , the to Secretary the Foreign to the Office British a Lega most - interesting report of the trade and resources of Persia . The condition country The report , we , owing states regret to that to the see the repeated , appears whole amount failures to be in of of a money the terribly silk in bankrupt produce the Im- . perial coffers and in circulation amounts only to the
insignificant cant sum sum of of , / £ " 1 1 ,, 500 500 ,, 000 000 . . In In addition addition to to this this are are the the Crown Crown useless jewels , which to offer are them valued for at sale two as millions the whole ; but riches unfortunately of the land it is could not purchase them . , Under these circumstances it is a pity that some one does not King advise Attenborou the Shah gh , to of despatch Piccadilly an . ambassador This simple to course the Court would of certainl ^ P ^^ v ¦ P ^ PP ^ v ^ MPVPM ^^ —r w » y j dispel ^ h- ^ ^ pp —^ r PP ^ v - ^ p ^ pppi the ^ pr v— — -m ^ ppr deadlock ¦ ¦ ^^ p- —~ - ^ ¦¦ - ^—^ g pppi - ^ ppr ^ ppr ^ p | PPPT at ^ v- ^ ^ p ^ ¦ which * p ^ pf _ ppf ^ p ^ p ppy pjp | the ^ pr PPH fPf ^^ pr affairs ^ ppp ^ Ppt ^ j ^ pp ^ pr PPf HP . p ^ ppr P > of ^^ p > ^ Pjf the ap ^ Pp > ^^ ^ Q ^ p- Per Pp ^ pj ^^^ P pp ^ - ¦ " ^ tf ^ ^ PB _ _
sian Treasury have arrived ; and we can assure His Eastern _^^^ the Majesty proceeding that there , as would he would be nothing be by no unusual means or the infra first di Royal g : in personage save honour who ( which , within , after the all last , may hundred not be years considered , has pled by ged pawn all - , brokers golden orbs as a . marketable commodity ) , beneath the sign of the
Good News For A Distinguished Volunteer ...
Good News for a Distinguished Volunteer Regiment intend . — joini Several ng the demagogues " Burnham have Scrubs written R . V . C to , " us to They say g that ive they as a ment reason should , for their be preference as public as , that possible they , think and the add Volunteer that from Move what - they have heard they imagine that there must be very little that is private about the " B . S . R . V . C . "
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Aug. 8, 1868, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_08081868/page/1/