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58 THE TOM AH A WK. [August 8, 1868.
As the " Autumn Season " at the Theatres...
1. And My first a round one does the pol...
BOOKS RECEIVED. History of Caricature, H...
1. Measure for Measure. 2. Welsh Rare-bi...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Chapter Iii.— To Passages Wn. The In Mys...
at Dissenting home . And Chap all el , was while desolation the conscientious when some and one holy thoug remained ht of know the happy ( some idea of ) of the starting rest . a Volunteer Rifle Corps , and you Reg Hallo imental ! Didn Supper ' t I last promise weeTs : to in the give current you an number account ? To of our be waited sure I did so long ! Pray , you , let may me as apolog well ise curb . Well your , now curiosity that until you have next week !
about or There too it cold I on promise ( the as the next , if case everything day may of publi be goes ) , I cation will well . assuredl and Mind it ' , the n tell ot coming to yo o u ot hours Tuesday , hence —onl ! Don ven ' days become , or too one excit hundred ed about and sixty m - ei tter ght ! Pray don ' t , or you'll make me feel quite uncomfortable ! ( To be continued . )
58 The Tom Ah A Wk. [August 8, 1868.
58 THE TOM AH A WK . [ August 8 , 1868 .
Dear At Any Price.
As The " Autumn Season " At The Theatres...
As the " Autumn Season " at the Theatres seems to flourish on a sort of negative principle , and temporarymanagers appear to reverse delig of ht those in giving they have their been audiences accustomed entertainments to ^ witness the at their very respective houses , why not let the public know really what is in understood relish store for Eng them li at sh that ? come Mossoo establishment dy proper , who , that goes under is to to the the say au " , c Haymarket omed ices of y as Messrs " now to . Buckstone and Sothernis st bV o / nded at Ctl findin sp himself UlillOXl in the
presence Shakcspare JJUUlVaiVlllC of he . the 1 AX UUUi is immortal comic ^ . lli , j X . O then a a Sha ^ u ? - kes Ha ^ - pare , ha / XXXXU , que " . XXJ Ma . g jg c ' est foi , drdle but ^ XXX your your WXXW Kingjohnne says it will not with do Mr after . Anderson the Palais ! " Royal and M . Then ssoo go Mr es . Thickhead home and escapes Daddy Gray from , H and anwell goodness , and only comes knows up from what the he gets country instead to see of authorised it at the little list . Soho With Theatre the experience . Better of" therefore previous seasons to publish before an one the task is easy enough . Here it is : —
THE THEATRES . Royal a quarter Italian to Opera eight ) , , Covent The Blood Garden -stained . —Box Attorney and Cox . ( of At Revenge Lincoln ' . s I At nn ; ) or , The , the wonderful Crysta Galavanti l Palace Family Waiter and ' s their The Miller Carving and Knife his Men Entertainment , Seven , . ( Half-past ten ) , XX Her . E 4 IV Majesty lYXilJ £ iO X X ' O s Opera V- / X ^ fLfXV Si . — Swinger W iiJC ^ A hini ' s 7 Oriental V «^ X X ^* XXI > C 1 > A South UVUbU Australian « » l * Ob & Feat «*** C * J . i
Ei Circus ght , . ( Nine ) , gnor Josep's Daring Eyelid . Haymarket eleven ) , . Antony —Othello and . Cleopatra ( Nine ) , Kin . % ( Ten John minutes . ( A to quarter one a - . past m . ) , never Macbeth before . To conclude produced with . Five a new . —N . B and . Money original payment Comedy entirely suspended . Adelphi Used . —She Cool Stoops as a to Cucumber Conqiier . and The other School regular for " Scandal Adelphi .
hits i / jC ( l > , " Up % till -s / S 0 . further wet /* ' <¦« notice ' tv Vfri . H' / Seven f * 'i / i >' f , *** . **** w » a * v * * **& **» mi * <» *^»^** £ ***« , Princess to ten ' s ) , . — Nebuchadnezzar Macbeth ( with a the new Ninth tragedian . Original ) . ( At tragedy a quarter in to seven one ) , Acts Paul ( with Pry ( several with another new tragedians new tragedian ) . At ) . a Seven quarter . Prince with of full Wales chorus ' s , . — ban Meyerbeer a , and all ' s Grand the magnificent Opera , UAfricaine scenery , , A dresses new comedy , appointments , not by , Mr & c . , T & . c W . . ( Robertson At a quarter . to eleven ) ,
Olympic Howard . —A Paul Grand will Christmas introduce Pantomime " her funny , little in which king Mrs " at . Eleven forty-five precisely . Seven . Lyceum pended . —Everything . ( free list alone excepted ) entirely sus-St . James Evening ' s . — at Double Eight Entendre . Stalls , , or One , Menken Guinea Outdone . N . B . . Ladies Every admitted . The Ballet New —and Royalty Macbeth . Two , Italian Operas , and Grand And so on . In short , only at the Queen ' s , the Strand , and
As The " Autumn Season " At The Theatres...
about two other theatres , can one count on something approaching Why a cannot respectable the unhappy adherence speculators to the traditions let the public of alone the house for a . the coup forbearance le of months . ? Indeed , both would be much better off for
The Mania Cs Column; Puzzles For Or, Lunatics! T
1. And My First A Round One Does The Pol...
1 . And My first a round one does the policeman who ' s an inflicter or sentinel of blows goes , ; At My dinner second or comes lunch out -time of for the part earth of , our and food is go ; od An The article two form well a known product in from commerce , which and may trade be made . 2 .
My first is what all wish to be , In My certain second letters you may graved often on see stones That cover human flesh and bones , My whole occasions many a martyr , A Tho nd u the gh so world me ar ' s noblest e base e men nough and to laws barter , Has waked to action in its cause .
3-A My Christia first without n name much that trouble Elish will women declare bear First syllable my second brings to view , M Of that whole which from Claude time not Lorraine ancient so sweetl dates y drew , And y may be found in the very United States . ,
4 . Throug My first h , earth propelled and b air y steam makes and way gas ; , Whom My second one ' s or a united s mass 1 , My whole ' s a flower many which way , like the rose , Is grateful both to eye and nose . 5-
My My first second in m for ade sauce dishes is cut will out often of the be found ground j , My When third money will describe falls out its of the descent pocket . Now or purse my verse ; Which Must give my , whole as ' tis may usual suggest in riddles , if , not a line clearly define . And Well , fruiterers —chemists sometimes and grocers , but and enough pastrycooks —lest I tell sell it it . ,
6 . A An Christian edible relish name in rarel general selected use , b Will give you the name y of a popular y any tale , Or novel which years ago gratified many .
Books Received. History Of Caricature, H...
BOOKS RECEIVED . History of Caricature , Hotten , London .
Answers To The Puzzles In Our Last,
1. Measure For Measure. 2. Welsh Rare-Bi...
1 . Measure for Measure . 2 . Welsh Rare-bit . 3 . Shrubbery , C . Answers R . R ,, 100 have W been . T ., received The Binfielct from Jack Road Solved Wonders It , Winterbour , Three Stray ne , Buzwings , Ruby ' s Ghost , Annie ( Tooting ) , Linda Princess , Frank and L Pollie . Kneller , Old B rum , Livel La Perfeccion FleaGertr , Ghost ude of Phoebe Old Jewry Tow , Baker Rosebud ' s Bills , Mad Whilk , Ein werr y tickter , KerlSamuel E . , Thomas , W . I . A . , W . McD ., Slod , ger and Tiney , Galat , ea , and Renyarf , , ,
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Aug. 8, 1868, page 58, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_08081868/page/10/