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52 THE TOM AHA WK. {August 8, 1868.
Letter II. Cousin Willie to his Friend. ...
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52 The Tom Aha Wk. {August 8, 1868.
52 THE TOM AHA WK . { August 8 , 1868 .
A True Tragi-Comedy. Told In A Series Of Poetical Epistles.
Letter Ii. Cousin Willie To His Friend. ...
Letter II . Cousin Willie to his Friend . My I shall dear old arrive boy in ! town prepare on Friday for a surprise week . . Find Not me far some from rooms yours ; of you modest ' ve lots cost of time and size to seek , . My So coming spare ' your s cause sneers you . vainly 'Tis neither will surmise whim , nor freak .
My cousin Florence—that ' s the simple reason—Is to be up in London for the season . Which Now You , Al know is gy to , do m the ake you one the wonder great being purpose any I adore more of ? my life , For And M this y wife shrunk I , long and from have yet a p tarried lung something ing on on the more the shore sea than of , strife wife . . Love and ambition woo rne : I prefer
Fame to forego and live alone for her . I know And we you have think wrang the led two oft can about be combined the question , ; But Which I sim I firm had , and best of select a settled , and mind which had best shun . Either Excite is a good sort for of vital life , but indi both gestion you . 'll find The Blend other them tart you and cannot turbulent . One and is sweet acid . and placid ,
I know not if Flo guesses that I love her , Till For womanhood I continue , which patient round , still the to wait irl doth hover Long ere it settles , , her initiate g In I truths hold it it only should to steal to a her march discover on Fate . ^ And ^^ ^ A T _ ^ with » w * W » b » surprises ** ^* wrong * V m ^ * *» » rf ^ b- definite **» ^ b » ¦» » — — ™ ^ - — ' and " ¦ - ~ - — — — w- rude — — -- —— — - ,
Ruffle a virgin ' s brooding solitude . Yet From now— song plague of birds on them , from all sward !—they , flow drag 'r , hed her gerow thence , field , , Silenceand all that to the growing sense Of maidenhood , affords a needed shield To ^ \_ J where V V 4 & ¦ ^ b * J- Tb * » each ^» ii * % «* ¦ ** sig » b * -9 ht •* •• and " » *— "sound »» ¦»• - " » " > - > b > ¦ » - » are —* wb » - « b . »—• an — offence -w — — , ¦—¦ — — - — -bt ; j
Premature A forcing bloom -house which to make never the comes nature to yield fruit Or , if it does , exhausts the heart , its root . , Hal The f of vul my dream doom is would gone . never I nursed her befall the hope Nor that her gar simple soul would have to cope , Once With swayed that fell by foe whom whom they women maddened Fashion are or call mope , ,
No Alternately longer do , they till the to themselves grave ends belong it all . ; Woman is weak , and Fashion is so strong . And It Itself under it expels the its onl supreme their y conscience moral protection sense . Noug , takes and ht makes . seems wrong But And still , as its it thirs favours t on novel none and bubbles nothing slakes long , Its lead they follow and contemn the old , j
But Not cry heeding ing ever vice , G ive virtue us o f false the new or true ! , Whereby the passion for excitement grows Save To ostentation such mad heights , rivalry that , and nothing shows . pleases more , E ' en these soon please not as they pleased before . Dejection then demands a double dose , Till Again maidens , again led , to by make matrons life bubble scarcely o' shrink er , From drinking poison rather than not drink .
You You know know it , the Algy end , just the as tricks well as of I that . false mart Where human beings , all that is , human buy , , Where Save all that things which are never inverted can be , low boug is hi ht g — h the , heart ; In And whose hig exchan h is low ge , and money each is one all , mind plays noug a part , ; And what is worthless most is keenest sought .
Better ( Thoug the h flash that were of savage to put hate back and celestial lust work ) , Than that our nature should corrode and rust ! To Better crack some the false ruinous superincumbent volcanic jerk crust Then 'Neath would which the accurst innocent insidious be warned poisons . But lurk now ! , The demon Fashion wears an angel ' s brow .
And Who so thinks my guileless an Eden Florence they on her allure view , And just because she is opens so frank and pure , , She for a time will deem the false the true . Who knows what first will this delusion cure ? Oh ! if it be an antidote to rue !
Perhaps Love in its I seem moods ridiculous of fear perforce , romantic is frantic ? . Had I but known that they would play this turn , I woul This d ug have ly , unkind seen Florence turn , on did my slowl pet aim learn , Something beforehand of the worldl y y game , Its scope , its shifts . But how . could I discern ?
All Now Now unaware she she must must ! M go cro curses as as stubble stubble on them into into all flame name ! ., Curse on them , ever y , if aught foul befall ! For it is foul to sell the body for gold , Counted And throw for the ht soul when in with solid 't , flesh as thoug was h sol this d ! last noug
Oh Foul would —thoug some h timel the altar y goddess bind , the as barter of old , fast S Invisible Descend to , and some bear unthoug her off ht- upon of shore the , blast , Where I , alone should ever see her more ! An I empty need must wish p — lay eh , the Algy god ? myself So , you , and see leave , Mountain Natural and haunts stream to which , and all I cling that and are to cleave me
And ¦ ^ ^ Vi ^ V in ^ F W ^ V ^* the V ^^^ B AS crowd W KtfV ^ w Sp MV ^ of V ^^ the v V V ^^ world ^ V ^ V ^^ ^^ ^ V ' s V ^* * votaries ^ p ^ k " ^ ^ V ^^ ^ ^ be ^ r ~ " — ~ ~ H' , V A sort of fashionable make-believe . And Do you first but I know help , you I'll ' cease ll take to me be to a railer your tailor , . Quite ( We rig used ht , my to say boy that ! The noug tailor ht from makes noug the ht is man made . ; But it is clear a tailor furnish can
And Nine as it times is the himself essence , when of our properl lan y arrayed . ) To make a man out of my honoured p shade , To I swear tailor to , hatter yield , , with barber absolute , glover composure , hosier . , I will And be not kempt a soul , and in Bond curled street , and more oiled , particular and scented ; , And P Should ^^ F A ¦ * wax ^^ F M " VpVA so not B * *¦ ~ . ~ wroth W my * V ^ ^ J trousers ^ , you ^ V ^^* BBT W 'll ^ V . ^ think keep ^ ¦* ^ B ^ ^ BV B ^ B ^ me the ^^ ^ B . ^ B ^ quite perpendicular ^^^ ^ ^ ¦ B-V * ^ B demented ^ " ^^ ¦ —V ^~ * ' ^ — j W ,
And In will my coat I wear ' s buttonhole , as though a by pale Love auricula presented . , An Thus d what shall is you more work —b on y Jove me , your ! I'll pay sov ' reign the bill will 1 ; But if by this fantastic fool's-disguise , I from your ranks can only snatch away The fairest spoil , the very sweetest prize And To That bear where you her r a foul safe chaste field from Simp has profligate licity seen for h , ath bold many sway eyes a , day , , You But Worl will b d e and welc wo ome rldl , Algy ings ne as ' er before shall j see me more .
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Aug. 8, 1868, page 52, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_08081868/page/4/