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A ugust 8, 1868.] THE TO MA HA WK. $7
Chapter III.— To Passages wn. The in Mys...
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A Ugust 8, 1868.] The To Ma Ha Wk. $7
A ugust 8 , 1868 . ] THE TO MA HA WK . $ 7
« The B Umnham Scr Ubs R. V. C"
Chapter Iii.— To Passages Wn. The In Mys...
Chapter III . — To Passages wn . The in Mysteriotis the History Statue of an ! ex-prosperous I will Before just tell I proceed you a little to describe about the Burnham Regimental Scrubs Supper itself , . I think You see , as one of its defenders , it is only natural that I should wish g to lind ish impress me companion at any you time with , into degenerating its a importance downright from bore —so . a pray frolicsome pardon , if me not if wag you - Burnham Scrubsa few since was one of the most
dismal spots in the , world , years a short time after it suddenly write freshened the rei up gn and of gloom became has comparativel set in with tenfold y lively , severity and now . You as I would like to know what caused the sunshine to which I have alluded ? "Yes . " Very well then , why not say so at once , making instead a of suggestion hesitating to about so august the matter a person ? " as You a Lieutenant are afraid in of the I don Burnham ' t wish Scrub to be s too R . V hard . C . " upon Well , you there ! ' s Let something ' s say no in more that .
about it . I have observed that Burnham Scrubs was a dismal spot . I will now add , with your kind ¦ permission very , until the arrival of Mr . Charles H . Parafine . Parafine came from the man United , " and States in Eng , and land was , when what successful is termed , a in " Merchant America " Prince a smart ;" this or , when descri foul ption weather of Parafine has it set is in scarcel , a " y miserabl necessary e thief to add . " After that our amiable h American wp > came down to Burnham Scrubs ¦ to
^* r ^^ m ^ *^^ p . ^^ p- ^ ¦ * vp ^ p * ^^ r ^ ^^ ^ PB ^»^ b ^ «^ # > ^ b T i pj * Y ^ b ^ pj ^ p » ^ i ^ mm ppi ^ h ^ pi ^ p ^ ^ p ^ p * ^ P *^ * " ^ p ^^ pi ^ p- ^ p ^ ^^^» ^ p ^« pr ^^~ ^ m ^ m ¦ h ^^— ^— —m ^ — ¦ ¦ ¦ i ^^ ^ p- " ^^ " financere On his arrival , " that at is the to say Green , to swindle Lion Inn . he noticed in the yard the armour ugly- and looking a truncheon statue of . an Moss ill-favoured had grown man over , got up the in leg Roman s and the lower , part of the Lody , and the weather had disfigured the head piece . this " Hi work J waiter of art , " " cried just « r P come arafine here , wh * a PWPP m bit PP » W he . " had carefully examined
• *• ¦ «* " ^ V ^ P ^ » «¦* . ¦ ^ pP ~ ¦ * ^^ f . — V , ¦ * f ^ pT ¦ £ * ^^ ^ pW PB > 4 p »^ pT ^» ^ pT ^ * V P " often " Yes that , sir a , " traveller said the found waiter his , coming to Burnham up quickl Scrubs y ( it was so when not they got hold of one they , made way the most of him ) . " , Yes , sir . Anything " Who ' s I this can ? do " asked , sir ? Parafine Thank you , tapp , sir ing . " the statue with his cane . here here " Well a a m manv , any sir , year -years it ' s unbeknown s , and and not not , one one sir . in in . That the the town town there knows knows statue anything any has thing laid
about it . He was , an ugly-looking gent whoever he was ; and as for " his Very dress much , wh so y , it ' * said must Parafine ' ave been . quite *• And ridicklus now waiter !" tell me who " Mr your . Coke Mayor , sir is . , and He ' where s our he lawyer lives , . " sir . Been Mayor this twelve " He years must . be Re a - popular elected every man then year , I " sir . " and " Well the waiter , not exactly assumed popular a manner , sir half . But -confidential the fact of half the - matter servile is " , " I
think people in these parts rather fear him . Everybody owes , the everybod County y something Court , and " , and knows as the the lawyer Judge quite is up to pleasantl all the y ways , he ' s of a great man in his way . He'd as soon issue a writ as look at you , if not sooner . " " Where does he live 1 "
Mr "At . Parafine Blackstone marched Lodge off , sir through . " the dreary High street with its its Grocer Chemist 's shop shop ( ( with with linendraper a hosiery business ' s department in the attached back parlour ) , and ) , and its Butcher ' s shop ( thriving so wonderfully on boots , shoes , and knocke joints d , and ) , until was sh he own arrived in by at a red the -headed Mayor ' servant s residence , who . kept He search him waiting of her in master the hall . After among five the minutes umbrellas ' de while lay Parafine she went was in
ushered into the Lawyer ' s Sanctum . blue " Now spectacles then , " ) said , savagel Coke y , ( a " What very small may man you , want all red ? If face you and ' ve his come widow about the Jones day ' s before affair yesterday I may tell , and you got at once his eldest that we son sold com up - fortably in gaol on Monday night . " " I don't know Jones and never did / ' replied Parafine . Mrs " . So Allen much ' s little the better all , eh . ? Well Well , then , you , I s'pose ' t have you ' it ve because come about I've spent it . And there ' s an end to that matter . "
" Hang Mrs . Allen a ^ her little all !" " By all means . Then you want me to help you out of your difficulties ?" " You help me ! " exclaimed Parafine with supreme conto tempt ? I . have " Why compounded , man alive , with do my you creditors know who four you times are in talking three have months ( for , received years ) gone eight regularl hundred y throug writs h in the a sing Bankruptcy le season Court , and
every Monday morning before luncheon . " " " To Well make , what your do you fortune want ! " ? And " then the American explained his plan . The lawyer listened , stared , and smiled . * * * * * * * * A few days later and Burnham Scrubs was absolutely frantic
with local and boys excitement station shouting master . . Flags to Additional bring were visitors fly trains ing , bells fro had m ring nei been ghbouring ing put , guns on b firing towns y the , and to the there joyous never spot had . , Bottles been such of ginger a demand beer sold for sherbet by the . score The , with Chemist false , always noses equal made to of the card occasion -board , filled and his comic shop bonnets window fashioned out of coloured , paper . The But , cher got in a barrel , of beerand ! the Grocer openly invited- the f public to partake Pv of
^ r A *^^ ^^ ^^ * , ^ i ^ ¦¦ - ! . _ w A ^ ^^ ^»> h & ^^ ^* r ^^^ ^^ W ^ ^^ ^^^ r ^^^ v ^^ ^^ ^ i v ^^ ^ m ^ ^^ **^ ~ ^ ^^ ** ^^ »^ ^^ ^ " ^^ ^>^ —• " had Tea been , bread such and a time butter for , Burnham and watercresses Scrubs . , 6 Every d . " There body looke never d happy and ( later in the day , after the Butcher ' s barrel had become a empty advertised ) glorious . to The come great off attraction in the market of the hour lace was the " Inauguration ceremony of the Statue by His Worshipful the Mayor p " , ( to quote from one of the numerous placards that had been sown broadcast by Mr . Parafine ) .
It It was was a a beautiful beautiful si sierht ght . . In In the the centre centre of of a a number number of of re re--American served seat . s Between ( only half the -a-c two rown heroes a piece was ) stood lanted Coke the and Statue the covered by a white table-cloth . On the right p was the Burnham , beadle Scrubs policeman to the left , conversing sat the little affabl irls y with attached the Burnham to the Burnham Scrubs ; g
their Scrub youthful s Charity voices School in , re ( partiall ady at y ) a sweet moment melody ' s notice , and the to lift rest up of the company was composed of visitors from neighbouring towns . ceremony " Ladies is and about gentlemen to commence , " said . I the now Mayor beg , to " inaugurate this imposing this mav Statue our our . children children May it remain reverence reverence here its its in memorv our midst . and and long mav and it it prosperous never never know know ; may memorymay
, what and Coke it is pulled to bask away in the the table sun - of cloth adversity , amidst . great Statue cheering , be free ! of " the bystanders . At a sign from Parafine the Charity Children drowned struck up by the the " deep Evening tones H of ymn the , " church and soon bells their and the voices constant were exp Thus losions with of the great village joy and gun . some profitdid the inhabitants of
Burnham , Scrubs erect a Statue , TO NOBODY IN PARTICULAR !* Parafine and the Mayor after this little matter became firm
moters friends the regeneration . , and Among entered of other Burnham into things a speculation , Scrubs this scheme and which the was pockets had to g for ive of its the its object p pro lace - boulevard public baths s , a , theatre two or , several three streets churches of ( magnificent creeds assorted mansions ) , some , and three a monster rural Crystal hotels Palace , a new . town Great hall preparations , a couple were of clubs made or , and so , a good deal was done to some of the foundations j but unhappily the ^ p ^ w ¦¦ ^ v . w scheme v ^ p ^ v ^ ^^ ^ v ^ H . ^^ r w fell ^^ r ^ H ^ v throug ^ v ^ m ^ m ^^ ^^ v a h ^ ^ m . v One ^^^ ^ * ^^ p * *~ fine ^ ^ ^ ^^ day H pi ^>^ g Mr — * ™ ^ . w Parafine *« w ^ m h v ^* ^ m ^ ^ ^^ v ^ started ^ m ^ r ^*^ ^ . v ^ vp" "ww for ^ ^^ ^ v
with the £ all / -nited the available States , and cash one he wet could afternoon lay his the hands Mayor upon absconded . Burnham Scrubs never recovered the blow . The place bemost came more of the dismal houses than fell ever into . The decay inhabitants . The resident languishe gentry d , and . in quarrelled the Parish amongst Church themselves . The incense , and the was Parson pretty but took unpopular to incense , and hadn ' t been in use a month before the congregation left the longer Parish . Church On the en next mas Sunday se , and refused the lax to and occupy reckless the went pews to any the stu * nds This a statue narrative without Is founded it name upon under Tact it . . Hut Not l » n us thousand . h !—lto matter miles , from \ vu must one dissemble of the Channel I Islands
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Aug. 8, 1868, page 57, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_08081868/page/9/