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144 TITJB TOM AHA WK . {April 9, 1870.
awai It t is the stated arrival that of ...
print We , the trust quarrel that betwee...
Newark Sir Henry does him Storks no litt...
Garibaldi writes to declare that there i...
We have a few remarks to offer on an ent...
Cambridge Parliamentary like the Mem mil...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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144 Titjb Tom Aha Wk . {April 9, 1870.
144 TITJB TOM AHA WK . { April 9 , 1870 .
The Lord High Admira L Of The Future.
Awai It T Is The Stated Arrival That Of ...
awai It t is the stated arrival that of the the Duke Clioat of Edinburg Cape of h ' Good ship , Hope Galat , and , will be the placed new for commodore some time for under the , the Australian orders of station Captain who F . H will . Stirling arrive , well at Cape founded Town , as shortl it will y after serve the to dispel Galatea the . We idea trust , under the which report the is its public Royal are commander now labouring is amusing , that the himself Galatea by is a play yacht ing , and shi that ps . Edinburg Such we do h has not shown ourselves his think attachment to be the to the case Service , for the to which Duke he of belongs that he is in not too marked in earnest a degre with e his to make profession it possible . Unfortunatel to believe y , vice perh , " and s , his , as princes p has hitherto of the blood been e are ngaged " made on " , particular " even at ser the - his Antipodes mind to he his has been fessional subjected duties to temp but t now ations that to he give is to y be half a subordinate officer pro in the strict sense ; of the term , no such distractions Australian will squadron exist . A will coup do the of Duke years' of regular Edinburg service h more with good the which as a naval it has officer been than the fashion half-a-dozen to send of him the and desultory what is cruises more on it their will set " Sailor him ri Prince ght with " is the a sham public . , who If advancement are , loathe to in believe his pro that fes , - it sion is onl is in fair store th for at he his should Royal earn Highness it . , —and who doubts ity
The Approaching End Of The Interuniversity Races.
Print We , The Trust Quarrel That Betwee...
print We , the trust quarrel that between by the time the representativ these lines find es of their the University way into matter amicab Boat Clubs l the y terminated Universities and the . Thames As seem far as to Conservancy we be can entirel gather Board the the truth will ri , of have and the the Board entirelin the . Some excuse y however g , be pletel made y the for fashion the latter y among . It wrong the has outside become public , of late to regard , years , the so Inter , com may - - University race as a sort of aquatic Derby , rather than , as what it local reall clubs y is , a that mere the private Thames and authorities friendly contest easil betwe hav en e two imbibed wanting a false in , due notion courtesy as to and its proper consideration locus standi may . A , and hint y have has been been race satisfactoril thrown altogether out y latel next . y This year that would , we if matters be a lose great cannot the p Oxford ity . be At and arranged the Cambridge same more time , the conduct of newspaper reporters , the behaviour of the mob , under and the their general special tone protection of betting , men render , who such now a take loss more " event than " probable on this admirable . The worst contest possible year after British year taste , and is bro ught to bear will be interviewed that English like gentlemen professionals will , and get sick priced of being and criticised followed , and like race horses . Already the correspondents are beginning- to drop the the matter affix of is Mr trifling . to the names itself , it of shows those the engaged direction , and of , the althoug wind h . loses There one is nothing of its chief the Easter British pleasures public will , it will not vul served garize thoroug , and if hl it y for right drawn what . a level Mr p y ictures him . Boucicault in to the of suit popular University the ' s dram public mind atic men taste the attack . were contest The on no idea Oxford had doubt of real showed University carefull ly sunk to y , men being animated at the approach of the race by the . conflattering sideration up a new p colours that hase the of , no public Oxford wonder had and the " Cambridge gentlemen their money life who . Painted " row them a in pri , opens such vate bored race for and the threaten mere hono to ur have of it coming out in in quiet first for are the getting future . rather Time friends was when , at either some few University thousands , used of , the adorned Upper Ten in their , who respective really had blues made , to at le least nd a o fashionable ne of the healthiest complexion events to of the the race , . which But time has , changed , all that—now the banks are crowded year with a and noisy betting howling men crowd decked of cl out erks in , coster ht a m nd ongers dark , blue butch as er ' an boys evi- , dence that their , sympathies have followed their money . Of course , there is nothing very wrong in all this , but it is not
Print We , The Trust Quarrel That Betwee...
j chances difficult are to predict that the what great it Putney will result to Mortlake in . In event five years will be the a thing of the past .
Control And Sblf-Control.
Newark Sir Henry Does Him Storks No Litt...
Newark Sir Henry does him Storks no little ' timel credit y , retirement particularly from as with the those contest who at knew Storks him has best been the controlling step was very with much such unlooked effect at for the . War Sir Henry Office for if the the spoilt last year child or of two Pal that l Mall it would had been not wilful have enoug been wonderfu to thrust l himself rent that on the the honour Newark he proposed electors , to when do them it was was sufficientl neither y appre appa- - ciated comes nor it that acceptabl Sir Henry e to Storks the Liberal is a Liberal party . ? By He the alway way , s , we taken truest thought him blue , was b ; y indeed accounted the hand , Sir and by John the made Opposition Pakington him a great a would Conservative military scarcel adminis y of have the - trator Sir Henry if he Storks , too , had was a not Tory been , and under is a the Whi same g , we , impression however , . have If nothing The fact to , when do but taken to congratulate with his m him agnanimous on his change disinclination of opinions to . for find his himself common at the sense bottom . of the Newark poll , speaks volumes
A Sly Appeal.
Garibaldi Writes To Declare That There I...
Garibaldi writes to declare that there is no truth in the reracterises port that a the Swiss story lad as y has a canard left him . We 300 , are 000 not francs sufficientl , and he y well chainto acquainted the question with the of the General accep ' s tability private of means such to a be legacy able ; to but enter so far very ment was as , little sympat Eng on in land foot the hy is , way & concerned c , of a and dead read to , y spare althoug failure money , to , . and we Garibaldi One have the subscri g fund iven , we ption encourage to have buy which done the - were Patriot scraped a yacht together languished to for mak e very the long purchase time before . Is the the means report that the Swiss lady had left Garibaldi a fortune a cana ? 'd of the friends General that ' s own legacies invention are , acceptable to serve as even a gentle to so hint great to his a English man as he country ? Certainl , there y would , if any of Garibaldi difficulty 's admirers in collecting still exist a sufficient in this to sum an immediate buy up his bonfire novel . , " The Rule of the Monk , " with a view
An Old Friend In A New Phase.
We Have A Few Remarks To Offer On An Ent...
We have a few remarks to offer on an entirely new and wish original to admit topic— that the for weather once . it To has do this the weather been seasonable justice , we . No paragraphs headed " Mildness of the year season , " " Fearful no frost editors , it was with A cold pril stray , " and . & c , corners frosty have at of ladened Christmas their newspapers the , February hearts unfilled of was sub as - ; as dull alread as tradition y has April woul broug d hav ht showers it , and . March The leaves brought have winds not made blighted a premature y a frost succeeding appearance a , week nor have of mild farmers weather ' hopes . In been fact , until the weather we now has find ourselves persevered a quarter on the throug even tenour h the year of its without ways , exception any meteorological to the rule vagary , for not having " in the happened memory . of This the is oldest quite in an - being habitant attached " has an to English it . Either winter it has passed been the without coldest some , the dampest specialty , has the hottest given us , or the windiest no room season for criticism on record , but . The has not yea robbed r 1870 us of the weather , , as , a subject to discuss nevertheless .
Cambridge Parliamentary Like The Mem Mil...
Cambridge Parliamentary like the Mem mildest . —Wh Member y is th of e mildest Parliament Colleg in e the in World ? Because its Downing !
Tomahawk (1867-1870), April 9, 1870, page 144, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_09041870/page/12/