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April s 1870. 3 THB TOMAHAWK.
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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April S 1870. 3 Thb Tomahawk.
April s 1870 . 3 THB TOMAHAWK .
Boys' Department.—Price List. "Roy's Clothin G.— Boys' Department.-Price List.
. qiabb * " * T &«« . g ggffi ouave ^ HgggVa Zouave ~ . f Hgggian Zouave . He Zouave 1 ght 4 ft . — l ^ VERY JMiJJ succeeding VV ^ L ± C ± 4 A . K Year U-iliJXa . JiiJS the "J 'S advantages , OLASS , ' HsKftia Zouave . hrSS Negligee ^ o . n Negligee /^ fxcm , SSSSSS Beys ' I 163 ~ . I 173 . I 183 , I 19 s . ^ -L ^ " ^ ordering a ^^ Clothing S ^ from ^^ London r ^ Houses ^ SS has ^ become l ^^ more B ^ 4 im- A ¦ = I 2 O 3 . I 243 . | 25 s . 6 d . | 12 s . 6 a . B ] I 2 ° S - I 21 , S - I 22 S - 1 23 S - b CLOTHING ^ ot ^ erV in conseq ^ uence ^ ^^^ ^ ^ ages being quoted instead of the sizes . — B = ^ 1 24 s . j 283 . [ 29 s . 6 d . I 163 . 6 d . O ) ! 243 . . I ) 25 ^ . GO ., 1 { 1 27 S . I I 1 28 S . ¦ , 6 d . to making -which the - heitjht will their allow selection of parents the boy , at . once or Each guardians to a descr scertain iption to receive the of price suit patterns Per is made suit , , and according in . Seven after fj " rr ^ | } ; 3 OS . I I J 33 S . 0 Cl . I ! j 35 S . 0 Cl . I j 2 OS . " Dl I 28 < - ** - * s . I 29 / - » rt s . 6 ^> d -1 . I 31 <^ - s . 1 32 —~ s . 6 ^ d . the Classes class representi to which it belongs seven qualities . of cloth . On each pattern is marked Jj v ^ j 34 s . j 38 s . 6 d . j 4 Os . 0 d . 24 s . E " ~| 31 ^ j 33 s . I 35 s ^ I 37 s . 7 OUAVE SUITSwith Knickerbockers E \ 39 ^ I 43 ^ 46 s . I 28 s . j 34 — S . i 37 S . i 4 OS . i 43 S : . t £ he ** A to ox the Trousers G Class , N , a E re kept IGE in E , stock SUITS for , immediate and OVERCOATS use , or made , fro to m - It - — " — \ 46 ^ '"s . - I . 5 OS ' . ' : 54 «« = s » . 6 "d — . 33 * "S . G - ~ ' . I ] 38 s . I I 41 s . I I j 44 s . J r ~ " ~— 47 : s . measure s gtg Fashions ^ and g containi are ^ gg illustrated ng 43 " ^ ^ Figures all the S , fashionable 37 of which ' styles ^ are adorned in fw 5 " -with stamp Book the % — ' G * 2 | | 6 Os -= : » - 1 { 57 « - » - « s - \ j ei 3 ' a ¦••• > \ j 3 Se - »» ' SAMUEL BROTHERS , 50 LUDGAT , E MILL , E . G ., LONDON .
BENSON'S BENSON'S KEYLESS WATCHES , , GOLD - - - j £ io ios . - - - j £ x $ 15 s . - £ as os . - - ^ 30 os . - - - , £ 35 os . - - . £ 4 $ os . KEYLESS the best Christmas presents . SILVER - - ¦ £ 5 ss . - - - ^ 8 8 s . - - - £ 12 xss . - - - £ x 8 18 s . - - - £ ax os . - - - . £ 30 os . WATCHES LUDGATE HILL AND OLD BOND STREET .
SlttwtBettiesttft * MR . W . 1 T ~ WOODIN AT HOME , WITH HIS FAMOUS AND ORIGINAL CARPET BAG &* SKETCH-BOOK ENTERTAINMENT , In the Large Room , EGYPTIAN HALL , Piccadilly Saturday . EV Mo ERY rnings " EVENING at 3 . The ( except beautiful Saturday Scenic ) at and 8 . cently Pano " Mr . ramic decorating Woodi Ulustrations n has and spared luxuriosly by J no . O'CONNOR exp fur ense nishing . in magnifi salon - for Seats the comfort be secured ol his patro in advanc ns . " e . at the Box-office Old open Stall Bo s , from nd 3 may s . ; street 10 Area till 5 ; , ; and 2 also s . ; all Balco at the Mit ny principal ch , ell is . ' s Royal Fami Musicsellers ' y Library Privat , . e , Box , One , Two-, and Three Guineas . Carriages at xo .
MADAME TUSSAUD'S A PORTRAIT EXHIBITION MODEL ofFREDERIOK . BAKER STREET HlNSON . has bee is . ; n Chamber added to of the Horrors Chamber , ed of . extra Horrors . . Open Admission from xx a rn . till xo p . m . ADAME TUSSAUD'S A PORTRAIT EXHIBITION MODEL ofTROPPMAN , BAKER STREET has been . added to of the Horrors Chamber 6 d . extra of Horrors . Open . Admission from ix a . m is . . ; till Chamber xo p . m .
ATIONAL ASSEMBLY NROOMS . HI " . H HOLBORN . EV Thi ERY s brilliant EVENING and . favourite The greatest Ball Room regard Is is OPEN rt « paid ^ M freshments to ensure the & comfort cof and the enjoyment choicest quality of visitors . . Doors Rethroughout open Musical at 8 * , Director 30 the p . establishme m , ., Mr and . W . l nt M , . is PACKER at . __ xa ' o . , Admission R . A . M . ,
Lizzie On MONDAY GrahamSerio next -Comic , and . during West the the Week celebrat . Mtss ed of Greatest Stump the Murray Orator Ventriloquist , , and Family Emma in , the the West World fascinating . . , E . Great D trio . Davis in success th , the « hnew glause Sennation lomic Burlesque . . Mr Miss Scen . T , - « Emma Just H received . Milburn In Time Day nightly the , the the new Unrivalled Express with Provincial rounds Train Comique Serio of and ap < - Acrobats Flagelot ledged provoking and Dancer to , Soloists be five Com , the tli In 3 . q e Number Premier « JoHyNash Wonderful e . Mdll . Danseuse M e , , . . the Carlotta Fillis Bonnisseau well Troupe of -known Verte the , the Muslc of , laughter a Femala French cknow -Hall - - Stage , and a host Mr of . others P . CORRI . Musical . . Director „ . Mr . W . Hamilton , , Chairman .
A SWEETHEART FOB ONE SHILLING . —> oo <—RIMMEL'S NEW Sweetheart sperian us . ; by ; post PERFUMED Mefllc ; for Floral -ev 14 , il . ; stamps ; Sachet Girl . ; of Also V Vale the ALENTINES many ntine Period Gloves others ; Shake . from All - , 6 d . to £ 10 xos . List onapplliation . , RIM MEL , 36 Strand 24 Cornhill ; 12 *) Regent . street ; and
t 0 Cf O 2 . Peel / CHEAPSIDE Statue . —SUEZ fiOLD , opposite , equal to Real . Manufactured and Sold only at Visiting THE Twenty Cards ROYAL -five of for the HOUSE 6 d . Period ; One OF , Hundred ready THIS in for one PERIOD is . minute 6 d . . , WONDERFUL TO BE SHEN .
PROFESSOR BROWNE'S CELEBRATE 47 PENOHUR D HAIR-CUTTING OH S T R ESTABLISHMEN E E T , E . O . T , Hair Shampooing -Cutting .... 6 6 d d . | . And Annual witnout Subscription tuny restriction £ 1 Is . Hair Gentl Singeine emen ' s Real Head of Hair 6 d . 1 , or as In to visible Number Perulce of Times from ... £ 2 3 Os 2 . s . PROFESSOR BROWNE Has the Largest Stock of Ornamental Ms Establish Hair m in ent the , World always on view 47 FENCHTTRCH STREET , LONDON .
THOMAS ELLIOTT'S CITY HAIR-CUTTING CHAMBERS . 51 FENCHXJRCH STREET , B . C . Hair Snampooing -Cutting ' 0 0 d d . . I I Annual And without Subscription any restriction £ 1 is Hair Singeing" 6 d . I as to Number of Times ... £ 2 2 s . •¦& ELLIOTT'S Golden . Iftelana has restored the Hair upon Bald Heads . ELLIOTT brows 'S . Tonic 3 s . 6 Lotion d ., 5 s . 6 has d ., 10 produced s . 6 d . and " 21 Whisk s . ers , " Moustache , and Eye-ELLIOTT'S Pilo Chromatic has restored the Hair to its Natural Colour . Forwarded on receipt of stamps , 5 s ., 7 s . 6 d ., 15 « . 51 F E N C H TTRCH STREET , LONDON .
DIGESTION PROMOTED BY PEPSINE . Prepared by MORSON , and recommended by the Medical Profession . Sold in Bottles and Boxes from as . by all Pharmaceutical Chemists THOMAS , and the Manufacturers MORSON , — & SON V 2 A Southampton Row , Russell square , , London .
AT No THERE . ii ONLY OXFORD , the transcendantly ST ., brilliant " " A Outshines flood STELLA of Rolden all other LAMP Hght Lamps . " LIGHT —SUNDAY , as a Is meteor supplied TIMES doth . . a star ' . Night "—Times Any becomes nrice . a from mimic as . dav 6 d - tSK ' WRBViEW guineas . . The NO STELLA TROUBLE LAMP . MARVELLOUS DEPOT , near ECONOMY the Oxford .
GRIMAULT & CO ., CHEMISTS , 7 RUE HE U PEUILLVnE , T > A - RI S < BE t TKR J ' HAN BALSAM . MATItO INJECTION and CAPSULES cases ext tlons "Where raordinary are of all disease always other cure . medicines effective Th of / y severe are . have They used , recent failed insure In , the , and these rapid Hospitals chronic prepa and - Trice found of Paris box : greatly Injection bv at the superior Messrs , as celebrated . . od to NEWBERV . per all remedies bottle Dr 3 t HCORD & Cap hitherto SONS sules , ana , known 49 44 6 are St d . . . denhall Paul per ' s Churchyard street , and ; Messrs retail by Prlcliaid Mr . Constance and Constance , , 37 Lea . - 65 Charing Scientific cross ; ; Pamphlets and all respectabl to be had e Chemists gratis . . , ' ,
MAZET ' ANTIPELLICXJLAIRE . F all the causes which deterso destructive mine the aa the FalUng scurf -off . T of hree the Kalr applications . none are of MAZET ' S ANTIPELUCULAIRE Is cases guaranteed , as . and to ss cure . Sent that on disease receipt In of the Stamps most . serious MAZET , Inventor , zoo Bishopsgate street Within .
HO LLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS . all readiness Old obstructions sores with , which of Wounds the Holloway circulation , Ulcers ' s Unguent in . the , ktg vessels removes . — The and lymphatics ensure ing old the sores desired explain , bad effect wounds their Irresistible the , and skin indolent surrowndii influence ulcers . In the . heal dis To - - purity ntcly eased well to part the rubbed should foul blood with be fomented and the Ointment strength , dried . to . the , This and gr weakened will immt ( - five dlall nerves hideous , the ulccrations only condition which neeessnry render life for almost the cure into of - lerable . f ^ OUT and RHEUMATISM V _ JT are quickly rellavcd , and cured In a few days , ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ by RHEUMATIC that celebrated PILLS Medicine . They , BLAIR require 'S GOUT no restraint and ¦ of to Medicine diet prevent or confinement Vendors the disease and during Chemists attacking their . any uiie , vital and are part certain . Mi
jKeto iSootta , & t . jl ; ^ Now ready , NEW SERIES , Price is ., BRITANNIA , No . III . For APRIL , 1870 . EDITED By AETHUB A'BECKRTT . ILLUSTRATED IN COLOURS BY MATT MORGAN AJSTJD THE BEST ARTISTS . —*—CONTENT S : i " Good Society I" By the Earl of Desaft . a Thro Il Sydney lustration ugh the Daryl . Fire . . Chapters By Arthur VIII A - 'Becfcett XI . Pag and e 3 Literati Literature and Literatuli of the Day ; . or , No Repres . II . The entatives Journalist of the . 4 King Olafs Altar-Stone . Page Illustration . 5 £ . S . rshall D . ; . or . Chapters How the X World ., XI . Wags . By F . A . 6 The Science of Immorality . By D . Chapter I . 7 A Ghastly Campaign . 8 A Song of the Period . 9 My First Paper . By the Editor . io Major Blake . Letter from the Compiler of M . B . ' s Papers . ix From Page the Illustration Cliff . . By Viva . In Four Chapters . is Chirpings for April . 13 New Music . & c , & c . — JU OFFICE : 199 STRAND , W . C .
J ust ready , price One Shilling , HANS BREITMANN IN CHURCH . BEING THE FOURTH SERIES OF THE CELEBRATED BALLADS . London : Trubner & Co ,, 60 Paternoster row ,
RUPTURES . ~ ° ~ WHITE'SMOC-MAIN PATENT LEVER . TRUSS is allowed by a Hernia lever upward , is consists attached s of 300 of ( a instead Medical small of and Mora the elastic usual to be spring pad the , to best ) , wh a s oft for descriptive bandage , fitting « ircular so closely on application as to avoid to detection Mr . JOHN . A WHITE . 328 Piccadilly , London . Doubl Umblical P . Single O . O e . to ditto Truss Truss JOHN , , 31 16 , s WHITE s 42 6 . d 21 s , s 42 and , a s 6 , , s and P 6 Sas d ost , and 536 6 Office cl fid ; 3 * postage s ; , 6 d Picc postage ; postage adilly is xod is . 8 . is — d . . KNEE ELA -CAPS S T IC Prices STOCKINGS 4 s 6 cl 7 s 6 diosand 163 , each ; postage , 6 d . , , , , < JOHN WHITE , Manufacturer London . , aa 8 . Piccadilly , ' ?
I fl ^^ ^ B k ^ l tlve cUolcra Cough , blood , old and -spitting fcy all - , watting Sec . j diseases * | BBV ^^ B ^ is . i $£ d S ., nnd as Chsmltts . od . oev . bottle . ¦ ¦ ¦ W ^^^^ B I LOWER Mr . 9 PRICE BYMOVX , CUUMIST . STM LONDON . , W , ^
Tomahawk (1867-1870), April 9, 1870, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_09041870/page/13/