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136 THE TOM AHA WK. jApHl 9, ^ 7Q-
One is continually reading little irrita...
tion Beyond that the the streets time of...
Though modern dramatic criticism affords...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Cervantes Laughed The Chivalry Of Spain ...
Clerkemvell explosion , he had been begged by his friends to desist in his attacks as they considered his safety in jeopardy . That that appeal did not influence him . in the least the pages of this paper , published at that time , will amply demonstrate . That , as the name of the Editor of this paper appeared on the frontispiece it was the duty of Mr . Downing to make good his words , or to apologise from , his place in the House . To this letter ( couched in the most courteous terms ) we received the following disingenuous reply : — Dear Sir , —Your note Monday has been Evening just handed , March to 28 me , 1870 in the . reflecting House , and upon I hasten you personall to assure y . you that I made no observations I used the cartoons for the purpose of proving that the same severe laws would not be applied in England that was then being sought to apply to Ireland , and in proof of this , my statement , I produced Irishmen in the London Tomahawk who , saying have " there been are influenced many disaffected bsuch a may y cartoon Dublin . " but Under the lant this now Bill , in a the similar office cartoon in London would would be seized remain in untouched , , and the p author unpunished . I have enquired from a number of gentlemen who were in the in exp House saying lanation at that the from I time had me , whether not in . my p I lace said in anything the House which , and required all agreed an I assure you that I should regret very much to do any gentleman and if an I injustice did , I am , and sure certainl that your y did exp not lanation intend any in towards the morning you , observations papers has removed have any made unfavourable . impressions which my I may remaindear Sirfaithfull , , yours M y ' , C . Downing . Arthur a'Beckett , Esq ., Editor Tomahawk , 199 Strand . We have answered it in the following words : — 199 Strand , W . C ., 31 st March , 1870 . has Dear just Sir come , — to I hand cannot . As rest my satisfied name appears with your on letter the , frontis which - p tleman must iece call of to the upon retract paper you , either I do words consider to make from good the matter your lace charge a in personal the or House , as one a . gen . I - I have , ordered my your publisher to forward your p to you the whole issue of the Tomahawk , from the first number to which my name dence appeared against to that us of . last Please week understand , to assist you that in I getting deny that up evi the - Tomahawk has ever defended Fenianism or agrarian outrage . Believe me , dear Sir Arthur , yours faithfull a'Beckett y , , M . Downing , Esq ., M . P . Editor Tomahawk . To this letter we have as yet received no reply . In our cartoon , we have portrayed Mr . Downing as Don Quixote , charging the harmless , useful windmill , under the belief that he sees a dragon before him . On this occasion we represent the windmill . Sancho Panzsiof courseis mono-, , polized by Mr . Dowse , who ( to quote the report ) " did not himself admire the Tomahawk cartoons . " Strange to say , the antipathy is mutual . We don ' t like Mr . Dowse ' s tomfoolery . It would be all very well in a circus clown , but then , you see , Mr . Dowse is , unhappily , Solicitor-General for Ireland .
136 The Tom Aha Wk. Japhl 9, ^ 7q-
136 THE TOM AHA WK . jApHl 9 , ^ 7 Q-
Who Is He?
One Is Continually Reading Little Irrita...
One is continually reading little irritating paragraphs in the he pap may ers , to be t , he has effect " honoured that the " Na some -wab JVasim place of , of entertainment Bengal , whoever or other self at with the Vict his presence oria Thea . tre The , and other in a ni day ght or he two was it enj is confidentl oying him y - the to be Wapp expected ing Dancing he will be " Academy figuring in . " the As list he is of a fashionables stranger , we do at know not wish some to run Indian him people down , and but they merel say y in ask Calcutta " who is they he ? We not meet him . In the shortNaivab , Nazim hereand in Calcutta No-ivob knows him / , , ,
Diamond Dust.
Tion Beyond That The The Streets Time Of...
tion Beyond that the the streets time of of London railways were , it used paved to be with a provincial goldand th tradi at it - , , with was onl the y precious necessary metal to reach . Now the -a-days great this city idea to is fill quite one ' exp s pockets loded , metropolis and , if anything than to , the enter poorest it , as country classes workhouses rather seek are to , as quit a rule the , more comfortable than the London ones . To these people we let have them advice work to their give . Instead to the of colony being of content Victori with awhere rural the unions land , is not covered with way gold certainly , but according , to the latest and than most 225 diamonds reliable accounts were found , is strewn during wi the th diamonds month of . J No anuary less , and most of these were large stones . The colony itself consists and of 55 under , , 000 the acres new , Lan and d of Act these , 49 , , 000 can are select undisposed 320 acres of of ; this land under the easiest , conditions any person . Here is a chance for enterprising vagrants . A square mile of diamond land for the gem mere has asking increased , and this 200 , too per , when cent by the what market it was value twenty of the years precious ago . What a charming picture may be drawn from these statistics , which the last mail have brought to hand . Life in the most salubrity lovely country ; with in as the a dail world y occupation , with a climat , the e roving unequalled over the for un its - trodden sward , amongst the fragrance of the wild flowers , picking an unusual up diamonds combination , . This of is characteristics at once romantic . and remunerative ,
A Few Words On Drama 2ic Criticism.
Though Modern Dramatic Criticism Affords...
Though modern dramatic criticism affords a fine field for the labours of a " Committee of Enquiry , " Mr . Byron ' s recent take remarks hold on of the such subject points are as not he very has considered much to the worth purpose y of . treat To - ment the real in a interests long letter of good to several criticism papers , so is much a mistake wasted , vxA power ' quA . As English appeal The has tru , been e a managements scandal remed very y reasonabl to of his modern will grievances onl y suggested y dramatic take a may leaf in criticism rep be out l found y of to French Mr is at . far B hand books yron more ' if s . than grievous that , and to which soon will Mr . be Byron even has to directed outsiders , public far more attention patent . What is at fault in the newspaper notices of new pieces is , not lute With that critical perhaps they value a appear coup of le all prematurel , or the , at press least y , , but judgments three that exceptions they together appear , the may at abso all be - . regarded nine men out as nil of ten . No can man predict attaches to a any certainty weight their to them inevitable , and burthen . The recipe is simple , if not satisfactory . Three i adul quarters s paramount ation , of or a . the column Of reverse cours of , e on , p this lot so and many kind a of names few thing lines . will In of a at word stereotyped last , induce digue be its or libels understood own . destruction Possibl by every then ; and one a to newspaper new be avowedl era may dramatic y mere be inaugurated advertisements criticisms and will y , , were A if he will were tinkering speak discharging of up B , the and reputation a discuss dutv his to of the merits a boon public as companion , actor and or not author . as if , he as is no And more this honest is not in the the worst critic feature to cry of up the bad matter writing , for or thoug bad act h it - ing , and so deceive the playgoer , who regards the criticism as a guarantee tradesman to that lead he his will scales get or his adulterate money ' s his worth stock , than still it a is greater in the wrong actors scanty jus in may t London ice be , or done ignored at , the when present altogether rising moment talent . There is , either who are , , a according treated few chosen with to modern as a matter criticism of fact , can , play do parts nothing quite badl unsuited y , and yet to , them who , frequentl and . what y , mits is more the , play case them as it very occurs poorl but y into somehow the bargain nobod . Every y puts bod it y into adt print he frui . t This of the is possibl amiable y either in fluence the , result of cli of , " . star It " is worshi however p , or of totall the y leading destructive actors of in criticism question , and . They acts greatl are que never y to the told , prejudice of their , own obvious faultsandconsequently , they never improve . tion Hence is a it false comes one that and , the rising accepted , actors standard feel that of a histrionic true devotion perfec to - ,
Tomahawk (1867-1870), April 9, 1870, page 136, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_09041870/page/4/