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April 9,1870.3 THE TOMAHA WK. 13/
pense " Metropolitan to the taxpayer Imp...
While the Courts are still undecided as ...
The question of the Dual Government of t...
Mrs A . DESCRIPTION Beecher Stowe , whic...
very The irritating latest intelligence ...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Though Modern Dramatic Criticism Affords...
their art for its own sake may be theoretically noble , but financiall but y we unsound will undertake . It would to be that invidious the first here dramatic to mention critic names who , wilL overstep the barriers of say conventionality , and boldly pull the indifferent performance of some leading aqtor , if it deserves the process tem of modern , thoroug criticism hly to pieces and , in will so revolutionise doing , confer the a lasting whole bene sys - - fit on the British Stage . , ,
April 9,1870.3 The Tomaha Wk. 13/
April 9 , 1870 . 3 THE TOMAHA WK . 13 /
Pretty Figures.
Pense " Metropolitan To The Taxpayer Imp...
pense " Metropolitan to the taxpayer Improvements seem to be becoming , " instead a saving of being . A return an exhas just been published , , showing that in the year 1869 the moneys paid into the Consolidated Fund on account of " Methe trop outgoings olitan Improvements were nil . We " amounted hopewith to these , £ 5 , 4 . facts 88 2 s . to 4 d support ., while them , that the Board of Works will , persevere . A new street from or two Charing at South Cross Kensington to Oxford and street a , few an additional extra public brid building ges are sadly required . " If these projects , were carried out at the above computation , the works would bring in a profit of seven or eight millions . But there must be some mistake . Official return stand . s are certainly , some of them , things no fellow can under-
Wreck And Ruin.
While The Courts Are Still Undecided As ...
While the Courts are still undecided as to the legality of adjudicating affairs are a still Peer under to be appeal a Bankrupt Vice-Chancellor , and the Duke Malins of N has ewcastle during 's the past week , been engaged , in inquiring into another , noble failure . This time , however , instead of the defaulter being a Peer of the land it is a pier of the sea , which is engaging the used attention in times of the gone legislators by , to . boast In of other possessing words - , the Hern longest e Bay jett , which y in England , , has petitioned for a winding-up order to dispose once and for ever of the Herne Bay Pier Company . We say advisedly that the pier used to be the pride and boast of Herne Bay , for latterly it has been allowed to get into such a disreputable and ricketty condition that it was considered only fair to the summer visitors to prevent them using it as a promenade even in the time-honoured condition of a penny entrance fee . We cannot wonder therefore that the Company , robbed of its income , has seen the necessity of decently collapsing , and if the statement that the shareholders have received no dividend since 1842 is correct , we cannot consider the proceeding either ¦ left hasty to or them premature of which . The they hav Company e not , av however ailed themselves , had one . chance If the pier was reall , y unsafe and liable to be washed away in a rough allow sea , wh peop y did le to they make not the run expedition trains from to town the end on stormy of the day jetty s , at and a perfo charge rmance of , say of a the guinea feat , would a head be . worth The excitement all the money attending , and the be much or a voyage cheaper in and a balloon more . ori The ginal Company than an ascent might of have Mont depended Blanc , upon the success of the venture .
Pity The Poor Olz≫ Soldier.
The Question Of The Dual Government Of T...
The question of the Dual Government of the Army , which has recently been reopened in the columns of the Press by the appearance of Lord Northbrook ' s Report on Military Administration , has been already dwarfed into insignificance by a matter of much higher and more extended military importance—namely , the proposal for the reconstruction of comm the anded Knigh onl tsbridge the general Barracks interest . While of the the general former public question the latter appeals directl y y to the pockets of some half-hundred , or so householders who reside in the Kensington road ; so no very wonder much that about it takes the D precedence . ual Government . In fact , and , nobody what Interest really cares there the is shown way— in that it owes the Horse itself Guards to the ' belief establishment —an erroneous throws belief an addi , by - tional burden on the Army Votes , and thereby increases the Army Estimates . On the other hand , if the Knightsbrid & e
The Question Of The Dual Government Of T...
Barracks are pulled down , the houses opposite will treble in notwithstanding at value present , and stands their owners , the it has Kni will g been htsbrid profit decided ge according Barracks by the ly . are War As inconvenient the Office question , that and unhealthy , a sum of ^ 5 000 shall be spent in doing them on up the this premises year , and in that 1871 a . further In , the sum face of ^ of 7 , this 000 shall resolve be , expended however , an indignation meeting has been held in the interests of the landlords over the way , who express their disgust at the conduct of the Government in condemning a regiment of crack cavalry to remain in a building which is unsuited for the accommodation of the British private . These disinterested people urge that the discomforts to which the Life Guards are subjected should be at once removed , and suggest that there is sonic available land at Chelsea which is just suited for the erection of cavalry barracks , which will do credit to the authorities . So powerful has been the pressure brought to bear in the matter that it was actually announced at the meeting that the Government and that alread it onl y repented y required its a resolve little more to spend external £ 12 , pressure 111 renovation to bring , about the cancelling of the proposed vote . As we ourselves happen to dwell in the Strand , we can afford to take a dispasare sionate these view : If of the the Kni difficulty htsbrid . So let Barracks us do so are . unsuited Our views for , then the , accommodation of the g Life Guards ge let the regiment be removed by all means ; but bricks and mortar , should not be wasted . most The premises convenient would workhouse make . a Mr cap . ital Cardwell prison we , or believe , still better lives , in a Eaton square , so we submit the proposition , for his most , favourable consideration .
A Mistaken Location.
Mrs A . Description Beecher Stowe , Whic...
Mrs A . DESCRIPTION Beecher Stowe , which ' s house is going in Florida the round is worth of the transcribing papers , of . - Here it ismagnificent " The house oak is trees near the which bank give of the an rive air r of , and seclusion is shaded to her by quiet home . Viewed from , the river , the spot appears to be such as an artist or poet would delight to dwell , in . Mrs . Stowe owns with about orange forty acres trees . of " land , of which some four acres are planted In fact , Mrs . Beecher Stowe dwells in a sort of substantial fairy land . We suppose we ought to be enthusiastic about the home of the authoress of " Uncle Tom ' s Cabin , " but , unfortunately we cannot be . With the Byron business fresh in our memory , and Mrs . Beecher Stovvc's carte-de-visite staring us in the face from every shop window , we are more inclined to regard her as rather out of her proper sphere amongst the rivulod lets g , ing oaks in , Grub and orange street would blossoms surel than y be otherwise a more . appropriate A quiet abode .
New Zf Aland And Its Treatment.
Very The Irritating Latest Intelligence ...
very The irritating latest intelligence . We take received a striking from piece New : — Zealand is certainly " Te Kooti is still at large . Some reports affirm that he is on his Tokangamuta way to attack . Some Tauranga affirm , under that the the protection King- has smugg of Tawhaio led him at doubts out of the are reach thrown of the on the friendl loyalty y native of Top force ia ; under and yet Topia another . Agai re n - , port to save say Te s that Kooti Tawhaio from attack has sent . We a force shall to probabl intercept y soon Top hear ia , and to which of these combinations is to be attributed the renewal of hostilities . " All this is very distressing , and we certainly shall be glad to hear who is responsible for such a stupid jumble up of catastrophes and barbaric names . In the meantime we ' throw out a hi and nt . bring Wh the y docs whole not lot some of them enterprising , king and theatrical all , to Astleys agent . go There out are them plenty and of there dramatic would authors be an end who of would the New be g Zealand lad to write war forth up to - with . , ^ . „ _ _
Tomahawk (1867-1870), April 9, 1870, page 137, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_09041870/page/5/