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138 THE TOMAHAWK. \April 9, 1870.
JSTozv ready, price js. 6d., VOL. II. of...
London , apxil 9, 1S70.
Mr. Gladstone has at length persuaded th...
Le jeu ue ruaut pas la cJiandelle could ...
The Pall Mall Gazette of Friday last con...
Napoleon III. treats his Generals like d...
We trust the outside public are now sati...
We understand that Prince Pierre Bonapar...
Colonkl Henderson, we are told by Mr. Br...
It is said that, as a measure of economy...
The Globe we have always regarded as an ...
even The now public failing are to tirin...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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138 The Tomahawk. \April 9, 1870.
138 THE TOMAHAWK . \ April 9 , 1870 .
Jstozv Ready, Price Js. 6d., Vol. Ii. Of...
JSTozv ready , price js . 6 d ., VOL . II . of BRITANNIA , Edited by A . a'Beckett , Illustrated in Colours by MATT MORGAN . VOL . V ., price % s ., of THE T O M A H A W K , Edited by Arthur a'Beckett ; Illustrate d by Matt Morgan . Office : 199 Strand .
London , Apxil 9, 1s70.
London , apxil 9 , 1 S 70 .
The Week.
Mr. Gladstone Has At Length Persuaded Th...
Mr . Gladstone has at length persuaded the House of Commons to have morning sittings . The Conservatives were very averse to the fashion—quite so , their speeches will seldom bear the light of day !
Le Jeu Ue Ruaut Pas La Cjiandelle Could ...
Le jeu ue ruaut pas la cJiandelle could never be more happily applied than to the case of the lVick- \ o \ v peerage . The very title suggests a finale in smoke , and a hint that some of the witnesses at least would be tolerably well up to snuff .
The Pall Mall Gazette Of Friday Last Con...
The Pall Mall Gazette of Friday last contained a cock and bull story about bailiffs being in possession of the Guards Club . If this were true ( which we understand it is not ) it would only be extending the advantages of the club to another kind of Guards—the Guards ( black ) .
Napoleon Iii. Treats His Generals Like D...
Napoleon III . treats his Generals like domestic servants . The Prince Imperial has long had a General for his nurse , and many other warriors are " worked" as confidential chambermaids . Well , after all , we must not be surprised if they are asked , in these matter-of-fact days , to take the place of ma ' s ( Mars ?)
We Trust The Outside Public Are Now Sati...
We trust the outside public are now satisfied about the fairness of the coming University race , and that they understand that the Oxford stroke ' s right to row is fully established . If this were a county contest there might be some truth in the plea that Cambridgeshire would be over-matched , had she to hold her own against Oxfordshire and Darbishire / as well .
We Understand That Prince Pierre Bonapar...
We understand that Prince Pierre Bonaparte possesses property in Belgium , and that preparations are being made in Brussels for the Prince ' s reception . We suppose that this means that the inhabitants of the quartier in which His Royal Highness ' s residence is situated are arming themselves with revolvers and knuckle dusters . At all events these are the only preparations for his reception , which appears to us to be necessary .
Colonkl Henderson, We Are Told By Mr. Br...
Colonkl Henderson , we are told by Mr . Bruce ,, is the
Colonkl Henderson, We Are Told By Mr. Br...
most hard-working official in the public service . We are happy to hear it . He lives , we are told , too , at Wandsworth . We are not happy to hear it . The Head of the Police should live in London . Until he does , he will be " though lost to sight to pockets dear . " He must be flurried when he is away from home . The police should be as cool and as firm as pole ice .
It Is Said That, As A Measure Of Economy...
It is said that , as a measure of economy , the Admiralty contemplate having in all ships a general messman , who will cater for the captain and officers . We do not know whether Mr . Chiiders regards himself as standing in such a position with regard to the whole service ; but if the term " messman " has any significance ( which , by the way , it has not , —but this Mr . Chiiders is not expected to know ) , he must consider himself something of the kind . We wonder what are the pay and perquisites attached to the office . In these days of retrenchment and reform " cheeseparing " commands good wages .
Something New Under The—Globe.
The Globe We Have Always Regarded As An ...
The Globe we have always regarded as an authority on all matters appeared , even in " The theatr News ical ; of the Day following " of last para Thu g rsday raph ' wh issue ich certainly taxes a little our powers of credulity : — Hervd " In last consequence niht su of stai the ned indisposition his oriinal character of Mr . F . Charles f Chil , M . at the Lyceum g , "Le Compositeur g Toque" being postponed p until Saturday next . " is Al a po thoug pular h we actor have on long the E been nglish quite stage aware , we were that Mr quite . F . Charles norant , ract unti e r th , or e Globe that he set was us ri in ght , that e habit Chilpe of ' ric play was ing p ori ginal in cha " Le - should Compositeur necessitate Toque a " postponement of such importanc in the e that production his indisp of osition the p iece n get in question welland . that We in hope the , h meantime owever , that M . Mr Hervd . F . Charles will do will his best to supply , his place .
Advice Gratis.
Even The Now Public Failing Are To Tirin...
even The now public failing are to tiring secure of that the morbid Goodrich interest Divorce which Case such . scan It is - velops dals in itself middle it - becomes class life more usually repulsive secure , . and The certainl latest y p as hase it h de as - been the appearance of Mrs . Goodrich at the Guildhall Policeat cou the rt , arraigned instance of in her the husband prisoner ' . s dock She , on was a charge accused of of perjury having , sworn falsely on an affidavit , in which she affirmed that she had at whereas seen all her . , two the For children fac the t was defence leave , that , it the the was residence children clearly of proved were her not husband by in Mr the . ' s Doug country father las ; c Straig holy ht business —whose has kindness shown itself of heart in a , marked by the degre way , e in , side this b melan y side - this with statement high professional to the best ability of her —that belief the , and unhappy with no mother corrupt made momissed tive deed , , and so , amidst the strong mag man istrate was y manifestations the , taking feeling this , that view of Mr also popular . , Goodrich the charge applause , jun was . ., was dis In- - got smugg well led hissed out of on Court getting by into a back his way carriage , and . Mr . Goodrich , sen ., their Reall capacity y , it is time as prosecutors that we should . For be their rid of own Messrs sake . s Goodrich as well as in for practice ours , , we however would long advise established them to let and the matter extensive drop , must . , A medical necessaril ceedings y suffer ; and by , after the amount all , if even of time Mrs . which Goodrich is wasted is as black in law as pro her - enemies—which appear to consist chiefly of her husband and father having -in hounded -law—would a defenceless paint her woman , the credit out of , such society as , it will may scarcel be , of y tion compensate must perforce for the entail pecuniary . loss which so chivalric an opera-
Tomahawk (1867-1870), April 9, 1870, page 138, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_09041870/page/6/