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juty * iS7oJ tMb toMAMAwk,
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Juty * Is7oj Tmb Tomamawk,
juty * iS 7 oJ tMb toMAMAwk ,
MACASSARINE , toJlet KALYDOE vinegar akd , eau ODONTp de coioGrtsfE , ; ONE SHILLING EACH . 38 , Lombard PERFUMER -street , & 167 TO b , New TJBCE Bond Q . VESN -street , L < 6 wotu > ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦• - - - . * ¦ •¦• - > : ¦ :-jaaaa » -
yjryy 3 T ¥ ? f ^ ryT 7 y ^^ j |[^ ps »^
GLENFIELD STAROH , :- X & THE ONLY KIND USED IN HER MAJESTY'S LATJNDI ^ yV ?; . -i- ' > O 0- <—! . Starc Those h , are ladies respectfulTy who have solicited not yet used to give the it Glenfiiei a trial ' d , ¦ = tha every and n , carefully other package . Starches . toliow It , is but out rather when , the more directions this is difficult overcome ' printed to * make they on " : wi nest ll say Starch like they the ever Queen used 's . Laundress , that it is the
^ URB AERATE *!* : . ~ s ? WATERS . I ¦' S « "« ' . .- ' " « 5 S " FOR GOUT—The last-named Is a splendid remedy * I SON EVEttY . RUTHIN CORK ; " and Is every gRANDED Label bears " " r . their Ellis Trad sintf e only mists Mark fr , , om without HoteMteepers R . ELLIS wliich , and none Confectioners SONS is genuine , Rut , . h - and in Sold , Nth "Whol . by Walesw esale Che-— street London Cavendish Agents—W ; . BEST and SONS , Henrietta ; , square
THE ENGLISH llESTitrfood whsit ivert Most well a one , things g < dressed 3 payj od NT , aitxn , it PANTON are is , ei ittbst J . biit procu from . difficult STREET strangp home rable , . to , to HAYKARKET Numerous get for say . , really no Money master , as . £ opd are . — propri hungry our rest etors a public ttfa understand nts . , at Very away the few West "the . art The end of - discovery catering how many well then ,.. of for . their of the a place satiate whe themselves re even is connolseurs ¦ worth noting and . gourmands That discovery may ton - Brothers we have street made , whose Hay by market caterin finding , conducted the for Eng the lish bjj ; London Restaurant " Messrs . Scottish Welch . Paa ; - m Vol uch unteers credit , . last Yes year I at The Wimbledon g English Restaurant , gained them is the so , hatn place Palace , to dtoe Ja , _ " Witho size Messrs ut ajteinptingtojsxcel . , Wslei > have . etjuaUed Bucking / Jf ^ i : " r iot T . he surpassed stove is capable m . con ^ teteiicssr of anything . tHi : Q the ueen . culinary ' s kitchen . art . • neat may ana require cleanly , and ini , the the extremes appointments . Indeed of , . the everyt kitchen hing is i ^ otieey so " ., excellentf Messrs . y Welch ^ arranged ' can , put . that . upon Upon the the table shortest . hi sl .-. ' of private courses or , public -while room they ; also a perfect . supply dinner frorn of a any dehciously jiurpber v coq celebrat lv . ^ ellar ed , . Count .-wines Rumford of itKe finest could hardly quality . have Even fitted the up : . stuclied akitcheri eco ni ' oie Cpinpletely is also . secured But not onl while y is excelle Messrs nce . : t Welc hey h sprpass caif , vie nomy all with in cheapness any rival . house A , visit for would excellence repay , , ' any nary person regions , a . — s Vide would Press also an . Inspection of the culi-
SAUOE .-LEA 6 PERRINS .-SAUCE . THE WORCfeSTERSftIRE - JSK m ' Prpnounqed " by Connollsseurs , . al ^ V ' . Z £ . s THE xise inproves ; ONLY app _ GOODf ietite and ^ ai SAUCE gestlon * ll ijB ^ B '' ' \ UmrimlUd / or Ffgudncy c & ct ^ JU ^ - ; ti & W * at £ p \ i imltition ^ iBwilfHwl ' To avoid - # hlcnV see the Names , | ggg % !! £ ? l ; LEA & PERRlNSi . on all bottles aud ¦• S ^ . ) 55 »^^» i : ia # . .. * iMA * m ? < PERKINS ' " ^ L BfSi lllil Agen London ( fc » : — , CROSSB and sold Se by T all ^ U Dealers . CKvmix . ln twMSMt « hUH | : Sauces throughout the W 61 I 4 . ^ UllmKK ^
; ' Xfla ¦ " ^" , JtLA < K"lT | OKJAE M &&& MANT * ¦ ¦ ¦ 24 St . Swithin ' B Lane , London , E . G . ; ¦ and at 66 HtGtt STREET , GRAVESEND .
SLAO ^ SILVER ELECTRO-PLATK < J / ' . ¦ ' | ¦ IB a a ^ toisra o $ Mii $ a ov pure siiArra avift moKXh * equal , v ® r i ^ MM t : ^ tjcrling silymw | .,. i ^ u ^ ij ^ ttwii ^ . oltly by BIOHAAD Mid ^ OHN BlAO * . ^^ ^ ; ^ ^^ r ; « k 4 X » BL ihviiy 'ft OA 'Artfd ^ LOU te te ^ wi Biir ^ 'tf 1 ' j j § ' ^ T ^ N 7 ' f *\ ¦ \ : « rp < Mtfr «« . ., .- p . tag-aaaiaafttf ' Jj | # . ^ ¦ g fc ' ^ ^/ ^ ' Q - . Li J ^ , ^* - ^ ^ ¦ ^ ' XltQtxo- ^ kto ^ \ , StrongJ ? l » t « d , JXhxiibd KUig ' a and ThnrtdT ~~ ~ *« — mm . BwioK haw toon oiltbnM M mn tor ^ JJ ss T « uSpoon ^ tfjfeSi ¥ ^ . 7 . ; ^ . ™ * i 2 r QUO is s A ? l ij j ' iss • , ml ^ AffirARB n » , i *« , i 8 « . ? a . ^ ^ u ^ ^ SXjtA & t . ^ --CJJaL rf * -W R » ' > xs ^^ -J aetj X-uu > vat - » kj riTifiEi a . j-ijh ^ ^ v sr . - RIOHARD ft JOHN SULOK * 836 StrAnd , opposite gomerset House .
j ELASTIC STOClKiN ^ ' K ^ EE CAP S , Et 6 ., J ABDOMINAL BELTS \ , OR TXT And OHBS bivbrst , ARTIFICIAL description of suROibAii S * , ELA appliance N OS , ARM , S ; 1 MANUFACTUnBD BY I ARNOLD & SONS , SS & 36 WEST SMITHFIELD , LONDON .
WMMMi & prize medals ; PARIS EXHIBITION , 1867 . Jti ^ mM JE ^& JSm JKi ifli ^^^ JKSbJhSJB & ihIS * SAUCES , JAMS & TABLE DELICACIES , O THE HIGHEST QUALITY , MANUFACTURED BV CROSSE & BLACKWELL , PURVEYORS TO THM QUeMnj Proprzbtors c & jbj & TAxti wrirrB ' s OJRiHirfATC . pickls ; curry p ' Ast ' b ; , . (/ ND OThEer CONDlMElSTSi ; ,,.,.., Are sold Retail sale In at all the parts Manufactory , of the y ^ orW ' , / aiut Wlioire-SOMO SQUARE , LONDON
COOL AND S , B # RErSHINcl . rfSK ^^^^ MiwEK y ^^ MKi & iKitl & S •^ ^ ^^ jStr C ^^ ff gP ^^ T ^^ yQH SS 'Pi ^ rri f ^ 4 * OLb ^ IDGrB'S BALM OF COLUMBIA . \^ ARRANTEI V , health or sfcln . ^ . It ) preven jtiot ^ f baldness < x frajitre and the rest causes « hai res r from when ebrows turning fall whisker ing grey op s , and , str cleanse ingtlfens moustachibs ^ , from .. weak dandriff to hair . , , but Ladies efficacious ey will hot In only , the find growth p \ , Invaluable of children for 's hair themselvoB . grrow , ¦ Xti bottfes at 3 ' s . 6 d ' . y ss . v and tis . WBLTjii ^ GTOiNr Street , strand , LoiiDOii . wV
Th « ¦ ^ ^ B A H ^^ 4 clioKra tlve | CqtfeK sw £ Diood £ u 0 suid j 6 -iplttine r < ei U * wrtsfips ! ffi ace & ., , cffi dfiteaae $ n & ^' ^ ^ M B-ML M Ii 5 - . xSd - Sold .. and by as Cliimiste - ^ jKir : jhottie , ; . ¦ ¦ ¦ i i LOWER . SBTWOl / K 3 T ., LON ) DbN ; W /
, NM . fo & J : 1 ' HT HE INDIAN RE ¦^ RIGrfc-JL RATOR . ...- •' (^ OLD WITHOUT ICE , ~ " A LWXYS SIJNIMER eOLD -HEA . T DURING . , ' I , gUTTER , WINE , VIANDS / ¦ i Jt tlUTTER # ... as . iod ., 3 s . 6 d . COOLERS , 4 s . 6 d . 59 , 6 d . ; XJkf I NE C 0 " n A ; . -oV pVovok an immu ingly table simple natura , but reali l law yva . " tuable —SCIBNTIFI adapta C - \ Report . ; & £ t ? reeang Mixture . Never fails I Self-actCing f t 11 . . Oftiy OXFORD of the patentee , at the M Stella J £ B E Depot E T , Near The Oxford ;
* feSOTJl f ; :. HlRB iJHAMS FOR THREE ' Mgt ARS , p * ? i 6 j prtT ^ P og gutaea « rty ^ HIre of > per the with hirer annum option . , Carriages after of which purchase ot every It , becomes the de 5 crfpfto hire . tSi & being » . C * - « ; H £ [ THB . R .. H . DE TttB ^ ifSt PRINCESS ^ PHAETONf OF - " ^ WAtBS as bn .-s ^ -JWce cjw ana a ably * Gufneas « ; I and $ gant can . appecrance This be made and Phaeton to , contains « t » Is It any unsurpassed four sUed persons cob for or comfort pony Ms t ?*** . - WBB ^^ Particulars 8 BROS ., Long Drawtngs acre , London applying * ^ T . u .
H ^ ^ HORLEXS H' ^ S mttiou ^ ^ B ^ j . ¦>? j . ' . I jAh > J / 2 . t - ^ . j . IWjAfcii * ^ j ^ tl ^ MJ . t ^ jjI j » A »^ fc ^ JLA * * 10 | lLEYHORSE 2 Grocers jii Jt ly . ' .. pf and , Drugeista all CATTLE Corn- , chandlers and Corn SPICE - In dealers . London In in Penny tho , and country Packets of all . ; ¦ ¦
bldESTION PROMOTED BY PEPSINE . TDREI ^ ARED by MORSO ^ T , and Recommended by the _ t MEDICAL I'ROFESSION . I Sold ' in bottles nridf IJbx ' cs firom as . by all Pharmaceutical Chemists , and tlio Manufactuicts , — v THOMAS MOBSON ^ Q 9 N ,, t \ ¦ ' '• • i Ixiiitit \ ^ K ^ Jd'l ,. il . S '* i \ tvtiJ ' ' \ - V' * - - : & % t'l ' ' , '"' - '' — r '" , ' i ; iMiiir ' . ' ni ' r ' rTrii ' i'l rr * 4 i -jr' - ' rr' S ' rnr ¦ " ~ - — — — ¦ :
Tomahawk (1867-1870), July 9, 1870, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_09071870/page/13/