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6 THE TOMAHAWK. IJuly 9, 1870. - _ ^
" WHERE SHALL I GO ? " Arranged for *he ...
privy If wo to rds the could seizure exp...
Though strongly opposed to the bolsterin...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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There Is A Dismal Den Somewhere East Of ...
the fines expected to be awarded by Jurymen as payment for their carelessnessand attempted to obtain ah acquittal from . . ; their passengers previous , to their journey of all claims accruing from , anticipated accidents . This is a long sentence , but the more it is considered the clearer will its sense become 1 This
little fact is pregnant with meaning . " Mishaps " have become a recognised part of Railway travelling , arid until we punish the careless in these matters as we should a condemned prisoner , we shall never make travelling by Rail as safe as it is expeditious . In the matter of the Newark accident no one seems
particularly to blame , still this is an isolated case ; for , a £ a ruie , accidents are caused by gross and criminal carelessness . "We aSk , then , that criminal carelessness may be punished as crime . We hang the murderer who deliberately kills his victim : surely thenwe can spare a little rope for the scraggy neck of the poor
, pointsman who falls asleep on his post , and even perhaps a little—say a yard or so—for the fat throat of the well-paid secretary who bungles over the time table !
6 The Tomahawk. Ijuly 9, 1870. - _ ^
6 THE TOMAHAWK . IJuly 9 , 1870 . - _ ^
The Weather Book. ;Ggfl
" Where Shall I Go ? " Arranged For *He ...
" WHERE SHALL I GO ? " Arranged for * he British . The Thermometer . - = _ ¦ < ., _ . . ? v .
DAY OF WEEK , GLASS . " - '¦¦• " - Sunday 80 To church once . Catacombs if there are any . Monday ... 90 Diving prietor bell . , with a penny-ice
pro-Tuesday ... 90 Refuse me out to . come up unless they ring Wednesday ; 50 ( Sudden let me fall out , ) or . Ask else warm the au the thorities water to . Thu ihursday rsday ..... . 4 40 ° Start start for for South South of of France France , and and , pro 6 ro
ie Bath m ., . take up residence in , a Turkish , Friday 95 { Up ment where ogam I to hold ) go . . . Awful Resi Look gn ! out any Don the ' appoint t North know - - pole in JSradskdvu / Go to Woolwith wich the and shot get an . order to be chilled " Saturday ... 30 Pitt Have on an skates ice ha , a ndy nd in go case to bed of . another N . B . I rise . Believe in nothing J
Licejstsmjd Thieves.
Privy If Wo To Rds The Could Seizure Exp...
privy If wo to rds the could seizure express of the our furniture opinion at , of Nazareth those persons House who the were - perty of certain Little Sisters of the Poor—whom God bless , !— pro we With should no stigmatise fear of the their libel conduct court before as—no us , — We for cannot anything find - we word could s ! we write simp could ly break not be down libel for when the condemning want of a continuous the revolting string act- ^ of - degre hard word the s , disgust which uti i . which nuiuii could at the me the Hammersmith most only reflect authorities in a small have
wtgiuv e . nx ^ uiog xxctlilLfxCX £ SlJJUl . U . ctULHUriLiCS lliXVG inspired amongst all Englishman * by their' doings of the past reth few days is too . Th well e kno good wn — and nay , appreciated holy—work in of London the Sisters to need of ISTaza any - I to dis hol quisition d up to in public these execratioft columns . and All that contempt ' remain the s for men us — to if * tfce is - dar term ed is to not thwart too a good work for which them Providence — -who , in > a itself Christian has blessed lafnd , , haVe
Oxfomz) Wit.
Though Strongly Opposed To The Bolsterin...
Though strongly opposed to the bolstering up of ancient have institutions sant and never harmless , joined simply the follies because vul which gar they popular time can and outcry boast old against of association antiquity the p , have lea we - world consecrated outside ; and are strong which , ly if cherished possessing at little least attraction by certain for circles the in -which they , centre . On this principle , Oxford has always been treated
withconadvance sideration sideration of in in reform these these pages uaeres has . . commanded Its Its heroic heroic opp oonosition our osition sympath to to the the y inevitable inevitable , and ^ its classic weaknesses have drawn from us but very mild reproach . to But elevate it is one them thing into not virtues to over ; - a measure truth , which a man blind ' s failings partisans , another will , always do well to bear in mind . sestheticallv aestheticall The other y-- " disnosed disposed day , when youths vouths two . sets independently indeoendentlv of mischievous assisted assisted , and each each not , other other very
we to case accomp stated . We with lish did , the sufficient not destructi however precision on , con of several sider and it force a valiiaBle mere our haririiess opinion works 'of of freak arty the and , in the true-blue , spirit 6 , f bUrid-plass interest , defend it as a , bit On of the passing other hand frolic , ^ we 6 ri ; did . a ' par not with descend the : nailing to that up vulgar of a don level ' s oak of . the man democratic special reall work rectitude indifferent of the , the to peniiy the maintenance - true a-lining interests press of which of ; Only his appears Alma aii Oxford Maters to be could , have y urged pleas in extenuationof the , £ lirist-Ghurcii
scandal ; only a smart non-university literary , geritienian cotrfd : ruin denounce and disgrac it as a e deliberate attaching and to a public felonious trial outrage , arid the ^ nieritiftg subsequent : ¦ tfte ' penalties inflicted by the law . penny Impartiall -popular y therefore high feeling , and , we we trust can without commeint one iipaii iota - tlie of ^ recent * ^^ *^ ^> r « a ^ *^ annual ^ r ^^ m ^ i ^^ to v ^*^«^ # Mf ovation ^ bv « ^^ v « . A ^^ 4 fedb in ^ b **^* tlie S ^^ b ^ b ^^ Sneldohian b ^^ p b ^ f ^ k ^^^ v ^ ¦»•* A **^ V ^ 4 % Theatre ^^ h ^ b . rfb ^ ^^ m * Vff W ^ b > ^^ . V "We V w ^^^
allude , of course ^ to the recognised licence afforded to the undergraduates ficant remarks a on not that altogether occasion insignificant , ; to interrupt ceremonial with insi .- gni Of - late abused years , and thi indeed s licentid y if loquendi we remember , so it tig is t said itl % ; thmgs lias been csiiti greatl & pti a y . recent occasion to such a pass , that it Was expected the authorities Oxford , however would , , has once proved and . for itself all ,- still |> ut Oxford a stop , to and ' the the customv
Com-: m of emoration a Gonserv of ative 1870 journal has seen , Always no material feady chan to eonte gfe . Tlie td iii reporter € frority when the manners of the old University ^^ are caOtted into ? que ' stiony gallery informed , inconsistent us not a single with the word character fell from of gentlemen the undergraduates . We were ' gone not present out of ' tfeeix ourselves way to deceive unless the several public , we cari reporters only suppose have an ——— Oxford - — - — ^^» -w — ¦—^ opinion -v ~ - »»^« v ^ - « b « B on -w ^ m th * rm * m e ~^ characteristics ^^« . *« r < W 4 . « w ^ V ^» V ^ J *»^ V ^^^ " » of ^^«» an «> V ** Oxford ^^ ttmMi V ^ J » ^* fc geritle ^» ^*** b ^ V -
man ' s wit is peculiar . To cheer " the ladies" in " blue , " "black , " " pink , " and but " green still , " it may is harmless not indicate foolery any enough extraordinary . 1 ndeed heig > a hts cheer of humotir or two , for body anyone , deans or , dons anything , masters , can bachelors scarcely be , an ob d jecte tindergraduatesi d to , when every are - unluck su all fficien going y tl individual home y conspicuous for , the whom holidays , is some rea ll error y But not in to fun taste yell . and One has to already allusion Kbot at m per any ade - > to white coattie
liaps be shape punishment of a social retributiony enough , or . Stupid a arid green ; persisting the laiig , mi li g hdbting ht that be followis admitted ? that can it wbuM in - onl the y utterly object of spoil it , is the extremel enjoyment y in bad of the form unhap . The py indi fun vidual - if fun -who it can is- the be abo called ut . , is P the rofessor fun of Darwin cowards ' s apology . It is for the his numbers aUsende , that on trie bring score it occasio Oxford - of ^ — ——— the — — — excitement n —— ——_—_ him i — , y ha ¦ had BnvW the ' « , a ^ w reception < c + * ertain <*** . www the « A * of significance •>^ A ^ k AA apT ^*^«^ C honorary ^^ AA «^ « b ^ ftVWUU about degree MV it * . ^ Youngi * ivbtild VttiXK
b conceive ut Young m nothing ' ght Oxford - m ve does or greeted e dis not cre always ditable great behave to O name xford itself with old , and due and respect we can , authorities arid subordiiiatesi than the h 6 t > un ' cbmnioli , scene young * of , a distinguished University honour being received in ' tlte ' lilidst therefore its of v ocif s e , and in us a have most nive no rsity friendly wish hisses to sp see i .- rit We them we can express materially appreciate a hope altered ' Oxford that . ? next It and is year may witness as- Commern / oration at wtiicHif tfre undei ^ graduates the true kindly are allowed spirit of tke English ' license gentlemen of commetftf * , taiey , ^ will- ufee J fc M
Tomahawk (1867-1870), July 9, 1870, page 6, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_09071870/page/4/