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July 9, 1370,3 THB TOMAHA WK. y __
has The a moral Windsor " which Garden ?...
qualities understood His Royal , ubi the...
matic We cr dp it not ics know have what...
interrogatories We cannot put congratula...
to say N the a ow few thanks th word at ...
bottle Query fly be for described Profes...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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July 9, 1370,3 Thb Tomaha Wk. Y __
July 9 , 1370 , 3 THB TOMAHA WK . y __
§Oli> W4tmm At A Premium.
Has The A Moral Windsor " Which Garden ?...
has a moral Windsor " which Garden ? even Party a fortni , althoug ght h after an , ev is ent worth of the noting past . , weather Her Maj n esty for h . had exj ^ te evidentl , and the y grounds counted were on arranged haying in " Queen accord ' s - beating ance with sun the . So requirements much was it of taken a clear as a matter sky and of , probabl course y that , a . the it Lilt would station OLdLUJAi from be to LU fine bring UlAXlg , that up U . ]_ even > the lllO op guests g en UCSIS result waggonettes which VV is lllbU matter the LUC were special DJJCV of sent / ICV hi trains " down » " « vj de . to It \_ -
; gjoj ladies pelted posited saturated , , wended and , as , London wliU the thei e open r their way . T carriages crisp to he the costuni Castle , filled . es a gates became with As , be - limp muslined young and story flabb young ladies . y * gncle a £ , s i _ . Q ! tfi ? e ; * . e eEf tfij irufe & ^ g- stead ageic m yan $ with I & d qyial proviHingf relenUess Hostess < Jier ^ wnpoAirl she guests undoubtedl with for , dry y Her is , garments Majesty she was , than eji ^ er taijniiig them , and the Garden Party was an unj gent g doju o » . l n j , a $ £ < 4 kiecj , i ly the at that njeeided least , possibleJ 4 it nredeerned , rained those fn catching the people ; . > CQuritry T aiiji ^ e of wh stupendous fact ** , colds that were was became the , not that , sp fai asked oiling lure the mere . to rain of And Windsor bagatelles gay was yet toilettes so eyery , were be ur - - - % cum sjc i & le i s the the . tanpe great rain ? , when mi and ght it wei come was ghty , impossible the intere Garden sts not at stake Party to hop . was e Under , and a little even these out pray cir of - , date so , 4 e ¥ ; Qutl hut y if to it he Had . wished the effect for , as of bring seeming ing l about y was a the consummation case , it had its , missioi * , and it was satisfactorily fulfilled .
A Prijstcely Imperfection.
Qualities Understood His Royal , Ubi The...
qualities understood His Royal , ubi the quity Hig art hness amo of making : ngst the Prin the hjm m ce , self and of Wales agreeable if ever has . Royal he many possesses personage excellent it . disloyalty But at the , we risk must of o " pening unhesitatin ourselves gly declare to attack that on the a charge Prince of of o ham a Waives ^ n pppnents d , his is ' doubt ' august a when dreadful " the patronage he ' latter shot ly ^ ba body with d of shot the the fu . lly Lords sport The appreciated secured other against day a the the victory , at condescen Commons Hurling for his - - , sion of Jx a . Prince Xixioc of ui the lilt Blood in xij taking tcutvi part in jj < the l v > ontest oi but
loyalty i f lyfxx the Peers must a jT' : have felt and been . xnuuu expressed tried to its the ^ fullest jg ^ same jcm . limit .. sentiment * av . c vfj We . « . L ^ , do . th ; } not l / ei r rriean actuall 'to lost say t the hat ; match the Princ tor e his of side Wales but , with he malice must afo have rethoug known ht , that th y ere \ yere better men than he ; in the House of Peers from gdod a pigeon nature -shooting alone " point he was of prevailed view ,, and upon it is to probable take a that gun . But his nothing the match When was a public w < e writ one e our , and History ± ti 3 His \\ Royal of Hi lan g d hness score time i d ii - — i
in con lAV . the ! ixlll that S n . ext possessed century UOil ' ' V we vyj of > pontemplate < -t . v > prepossessing v- » i-n- * .... ji doing . y * -tm . mann Eng J , we tig ^ ers uuu shall , , j u as a have j handsome jyiiiv some to , .. re ... \_ - - appearance when Prince , ' and of A a ^ genigtl ales , was and co kindl ndemned y dispo by sition a large , Albert arid Edward influen- , tial bacj , party shot , , termed at the time " " " betting men , " as a shocking
Fj&M Anemiwi Programme.
Matic We Cr Dp It Not Ics Know Have What...
matic We dp it not ics know have what said about those the champ two ions ieces of justice at tlie ; , the dra- t mom they e are nt being both , played in their at respective the Adelphi lines , bu very p we much presum above e that presen , the as have ordinary not met level with of works any cordial of their reception respective from classes Grub stre , that et . they We reall can , y however seek an , most intellect strongl ual and y recommend amusing ev all ening those ' p entertain laygoers m w ho j ¦ ¦ to Invalid sf try Mr / . Such Charles faults Reade r Free aij in the iij Labour ^ form a nd iitui Molie than tuan re ' s Robiist atoned
. cciie * £ . « . kju \> xi luuiu c as *»? are ci-a ^ . , luiiiiui er are more g aiuuwu for dualities by the of powe char r a cter ully , dr and amatic the brilliance situations , the the perfe dialogue ct indivi for - which the author of jyevcr Too JLate to IkTend is so justly , rethei nowned r pri . ncip No les more has telling been made onslau for gh many t on to a trades day j ' and union if ists the not tivel over-crowded to the facts pit a that nd gallery Mr . Reade and vacant has both stalls hit testify the mob respec hard - y
Matic We Cr Dp It Not Ics Know Have What...
the and sympathies home , and dealt of fashionable with a subject souls , too he vast can and at least important have the for and satisfaction his ideal of goal knowing reached - that . his No political trades' object unionist has could been gained relish Free the gallery Labour and / no the stall stalls lounger . But " it take is a it very in . " able It is work above , and both one that treasury , had of it any been theatre less . true If Mr to . its Reade purpose had , d must efended have the filled unions the instead degradation of running of being U ^ ill them ^ - united LillXLV down # to , a Ct and working L , KS % f saved tlsl'ffrfr gentleman his heroine xL'liXCi he / from would frUUlU the
U , VgAUUCVbXUJ . V- ^ A M- IVS , S V ^ ii . X j . XL . have run his piece till Christmas . As to the g iWoZzere ^ , it is capiroom tally acted there is yet all concerned on the stage , and for an author serves who to show will be comic much and dead yet to us satirical . But . to It conclude is genuine . We farce advise , of a those school who now are -a- tired days of modem comedy and modern drama to try the Adelphi .
"Wajvten To Ka T Ow."
Interrogatories We Cannot Put Congratula...
interrogatories We cannot put congratulate to him in Mr the . House Cardwell of on Commons his repl last y to week the in perfectl the matter y in accordance of the " Fatal with March the pro . " visions To say of that a certain the result article was tion of the enough Queen — ' s but Regulations this applied for to the Army case was only a bold ; to the exp other lanatunate the right private honourable had been gentleman drinking openl , and y asserted might hav that e the expected unforwhat what followed followed . . If If this this man man . as as Mr Mr . . Cardwell Cardwell affirmprl affirmedwas wn
kn sponsible own to for be having drunk allowe at the d outset him , to , surel fall y in some with his person company is , re- . would Putting have him . been into a a cell sufficient at the punishment first police , station without passed marching eu ro him ute in from heavy his order billet , and to his " full of . drink A scandal , " as Mr like . Cardwell this should affirmed not be , , allo that wed either to pass the Secretary with a grave casual of State excuse for . War We or do the not mean Commander to say - happened in-Chief , is ; either but it directl is clearl y y or the indirectl duty of y responsible both , of them for to wh unite at has in thoroug duty offender on to the y justice sifting part . the of It some is circumstances unworth third y person of Mr of . a , Cardwell and gross dereliction bring to make ing use the of of to his burk personal a question influence which and entails weig almost ht in the a national House of disgrace Commons .
A27 Operatic Retrospect.
To Say N The A Ow Few Thanks Th Word At ...
to say N the a ow few thanks th word at the s and regarding Season confidence , is the far claims advanced of the of the musical it is rival time O public , pera perhap . Houses It s , to is palm scarc . ely While necessary Covent , however Garden , , with specif its strong y which company house , bears has been the n serving ovelty , Esme up onl ralda y the ( the stalest worst and Italian oldest opera works , perhaps , with , of , but modern one times Mi so operas me gnoti ) , special produced Drury ) a work Lane interest of have Mozart has been attached given ' s , carefull and us to as a them work y novelties chosen . of O Weber , tello not and , onl ' all for s , y Thomas have instance all had the ' s , has proved featurewhile it has served kJVJ as something 41 1 ^ more
l than disp House XCliO layed JJIUV a , foil with VM b to . y both Ct a Messrs the IViCibUl wretched Hamlet . G ^ j , ye V \ U 1 and and XV performances * U Mapleson O Xltl p *» helia 9 . left V ^ in of U asse out Hamle U-O . rting VJJL The . LJL t * at H their . greediness J . the . . rights other ILIUIW was to an indisputabl opera which y , Madlle whatever . Nilsson the law ' s own of the , has case brought may have its been own , punishment with it ; for , "while no one has missed Hamlet at Drury Garden Lane . However , it has , established the Season itself is not as yet a " over bore , " and at Covent Covent Where Garden is has the still JEtoile time du to JSford make the that running we were and promised U win 4 1 £ the race with .
trump Madam VV HCiC card e Patti IJ . to LV * p once lay -Uif \ J now € 'V % again + IPfP th , at JLYlSf as success Catarina lf * LUCLU is . waning \^ This VV < m 1 ^ would ; but we surel A > 1 * suppose \ . 1 , ) y Wltli be a ever that prospectus as the position promises is at are present but paper , Drury and Lane printing , we ink assert . How , has - moreover gained , the , deserved greater success it . of the two establishments , and has ,
Bottle Query Fly Be For Described Profes...
bottle Query fly be for described Professor as a " Goldwin Stingless cowa Smith rd . " . —May a blue-
Tomahawk (1867-1870), July 9, 1870, page 7, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_09071870/page/5/