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¦ ~ " -'-»¦. ¦ -¦¦¦ !J¦ - ¦¦ ' ¦— ¦ ^- ¦...
No. 127.] LONDON, OCTOBER 9, 1869. [Pric...
It wants but one .man'to commit a murder...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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¦ ~ " -'-»¦. ¦ -¦¦¦ !J¦ - ¦¦ ' ¦— ¦ ^- ¦...
¦ ~ " - ' - »¦ . ¦ - ¦¦¦ ! J ¦ - ¦¦ ' ¦— ¦ ^ - ¦ t I ' f -- ¦ — . ¦ , p . .. J . ¦ ¦ . I ¦ — .. i . -I I I ! ' » . ¦ . ! - ¦ ¦ ¦ — — . " ..- . _ - - . H _ . ¦ _ V . . ..,,. I . ___ . . mm , ^ pi i THE T O M A H A W K . A SATURDAY JOURNAL OF SATIRE . ( Bbtteti tip frvti & ux a'Berkett , o " INVITAT CULPAM QUI PECCATUM PRETERIT . "
No. 127.] London, October 9, 1869. [Pric...
No . 127 . ] LONDON , OCTOBER 9 , 1869 . [ Price Twopence .
Tub Patriotism Of Pickpockets. • .. . . ...
It Wants But One .Man'to Commit A Murder...
It wants but one . man ' to commit a murder , several to commit a theft . The truth , thus put , mav . perhaps be . put a little broadly , but it is nevertheless the truth . Indeed , it is capable of almost universal demonstration . . Exceptions , as a matter of coursethere are . There are such things as thieves on-their
j ^^ ^^ ^ " ^ , ^ g ^ " ^ ™^ ^^ ^^ P ^^ m ^^^ ™ " ^^ ^^~ V ^^ w p ^ ^^ - ^^^ ^^ ^^^ - ^ v ^ p ^^ n K ^ p VB ^ P ^ V ^ P ^^ p ^ V ^ V ^^^^^ B ^ V »* ¦* J ^^^ ^*^ ^^ P ^ P . ^^ ^ V * " »* M ^ K ^ p ^ p V ^|^ P ^^ ^^ P ^ K MV ^ V ^^ ^^ ^ K ^ ^* ^^ own account . There have been , ' and may be , agjain , butchery companies . Queen Elizabeth ' a nd , her , Ministers , , the Conventhe tion fact of 1 that 793 , and murder the as late a fine , Mrs art .. and ^ r . be iyEaiining studied , all in common testify to . The careers , respectivel , y of Wil ; liam ; , may the Third , Bertrand
Barrere , and Mr . Benjamin Higg ^ equally well prove ? that there is some fascination about the idea of independent self-help of an ever extre , m men ely do pote cut nt each and other engrossing ' s- throats character bdst on the . sly As ^ and a rule rob , how each - other best when someone is ready to len \ d them helping hand . Indeedmenwell banded ¦ t ogether ¦ ¦ r 1 h will *» occasionall f ydescen f d to
— ¦ ¦ - ™ - - ^ " - , j —» - ^ " ~~ , y w - ^™ - —— " —~ ~*~ — ~— —~ ™ ^ - ^^ ^ - ^^^ r ^^^ ^^ r ^™ ™ ^™ , ^ p ^ v *^ q ^ ^ v ^^ ^^ ' ^ h i ^ nm ^^ f ^^^ ir ^^^ F ^ m **^ m , ^^^ v ^^^ ^^^ pr q ^ v ^^^ ^ v ^ ^^ ^^ f ' extraordinary acts of dishonesty . There have been ' times when fraud has seemed to be the ( special prerogative of a certain kind of commercial respectability . Things have , been done by gentlemen of the highest integrity , and Vby their common consent , in the open day , over board-room tables , that would have
necessitated the interference of the police had they been attempted after dark under the gaslight . But there is no need to drag blue blood into the gutter . The friendly , intercourse and social sympathy of low-life pickpockets are proverbial . There is no thoroug more deli hly ghtful liberal place in w , hich presuming to pass , pf course et hour , one or ' s tastes than the are
, regular thieves' hojne . To the perfect satisfaction accompanying the feeling that every member of the society has done somebody , is to be attributed the air of cheerful harmony that pervades that domestic resort . In the words of the poet , — " Some thing accomplishedsome one done
, , Has earned a night ' s repose . " The law may therefore be laid down that robbery ceases to present its unattractive side to a community . And it may be stretched even to a further point yet . The greater the number of the thieves — ^ " ^ — , J the — ¦ ^^ less ' —¦ ^^ —~^ r— objectionable ¦ pii ¦ ^ m w ^ p ^ ^^ ^ wp 1 m ^^ m ^^ " ^ r ^ ^ " ^ P ^ will w p ^ b ^^ v ^ appear ^ p ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ p V ^ i ^ the ^ F ^ BH ^^ theft ^ p *^ HW ^^ p ^^ ^ F . V * For ^ ^^ ^>*
one man to deprive another of something that belongs to him is a theft j but when a dozen help the * thief , it become * a different shares matter . . As Society the scale , in a small degree so , does look the s on , approve diminish s , and . Fifty thieves , acting progresses in common , , can do nothing wrong dishonest . This is English law . And it is even more than this . It is the V
universal principle upon which mankind acts . When nations thieve in the most barefaced and reckless fashion , they not the only virt leave ues . Patriotism regions of and questionable chivalry are morality dragged , but in soar to among colour the propeedjng ; and the very act which , if committed by each individual member of the community , would involve a sentence
of in masse months , a god ' hard -like labour act , worth , becomes y of , a when great com and mitted honourable by all people . . .: . . Such has been , in times past , the explanation of the most infamous thefts ; which the page of history has recorded . Such is Sta the tes in onl its y Exp dealings lanatio with n , . tb S - pain iday , of On the the conduct Cuban question of the . United The
pickpocket is a mighty one , to be ; sure ; but he is nevertheless a pickpocket , and a very barefaced one too . The Americans do not deny it themselves . The word that 4 forbids imp 4 WT lies the it W . dishonour Butnevertheless of theft is the not necessity tmr , of course of , used " annex . Eup ing ho " n is y
admitt ^* T ^<• ^^ ^ r ed . ISTo ^^^ r ^ m ^ bne « , ^*^ ^^ f ffom ^ r ^* ^ rm *^* one ^^ ^ " ^^ *^ ^^ end , w * r ^* m *^ of ^^ the ^^ ' ^ p' ^^ - ^^ ^ States ^ w — ^~ to the other - - ^^^ J for an instant disputes the fact that Cuba is to be absorbed , or " insalivated , " " squelched-up" by the great Republic sooner or later . The other man ' s property is to be acquired somehow , and its acquisition is % nly a matter of time . An offer of so
much money would perhaps be the wiser way of securing it , but this would not prove so economical as giving him a good knock on the head when he is not looking . He may tumble down and bruise himself , and then there would again be a fine opportunity for negotiation . He miglit ,. when suffering from his wounds ,
receive just one other ugly thrust to quiet him , and the prize might then be carried off without the slightest risk of opposition . The trick might be considered a dirty , a despicable one , but that would not . matter . The " ' tarnal destinies " of a mighty bustin Empire ' point are in " it the doesn balance 't much , an matter d as lo what ng as means that " are biles taken up to to
procure the fuel , . Such is , at least while these lines are going to press , the position assumed by the United States , a position which , at present , this country has had neither the intelligence to appreciate , nor the integrity to condemn . A few days , or even
hours , may change the situation , and the bully that would of wound arm such , but a the turn as weak in yet the may there tide be of are events broug no . The very to book attitude encouraging by of Europ stro si n gns e ge is not promising , and statesmen here seem inclined to grow deaf , provided the miserable twaddle known as the Monroe doctrine
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Oct. 9, 1869, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_09101869/page/1/