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162 THE TOMAHA WK. \ October 9, 1869.
guilty In the to S a pri charge ng of of...
The for crime discussion of infanticide ...
to The an end Eng , but lish it Opera ha...
Another explosion at the Hqunslow Powder...
its The length Social alqng Science duri...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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It Wants But One .Man'to Commit A Murder...
be bawled loud enough in their ears . We are not going to discuss here the merits of Mr . Monroe ' s teaching , but it amounts to this : the moral and social interests of the world are divided by the—Atlantic ; outrage committed on one side of the ocean must never look for punishment from the other . Involved in
this monstrous retrograde assumption are several other propositions as amusing as they are striking . But when thirty-two millions of men lay claim to the absolute espionage of a continent geographically representing half the world , and lay claim to it , too , on no better grounds than those of a diseased national
vanity and an insatiable national greed , they must be regarded as outlaws in the great international republic of mankind . Were the noisy supporters of Monroe principles to act up to them , they would have a prodigious task before them . England would have to be driven from Canada to-morrow , and war
levied against nearly the whole of the continent from Hudson ' s Bay to Cape Horn . Fortunately , the States are not equal to the consistency . The police of the world are too strong for the socialist—that is , if the police will only interfere . Europe saw the other day what the Monroe doctrine meant in Mexico , and
has had leisure to appreciate the miserable character of principles which would see a country given up to bloodshed , plunder , and ruin , rather than it should owe order , peace , and prosperity to . a European power . America was successful in her machinations , against France , and the result is a disgrace to the civilized ;
world . Let it be hoped , not only for the sake of European honour , but , above all , in the interests of international integrity that she will be kept at arms' length from Cuba . She could crush Spain without an effort , and pocket the Pearl of the Antilles easily enough ; but she could also be kept
under the eye of the police . A war would be undesirable , but it would not cost Europe inuch to read America a lesson she should not forget for a hundred years .
162 The Tomaha Wk. \ October 9, 1869.
162 THE TOMAHA WK . \ October 9 , 1869 .
Questionable Clemency.
Guilty In The To S A Pri Charge Ng Of Of...
guilty In the to S a pri charge ng of of 1868 forgery , one , , Archibald was convicted Brown at , having the Kingston pleaded assizes , and sentenced to five years' penal servitude . The and young had man , by — means for he was of forged a very young cheques man , managed —resided to at purloin Siirbitpn a , large sum of money from a local banker . In the Autumn of doned 1869 , we by hear the that Home this same Secretary Archibald , Mr . Bruce Brown haying has been simply
parstipulated that Mr . Brown should reside abroad for the remainder clemency If peop of on le the want the unexp part to ired know of term the the of Home five reason years Office of . this we extraordinary are . sorry we s cannot uggesting throw , as a any clue lig to ht the upon proceeding the matter , that , except at , the , time perhaps of , the by man trial . " Archibald But , unfortunatel Brown was y , Parliament described is as not " the sitting son . 0 . ^ a gentle -
Child Murder.
The For Crime Discussion Of Infanticide ...
The for crime discussion of infanticide in such is an a intellectuall grave subject acrobatic , a good arena deal too as grave that provided by the good people who talk social y science . The subject was very poorly discussed , and very little really to thie face other purpose Europe , no social . good was We matters suggested can boast possibl , is of . this our y The . be respectability Until done fact . of En We the glishmen are , matter by the which look hypocrites as evil we of in man mean the of y that social we ulcers will not for which talk of there what are is no improper remedies . .. Hence , a hundred lums Merc will y to stop fallen infanticide woman . and To a plentiful that suppl this y would of foundling asyurge encourage
The For Crime Discussion Of Infanticide ...
immorality is simply monstrous . What woman ever yet was hastened of a foundling to her home fall , because for her possible she contemp child ? lated Man the may advantages have reahorrible soned thus dread , but of not social woman mis . Child and shame -murder . When is the these result are of re a - moved or mitigated , the back ery at least of this daily increasing scandal will be broken for ever .
A Musical Mission.
To The An End Eng , But Lish It Opera Ha...
to The an end Eng , but lish it Opera has left Season a pleasant at the mark Crystal on the Palace musical has history come sanguine of the year expectations . That the of venture its orig has inators answered cannot beyond be doubted the most , for toward consisted s the , the close operas of the were fifty put performances upon the stag of e which with a the degree season of comp earlier leteness works . which As Eng did lish not O characterize pera has found the a pro home duction at the of Crys the - tal tal Palace Palace , we we can can onlv only hop hope e that that it it may may prove prove to to be be a a perma
perma--, nent Perren one ( which ; but of we them would it may remind concern Mr . ) , Mann that the s , or Bride Mr . of George Lammi mermoor ght with and advantage // Trovatore be omitted are not strictl from y the British future works repertoire , and . composers Surely , Engli sufficientl sh works y prolific are sufficiently , to preclude abundant the necessity , and of Eng falling lish back on the foreign market . Rumour says that Mr . Arthur deed Sullivan is a has chance an opera for an on enterp the stocks rising ,. managerrient If this be . true , here in-
A Precaution Ajfter Date.
Another Explosion At The Hqunslow Powder...
Another explosion at the Hqunslow Powder Mills is certulate tainl explosions y the not dwellers yet will due be ; in fewer but the we locality and think fajtjier of we the may between Mill at s last . that The , safel in proprietors future y congra , the - bilities have at of length ac : cident taken and active we Hear measures thatas to a put first a stop step , to tfq the less possi than - fifty in th -ei eir ght possession men in , their pipes employ and lucifer have matches , been suspended , each inan for having having been searched as lie con the premises . It seems strange
amg , have though been , that taken this , simp before le . and In necessary ! past instances precaution , when should accidents never have have occurred never been , unfortunatel left to tell y those the tale on the of how scene it of happened the disaster , but nevertheless , coroners' juries have generally come to the conclumore sion that careful it was in somebody future . We ' s fault wonder , and that how somebod of y these sho . u ^ sad be many
have disasters disasters been , , which which entirely have have owing periodically periodically to the carelessness shocked shocked of us us li for for ghting years years a p past paste ipe ? ,, cent No , doubt of the we explosions should be have safe been in averring due to this that caus ninety . e , - yet nine it per is only l ^ st week that " smoking on the premises " was effectually put a stop to . However , better late than never .
The Secrets Om Social Science.
Its The Length Social Alqng Science Duri...
its The length Social alqng Science during Congress the past , week at Bristol and many has interesting been , dragging disb cussioiis een duly have reported taken in p the lace newspapers in the several , . But sections we protest , which against have the On Ladies Thursday ' Committees last , the subjects holding under their meetings discussion with were closed workhouse doors . visiting , secret drinking , female intemperance ,, and other questions were carefully of a similar excluded nature . ; This but the is not rep fair resentatives . The fair of dames the Press who
devote their time and attention to social science should not be We selfish should , but particularl should give y the have worlc lilced \ the to benefit have heard pf their the experiences debate on . in subject " secret the stories , drinking though we , we . ' have * cannot Wh hearcl y it guess should of , females unle have ss , indeed been of position , made there , consoling a be ladies truth ' cologfie themselves and in sal the volatile solitudes by of their the tumblerful dressing-rooms . But \ vith can eau such de things be ?
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Oct. 9, 1869, page 162, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_09101869/page/2/