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164 THE TOMAHAWK. {October 9, 1869.
No. X., Price u., BRITANNIA for OCTOBER,...
- Untitled
It was announced that places for Lost at...
Pending the inquiry into the affairs of ...
The Spectator has an article in its numb...
Mr. Gladstone is courteously receiving p...
Yet another Atlantic cable—and, what is ...
The Government have completed their task...
the The middle dulle -class sl- part peo...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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164 The Tomahawk. {October 9, 1869.
164 THE TOMAHAWK . { October 9 , 1869 .
No. X., Price U., Britannia For October,...
No . X ., Price u ., BRITANNIA for OCTOBER , NOW READY .
London, October 9, 1869.
LONDON , OCTOBER 9 , 1869 .
The Week.
It Was Announced That Places For Lost At...
It was announced that places for Lost at Sea could "be secured a fortnight in advance "—this before the production of the piece . The public who would book on this invitation deserve anything they can get from Mr . Boucicault . Can intellectual stupor and the fever of sensationalism go further ?
Pending The Inquiry Into The Affairs Of ...
Pending the inquiry into the affairs of the . European Assurance Company , it maybe interesting to note the fact that this company is the only guarantee society acknowledged by the various departments of the State . This fact proves a somewhat unusual discrimination on the part of the authorities .
The Spectator Has An Article In Its Numb...
The Spectator has an article in its number of September 25 th on the Byron controversy , which may be almost said to be the hardest and most calumnious article published on the subject . It is impossible to conceive anything in worse taste than this last outrage on the dead poet . " Byron was ineffably mean and
cruel . " Imitation , they say , is the sincerest flattery : if the Spectator ' s estimate of Byron be correct , that journal must certainly be numbered among his worst flatterers .
Mr. Gladstone Is Courteously Receiving P...
Mr . Gladstone is courteously receiving petitions for an amnesty to be granted to the Fenians , meantime the membersof this blessed brotherhood who are at large are openly boasting of their strength and of their intention to drive England out of Ireland . It is even said that in America they have passed a
resolution to abduct Prince Arthur . They intend to make him their king , we suppose . Don't let us be in a hurry to grant the amnesty . Had not Mr . Gladstone better wait till we can exchange prisoners ? "When the Fenians have captured Prince Arthur they can exchange him for a score of their rascals . Perhaps this is their real object , if they have any serious object at all .
Yet Another Atlantic Cable—And, What Is ...
Yet another Atlantic cable—and , what is more , a cheap one this time . A new company has just been formed , under the title of the " Oceanic Telegraph Company , " for a new line from the south-west coast of Ireland to Halifax , Nova Scotia ; and , as that reckless disregard of all cost which has hitherto
characterised the construction , of former long sea cables is not to be a feature in the new venture , we may hope that the means of communicating with the New World will , in a few months , be brought within the reach of ordinary people for ordinary purposes . It is a mistake to suppose that science is necessarily
expensive j and if the new " Oceanic Cable Company" can reduce the usual cost of outlay for construction by 40 per cent , ( as the Prospectus promises ) , it will deserve an additional 40 per cent , of public patronage . In any case , all competition is wholesome .
Yet Another Atlantic Cable—And, What Is ...
An edifying discussion has been going on in the columns of the Standard about spirit-rapping , conducted by one J ohn Addison on the one side , and a Mr . Greg and some medium on the other . Mr . Addison is a vulgar practical joker , who appears to pass £ his * life in going to stances and playing the fool
in company of Mr . Toole , and in various disguises . The public , does not care much about spiritualism . At the more serious side of it , it does not wish to laugh ; at the ridiculous side of it , it is tired of laughing ; but , though very sick of tables turning themselves and people ' s heads at the same time , it is sufficiently
alert to detect the fact that spiritualism threatens to produce a class of men worse than the mediums , who , devoid of any scientific skill or of any decency of feeling , go about playing tricks more vulgar , if not more silly , than those that they pretend to denounce . Mr . Addison ' s endeavour to force himself
into notoriety in connection with this subject is ingenious , but not very successful . There is not much to choose between the fools of self-delusion and those of self-degradation .
The Government Have Completed Their Task...
The Government have completed their task of economy at Woolwich . They have closed the Dockyard , and turned out the labourers employed there without a penny of compensation . They are told that they can emigrate . Excellent economy this ; it cannot be too highly praised . Liberal and benevolent conduct
towards men in that position , we cannot deny . But why not carry out the same system when discharging persons in high places from sinecures ? Why not send them away without compensation , and with the cheering advice to emigrate ? Why should not they enjoy the same advantages as the men employed
in the Dockyard ? Why insult them by pensioning them ? True , there is a difference ,- —the dockyard man has worked hard for his wages , the fat and titledL sinecurist has done nothing at all for his . To have drawn his money for doing nothing must have cost his conscientious nature so much agony that it is only fair
to give him some compensation , besides having taught , him that he can get an excellent income put of the public purse by doing nothing ; it is safer to pension him , lest he should take to robbery . It rhymes with jobbery . But the dockyard , man has no such claim to compensation . Let him enjoy the proud distinction of having aided the economy of a truly Liberal Government ,
A Word With The Managers.
The The Middle Dulle -Class Sl- Part Peo...
the The middle dulle -class sl- part peop of le the , wi dull th a fair season sprinkling is now of over the , and upper most ten of , borough are back in House town is ; no indeed longer , Royalty desolate itself . Yet has of returned course , for notwith Marl- - standing Ballsdances this , and nothing even is dinners " going" are on voted in the , as fashionable unseasonable , world as . " tneir oysters , own in resources Jtine , , and for peop their le amusements are , , consequentl ; in y other , thrown words back , they on princi are W *» •••^ driven ** pal fc ^ » V * theatres ^ AA to ^ VrVV the * Wf play are MiA V now AAVIf in shoals closed % * Jb ^^ UW , yet *« , \ or ^ , strange have MLVI V onl ^ to ^*** say Y y within TT , several h * ti 44 the V ** W of last the « - % « b
houses last few days few at weeks reopened which been performances their crowded doors to . have excess The result been . We of g do iven this not , have is mean , that , for to those the that there is ^ anything , 1 surprisin | £ in the fact that the Prince say of Wale its doors s ' s should ? for the have excellence been turning of the away entertainment hundreds ni at ghtl the y from little theatre overflow in j . nor Tottenham can we wonder Court Road that the warrants " Field any of the amount Cloth of of a Gold ity " that at the just Strand when should people attract would thousands really patronise ; but it the seems British to us
drama p the , chance of doing so is partially denied them . We hear catering say that a , good , for if this the deal public is of reall trie y amusement ' complaints the case , the never ' of managers theatrical pays ; but have managers we , in can a great onl that y measure very period , themselves when they to are blame most it likel they y to close be well their rilled houses . at the
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Oct. 9, 1869, page 164, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_09101869/page/4/