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152 THfe TOMAHAWK. [April ii, 1868.
[Reuter's Follygrams.] ist of April. in ...
Making Light of it.—The recent decision ...
ne A ar cruel Birmingh instance am. The ...
Answer to Double Acrostic *n our Last.—C...
* „ * Editor Correspondents on any consi...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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In The Name Of All That Is Christian, Wh...
explanation was unsatisfactory to the last degree , and it is on this account we call earnest attention to the whole matter . Perhaps a sample of his " defence" will suffice to convey our meaning . The country is told that " quinine , and other drugs , " which " are most useful in meeting attacks " of the epidemic in question , did not arrive till too late—that is after the first onset of the plague in all its fury . We ask what business had the authorities to despatch a large body of men to a recognised fever breeding climate without the necessary specifics ? What have excuse its have parallel they in for private such life conduct in acts as of this the , which most would scandalous only and culpable cruelty . Are British authorities such fools—or are they so utterly unequal to the posts into which they have been responsibilities comfortabl is y to sli them pped — , that so much the ordinary Egyptian A hierog . B . C lyp . of hic their ! into To oblivion come to aft the er point a mere , this question matter will and not answer be allowed in the to House drop . originall The loss y may calculated prove , but let us the hope princi it ple will at , to stake be less is of than an was importance that can scarcel , y be estimated . Those who serve the country must be protected from the effects of shameless blundering soldiersunder such a code as this of , laws especiall that turns y those them who into serve slaves it , to as do do to suffer , or to dieat the bidding of their immediate superiors , . , It is therefore , of the , highest importance that every individual connected with the destruction at Port St . Louis should be summarily dragged into the light of public scrutiny and be acquitted , or disgraced without any further delay .
152 Thfe Tomahawk. [April Ii, 1868.
152 THfe TOMAHAWK . [ April ii , 1868 .
Follygraphic Intelligence.
[Reuter's Follygrams.] Ist Of April. In ...
[ Reuter's Follygrams . ] ist of April . in The id following succession dispatches . We have arrived lost this no mornin time ( onl g y at a our week office ) in rap making them public : — " The Prime Minister has hastened to Dublin to take the Fenian oath . Ireland perfectly happy and tranquil .- " " Her Majesty has consented to be present at the investiture of the order of St . Patrick . " " No accident whatever occurred to-day on the London , Chathamand Dover Railway . " " Last night , an original three act drama was brought out at one " A of ll the the metropolitan London statues theatres are about . " to be replaced by works of art . " " The prolific lady who writes under the name of' Claribel , ' has " The given Dai up ly writing Telegraph songs lias for resi the gn million ed its . " position as leader of the comic periodicals of the day . " " A spark of wit has been discovered wandering in the pages of the Owl . " " The Times has favoured the world with a dramatic criticism , which " The is what Ball at it the pretends Tuileries to be is . " put off , owing to the indisposition of ' Our Special Correspondent . ' The asparagus and strawberries have been taken out of ice . " " No new magazine has appeared to-day . " " " The Ladies Saturday have taken Review to wearing has apolo their gised own to hair the . " Girl of the Period for its libel . " " A dinner took place in London , at which neither saddle of mutton nor boiled fowls were noticed in the menu " " The Poet Laureate has publicly confessed that his last poems , published in certain periodicals , were written for him by Mr . Martin Tupper . " This last was too much for us . Tupper never wrote anything as bad as that , whatever his faults may be—and they are proverbially numerous .
Making Light Of It.—The Recent Decision ...
Making Light of it . —The recent decision in the Court of Arches has satisfied nobody . The High Church party grumble a opponents t a judgment insist so that entirel , as far y adverse as they are to themselves concerned , , the while s-candle their remains .
Woman's Word-Book. *
For The Use Of Our Young Friends. {Cojtt...
FOR THE USE OF OUR YOUNG FRIENDS . { cojttimced ) . Economy . —Spending five shillings to save sixpence . Eden . —A garden where bonnets were unknown and scandal uninvented . Woman soon gave notice to quit . Employment . —Something that must be found for the poor . Engaged . —Occupied for a time in making a fool of a man . Enoicgh . —Obsolete . Ensi uniform gn . —At . first blush , a boy ; but on closer inspection , a Envelope . —A companion of the Bath ( post ) which hides a multitude of faults . Envy . —The echo of the first serpent's his . Equal . —In woman ' s algebra , a term always signifying more or less . Eve . —The only woman who never threatened to go and live with her mother . Extravagance— . Measuring your husband ' s purse by the length of your richer neighbour's . Eye . —A telegraph office whose superintendent has a " pupil always ready to take your message or flash back a reply . Face . —A sketch given us by Nature to be filled up in colours . False . —A stern reality now-a-days—e . g ., chignons . Family . —Laurels , or olive branches , as the case may be . Fan . —An article without which no lady ' s dress is complete or decent . Fascination . —The art of nailing an admirer to his seat . Part of the Old Serpent ' s legacy . Fashion . —The modern Juggernaut , always asking for new victims . Father . —The only author who does not expect his works to pay . Favour . —A ticket-of-leave to see your friend transported for life . Feather . —The only thing she wants to be the lightest of creatures . Female . —As much an insult to a woman as " black man " is to a nigger . Fickleness . —A quality which never changes its false quantity . Fiction . —Tales of constancy . Fig-Leaf . —Crinoline before the fall . Eve ' s first dress with a trimming . Figure . —Generally a representation of something supposed to exist . Flattery . —A refreshment she can never have too much ofwith or without butter . , Flirtation— . Trotting out the favourites for the Maiden Stakes . Fortune . —Mammon ' s Madonna . Frown . —A promise to pay at sight . Future . —Past thinking about for the present .
"Save Us From Our Friends/"
Ne A Ar Cruel Birmingh Instance Am. The ...
ne A ar cruel Birmingh instance am . The of wife Rev -bruisin . C . g H comes . Craufurd from . Old chose Swinford in the , course of an angry sermon , to gibbet his helpmate in the , pulpit , and expose her to the derision of his congregation and the world at large . Meaning to defend her , the reverend blunderer bred contrived , and to spoke let mankind bad grammar know — that though she her was language low-born , under at the - worst of times could hardly be so bad as her husband ' s . How shall we ever convince our French friends that we do not habitually sell our partners in Smithfield , when our own journals proclaim that an English clergyman has exposed his wife in Billingsgate .
Answer To Double Acrostic *N Our Last.—C...
Answer to Double Acrostic * n our Last . —Church Reform . No correct answers this time . At last we have puzzled even Ruby . A Word with the Maniacs . —A beautiful Acrostic in our next . 3 SJ o room this week .
* „ * Editor Correspondents On Any Consi...
* „ * Editor Correspondents on any consideration are Informed whatever that . Contributions Contributors should cannot make possibly copies ba of returned their articles by the if they the Publisher attach any to value Insure to attention them . Letters . * Envelopes , on purely containing business solely matters Answers , should to Acrostics be addressed should to be marked "Acrostic . ''
Tomahawk (1867-1870), April 11, 1868, page 152, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_11041868/page/10/