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September n, 1869.] THE TOMAHAWK, 123
Noble Gentle Savage reader the , do Chil...
The failure of the Albert Life Assurance...
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September N, 1869.] The Tomahawk, 123
September n , 1869 . ] THE TOMAHAWK , 123
" Tomaha Wk" At The Sea-Side,
Noble Gentle Savage Reader The , Do Chil...
Noble Gentle Savage reader the , do Child not think of the evil Prairie of the poor has left Red London Skin . The and wandered far , away from the street called , Fleet footed , —the Cross surnamed after the Chief of the Women of Charringthose terrible creatures who sweep in the kitchens of the wigwams of the Pale Faces and imbibe terrible potations of nutbrown beer , and drink great drinks of crystal-coloured fire water . He has wandered far away into the desert— : to Boulogne the brilliant , Ramsgate the rollicking , Dieppe the deceptive , and Margate the mobile- He has done all this , and surely shall he not write of what he has seen ? Most assuredly . He is at Margate . Tremble , ye who hate vulgarity—be much afraid , ye who never sink below Deal ! The poor Red Skin is at Margate ! alas ! alas ! ! alas ! ! ! So much for a preface . read Do you fu know rther anything in this about article Margate if ? d If orUt you do , please safel don ' t continue any . ; you , you may y History of Margate . Margate was discovered early in the twelfth century , and built in the tenth . It was the birth-place of the celebrated Temple Bar of Fleet street , and the whole of the Pike family . was Hence here its that name William — -Mar- the gate , Conqueror i . e ., the mother came of after the the turnp passing ikes . of It the Bill of Rights at Runnymede . Since then the inhabitants have been great hands at " bills . " The following is a specimen : — TT _ j . _ 1
XXOT . C 1 . Thomas Hawk , Esq ., Dr . to Nemo Knowwon . £ s . d . Sept . 1 , To apartments * 150 * „ „ pennyworth service f ... of paper 2 1 6 6 ^ 186 It is said that Margate once was a part of France . Our readers must clearly understand that we refuse flatly to give up our authority for this assertion . This was about the Middle A that ges— time rwho we have hear since nothing resided about a good the deal place at the until place last . From year , when Brown ' s aunt went there and saw a good deal of the Robinsons , who know Smith { our Smith , not the Smith who married sacred ive the ground hi Miss stor J of ackson private ) , a life te ? — On No but second one this cares thoughts is a intruding in whether , why upon sh Oliver o lid the I g of Cromwell Orange died did y d there ye there Marg or not . He ? Apropos went to M , it argate is said p in that the the winter Prince an quite Orange blac , and k ! found I should the not place have so very menti cold oned that this he lit began tle on dit look but take for two Lord reasons Maccawley —firstly has , because omitted by to some insert unaccountable it in his history mis- ; in secondly the North , because of Irel the and little . story may please some of my readers
Exports of Margate . nant Chiefl in the y the town letter . Perhap " H . " s At it is least sent , you to Ramsgate never find where that in conso truth - for it is " much W " by needed the shopkeepers . The letter . " V" also is largel , y exchanged Imports of Margate . rib ald tomfoolery grammar , . vulgarity , cads , snobs , drunkenness , oaths , and large Sho quantities pmen and . women Moses and are . also Noses imported always , during on hand the . season in The Hall by the Sea . When On a the sailor sands induces . Conducted a family of by six the to patronize boatmen his of pleasure the town (?) . boat , he considers that he's obtained a very good " haul by the sea . "
r i * * Evidentl A room at y on the foreign back , with duty a ; sp no lendi one came l view near of a me dead . wall .
Noble Gentle Savage Reader The , Do Chil...
The Jetty of Margate . A sort of pier into the seas . Mild wags have been known to declare it " a worthy pier of the harbour . " The name is taken from there ' the s a song French about ; in fact it , called , in Offenbach " Si j ' etai 's s , Orfihe " or , ' e as aux we spell Enfers it , "Seajetty . " It is here that the Margate world promenades . It is made of iron , because it has to bear a great deal of brass / The Assembly Room . will " A find place plenty to send of females a happy to Dey his ; " taste for in . it There the amiable are balls Oriental here occasionally—balls , however , which have nothing to do with " great guns . " ¦ ft 'TTn UAiniiN U A rVXT TT * K T / I TV j A iv nTTT xairs \ TT ? \
. rxji . U . vx ^^ x , o . These charming carriages are unquestionably a great improvement upon the London cabs . The horses that drag them into and out of the water stay at Margate only three months ; they devote the rest of the year to winning races in France . * Margate Fashions . It is the fashion in Margate to watch the bathing from the shore . This fashion is known in London as the " snob ' s survey It is . " the fashion in Margate to bully and brag ; to persecute bility the police . This , and fashion to howl is at known anything in London approaching as the to " respecta rowdy's - waggery It is the . " fashion in Margate for the police to occasionally interfere . At these times the visitors are rather severely handled . This fashion is known in London as the " cad ' s desert . " ***** *** ing I think There case I , ( ought I in think point to that of print fact will , in do my the for own interests the —/ present was of . the science Before patient , the I conclude ) , follow which - , will , or should be , reported , in the columns of our excellent contemporary , the Lancet :- — Notes of a Case of Extreme Nausea—a caution . By Dr . JLardner Esculapius . Monday . —Was called in , and found the patient weeping bitterl was y . sick He was and nervous could not , irritable eat . I , administered and half insensible stimulants . . He Tuesd very ay . — , Delirious . Raves about " dummy" advertisements , and quotes doggrel from some Conservative comic paper . Ordered a strait waistcoat . Wednesday . —Still delirious . Raves about some Conservative comic paper . Declares he sees horrible cartoons , senseless and out of drawing . Ordered a Seidlitz powder . very Thzcrs sick day in the —K afternoon little better . Ord . Delirious ered tincture in the of iron morru . * ng , and read Friday the . — Pall Decidedl Mall y Gazette better , but for still five weak minutes . I at allowed a time him . Ad to - ministered stimulants . been Saturday brought . — on Quite by the well patient . I ascertained imprudentl that y reading the nausea Will-d ' - had the-Wisp , which is very bad at this time of the year . I am happy to say I am quite recovered now . The sea-bathing , and I am Oxfor now d winning off to the the machines boat-race . , The cured sun me is . shining brightlyme the ? water is as smooth as glass . Sweet reader , do you envy
Foreign Policies 0* The Ate Vv School.
The Failure Of The Albert Life Assurance...
The failure of the Albert Life Assurance Company threatens to become an awkward question for the Foreign Office . It whole Seems face that the of Euro Albert pe ' s and victims meetings are distributed are already throughout taking place the in several Continental , cities . The North German policyholders and against have trie . alre proposed otdy passed scheme resolutions for reconstruction against liquidation , and call for a declaration of bankruptcy in the usual course . With ment this view and they it have is no requested t unlikel that intervention the matter of their Govern become troublesome , . , y may
* A fact .
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Sept. 11, 1869, page 123, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_11091869/page/11/