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Il6 THE TOMAHAWK. {September n, 1869.
No. IX., Price is., BRITANNIA for SEPTEM...
The Duke of Edinburgh has arrived at the...
Again this gallant age is down upon the ...
The papers that delight in personalities...
In the evidence given by the sister of t...
We cannot sufficiently admire the courag...
We are glad to see that one Englishman, ...
It seems that, owing to the contemplated...
of The Dean Chu Stanley rch N being ews ...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Il6 The Tomahawk. {September N, 1869.
Il 6 THE TOMAHAWK . { September n , 1869 .
No. Ix., Price Is., Britannia For Septem...
No . IX ., Price is ., BRITANNIA for SEPTEMBER , NOW READY .
London, September 11 , 1869.
LONDON , SEPTEMBER 11 , 1869 .
The Week.
The Duke Of Edinburgh Has Arrived At The...
The Duke of Edinburgh has arrived at the Sandwich Islands . We hope that he will not try and do a stroke of business there by selling the natives cold beef and pickles cheap , else the nation may have to pay for his extravagant generosity .
Again This Gallant Age Is Down Upon The ...
Again this gallant age is down upon the weaker sex . A correspondence is at this moment raging on the subject of the " Waist of the Period J" Cuibono ? Surely every day proves that the real waste of the period , as far as woman is concerned , is—words !
The Papers That Delight In Personalities...
The papers that delight in personalities are full of General Pi-inrs French journey . They insist that he has gone to Paris to see his mother-in-law , and to Vichy for the hot water . Taking into consideration the condition of Spain , the General ' s excursion must be strongly suggestive of home .
In The Evidence Given By The Sister Of T...
In the evidence given by the sister of the poor little girl who was shot at Wormwood Scrubs through the most culpable carelessness on the part of some Volunteers , she deposed most clearly and decidedly that on telling one of the Volunteers who was at the Range that they had shot her little sister , the brute answered , " Serve her right . " As the girl says she should know the monster again—and it is not likely she could forget such a choice specimen of ruffianism—it is to be hoped that no time will be lost in discovering the name of the brute , and in expelling him with every ignominy from the corps which he disgraces . The Volunteers owe it to themselves to show by every means their horror and disgust at this piece of brutality on the part of one of their number . It would be well if he could be literally kicked out of his corps . Should his name transpire before we go to press , we shall have great pleasure in holding him up to the execration of mankind .
We Cannot Sufficiently Admire The Courag...
We cannot sufficiently admire the courage and almost Roman devotion to duty shown by the Empress of the French . It must have involved no slight struggle for one of so sensitive a nature to leave her husband when he was so unwell . But duty and the interests of France demanded that she should go , and she went . Here was no selfishness of sorrow . The Emperor could bear his illness alone ; if the Empress had deferred her visit to the South , not only would the anxiety on account of her husband ' s health have been much greater , but the disappointment of many loyal persons would have been inevitable . A woman who can thus free herself from the sentiment of sorrow s o as to be capable of action is very rare indeed . It can have been no pleasure-trip to the Empress j the world is too slow to
We Cannot Sufficiently Admire The Courag...
appreciate such real unselfishness and heroism , and to attribute to heartless indifference what really is the result of painful repression of feeling and magnanimous self-control .
We Are Glad To See That One Englishman, ...
We are glad to see that one Englishman , at least , has been found who is not afraid to row against the American champion on the Thames , and that it is finally settled that Sadler is to represent this country against Browne . It appears that Renforth , though Browne had had the pluck to come from New York for the purpose , declines to race him over the Putney and Mortlake course . The matter is scarcely one for public comment , except that it serves to illustrate the fact we have so repeatedly pointed out—namely , that the clap-trap talk about English generosity is sheer nonsense . Here is a man who has come all the way across the Atlantic , thwarted in his object simply because his English rival will not travel three hundred miles to his three thousand . Not being a sporting print , we know nothing of the ins and outs of the question , but , looking on as mere spectators , we can only say it does not do much credit to our national large-heartedness . However , pro tern ., Sadler is the real English champion , and the American , if he wins , may justly go home and say we can show no better man .
A Sop For Cerberus.
It Seems That, Owing To The Contemplated...
It seems that , owing to the contemplated financial reforms in be France left at , it the is estimated disposal of that Government a surplus of at sixty the close million of francs the year will increase 1869 . Of of this small amount salaries , twenty of persons millions holding will be official applied appoint to the - ment and twenty s ; twenty million millions s towards towards the reduction the reduction of the of octroi the land duty tax on ; wines While entering we congratulate Paris . our neighbours on the soundness of use their they pecuniary propose position to make , and of forty comp out liment of the them sixty on million the excellent s saved millions we must to admit the that good we is to scarcel be devoted y understand to cheapening why the last the twenty drink , France of the Parisians , and the . provincial Of cours population e , we are has well always aware admitted that Paris its re is - cent sponsibility repair ; but having it is scarc to keep ely equitable the capital that in the a Parisians state of magnifi should - talked alone enjoy of removal the advantage of the wine s of duty a substantial will surely saving create , and no little the discontent Mr . Lowe ' outside next surp the lus barriers were to . be What expended would Eng in providing shmen say gin if within is very four much miles what of M Chari . Magne ng Cross ' s sche me half amount price s to . yet this \ s ^ zm ^^ i ^ mzz ^ iiii ^^^ zm ^^ iimi ^ m
A Moderate Suggestion,
Of The Dean Chu Stanley Rch N Being Ews ...
of Dean Chu Stanley rch N being ews of nominated last week , for in a discussing Bishopric , th declared e possibility that " there are times when rebellion is not only excusable , but a positorious tive duty abetter , " and of that heretics such a be time chose may n by be the at Government hand should to a no act - as a spiritual head of the Church . No doubt , as the Church News suggests , there are exceptions justif to som m ost y it egr rules ; e but e of ; the and pop Chu u although lar rch aversio Ne rebellio ws n , is certain on n is dangerous generall circumstances y grounds regarded mig when with ht fere it makes nce with the the recommendation liberty of the , Press for , on mi ght e sam " not e princi only b e , excus inter- - able , but a positive duty , " when it would become the immediate business of the Government to seize and demolish our seditious contemp periodical orary professing , and , much a policy as we so all deep sho ly uld religio mourn us th and e loss so trul of y justic using Christia e such to n admit as indecent that , that of th language if e Chu our rc conte h as we m w porary s have , we quoted s we hould re suppress ha it v would e in e d serve for er it perfectly right . ,
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Sept. 11, 1869, page 116, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_11091869/page/4/