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September n, i369.j THE TOM AH A WK. 121
jplo* &—$&x. &qttiQ*h$, tfje Hatoger* {C...
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September N, I369.J The Tom Ah A Wk. 121
September n , i 369 . j THE TOM AH A WK . 121
The Zvatiojv:
Jplo* &—$&X. &Qttiq*H$, Tfje Hatoger* {C...
jplo * &— $ & x . & qttiQ * h $ , tfje Hatoger * { Continued from page no . ) XXVII . this " An morning old gentleman 1 brought , before named Mr John . Knox Branscombe charged , with a musician attempting , was defendant self-destruction and made by drowning an earnest . Mr . appeal Squigsby for his appeared release for . Mr the . charge Branscombe of , her ' s father daughter . It also appeared joined that in the the entreaties defendant for had the been disv readin some Squi ery gsby despondent temporary the exp def lained enda of embarrasment n late could t a , and ev be ere hi easil l s e in sso rash y money n removed u atte on mp h matters is . t was co Mr nduct . , attributed Knox whic and h , a Mr Mr fter to . . Squigsby g undertaking that he should p be looked after , for the w future ith his , he solic was itor discharged and daughter . The , was defendant apparentl , who y quite left bewildered the court at the proceedings . " Gazette This was of what the descr had i take ptive n paragrap lace . No h in wonder that evening old ' ohn s Pall Brans Mall - p J was comb still e was mor e astonished ildered at when the l Mr awy . e Squi r ' s sudden gsby insisted generosity upon . his He h um av brella ing a sui t nd of to new enable cloth es m to nd a i de n th ese w ne hat cessari , and e a new he compelled ; him , to accept a loan of p thirty pounds , payable three , m ow n hs ersonal after date sec , u at rit ten ! per Was cent there , interest ever alone such , benevolence and upon his ? Even p Maria Branscombe y , who still maintained a sort of mystesomewhat rious terror softened for Mr in . S her quigsby manner , with when out e she xactl saw y knowing her father wh so y , altered for -the better . his " You daug may hter depend as he brushed upon it , his my new dear , hat " said , " Mr that . Branscombe Mr . Squigsb to y it has . " a large heart—a very large heart ; only he don ' t often show Mr " . You Squi may gsby depend is not taking upon it this , father interest , " rep in lied us his for ' daughter nothing . , " " that
J 4 . XVIII . the Mi noisiest * . Squigsb of the y , a noisy few days streets after running this , was out driving of Golden down square one of . The street was lighted , and suddenly the glare of the various demoniac coloured bottle light s throug shining h the in a windows doctor ' s of shop his threw brougham a bri . ght It was and apparentl Squigsby y in more looking by up accident caught si than ght of anything the name else of the that owner Mr . coming of the shop full within and the the reflection brilliant , bottles had scarcel . Mr . y Sc time ^ uigsb to y ' change s face , from sible red descri to ption green , , when and from he ordere green d the to blue coachman , of the to brightest stop . He pos got - out Plummy , and was went behind into the the counter shop . , It pounding was " Dr awa . Plummy y with ' a s . " pestle Dr . face and mortar tied up in in a savage a white noisy handkerchief manner , and , was a small sitting boy on , with a chair his , evidently waiting for the completion of the compound , and looking sort of fascination on in the of interval mingled at terro the r doctor and curiosity ' s proceedings . with a e < with " Will half you a-dozen oblige boxes me , " said of tooth Mr . -powder Squigsby and as a he coup went le in of , ink-extractors - ? " The "Why doctor , " , said looked Mr . up Squi . gsb " Why y , " , it surel is , y , if it I is mistake Mr . Squi not gsb , y . Dr " . Plummy " It is . , " " said the doctor ; and then , sternly addressing the will small allow boy with me a the respite swollen in the face preparation , he said : " of Perhap your s medicines , Sir , you the to wai door t upon ?» Mr . Squigsby , whose carriage I see is waiting at proceeded The small to boy crawl gave into a sort the of shop gasp -window of relief in , " and order Dr to . Plummy produce the " articles How ' s business required , by Doctor his customer ? " said . Mr . Squigsby , leading the conversation " A good deal 4 " , much Sir , " sickness said Dr . about Plummy , eh , ? re " appearing from the bourhood window j just " a great now ; many but my disorders system of raging treatment about , Sir , this is active neigh — -
looked very act w ive hite . . No " I half think measures you said with a coup me le . " of The ink- small extractors boy , Sir ? " useful " Make . " it half-a-dozen , " said Mr . Squigsby ; " they ' re always " Thank you , Sir , " said the doctor . " Upon my word I really don the ' retail t know business what would . A period becom of e general of my profession rheumatism if it or wasn influenza ' t for is and good hair -oil a certain is very ex muc tent , h better a br . isk Here dem ' and a for cas c e orn however plaisters , " he inte continued resting from , pointing a medical to point the small of view boy . We on ' the e been chair treatin , " mos g him for ever so many things ; but his head won ' t go down . answer We ' re go to in that g in at I am present afraid we ne shall uralgia have with to him deal ; rather but if he activel don ' t with his back teeth , . " y The small boy looked intensely miserable , and began to whimper defthe . Sc " ience Don ' of let M edicine be obsti or we nate shall , then have . Don recou ' t let rse him to . Surgery y . Anything else , Mr . S , quigsby , Sir , to day ? No soap , Sir ? or skin-brushes ? or the newvermin-powder ?' the chases " door No . , th as ank Oh if , t b h y the , matter Doctor way , " , n " he q and uestion said Mr , t . u S rnin quigsb g round y took just as cross up he his re e ached d pur his - is mind getting , " , on ? I ' ve not e ho seen w yo her ur since patient I , met old you Mrs there . Rig . sworth How , is the ll she will Going , Doctor at f ast , ? " Sir me , " sa e id did Dr , for . Plummy she never ; " would it ' s luck have y she been m abl ade e the to make cold weat one since her c . omi It ' g just in . w Shouldn hat I sai ' d e , Sir p : rised going , Sir hear , wit the h news tomer at and any a time first- . rate More patient ' s the . " pity ; I shall lose a good cusbroug shop quite " I . ham loud am He sorry . he mi threw ght to hear hav himself e it , " een said back ; I Mr upon t . directl Squ his igsb y seat y , as got and he i lau l eft ghed th his e " This will be a game , " he said .
XXIX . bursting " What into do hi you s daug think hter , ' s my presence dear ? " — cried and dancing Mr . Branscombe frantically , round Here ' the joy ! room Here . ' " s What unexpected do you bliss think ! Here ? H ' ere cherubs ' s happ si iness tting ! up " aloft More for likel you m ! I , can father ' t bel , " ieve said but his what daughter I ' m , dreaming quietly . . " say No it . , not I heard mad . him I heard myself it . with It my is all own about ears you . , I my heard darling him , daug and you hter deserve , and you it . deserv You ' e ve it . been " a good , devoted , affectionate " But what is it ? " Squigsb " Mr . y , Squigsb you pussy y , " - said cat-mew her . father Mr . Squi with gsb a y sl , y you laug good h , y " Mr two . shoes . " " Mr . Squigsby again ! It ' s always Mr . Squigsby now . " posed you " Yes think for , " said ? you Your , Mr my . bri ^ Branscomb dear ght . eyes He have wants e , " and struck our it al consent him ways hard will to . be his He . marry What has pro ing do - you " . Mr " . Squigsby marry rne ! " cried the girl in unfeigned surprise " Won . " ' Wh t have y , I him hate ! " the cried man old — Mr and . " Branscombe I won ' tjiave . him " Won . " 't have riages him I and Won horses ' t have , and the no great end Mr of . money Squigsb a y year I Won —and ' t you have with car- - out " a No penny , I won , my ' t have dear him !" , " repeated the girl . " Won'thave him , and I getting into'debt to him , ' andhe lending me security money ! , What and onl is to y become at ten per of us cent if he . — comes and on down my upon personal me gentleman again ? Mr , . " but Knox he is ' s a a severe good mag one— istrate and , " I went shouldn on 't the like my old enemy " Oh to ! father stand , " in screamed my shoes the if I g get irl , before " don ' t him speak again like !" that . I will marry Mr . Squigsby !" of Within Maria Branscombe a fortnight Mr . . Squigsby became the lawful husband ( To be continued . —Commenced 111 No . 116 . )
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Sept. 11, 1869, page 121, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_11091869/page/9/