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2?3 THE TOMAHA WK. \December n, 1869.
The tl Penny Dinner " fever has once mor...
Is Ramsgate becoming fashionable in its ...
Chapter IV.—In which Things do not go on...
b the ag He . public He would , is Mr as...
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[Note The Dalila .—Mr. Of Palgrave M. Oc...
the He Tenor did so , and an old caug rui ht n th illu em m up inated , the gu ilty a stra pair n , the S eird iren light and , that was not , moon-light , , nor sun-light , nor candle-light . was As the he p stoo uffing d waiting of two , he superannuated heard the noise omnibus of hard horses breathing drawi — ng it with In diffic a moment ulty an he aged was cab at . the door of the vehicleand readto shoot through the box , y
. The mad buffoon put his head out of the window . and " I pointed am going to the to Switzerland weird portmanteau with my on dead the daug roof . hter , " he said , nothing Caspar else was but so unequal which he to did the . occasion that he could do the And dead where of ni was ght ? the , At Princesse the time all of this the young while , man all ' s death s while ? at Wh V V JLJL y J se W \* ated - * . * . ^* X * in AA . J . a - ** ball ¥ ~^ * - * . * . * dress ^ AA VwW in ill a «^> gondola C V 11 VIV / AU . I . Who T T J- ^ VJ" was TV V * - ** in -AJ . * the I « JIA \^
gondola ? Why , a very mild man in a black chimney-pot hatman it was . her And lover what ; were a roug they h man doing in a ? n overcoat—it was the boat-Wh The y boatman , the lover ( in ( in the the middle bows ) ) was was shiv sniggering ering ! ! ! gay And guita the r ! Princesse ! J ( in the starn ) was playing a turie upon the THE END .
2?3 The Tomaha Wk. \December N, 1869.
2 ? 3 THE TOMAHA WK . \ December n , 1869 .
Cheap, And Very Nasty.
The Tl Penny Dinner " Fever Has Once Mor...
The Penny Dinner " fever has once more seized the London in public which , and Australian the papers meat are is packed lete with for descri the Eng ptions lish market of the mode , and ing dissertations classes of the metrop boon olis it must ; but ultimatel if we may y judge prove to froni the the work de- - scri Lambeth ption Baths given , by to which the T ei imes ghteen ' reporter hundred of the working banquet men at were the then invited and , it there would made seem to their txi be more minds , far in more future like to ly , live that oh herrings guests
than and LUUll potatoes 4 inves A . 1 . 1 . VJ . IXIWI t 4 , ^ or d . XXKIU other a pound . ^ up f \ articles * in — ' * 1 Australian of X 11 AXU food . O A . J . X within 1 UCU mutton 1 U their \ . \ J 11 . VV mean its - UU nutritious XlV s , r a ther UC 1 < J properties notwithstanding . The Times honestly , remarks" The best that can be said for the meat at last evening ' s stew dinner , it is certainl that it y was was w holesome particularl ; for y , whether palatable . n Th a m e sau e sages or a se UV > rved i v vv « with w » * v-Aia . hot « . a . ^ s- potatoes JT * - *•*¦ v ^ ¦ w * j - were ^** ^ # something ^ wi * 4 \« bAi , tAlt like xi »\ . ^ , the VX 1 V German ^ -4 \ - ^ J . XX & UXJ
of sau the sag company e , though on scarcel the y meat so eatable rolls was ; but that the they criticism tasted of much some better not bad when , but th ' e meat minced was m take eat n out . rice The ' was stew an , as execrable a whole , dish was . board There , > but vere nothing large pieces approaching of prepared to the meat size of uncooked a mutton on chop a side was - laid ' finel before y minced the ' guests before . being In fact cooked , the , Au and stral when ian being meat cooke must d , be It m liii ust iisb b »_? e w allowed utiu it \^ v ~« . to bv * bjwx ste >' w T'v very * w » y g £ ^\ en ^ iJ . i tl . Ljr y * , and Miivi be u / v ^ well * v \** x stirred £ j v *« . x >^ vfc
occasionally . ' " Notwithstanding that after-dinner resolutions were passed in fav Eng ou land r of , we promoting cannot believe the cons that um the pti good on of Lords Australia and n gentlemen meat in dred who got guests tip th , ar e demonstration e likely to give , any an more y practical than the suppo eighteen rt to hun the - were movem to take ; but upon , nev itself erth the eless benevolent , if a Limit task ed Liability of feeding C the omp hun any - gry ( at a cheap rate ) , it would surely deserve to succeed *
Ghastly Gaiety.
Is Ramsgate Becoming Fashionable In Its ...
Is Ramsgate becoming fashionable in its old age ? It seems for to have a ball gone is announced so far alread to take y as to lac start e at a the " Winter Granville Season Hotel , " is one occasioning day this week in , the which shape , to of judge p small from paragraphs the sensation in odd it _ As corners if the of visitors the newspapers to Ramsgate , is meant at the to present be quite season an event were . room hot sufficientl the announcements y numerous of above themselves referred to to fill state the ball that
" Special , arrangements have been made for the conveyance of visitors in its attractiveness to and from London . Imagine . " Ram going sgate this is certainl weather y confident ( or any « . )!¦! m * i , piii ww . iinnnw !; -i . — - <—¦»¦— —« . » .- — .., — , — — ¦¦¦ pi . . ¦ — ¦ . ¦¦ . — ¦¦ ¦ H i ¦¦»«»¦ » i iH-. y-HT * ¦¦¦ ! ¦ Miiiip — . ¦»—¦> . —— . ¦ .
Is Ramsgate Becoming Fashionable In Its ...
gate weather , least , if of it comes all ) , travelli to that ng ) to ghty a ball miles at a b seaside y tgain town to get ( Rams there - , ing and ! com If the back ball at the a " Granville special" Hotel three does o ' clock answer in the the expec morn - - tatio scene ns —with of its a promoters vengeance , . it will , indeed ^ be a gay and festive
Mejform In Olympus.
Chapter Iv.—In Which Things Do Not Go On...
Chapter IV . —In which Things do not go on as SMOOTHLY AS COULD Bfe WISHED . the Some world six had months Undergone had some passed wonderful away , and improvements the government at the of hands of the Provisional Committee of the Heaven and Earth Reform Association .
By the way , we ought to drop the epithet " Provisional , " for the Committee ympus had had been now changed become very permanent much for , at the least better , for . a There ydar . were plenty of public-houses there now , at which the members of the various deputations , that were constantly travelling to themselves and fro by . th The e Aeri tobacco al Navi a g nd atio coal n Compa smoke ny together ' s cars , c were ould rapidl refresh y
bluen makin e ss the of atmosp the sky here was being ss pai ton nf ed ully down pure . and the oppressive It was always beautiful weather now on earth , owing to the ad mirable reform in the Sun ' s conduct , carried into effect that at the the suggestion constant summer of Publius days Pryor became * a The little onl monptohous y . fault was : in H . JL . . fact 1 UV ( . * , « a - * . slight JllgliW modification Ai . i . water \ JU . AlXUM > bAV became / X * had AAC ^ X-A . to W V be S- ^ W intr AAA « i ~ K . oduced V / V 4 MVVU external « , for A V . , as «~* . tj
there lication was no this rain useful , fluid was not scarce much . missed As aW but ' as be € r app , ; m it difficulty ust was be r made e was solved to with decide to water have which , its rain value day on it was one should day tardil in be y . every rec Against ogn wee feed . k . ev ; the rSo ery day one that was w tried as proposed ; but then some the objection working was classes found . remdiistrated First , M 6 nthe strongl other y . day Sa s turday something & l , of co Was ur se J going , was o oil ut of somewhere the question which » l , © stood n all
C . li . \ B « \~ f bXX \^ l V-1 . C * . V UXS . a-.. W kXtllXg * T »^ X ^* . B . «^ ^ r ** ww * aa- ^» * v ¦* . * 'W <»> ^ . r * A * V * A * > iVVW \ 4 in the way . So , in order td please all parties , it was arranged that Sunday it sh morning ould always , and rain during between church three time arid . To seven this arrangem o ' clock ev en ery t nobody could object . ' ¦¦¦ land But and still farmers , when , three in short month , the s agricultural or so had passed interest by , began , owners tp re of - fl U ect pon that this if disco there very were the agricultural no ^ seasons interest there would took be to ag no itation crops . . However However , as as they thev were Were in in a a minority niirioritv . and and as as there there was was still still
p lenty utterl of , beer y disregard arid gin ed , and . bread and , cheese ¦ . '* ' . their . agitation Things had been niade pleasant in ' lip any , cither ways . All - law taxes % o th at at n abolish first si ed ht it an would d no d seem ebts * were recoverable h to live at . officials But ; diffic and ulties the presented army , having g themselves no pay , even took , easy jtiere to tajang enoug ; . foi f what tlie public they , too The could , in police get the , , a most too process , refused unaccountable which to act led , as to way there several , refused were cJisptite rio 1 to . ftmds ' s give . Tr " aiiy wherewith && esmen credit . ,
became to to pay oav them them more ; : common and and . , consequentl consebuehtlv even than y , . crimes crimes they were of of robbery robbery before . and and vi violence olence . But the rriost brilliant innovation introduced was the Wdtk of that original genius , Decimus * Brutus Potts . It occulted to hint mig that ht if be men able and to women discover could internal tak comp e themselves laints before td > they |> iedes tSeCame , 'tney wash dangerous his brains . For with instance cold water , a man or bathe might his clean heart his ifr stomach salt water , or 01 touch this nis liver liver 00 the , manaaic mandate issued issucuand the tne ,
or oucn up up . . So me w was «* s , , ana hiimari was The given result frame , the was became iip- rather trairis disjoiiitable alarming for Olympui . at the Two were option days loaded , of after its witl tlilS possessor ) a p 6 . Col wer - . lection But we of must human reserve beings details in the for most the strange next chapter state . of tiistoiiidh .
B The Ag He . Public He Would , Is Mr As...
b the ag He . public He would , is Mr as . and amusing Woodin he , Woodin has as of returned yore . — , and That . to London deli very ghts old with thousands . favourite his carpet by of his clever impersonations and not less clever songs . To be guilty enough of in a the mild provinces joke , —he ; it was has hig been h time " bagging thatae " . should it quite return long to town to take a haul / He has , —the Egyptian !
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Dec. 11, 1869, page 272, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_11121869/page/10/