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264 ~ THE TOM AH A WK. {December n, 1869...
be M translated r. Wilkie into Collins D...
form Good of reli Chri gion stians which...
of TheJ Sii KKe threat " di!" of t^ the ...
i ( ASSES . -1 —..I 1 IN .1 11 i TIGMRS .r . - i,iii«..n.i... ' ii l— SXlMSi - •. . • ••• • ->m ¦• .< •,-> .-. ¦ . ¦ (• ¦ ;;• •- - • ¦• <'¦ < -. . ¦ ;. . ; . r .. . .
The parish of St. Pahcras certaihly inte...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Treason Is Rampant In Ireland. Sedition ...
a degraded terrorism as these cowardly assassins have hitherto successfully exercised . It is not sufficient , we repeat , to be passively loyal or honest ; it * is not sufficient even to express openly abhorrence of Fenianism and agrarian crime ; it is only by concerted action of the most vigorous kind that the law Can
be vindicated . It is not possible for the executive to bring these murderers and incendiaries to justice , without the aid of the more respectable portion of the community , except at the cost of many innocent persons ; and the cowardly scoxindrels , who direct uirecc those uiose secre secret t societies societies , ^ know Know this tms . . They x ney know iciiow well wen enough euuugn
that in any other country , and under any other government , the £ aols would now be crowded with persons arrested on sxispicion , or for previous complicity in murder . They know that under many other governments , in Poland , for instance , —under the genial sway of America ' s pet ally Russia , —the bloocT of the
people would be flowing like water , were one hundredth part of the crime and treason to exist there that now flaunts itself before the public eye in Ireland . We have heard quite enottgh this about lying Saxon , and tyranny braggadocio , & c , ^ & and c . ; treachery it is time , and to put violence an end to they all are becoming mischievousnot to their professors and practisers ,
but to innocent industrious , men , whose peace and prosperity are of some moment to this country . These vile vermin may begin to believe , as much as they can believe anything , that England fears them . It is because she does not fear therii that she lets them alone . But this contemptuous treatment may
inspire them with courage—if that is possible . They are not likely ever to face soldiers * muskets or cannon . Open warfare is not in their way , but they may take to thieving , and arson , and assassination on a still larger scale . We say again , therefore , let all the honest and true men in Ireland , of whatever party or
creed , exterminate these abominations . There is no need to hang or to shoot them . A sound flogging would make them loyal to-morrow . They would not brave such a punishrneiit twice . If the people of Ireland are determined to submit to the tyranny of these creatures , they must . We have warned
them of the possible consequences : we have warned them that from wearied and disgusted England may come the cry to sever all ties between us and Ireland ; that we may leave that country to the miserable fate which self-government implies , and for ever , in the positive assurance that , let who will conquer it , it will ever be a source of weakness and shame , not of Strength arid glory . ¦
264 ~ The Tom Ah A Wk. {December N, 1869...
264 ~ THE TOM AH A WK . { December n , 1869 .
Honourable Thieves.
Be M Translated R. Wilkie Into Collins D...
be M translated r . Wilkie into Collins Dutch ' new what novel , m " Man Mr and . Wilkie Wjie , Collins " is to pears is week to , be from in paid which a for letter the the addressed use novelist , made , to boasts of on his e of that work our . he , contemporaries At has least broug , so ht it ; last ap the - without authors Dutch publishers remunerating should be , who treated him threatened , and to their deal to . senses t print with . as " Man In to this how and tHe , forei Wif last gn e " letter tracts his of a severe not uninteresting strictures on - th . correspondence e morality of , the Mr proprietors . Collins , rte of no no the lo lo Stiver nger nger the the magazine thieves thieves , and and and proclai robbers robbers ms which which to the , at at wprl first first . d sight sieht t ji ^ t , . they he he took took are
them to be . , , laws For of internatio part , without nal copyri entering ght and into the the vexed rights question arid wrongs of the of Bro British thers authors , of the , we Hague are , inclined have at to no think time that appeared Messrs to . Belinfante disadvantage their iii final the decis discussion ion , " to now pay , and we presume have do , ne concluded with it , " ; is ar a id cou that rse attack of mpderation upon them and , that generosity gentleman which could , after scafcel Mr . y Collins have ek ' pected sharp . now However frankl , if ow he ns has it . done his Dutch publishers an injustice , he y
A Point Of Detail.
Form Good Of Reli Chri Gion Stians Which...
form Good of reli Chri gion stians which are Mr . alread . Peabod y qyifttrelli y professed rtg over , and the the particular Congret gationalists Charles o have got Reed , the , so , one far best of as the of the it executors . controversy " Take , in my a letter word , at present to for an it , Independent ; * gone writes , seem Mr . minister our own , order " Our . late I closed departed his eyes friend in . death was a . " Congregationalist of the ( . Would V V matter V / ^_ f . J _^_ a _ A it fe rest A not * ^^ V ? appear ^^ §^ What »^ ^^ 1 T ill to ^ ^^ P De *^ ^^ ¦ the **¦¦ abod ^^ more dbAA ^^ dfc ^^ decent ^ 4 » ^* ^^ ^^ A 4 * # all course ^^ ^^ V know ^^ H iV ^^ here * ^^ well 4 b ^^ to ^^^ let 4 b ^^ * F
these bickerings of ministers Mr ; Pe of reli y was gion we over his coffin , and can neither add toy nor detract from , ' ' -the respect which the good f as so n brri an £ uin for ' s all & n ame that sects : r must ^ Mr ' cd arid . ce Peabod ever parties j 6 f rel command i y g . ' held ion "' £ Tot had his impossibl in little own : { . he ¦ opinions -enough civilized y this , in may and world common stood have . Let aloof been with us phases tHe , CHri ' stian We p ity are d'f generally ! fiie nineteenth read century hto in condemn any of its the many
cussc torn hisms j not . theyVhave uncommori keen ju > princi t npw , pall pf xneir y y instrumental enoug gt ^ ifrg ; 3 meWs in effecting ' names to ; but the inst thefe itution ares e ' of xtepti " Peabod ^ ns ^ o y every ism- " as rule a , and forrii we ; would of ¦ Christianity welcdme with the heartfelt . satisfa'cti'on . •>
What's In A Name?
Of Thej Sii Kke Threat " Di!" Of T^ The ...
of TheJ Sii threat " ! " of t ^ the ears Sultan ^ % & to li deprive 6 W nia the ^ ter Viceroy -o ^ faet litfte of the islaM title the to somet be Turkish seriously hing ye 6 and f a . cpnsidered , petty Egypti ah an ^ * iri papers p ^ the iftfless East saya i . ^ , bdut j If ^^ the ^ i ^ matter Cifcztette i ^ ^^ , it a were ;' . seenis # hat , to * allud arinoiirice the Treasury ed 1 to . a that ^ , " " ^ tjie Wf e ; ? doi Prettiier . ( ibt jfladstp vdry ? '^ ' 5 mttch Biit siiri if ' lip the ply longer as right thp h to ' ohd itr tirs be ^ fa 7 t officiall 'ble BoM geri of y - tleman would { bk very seViotjsly affected thereby on ; tnjt ! th ^
Viceadop roy iTwr is ic ted eyi » iri title d r 1 eritl *» nH-l with ' « y ^ more mr \ Vf eyeri » seri cc » ri " ihpre litive a ' if'itriai ^ tetiacity and atiri he T ii «<» 6 hsjh Tnn than -rnifc j ^ s h rirt ? e use tt Gin > s hii Trt to «^ newl ¦« retain oiirl y Tr— - the His ri ght ghness of borrd ha ^ > vikt ceift rri ^ irii 6 riey ^ slibwri ; ^ aisjhg 1 ^ a ^ Mffi tni ^ s , 6 or t coiriniort pii krid ildirig ships § ense . not if in his gb ^ 1 ' inte es prpceed a lli | t ; ge f ^ nt ih . pri gs appreciatipn sjr a iee ppirit hi : ^ soi acce ijtiim of ^ what si ateria ^ n is to . i power liupprtaii as thU ; . t It and wpiild it is wh " at be pity is a good thing if Xhe ¦ ttic efbVs ^^^ frie ' ncls would advise him to adopt
not beaten the Canal hurt arg has by birie hint his a nt , wife stronger pf ' . ' ^ urel the , on y the cdaiheave , claini the grounds ^ a- on tr r on , the ' that wicio , and ; good ^ ^ it al pr p ^ ldas 6 ^ wiil ^ n € ipter - : d egt knef 1 H hei i ^ dr * setf - arid respedt the , it Ib Suez did be of which civiliseii n ^ natibiis eans very than little that if it cbiitaihetl meahs ahythiiif in tfie at title p . , % " knot Khfedive which ^' adds not a jot to His Highness e s influence and dignity .
I ( Asses . -1 —..I 1 In .1 11 I Tigmrs .R . - I,Iii«..N.I... ' Ii L— Sxlmsi - •. . • ••• • -≫M ¦• .≪ •,-≫ .-. ¦ . ¦ (• ¦ ;;• •- - • ¦• ≪'¦ ≪ -. . ¦ ;. . ; . R .. . .
i ( ASSES . -1 — .. I 1 IN . 1 11 i TIGMRS . r . - i , iii « .. n . i ... ' ii l— SXlMSi - . . ••• • - > m ¦• . < ,- > .-. ¦ . ¦ (• ¦ ;;• • - - ¦• < ' ¦ < -. . ¦ ; . . ; . r .. . .
The Parish Of St. Pahcras Certaihly Inte...
The parish of St . Pahcras certaihly intends to * leave its mark take on of the the into parochial ratep consideration ayejrs . history was 1 " held , the of ; the 1 last present nineteenth week unsatisfactbry at the centitryi Grown ; ' state Tavern A meeting of the to parish Guardians , and , and ' to bf pd ceri si s resolution ure oil tHeir s ' of conduct -wairit of ; but cbnfi ; Strange < iehcb in to sa tlie ^ , wa instead s unani df m th ousl e y discussion agreed that leading the abuses up to - ' arose ahy ' such Entirel cdndlusion y from the , it ' the apath part y bf of VS the JL thie ' mtepayers : rishion 14 . ers , kf This was act beHainhj of sel - ^ f ais -conde J illi-adserved inatibn | r WV * on as
it throw ^ l * . \* was \ J * ( t tip he V necesaary responsibility W ** V * pa UUX . i » 744 The t V of their iQliardiails rr M « 1 prdceii ISWJL V « ' J eding **** afreJ *^ ' ' onl s » 6 y n : ; other ' tWO V » WUV - r -ii people eatd V y to . \> ' s shoulde accept it rs , it ; and is difficult if tjbe to whole see of body what of' good -parishio < Governntent ners' is read inter y to - ' ho f xiuixic a erence mbi me -e to iw can cb those lu of ^ uac be vmoh nia . tyeople ^ cuuic Let -serise y \ who vviiu s view hope can van that df be uc the to til goS gvrv " e mattfer tnee /' Poor 'at ni . t - It it l , aw ' and te ro Board all an bfifrg - re ^ tid ^ y will weli the tveu to take sin for iui
" a Peccavi parcel , " over upiling the enormities taxpayers practised :. by ; together their ^ nominees - ' « : and cry weak represeritative twaddle s to ; stand but tn in ' e its Gov way ernrnent . St . Pahcras cannot " allow Workhouse any such is a cleanse disgrace this to civilization Augaean stable and humanity , the refuse , and should j if it- be b'ft thrown possible un to - flinchingly to the dogs .
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Dec. 11, 1869, page 264, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_11121869/page/2/