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December it, 1869.3 TWB TOMAHAWK. 265
be th Poultry . e " permitted iiairs HAl...
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December It, 1869.3 Twb Tomahawk. 265
December it , 1869 . 3 TWB TOMAHAWK . 265
The Suez Canajl Amd Its Influence On The British Drama.
From Our Special Correspondent. Cairo, D...
FROM OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT . Cairo , December 1 , 1 & 69 . Those of your readers wlio carefully studied my last communication tion in which will I , was I am , placed sure , have at , , the fully hour realised of its the despatch critical . . posi To - hav a a camel camel e exhausted ) , who who is is one hard hard ' s .. l iit iit ast the the bottle mouth mouth of , and and champagne has has sat sat dpwti daru 6 ft / tt the in in the the back very verv of
froin naidst ho of me the , is desert a seri , thousan ous matter ds upon i n , 4 § $ d thousands » . In \ , fact , of naile shall r ne away > f 0 r be in the sunrciehti stirrups y ^ thaiikiful the wonderful , tl & t after iiisiirict ; . a roll ojf qr the ' two brute « witli trlumpHjed Sp ^ giflpre it to over — Port he all took our Said us i * nducement at safely " a brisk into s ca to the nter urge ; p . la him ce Xes $ ¦^ - forward T ¦ 1 - ^ % you m . Jwill * * the arjd sca next , led rcely . morning hio ' bel * back ' j & ve , self exirehiei bein and . g licit suddenl in y onl the low y y stirrups we , into wit i > t fibut a througji ) , pool , and waiting of see his w med ^ for stable r . us 6 , $ n p , l fo ; j # relish ^ p get br back . ni off , the ms r / ( but ^ ^ * elf abl agmbr , tKrew , wbj ation , ph § , him > . as w ^ . 7 if - / he circums had been tances a hot arose 1 human from AX \ 111 being this . lunge i Howey I £ wilt r , jj a ^ furnish XUIi i ^ yerjr impjortant with
Ull V > UlAlOiU 4 X \/ ^> 3 CI . VOO JLAXJ . O p LUHg ^ i ,. ^ lQlt , you ¥ UU Wiiii my notes taken at the very moment of its Wove ' occurrence 7 uber 29 . 2 a . m . should Spagmore , never out trust at himself last ,, after on ar strange great trouble creature . ' s I bat told ik in him water . he . i He -at ^ is er very iv , alj £ much to Pe apno ^ A land yed at bc "( , c my % . pn manner l % f t' , tiiarl sii ^ d cprrie says _ shall h to $ ; e , ^ s caijftel iif ' w wi ^ fdr Caii titiihing ? sejt Have t ! e . be aftd / irr lias ^ % tost quite $ ne light stirr , vi ^ £ t tfif ? xl gHt a he ^ ^ £ ^ . ^ fess < it !^ e ; . tji i ^ ^ alkiii jtfie '' | pfeisjt -stickS , i ^ ' Wnd W 4 t '
ttibre red wbbl says . , ' 1 " . Oh dokdt this loipw top . p , ojt ^ w the Ker hpusje ^ fhJe . df proprietor cqtirs p ^ like 'ilfips ail . Tttrks SSpag . " - ttip I poiitt re sajy but - ? it that is he all ina . tlie £ no s £ ; ; t me be ;" , . a a ; nct ^ Sftr ^ tiialt ( t r brit iy I iri 4 ^ N aii ubian 3 f < 7 ^ . ^ r S / p ^ ag to - house so ctiiiib dt once , iip but dutside . I I know tell . the nirri it . 'M will use I 3 be b \ # ' iUsele nof hd # $ * $ 'is : $ fa ; $ ai , l ' c $ 7 f , t z % < # lo & e _ mjr s t npjt < $ ' ' ¥ tKiiik U tya £ ; ' 6 < ui l Yfo te : sidb tter ? e af say the ! r a top of the to it Turkish , and , that bu ^ , la as ^ ng far a $ as : Nt - he 1 ca Paris ^ ( remembier jEjchibitiori the , I arrangements am sure the itlqre of Turks Kidderminster -Say do * ? if W I slee atti . p carpet tiertJtiii btitside , ir ^ pf tli ful " ^ $ i l i House £ c ± ( ress % e , , tii f behi ifrfi j t ihslde nd & ow the ,. a oh lattices brick little . tkroh square Spag gh s -
one of them aj ; bhce , atibi—^^ ,, , been Have shiveri been ng twenty and sing milnutes ing in try alto ijig . to It quiet is np the iise camel , he , wpn wtoi ' t has be quiet . Spagrriare .. say ' s , " Let ^ hini , . go bjx , > jie'll wake up somebp iylitp ^ y has . " S suddeiiiy pagmbre , appeared -is right . at He ifo . has $ 9 i stirred | ier jend up pf the . the ; yard proprietor ; He , but does out iin n ripi the ine sleep du ausmoie ^ thble on the . . t i top explain ^ xpiain of . the % 1 : p 0 Hou .. Wm mm , se , , in in , or FrencK Jt , rencn behihjd that mat . ! , tfte there mere lattices are are , an
¦ s v ^ eventeen eare a litt hours le late and , ive ji ( n Jo . al notjw , f at tb . nd x ^ ep j rQ ence . g . kihg . ^ hour veiah , ^ arid sixjperice that * as of says it . lie t had dpes better not ^ rep me ly nti , but ph feels U > e stiiprup t | ie , ca . and ^ i ^ rs lyal , ^ ail ^ mg . - $ stiqljisi p ^ gitnore at ; says tuning a pnce nd , seem noyi w fork hjch r s iie ., to . % comes Spagmore dp be ; soundi put to think ibe , is ng sure prppnetbr all of it there down , be is is the seems something afrdiii . bru to ^ tlie s Heiir , lej yriqng camel ^ s libthing wi , tppk th and a , his u « 4 > Jl secon » y ^ -rifV d » is vqM *\ riii white . { iis over i ' ? r with i rf we ' ' cjiamfiagne *~ ' * *' ' ? f ** aria X" * Y is > bottles ' ( ' «»* ' * ' >¦ * X +, thought tuv workiii ^ ufittl ~ so V himself * . The 1 JUC
proprietor up fbr a row . ari ^ er , gradually gi ] , . 3 e we has fyave shaken . ax ^/ aw hi / ? fyl ^ fjng ^ ow ^ . rs . . . , Np twenty th ^ g sevje . wijl , 4 appease UJpae ^ , m t | ieJptQg gp ^ jjupre xieiQr ' s * fjace the , Upper and , I think Coptic , , msLae or Ivhooineeh use of some dialect . very . dreadful We Have language both told in him to shut up , and say what he wants . 7 a . m . , had He better is still let at him it . liaye . Spagmore it out , but says that it is it an is a o ^ great th , and pity ths we * t did we a gain ; fetch when an we interpfpter dq g [ et brie % t . oficb , as ha may have to repeat it all
From Our Special Correspondent. Cairo, D...
8 a . m . at Several last . It interpreters seems we have have d co 6 ne me for . Translation the cameland has been that the effected - prietor says " it is no use to kt 7 tt now . " He wants , twenty-seven pro bare pounds idea down and , and S the saddle has at facetiousl . a valuation offered . We him laug a h bill at the at begun three u / v _~ g U . J . J . months axiuiiiV another , . Nasty oath vuni pagmore in xxx crowd Upper v- / j- 'J ^ jv- getting * - * - Coptic ^ vyi . iui up . . y S t ^ j pagmore Proprietor ^ c ^ giiiv / x ^ says * j « . has ^ o we * v ^ again had iiuu
better walk quietly away . 8 . 30 a 7 > i . lowed No use us . . The There crowd is no , the doubt proprietor about the , and matter the camel —we shall have have folpurchase to buy the it , brute get a . good Spagmore figure for say it s at that the we Zoolog might ical , if forced Gardens to , bring and tlia a real t after live all camel he does the not whole think way it \ yill to London be half . bad We fun have to told the rietor that IXX we V " half ii 4 tJ see JUU it" and are gPing to talk it
wrinkle over IU 1 U CXX at . breakfast " prop LJi . » - » JJXH _ LWA . . Spagmore £ 11 . > V ^ .- says . JL he , has aiiM an . U 1 idea U gl » — illg a " regular LCIXIV XL . 10 a . m . Everything signed and sealed , and we have cirunk success to it the in neither Chambertin foundation of us thoug . for S a pagrriore ht great of it ages E ' s gyptian " wrinkle ago . and We " is Oriental are first to -rate make . Circus the I wonder camel Comp We We any are are . It to to is eensaffe ngage to be at at packed once once a a whole \ off vhple to- troupe tro night upe tq , beasts beasts Southampton and and all all . . direct S Soaer pag-- .
. more beasts Marsei is . lles tp S take pagrn packet charge ore . say I am s of it the to will follow troupe be a on , great and , Tuesday leave go . next b I y hav the with e not next the a doubt of it . settled Have had on securing slight disagreeables the following over , the with details as , but little have delay 1 p finall . m . as y possible : — ' Another Tivo elephants camel ( to play e " cart £ with the one we have ) .
A A - - * frCtS h man y < z 'i' 7 CjfSfji for ia ' ( to . t them 'Ilt ' spell 'O # . to our step names over , and if we lun can ch possibl with . y manage it ) . A A sheik cage , for and ditto his . family ( for drawing-room entertainment ) . An A bedouin African , ( to tiger eat champagne glasses ) . An African lion . ''"' A da 7 ici 7 idervis / iwho will not object to taking charge
generall of the beasts y useful g , swallowing . , carving knives , and making himself An A boa Egyp co 7 tian istri £ genllevtan tor . to play English parts . A portmanteau , for carriage of ditto . A A One One fei do ccrocodile zen & rocodile Turks Arab ^ , for for f horses or a a general comic comic , and utility scene scene purposes with with the the . clown clown ..
The only serious , unpleasantness we had was over the hyieiia . insists I told the Spagrnore thing can I had be done never , and seen that a " learned it would " hyce be 7 a ia . great He feature tripe lette . rs He , and says h we ave can the begi capital n with s and word full s stop of one s of liver syllable . and have I confess given in I foresee on Spagmore serious j . iu , -u inconvenience ndertaking to hand in the the training brute , over but 1 t VAU exclusivel he 4 | M 9 ivui y ^ to \ . k * the \\ % . \* tleman S aurxxi heik ^ xx ^ . who and a . famil iaiiit iss eventuall -i ^ y » . a I also aiou to objected vi uj ^ LlV / out U strong OllUUgiy l Star y to iu
and Egyptian play Othello gen . Spagmore sstys , until y he co has me got as the a langitage the Elep perfect hants , , we or can send let him hi in m for dance a short Sir Roger scene de with Coverley a red with -hot p sp oker rt , , and or lef then 'hifli , when undertake he has som gpt e trifling the thing extra business at his fingers of this ' him ends , op ' w en e can in O try ttiellp - him at at Greenwich the Oxford the in a following negro spng week , and . then let who a party \ am 1 s ays . whp off ¦ ¦ he t 6 would thinks see abput let he me can a have hyffiha introduce one . on I me have reasonable to me a party 't the terms who ContraetPr 5 . p knows . More m . , in my next .
Be Th Poultry . E " Permitted Iiairs Hal...
be th Poultry . e " permitted iiairs HAl — ks will " The YOti in be the Oxford plentiful WEkji establishment and !" and —A Cambridge the hew scent this Club season strohg Toilet hajg been , , Club np started . hvmt ' Althoug jng in will the h
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Dec. 11, 1869, page 265, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_11121869/page/3/