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¦'¦'"' ¦ - ¦ -- ¦ . . inn . i r ¦ ii i ,...
¦ ¦ " r '¦ '" - . - • .
We believe that after the next Reform Bi...
The Times, it is said, will be shortly s...
We understand that the War Office is abo...
Nobody can be found, naturally enough, t...
A slight mistake has been made by Mr. Pa...
So disgusted has the Sultan grown with t...
The Emperor has announced his determinat...
The Pall Mall Gazette is going to retrac...
We are sorry to see that some of the pri...
A very ill-natured paragraph appeared in...
Another Turkish Loan ! This time the amo...
- „ 1 mi .i.i. _ i.j ¦ 1 1 m 1 j. .. j 1 . _ .. . A BAD BEGINNING.
The scheme for the International Exhibit...
that City up Int to th elligence e time ...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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¦'¦'"' ¦ - ¦ -- ¦ . . Inn . I R ¦ Ii I ,...
¦'¦'" ' ¦ - ¦ -- ¦ . . inn . i r ¦ ii i , . _ . . i - n i _ ¦ - . . . J .-IH , ^ ft , 266 THE TOMAHAWK . \ December 11 , 1869 .-
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London, December 11 , 1869.
LONDON , DECEMBER 11 , 1869 .
The Week.
We Believe That After The Next Reform Bi...
We believe that after the next Reform Bill the Chamber of Horrors , at Madame Tussaud ' s , will return a member . None but Irish need apply .
The Times, It Is Said, Will Be Shortly S...
The Times , it is said , will be shortly sold for a penny to the British public . This is returning the compliment—how often has the British public been sold by the . Times for a price quite as Lowe f
We Understand That The War Office Is Abo...
We understand that the War Office is about to abolish the use of the aspirate among the Volunteer Officers , for the purpose of obtaining greater uniformity . At present about two-thirds of the number invariably omit it in their conversation . This is as it should be !
Nobody Can Be Found, Naturally Enough, T...
Nobody can be found , naturally enough , to touch the Spanish Crown . Why does not the Provisional Government raise their bid by two-and-sixpence , and boldly make three half the - matter crowns over of it ? Perhaps then ¦ a ¦ .- •• -. Harrow ¦ boy might think
A Slight Mistake Has Been Made By Mr. Pa...
A slight mistake has been made by Mr . Palgrave Simpson in the construction of his new piece at the Lyceum . As the hero is played by Mr . Allerton , he should die early in the first scene of the first act , instead of late in the last scene of the last act . Could not this still be managed ?
So Disgusted Has The Sultan Grown With T...
So disgusted has the Sultan grown with the Khedive and all his undertakings , that he has recently more than once alluded to the late brilliant assemblage of notabilities at Port Said as the Suez Canaille / * This is the first joke that has ever been made by a Sultan of Turkey , and it has created much amusement in Asia Minor .
The Emperor Has Announced His Determinat...
The Emperor has announced his determination to preserve order in France . One cannot help being reminded of the policy of theatrical managers , who , when they find a real success impossible , try to create a false one by means of orders . " The parallel holds still further , since , in both cases , it may be found advisable to fall back on the legitimate drama .
The Pall Mall Gazette Is Going To Retrac...
The Pall Mall Gazette is going to retrace its steps on and after the 1 st January , 1870 . It is to be a Daily Paper , price twopence . The erratic course of this journal suggests the reflection , that if there are a number of literary stars on the staff , they must be tied to the tail of a comet . Howeverwe wish
, the new daily—price twopence—success . It will be very hard if the proprietors don't manage to make some money out of so much change .
We Are Sorry To See That Some Of The Pri...
We are sorry to see that some of the priests in Ireland are lending their voices and influence to the < band of seditious rascals known as Fenians . Putting aside the immorality of such conduct , on religious grounds alone it appears most infamous . These worthless marauders and assassins are the
We Are Sorry To See That Some Of The Pri...
bitter arnong est the enemies TRbmah of r C v the ^ tnbli Clxurch < if ecclesiastics r and the have highest repeatedl authorities y denounced them asmischievous villains . We hope that verystrong measures will tie taken by the authorities to repress what is reli a g degradatio ion . 7 n of the priesthood " , and an insult to the Christian
A Very Ill-Natured Paragraph Appeared In...
A very ill-natured paragraph appeared in the pages of a contemporary the other day , implying that Calcraft was too old to exercise the small privileges that fall to him now in the way of flogging , it this ' estimable man is really getting old and feeble , ¦ why m does — — — —¦ not - — - ~~ - ¦— Mr — 1 — . Gladstone — ^ - — — — — ¦ — — — — — h give ^^ hk —r ™ - ^™~ him ^^^ h ^ h ^^^^ ^ av a ^ v ^ v pension J ^^ ^^^ ^^ " ^^ ^^^ ^» ^^^ ^^~^^ and ^^ " ^^ ^™ ^^^^ ¦ aba r ^^ r ^^»^»
-ronetage ? Surely , he is as fairly entitled to the honour as the bearers of some recently-created titles . It ; is hard that the . no Home compensation Office should . We take feel away sure a Government employment , so lavish give of rewards to faithful servants will adopt our suggestion , in which case we hope Sir William Calcraft , Bart ., will allow us also to suggest for a crest a running noose with the motto underneath Voca dohim , " Callcraft , "
Quite A Loan,
Another Turkish Loan ! This Time The Amo...
Another Turkish Loan ! This time the amount is twelve whole millions being , issued secured at 54 , " , states and bearing trie prospectu interest s , "b y per sixty cent million . j " s of untiypothecated revenue , chiefly Anatolian . " Of course , the at security But something wh is does amp between le hot , as the the Turkish 10 and t that 12 Government the per money cent , sufficientl is if it needs be borrowed y proves assis- . to tance lend , emp y money loy assur at ance 5 per offices cent , who on approved just now , are security only too , and happy on the borrower ensuri CU his j life iiiv ? Is JJ it 11 that lua i Turkey jl uinv c t annot uiuiui find miu
a b ± xv ^ UU le 11 UWC of friends 1 SUiUlg t ng o . u s bail or . that .. . the sick , man - ^ is unable . to pass coup the medical examinati go , on ? However , we suppose that to " provide unhypotheca for present ted necessities revenues , chiefl . . y Anatolian , " will suffice
- „ 1 Mi .I.I. _ I.J ¦ 1 1 M 1 J. .. J 1 . _ .. . A Bad Beginning.
- „ 1 mi . i . i . _ i . j ¦ 1 1 m 1 j . .. j 1 . _ .. . A BAD BEGINNING .
The Scheme For The International Exhibit...
The scheme for the International Exhibition of 1871 must be as that yet very the much work in of its the infancy erection . N otwithstanding has been commenced that it is announced , what the , building Although — we indeed presume , wher that e the the building vacant -is space to be , south is as yet of a the mystery Horti- . activity cultural on Garden the s barren is the spot space chosen which , there disgraces are as the yet " improving signs of the themselves neighbourhood mselves the the " greatest greatest of South confusion confusion Kensington exists exists , , the the while colonnades colonnades in the G having havinsr ardens
bee No n doubt pulled if down we were in a very in possessio remorseless n of , and the irregular plans of the manner new . building p First lace , but , e we re , , as shoul things the d untid see stand no sit , they e reason of look the to old anything cavil Exhibition at what but pro in is mising an taking un- . touched , condition next y come the Horticultural Gardenstemporaril edifice y which , we suppose we take ; , to pulled be the to much pieces -talked ; after -of Theatre this a hideous of , the Arts and , Sciences ; and then the whole is backed by the
somewhat \ vhat clud g o-i e mc irhrrarkv d ; rack will . y be Alb Albert grand ert Memorial Memorial and comp . . No No lete doubt doubt enough the the j but p clan lan for , , wh when the en next at So year uth or , so nsi the ngton land of evid the entl Royal y doomed Commission to be a ers disgrace of i 851 to , six the West months End or . In in France America , the in . whole six week thing s j would but we Eng finished lishman in are order prone in six to , take ye , ^ rs our / yre time stjppose , a , nd we if w must e find flatter South ourselves Kensington we are in energetic , and think ourselves lucky .
That City Up Int To Th Elligence E Time ...
that City up Int to th elligence e time of . — We ng hear to pr on ess most , neither reliable Mr . authority Solomon , to Bevfus have or been Mr . offere Julius d them Calisher . had accepted the peerage reported
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Dec. 11, 1869, page 266, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_11121869/page/4/