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264 THM TOM AH A WK. ffumii, 1869.
Boolt $Cff.—Autumn (%uit&). Chapter I.— ...
A Q . . — — Yes Have . you I heard ever ...
P uf F E R au atafi -di , - V A T rincti...
and Answers Tiney, W have . H. T been .,...
specially Scion-tipic suitable .—We to N...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Isoofc If.—&£Rmg; (*Sttfe Boots), Chapte...
Ifroalt EF . —omiwtcv ( eiotijtnQ ) . Chapter I . —The Manoir de Kersaint . cliffe guerite him The . . , So wicked and he was sent Dr . now for Mortimer the anxious young had to man tired marry and of her his made victim to over Philip , poor the Earns girl Mar to - - < The " Dear young Philip coup , " said le were Marguerite very happy sweetly . , u You are a thoroughly doll , but heartless you dress man well \ . you Ther talk e is like , onl an y one actor thing and needed look like now a to * comp ' The lete applause our happiness of our friends —" in front ?"
Isoofc If.—&£Rmg; (*Sttfe Boots), Chapte...
" No , " said Marguerite , with a smile ; " say rather a trousseau . " " " Of Furnished course— b by y— Mrs " . J . Thompson . " "Of 19 Old Cavendish street ?" " Yes , of 19 Old Cavendish street , Cavendish square !" arfle €£ n & .
Boou $&—&Tunmttr (Ubireaseso. Chapter I....
think pair , of however whiskers , must and have a moustache been attended ; the to by ladies some with of Mrs him . , J I . Thompson At this ' moment s assistants Lady . They Clara were and not Lady badl Lorrimore y got up . " entered . guerite They met on Philip his arm coming . down the grand staircase with Marand " Let went me out see . you to your carriage , Miss Assheton , " he said , 11 See her to her carriage ! " screamed Lady Clara , " it is a public insult !"
" " Why Don't not faint ? " , my asked love Lad / ' cried y Clara Lady , rather Lorrimore roughl . y . the " dress Because provided , darling by , in Mrs your . J . fall Thompson you will , of damage 19 Old your Cavendish dressstreet 1 " S ituation III . —Lady Clara ' s Boudoir . her Philip that , he 44 after V was vr kissing ruined + Marguerite , returned to his wife , and told
Xi ^ A VUMV ***** « 1 >»* W « . * count " * Then ^^^_ m ? " you can no longer m * pay Mrs m m * m . J . Thompson mM m ' s aca sweet " No , embrace darling , but ! " will you not fondle me ? Come give me " Never ! "
264 Thm Tom Ah A Wk. Ffumii, 1869.
264 THM TOM AH A WK . ffumii , 1869 .
Boolt $Cff.—Autumn (%Uit&). Chapter I.— ...
Boolt $ Cff . —Autumn ( % uit &) . Chapter I . — Danby' s Study . Marguerite Dr . Mortimer his wife , . as villainous as ever , proposed to make rid " chuckle 1 will never , " I will marry carry her , her " he off murmured , however to , himself to the with Manoir a hor de - Kersaint !" _ _ __ . w m > M'fcmt a *¦ M mt " •¦ -m m - m
doctor What had Mrs . jilted Danby . Georgy said when is quite she unfit heard ^ for that ~ publication the , treacherous . In her rage son , of she 19 eve Old n Cavendish abused the street dresses ! provided by Mrs . J . Thomp-Situation IV . —The Village of Trachsel . Mrs Phili . Danby p Earnscliffe , and Georgy , Edgar , were Neville all enjoying , Major the Podmore beautiful , Mr scene . and from Their the garden tourist of costumes a picturesque had all restaurant been desi . gned by Mrs . J . Thompsonof 19 Old . »^» Cavendish ^^\^ 9 ^* mt street .
J , m After ^ fXll # WWM awhile , | ^** A a ^ carriage ^ - ** . ^** m w m ran m , rm » m away mmw * ^ v with ^ v ^ w Lady Clara ( who was travellin bride of g Earnscliffe in the neighbourhood was carried dy ) , and ing into upset the her cou . rt The -yard haughty of the picturesque restaurant . to " her Forg weep ive ing me , husband " said the . sinking woman ( covered with blood ) " " What For , " for she 1 gasped " he asked out , , in " for an spo agony —oilin of g grief with . —my—Woodwith the— the the— exertion the—costumes They 0 listened wfm furnished + \ + eagerl by— . She nearly fainted
YV * VJ There > J > V ** W WJVW was »***• a pause »» . «» * , and J * then wmmr * m * m ^* a * broken 0 ^ m ^ - * mm ,-m y * w , . m weary , faltering voice murmured " Costumes , , "—a sigh , "furnished by "—a gasp , "Mrs . J . Thompson And Lady "— Clara a shiver was , " dead of 19 ! Old Cavendish street V
The Burlington House Catechism.
A Q . . — — Yes Have . You I Heard Ever ...
A Q . . — — Yes Have . you I heard ever of heard a person of a Lord of that Ribblesdale name for the ? first time , on the the other subject day . of He the wrote Royal a very Academy sensible Exhibition letter to . the He corro Times - boroug borated h , what and drew has forth been an said insip in id regard rejoinder to from its being the President a closed . stand Q «— this You catechism think perhaps ? that people are beginning to under-A . —I do . «^ h m ^ m ^ m M A _ A A b
me Q ^ . ? . —And what is it meant to instruct you in ? Can - ^^^ you tell tions A . — ( I peculiar can . In to the Great sham Britain and humbug ) in general of these , and sort of the of institu Royal - Academy ness of a privileged in particular body . To of men enlighten who turn me as the to the distinction gross selfish they - mind to vantage are the supposed the ruin , to fact the of to . rising exclusion have that somehow attained genius of . better to To or in other work art impress , into , onl and , a moreover about not commercial unfrequentl six , on of my the ad y - Royal , Academicians are worthof their position y while at least
a dozen artists , who are at present y mere outsiders , , could replace that number of the select with credit to themselves and advantage to the interest of British art . proper Q . —You to such answer a condition correctl of y . things Tell ? me now What remedy is total A . — reconstruction -An increase in of the that number body . of A division Royal Academicians of it into three . A to grades the % UV lowest ( mere ¦ «• of portrait the three and ) fruit A tm tmt great painters ai enlargement being ¦ b admissible of the vJbA ^^ Exhi only
-% ^^ ^^ mw ww ^ v * v ^ mWJm ^ M * *> -f *•* ^ m + ^^ J W . 3 * \* Ww * tt ^ V B ^ j ~ I lr ^^* j ^^\ f 4 ^ - bition to be regulated , and a ratio by the for the number admission of works of Academicians sent in and ' adjudged pictures worthy of a place . will Q . ever —You be are carried right . out Do ? you think one or any of these rules A . —No . I do not . Q ¦ ^ p r . —Can - ^^ *>»»*• you w ^ r w tell w * a <» me »&««« why ww m * mt w ? m ,
hoarse A . —Yes over . abuses Because , and this is then a country quietly where sit down we howl and submit ourselves to them . Q . —Then things will remain as they are ? A Q . . — — Precisely And where . will British art go to eventually ? A . —The dogs .
Answer To Double Acrostic In Our Last,
P Uf F E R Au Atafi -Di , - V A T Rincti...
P uf F E R au atafi -di , - V A T rinctii O E m U N ebuchadnezza R
D illitant I E mmet T R evok E
And Answers Tiney, W Have . H. T Been .,...
and Answers Tiney , W have . H . T been ., Tommy received and from Joey , Ruby Ratap ' s lan Ghost , Midas , Slo , d ger corre Belle ct of . Scarborough , and J . H . ( Isle of Man ) , and 1 , 645 in-
Specially Scion-Tipic Suitable .—We To N...
specially Scion-tipic suitable . —We to New 1 understand castles , is that likel a y lightening to be patented conductor . It is , called heir . " the latromyxa ' , and is chiefly of service in " clearing the ^ x Ang lice , Ptdrtlck . , _
Tomahawk (1867-1870), June 12, 1869, page 264, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_12061869/page/10/