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23<5 THE TOMAHAWK. [June 13, 1868. ___
The success of the Chassepot and Snider ...
Etonians had better move their Fourth of...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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23<5 The Tomahawk. [June 13, 1868. ___
23 < 5 THE TOMAHAWK . [ June 13 , 1868 . ___
The Nbxt War.
The Success Of The Chassepot And Snider ...
The success of the Chassepot and Snider rifles at Mentana and of warfare Magdal . a Instead must ultimately of sensational revolutionise account the s existing of hard- system fought mere War battles Office sums , we may will in arithmetic probabl expect to y run . see The the to the newspapers next following despatch giving effect received : currency at the to . British Camp before Paris , 20 th June , 187— , N 001 .
Sir , —I have the honour to forward , for your Royal Highness French centl ' s y information taken and myself place , between . the enclosed His Majesty correspondence the ex-Emperor which has of the re-Your Royal Highness I have 's most the humble honour , obedient to remain servant , Sir , , Bishop of Natal , and "Commander COLENSO -in-Chief , of H . M's Army encamped before Paris . To H . R . H . the Field-Marshal Commanding-in-Chief , the Duke of Cambridge , K . G ., & c .
1 . British 18 Camp th June befor , 187 e — Paris * Noon * . arrived Sire , in — I perfect beg to safety inform bef your ore Paris Majesty . I that have the the British honour Army to com have
mand Infantry . Men . 3 Regiments of Guards - - ( 6 , 000 men strong ) 18 , 060 32 ,, of the Line - - ( 8 , 000 ,, ,, ) 256 , 000 000
190 ,, of Militia and Volunteers ( 4 , 000 ,, ,, ) 760 , Cavalry . 1 , 034 , 000 46 R and eg ii ^ m mm - im mrm ~ ¦ ^ Hussars ^™ ents ^^^ mm —mr - ^^ of — ™ Drag - oons - , Lancers , - ( » 2 ^ a ^ m , mj 000 -mm * -mm * -mm * ^ m " » ^» mm en ~^^ ^ b ^ h strong ™^ ^ w -m ^ ^™ ^ ^^^> ) m 92 ^ J — , 000
4 Regiments of Mounted Police - ( 8 , 000 ,, ,, ) 32 , 000 The whole of tlie Infantry are armed with the Patent Robertson 124 , 000 w advertis p Revolver lied ear suits with ed Hand ) of 30 . the , 000 -Canno Electri , 000 n ton c , delivering Bomb s of the -proof 240 Patent Cuirass shells Portable per ( Limited second Thunderbolts ) , . and The ar Cavalry e sup ( as - Awaiting an immediate rep I l have y , the honour to remain , Sire , Your Majesty ' s most humble , obedient servant ,
Bishof Nataland Commander-in-Chief COLENSO Colenso of Her Britannic ., op Majesty , ' s Army encamped before Paris . To li . I . M . the ex-Emperor of the French , K . G ., & c . 2 . Palace of 1 the 8 th Tuileries June , 187 , — Paris , 3 , p . m . Infantry Right and Reverend 24 000000 % Sir Cavalry , —As my ) have army bee ( consisting n unable of to 124 obtain , 000 , 000
m \ ** . X bVl * m . 1 , * y MI 4 AV . W *« M > a , - *** " - ** - * ' } , ^ W * V » ' W T IVli J J AJ . |^ T \ m * W ^ \ m / X-- V »* ti « t ^ fmV ^ mm ' bW B ^ p ^ * - * *¦* W * -V *»* any M «»» J weapon ( yielding more one bull formidable ^ m . et and ma a half than per the sec common ond ) , I am Pol * - ^ forced ytechnic to S team mysel Gun ^^ f defeated . What Accept terms , do Rig you ht Reverend propose ? Sir , the assurance , & c , Napoleon , Emperor . To the of Ri the ght British Reverend Army Lord encamped Bishop of before Natal Pads , Commander . -in-Chief 3-
British Camp 19 th J before une , 187 Paria — , , 10 a . m . Sire , —I undertake to withdraw the British Army from before Paris 1 . That on the your following Majesty conditions retires : — ( after giving twenty-four evening the " monster Egyptian levees Hall " , and in aid four of Saturday the funcls afternoon of the Society " monster for the levees Propaga " at - tion 2 . of That the your Gospel Majesty in Foreign relinquish Parts ( ) fo to r self Heli and goland descendants for life . ) all claim to the throne of France . 3 . That your Majesty pay into the hands of the Chancellor of the
expenses Exchequer incurred ( within b three y the days British ) the Army sum in of their ; £ n 2 expedition , 6 'bb , 600 to to France defray the , clerkshi 4 Awaiting . That p in your an the immediate Majesty Savings ' Ban s rep son k ly , Departmen the Prince t of Imperial the Post , - accepts Office . a . junior
I have , the honour to remain , Sire , Your Majesty ' s most obedient , humble Colenso servant , Bishop of Natal Majesty , and ' s Army Commander encamped -in-Chief before of Paris Her . Britannic ,
To H . I . M . the ex-Emperor of the French , K . G ., & c . 4-Palace of the 19 th Tuileries June , 18 , 7 Paris — , Noon , . Right 4 A Reverend mi Sir , —I- agree to the first mt mM , second atm \ mm , and third • . m * ** ^ ^ m * - _ ¦ _
penses fied conditions As (; to £ of li 2 the , the , 600 if British fourth you , 000 will ) b Expedition condition y you allow as , the me I , in must necessary to pictures pay beg on you from compensation e-third to the reconsider of Louvre the for sum - the it speci . ex In - - for to spite the the death certain the than knowled slaughter counsel ge that any of all a gentlema r my upture supporters n between in whom , I , us would I would am interested rather be the def ( si much gnal you less my own 1 son ) to -mmr accept mmf an appointment ¦ fr in the English Post Office .
mm'mmr In IV mrmmmmw the m ^ mr W name mmmm . m ^ g ^ mT m * ,+ t m 6 f humanity * , **! m ^ m ** f * ' ^ . ^ 1 J * — m *** in -T »^ tne *~ T «**»^ T person m ^ ^ Am . - * mY MM fll W ^••• fc of ^^»» a father mwmmm ml m y ^ — mm , ma mm and not of a to ruler force —I trpoft beg you him to ! spare my son the crushing misery you would strive Accept , Right Reverend Sir , Napoleon the assurance , Emperor , & c ., . To the Right Reverend Lord Bishop of Natal , Commander-in-Chief
of the British Army encamped before Paris . 5-- British 19 Camp th June before 187- Paris --J 6 , . m . * p I SiRE consent j—After to alter careful the fourth coiasideratioxii , condition and . Instead ffpiii feelings of being of humanit forced to y ,
accept the appointment specified ^ the Prince Imperial may undergo ten will years sufficientl ' imprisonment meet at the Portland exi , ies with of the hard case labour . . This degradation y genc I have the honour to remain , Sire , Your Majesty ' s most humble . , obedient . Colenso servant . , Bishop of Natal Majesty , and ' s Army . Commander encamped -in-CKief before of Paris Heir ; Britannic ,
To H . I . M . the ex-Emperor of the French , K . G . j & cs 6 . Palace 1 of 9 th the June Tuileries , 187— , , Paris 7 p . , m . have at informed My losing dear me ht my , the Colensg army they battle quite of m ,- — out y agree A determination . million I wit will h me thanks look that to for surrender it would your to kindness have . -niorrow Althoug been . with fol h I sorry l have y to levees traps . foug ? } B > y- If the s - b , ye I , should couldn't be I deli go into ghted the —for provinces you yoztr up ben with efit the , under " monst stan my d er ,
my mv dear dear friend friend . . Yours affectionatel Napoleon y , , ex-Emperor . feeling P . S . — yo Eugenie u have shown sends towards you her our most boy grateful . Ten years thanks will for soon the kind pass shudder away , but ! the other 1 Mou dicu ! the very idea makes me
Damping To The Ardour.
Etonians Had Better Move Their Fourth Of...
Etonians had better move their Fourth of June to some other time As it , when isthe the Montera weather is is an likel annu y tobe al failure a little more as for to year be s relied past the on . weather , at Eton on Prize Day has been wretched , . On the last days occasion , steady , althoug rain h set Wednesday in at noon and on the Friday day , were the intermediate magnificent Thursday , and it poured till near upon midnight . It seems a should strange be fatality each that saturated the smart and uniforms destroyed of by the the boats inclemency linivixiitAi ' crews
of auuuiu the weather uc Guiui . year yv It : < AL almost aciiurciicu seems . tuiu as . ucauujrcu if the very elements i"t - thought ^^ the procession of boats , manned ? is they are by school-boys , ridiculous in admirals and ' cocked absurd hats arid are and attempting gold-laced to coats abolish , a the little custom too by the administration , of a little wholesome cold water . If this is their object , they have a fair chance of success .
Tomahawk (1867-1870), June 13, 1868, page 236, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_13061868/page/2/