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THE TOMAHAWK. [Amgmtl 13, 1870.
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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The Tomahawk. [Amgmtl 13, 1870.
THE TOMAHAWK . [ Amgmtl 13 , 1870 .
CREMORNE . LBStnS aad MANAGER . Mr . JOHN BAUM . ORSBIORXfS . Ten Horn * ' Amusement for If . CREMORNE THEATRE . — Splendid Ballet of GISELLE . CR E M O R N E . —Mad lie . awiated CLAVBLLB bOm ffoadrfd , Premiere CorfW Dmihm de flatlet a > Cartekt la MM , CISPLLfTc New Thajlfe y pegged Royal •* and Tn , produced la the Grand by Mi Ballet , —I— of W . Hot / KEaT ^ ^ ^ REMORNE . re Mid D # ViCCS , a ? ^^ THEATRE ^ jir ^ ^ BUUIOTSy REMORN E . —Most C IndUa Weaderfal Brothers . RAJUB and Daring ami FerfinniMuice SUMJOOoa by the ttie High Vibrating Rope , at a 35 and 10 . 45- , CREMORN E . —The INDIAN WONDERS . REMORNE . —RAJUB and SUMJOO . First Appearance . CREMORN E . —Mons . ander the AUB Direction AN'S SP of L Moa ENDID « Julius ORCHESTRA 8 orghs , 1 ducted HAWKSS by Mr aad . H CO . Sibold . 'S Etcelsto . * Brass Band , con-PREMORNE HOTEL . — V ^ CHOICEST DINNERS from 34 . 6 d . SUPPERS , as . < d > V REMORNE ESsctrveOnadrine and GARDENS Military BANDS . — Sp TURTL lendid 8 HmWoRKS FOUNTAINS , a Beaottfal « d Brflliaat FLOWERS ILLUMI- , NATIONS . ; V ^ AMUSEMENTS FRfiE . '
CREMORNE - ¦ ? SPECIAL NOTICE . ** J —MR . JOHN BA UM Brothers begs to state RAJ that 17 the B and Wonderful SUMJOO Indian are ENGA They toitl GED , appear for a twice limited every period evening onl , y — . 0 * 8 . 35 ** d 10 . 45— ' * fuw distinct and exciting performances .
NATIONAL ASSEMBLY ROOMS . HIGH HOLBORN . F VERY RVBariMG . The mete * regard le paid t f tsi *> ^ ajLm h imm aMnla * ^ . laif ate cam M . o aat *> th . l uFF aajonaeat jiofeeat * qaality i '* ' A *" Doers lM Tle | MI MaaJoil Dtoeetor , W . M . FACKBR . * . AM .
fij , ^^ B ^ BV ^ 9 ^ B ^^^ BaV 2 S P TBT fH OWL PIN . CHREWSBURY TOURNAL 5 FateaMS * ? - ^ *?* sjflrsi l * to — record " " Tkese ••* . the * ' fens ** lact le are . " ooly U |« bare best Justice aad cheapest to the la . pew box ; by post , is . ad . MAONIVBN * OAMBBON . as . Blair 8-niBaTedmbukgk . .
W 00 DIN Price One ' Shilling 8 ( Bound WHIMSIES in Bo * rds \ : 8 ATIRIC , COMIC , AND PATHETIC . . BY YT : 8 . WOODIN ( NOW PERFORMING AT THE EGYPTIAN HALL . ) . PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED WITH ORIGINAL COLOURED DBAWINOS George Cruickshank , jun By ., Matt Skinner Morgan Prout , , and W . S . Woodin . ? tutted imoo & APR ALSO vomTmAXT , or m authob By K . CHILD . , Post Frit for Fourteen Stamps . Walter Shaw Dyer and Co , Publishers , 90 Regent Street , W .
Sixth Thousand , price 31 , Iuuatrated , bevelled cloth board * , HISTORY OF THE PIANOFORTE . BY EDGAR BRINSMEAD . " Clear , brief , and pithy . It conuint tttc creroc de I * crone of the subject . -Bxatntaer . lastnunentt " A aerviceabia . . and . with pleasa wen nt txocuted hirtory aad of he judicious ptanofocte HIa « , Uatkm with aa « . " - account oafly Te of fe andeat gtapk s >« ak * ad meak a H Interesting . "—Bcho . " Bverybody Interested In music win read it . " —Musical World . " Piaasaat work of much Httraty sad practical importance . " —Bra . " The subject Is well handled in a popular form . "—Graphic ' Mass of information . . . admirably arrange *"—Public Oplnloa . M The best account of the piano wt havs yet sset with . "—M onunu Advertiser . Cassell , Fetter , and Gslpin , London and New York .
Now Rtady , PUBLIC - SCHOOL REFORMS : A FEW REMARKS AND SUGGESTIONS ON C $ t JKUntal , m oral , an * Vfigftical Ctaining of gouty . By M . A . B . ¦ VSRY PARBNT AND TEACHER OUGHT TO READ THIS PAMPHLBT . Price is . j free by <¦ post 13 stamps . LONDON : L . BOOTH , 307 REGENT STREET , W .
ESTABLISHED A . D 1700 . FURNISH YOUR HOUSE WITH THE BEST ARTOILE 8 DEANE'S . ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE , with Meed Furnishing List , GRATIS and POST FREE . Table Electro Cutlery -Silver . Plate . Bedsteads Fenders and and Pireiront Bedding . . Tea Gas -Trays Chandeliers and Urns and . Fittings . Copper Stoves , and I ron Ranges , and Tin . Ware . Lamps atht — -Hot Table and , Hall Cold , Ac Water . . Horticultural Turnery , Brushes Tools , " and . Xats . S A Discount of Five per Cent , for Cash Payments over Two Pounds , XtiBAJTK * CO ., 49 King WUlUun fttre * t , LONDON BRIDGE .
TCi ^^^ TiH ^ p ^ ^ TTP ^^! *^ e ^ QABDBN 3 AMD BLEAMWBLE 6 B 0 UVS 8 . Tato Fa-romrite ateaott for DINNERS . TEAS . MASONIC , BANQUETS , SCHOOL . TREATS . * c , OVER 22 A em OF LAND , with nneqaaDed views ; is oaly tea atattfae walk frora Bttckhwat HOI Station « roia ejtto VeaclMfdi Stsaat or Blabopsgate Street StatioaJWBr road tea ntOes . H . B . —The New Hall wttejHH ^ B ^ RftAad Is oa 8 Bo e < taar at * teeat to ta « Xls j . efiiW ^^^^ HKarety . py
F ^^ Jg ^^ ffiSLHEaSi /^ £ " buc FOR . "ttSr FORTY Strr ""^ YEARS 1 ™ «« »*«¦ has '*• youthful RESTORE colour aad GREY beauty « r . FADED HAIR to Its F Ttte It « w « l Bair ^ pramote H a ^ i ttJckeaed , l htxariaat mm « dUt . no 4 « r tav ^ K < ked . . ? SoM by Cheaao Holbon aadgsihenii . Leatea . , Depot , at . BUh ^
New ready . ITBW SBRIBS , Pr iMn ., BRITANNIA . Me . VIL For August , 187 a ¦ D 1 TBO By ARTHUR A'BBOKRTT . ILLUSTRATED IN COLOURS BY MATT MORGAN AND THE BEST AJtTISTS . CONTAINS ! or . How * £ the . 8 World . D . ; Wan . By With PRANK a Coloured A . MARSHALL lUuetratloa . ?* OHAftI . lt DICIIH , AND ENGLISH LITBRATVRB . APPEARANCES . * WORSE TBAN DEATH By J . PAI-CRAVH SIMPSON . A SONG . Prom the Illustration Norwegian . . With s Coloured LITERATI AND LITERATUL . I ; OR . REPRESENTATIVES OF THE LITERATURE OF THE DAY . WHY ARB THEY FIGHTING ? THE PRICE OF SEA-AIR . & $ rottgf ) t % t Sit * By ARTHUR With A'BEC a Coloured KETT and lUustratlon SYDNEY . DARVL en fyt $ oiBib . A COLOURED ILLUSTRATION . ?—OFFICE : 199 STRAND , W . C .
New ready , ITHJB THIRD VOLUME or BRITANNIA , Prioe 7 s . 6 d . ¦ o SUB SCR IBE RS TO 3 T * e UrtUaintla Jttawine WISHING TO COMPLETE THEIR SETS before Binding are respectfully informed that tae RACK NUMBERS HAVE BKBN RBPKINTBO . and nay bow be had of all Newsagents . Railway PffffhiffiiT , Ac Price is . each . OFFICB-199 STRAND . LOMDON . W . C
New Series . Price 6 d each , Monthly . Nos . I ., II ., HI ., and IV ., bow ready . NATURALIST'S NOTJE-im , Bea . utifially lHuBtre » t © 4 WITH C 0 LOTJB . 1 D PLATBI BY THS BEST A & 7 IST & Contam . OriffMl Artiek . i * all *• partmaaat oi * NATURAL SOIBNOB , together with a -vast quantity at 1 * tarcstiag ootts . KatROSB ft Son , 21 Paternoster B 0 **
baadoat Prlaftad at the Steam fttatlag Wocka . stfOttai ' - . '¦ rlmmi and PybMshed by HBMKY Cook , te » Stnad , W . C—Avgwt s » sts %
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Aug. 13, 1870, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_13081870/page/16/