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322 THE TOM AH A WK. [November 13, 1869.
British SOMEBODY drama in and the Salu t...
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322 The Tom Ah A Wk. [November 13, 1869.
322 THE TOM AH A WK . [ November 13 , 1869 .
Stage Truth.
British Somebody Drama In And The Salu T...
British SOMEBODY drama in the Salu taxing t de Lyons as all has honest been making men must - fun admit of the Without most unjustl giving y , , with a long its list disregard of English , for stage the triump realities hs of , comprising dailjr life . — such works literary by themselves gems as Formosa powerful , enoug Lost h at to vindicate , and a the Life national Chasey every dramatic candid honour spectator , where must a charge allow of improbability that the mirror is concerned that is held ,- — We up to therefore the public are ai now in a -a position -days is that bXACt of the enables Vliai very / lV 0 best us U * J freel AJL British and CLAA 14 p fear late - .
lessl V V Kf y tllVl to throw ^ lUl ^ . stories t JLXJ . at JLTV ^ our JAIAVSAJL neighbours . . Under .. UV these ^ AJ y circum . A * - * CVL ~ - with stances the , we text shall of have a iece much said pleasure at this moment supplying to - be our in readers active p history rehearsal in at the the matter Gymnase of . M trie . Victorien , has , it is Sardou said , induced ' s success him with to turn his attention to an English historical subject . With much from tac ldV * t l , he J . AV the ^ has XiaO turbulent selected O ^ l ^ V / lV / times U a « . dark VXCL JL of XV . period JJ ^ XJVU VI of our \_/ U true * A aillACVA annals hero , y and C 4 . X 1 U . chosen V ^ XlUOWll
has attracted the great French James dramatist I ., a . It is . a melanchol Guy Faux y history fact that effectivel only French y , and we dramatists record the reall circumstanc y know how e with to handle great regret The . truthful picture of the great English conspiracy which we it is subj : — oin could only have fallen from a Frenchr pen . Here MONSIEUR LE GUI FOXE .
. A Drama-Comedie M in . VicroRiEN two acts and Sardou various . tableaux , par Personages . . Le secr Friar ets of the Bacon gunpowder { Chancellor ) . of England , possessed of the Jame-First ( Fils de Henri VIII ., surnamed Le Monstre ) . Monsieur Eng EnglandAwueii landinventor le Gui tor of of Foxe the the bath bath { ri -- g chaire chaire htful and and heir son son tq ^ of of Jks Hen Henri throne ri VIII VIII .. of
Le su CaTSBy rnamed , also " le gallant" by Jeane , -Sho \ re ) . , Due-Wellington Due Sim- - Reeve Cam bridge { the betrothed { a notaire to ) Gu-queen Bess ) Earl Charles Chatham I . { fils de { et Henri Doiivres VIII ) . ) ^ ,. , TITE Mister OAT Pusey OK , tH ( un Hen Medecin ri VIII ) . ) \ \ gcntlemens ^ "g Z '^ , and ana
Bryant Le Prince -May Christian ( a lucifer man { confesseu ) ' [ r Catsb to Le y ) ^ opes men ' Monsieur Robin 'Ood E { . supposedfils T . Smeeth de { a Henri Spaniard VIII ) . ) Fortnum Charles - II Mason . { his son { fils ) de Henri VIII . ) f Gu Mi - Lady Queen Bacon -Bess { { Madame Queen of la Scotchmen Gui-Foxe ) . ) . Catharine fJX J \
X ^ , J . AXXXVAX ^ XU Anna FlFINE L Betsy a Fichonne { Several Wives of Henry VIII . ) Cora Mees JLTAA ^ A ^ cJ f Tom J . \^ 1 YA ^ J
Mees Foxe { secretly married to Jame-First ) . i Conspirators Maires , Meeses , Pale , Dues -alesm , Polistnans en , Beefteck , Qr - > eaters a , &* , c Clergymens , &>< :, , Lot Costume—Reign de Charles VI , Period—921 . ™ Act ^ ¦*•» IB . * 1 ¦ .
House iff yame-First in le Hay market . Enter JAmei-First , Mees Foxe , and suitelische Jam . e- I Fi sp rst ik . s - — Aftg 1 am lische not . Scotchmans Dam . Pale . ale O . yes Railw . I av am teekets Aflg-Cremorne . , Mees Courti Foxe ers . — . — Me Then is the why King not ! you gentlemans pro claim him ? the C " ouRTiERS keep "for . — some Because hours it . ) is Sonday 1 'Oorah ! < ' ' They shout Jame-First . —Dam
jame , Mees -First Foxe ? I . — will What summons do you M make " . mon such pere comp . liments to me , JEnter Monsieur Gui Fox his e lee , in tle sons . rm chair , surrounded by CHORUS OF LEETLE SONS ; Ayez le bont 6 de vous souviendre Traihison Traihison Le cinque de de de Noyembre pottdre tioudre d de e , canon canon , et et p nlot lot de de poudre rjoudre
de ditto ; , Pourquoi Nous ne voyons le traihison pas de de raison poudre de canon : Serait jamais pas rappele " . 5 garcons Mons . ! Gui Dieu Foxe protege { avec la Reine energie ! ) . —Hollere , garcons ! hollere am see see Jame the ! ! I I King - sniks First iks . Ang A Thi { mrlicrli throwing lische s is for I ! one your halfpenny Monsieur to Gui the ¦ . Teekets leetle sons I ) You . —I
'Oorah Courtiers Mees ! Foxe . . — ( aside ^ Yo . u ) . . have — , O not dear singed me ! the away refrain to . * , It Peekadill is here— y . Lui Gui , sticke gui ! dans Toeil . JAME M . Gui -FIRST Foxe . — . — O yes will ! That e revenge is very * . Wait good . one leefle moment . . { En ' ters ous a of Hansom Parliament cab , with in We his sminsterre sons and chair ! O . *) Cabsman ! . To
Act 2 . The rifartmenis of M . Gut Foxe tinder the * ou $ ; J dine-Fir si , Rob Noble in ? nans 'Oodj Meesses the Lor M Maire i ladis , M and . Glads Fortnum tone , -Mason Statesmen dis- , covered in , Council ^ . In the salon of M . Gui Foxe is Mis hipiself ter , Puse . Jbuc y d -Cambrid % d the other ge , Conspirateurs Duc-tVellihgton . , Charles I .,
glischemans . Duc-Cambridge . I wish . — : blow I am up Jame German -First . , but 1 am one Ang-Mister Pusey . — 'Oorah ! gentlemans M . Gui . — wisout Silence le ! poudre 'Qw ? can Hein gentlemans ? Tell me blow , M . Le up Prince , other Christian Le Prince ? . —Yo , u rmrst get it—on teek ! It is the custom of v / x my ± 11 y country bv / uuvi ^ i .
M . GUI . —Silence ! M . le Prince . You are young ,, ardent , word and generous s of honour ! It and is yo generosity ur young . blood Mais , which I can would not get speak the credit . Enter the Friar Bacon . complaisance All presenting 'V to mention dag ¦ gers to ) . us —M ze . .. . parswofd \ le Friar * T , . would you nave .- ; . th ¦ f e Charles Le Friar . I — — O It is I { ' Smiling ! . ) It is Lestarri Square /
M Charles . Gui .: — II Sile . . — nce No ! , my Sa You r ! have . I keep le s poudre my ' orse de there cann on in your leetle Le Friar pocket . — ! Voici ! ( Tite OaU Henry VIII ., M . Smeethe , tons Sim . ) Reeve , andgentlemens . of le ' judge and . Jury . bring in some plosion M . GUI terrific . —It occurs is well . . The Here ' ouses goes of . Parliament 0 yes ! ( Lights is des it troyed , an ex . ) - Jame - First \ —Mo / Dieu XV 1 VU ! I Jb do \ AV think I smells ** ze « % « ' smoke !
J ^ XXVX . XXUX . | XTX ^ AA n * ! , *•****» M . waawaw w- » w Le M . Gladstone Lor Maire . — ( to Y Jaine es , Sa - r First ! , avec emotion ) . —It is no use , then fils ! , that I conceals it any longer . from you . You . are mon of Henri me . VIII . — -That is one lie , M . Lor Maire . He is the son Mees Foxe . —Fie for shames , Sir , Here is M . mon pere / ( Enter M . Gui Foxe , his chair , his leetle sons , Dye
Cambridg bridge e . , Fifin Fifine e . , and and ot other / ter personages 6 < ersonaees of of distin distinction ction .. )) mon M . fils Gui ! Foxe ( embracing M . Le Lok Maire ) . —Mon fils , M Tam . Gui e-first Foxe . — . — 'Ow I have is this several gentlemans wife ? ! , Speeks Corbleu , you ! Sacrrr sar ! — * oorah ! J ame-First . —Dam . Pale ale . Foxeton , Bromton , Peeka .. . „_ ^__ ^^^ a ^^^ M—„**»
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Nov. 13, 1869, page 222, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_13111869/page/2/