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, - ,. . _ _ - -—¦ i . ii i ¦ [ r ¦iiiji...
No, Xl.y Price is., BRITANNIA for NOVEMB...
• 1 . g^
The travelling sedition spout, G. H. Moo...
We gladly draw attention to an admirable...
Archdeacon Denison is really a very ill-...
The unfortunate Countess D'Alteyrac, who...
the . A uniqu PARAGRAPH e heading has ,-...
the We newspapers do not often , but int...
Charitable We notice Relief with and gre...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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, - ,. . _ _ - - —¦ i . ii i ¦ [ r ¦ iiiji , - ¦¦ -- _ | , _ r in _¦! - 1 . . in ., , ¦ i | - i | ii J" ' . . „ ji in - ¦ . _ ¦ - . i 224 THE TOMAHAWK . { November 13 , 1869 .
No, Xl.Y Price Is., Britannia For Novemb...
No , Xl . y Price is ., BRITANNIA for NOVEMBER , NOW READY .
Tomahawk Almanack For 1870. Price Threep...
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London, November 13, 1869.
LONDON , NOVEMBER 13 , 1869 .
The Week.
The Travelling Sedition Spout, G. H. Moo...
The travelling sedition spout , G . H . Moore , is very angry at the chance of any measure being passed which would remove all abuses in the land laws of Ireland . He is afraid that when the people have no just cause of complaint , he and his fellows may not have such a good time of it . This Moor does not wish to be like Othello— " his occupation gone . "
We Gladly Draw Attention To An Admirable...
We gladly draw attention to an admirable article on the Irish question in the Pall Mall Gazette of Thursday last . It is called " The Truth about Irish Improvements and Evictions . " It is evidently written by one who knows Ireland and the Irish well , and we are proud x . to iind that the writer uses very much
the same words as we have used in former articles and notes on this subject . Notwithstanding our hearty sympathy with the Irish in their endeavours to reform abuses , we are glad to see such a confirmation of our statement that cases of cruelty and unjustifiable eviction are very rare in Ireland , in spite of all the furious cry to the contrary .
Archdeacon Denison Is Really A Very Ill-...
Archdeacon Denison is really a very ill-used man . He wants to pray for Dr . Temple , and that target for orthodox archers will not let him . The Archdeacon wished to publish the Bishop-designate ' s reply to his gushing letter , but , unfortunatelyDr . Temple marked it " private . " Howeverthe
dis-, , charger of Archidiaconal functions ( one of which functions , by the way ,, seems to be writing to the newspapers ) was , not going to be disappointed , and he published his missive of conditional absolution without the reply . It is dreadful to think of what the consequences may be when Dr . Temple is established in his
See , and Archdeacon Denison cannot pray for him , but can only abuse him . We don't quite know which would do the object of them most good , —the abuse or the prayers . Perhaps the former .
The Unfortunate Countess D'Alteyrac, Who...
The unfortunate Countess D'Alteyrac , whom our readers will remember as the recipient of Lord Willoughby D'Eresby ' s lavish bounty , was again before the Commissioner in Bankruptcy the other day . It was stated that the annuity awarded to her could not be realised on account of her " obstinate refusal
to disclose her age . " Poor lady ! she need not be afraid to tell " how old sorrow has made her . " It appears that should she persist in her refusal , she may be " committed for contempt of court . " This shows that the law does not favour the fair sex j for though Lord Willoughby D'Eresby , in attempting to elude the just claim of this lady , instructed his counsel to use a plea
The Unfortunate Countess D'Alteyrac, Who...
which the lawyer did not dare to utter without an apology , and which the Judge pronounced to be an insult and disgrace to the Court which had to listen to it , the noble Hereditary Grand Chamberlain was not committed for contempt .
A Note By The Way.
The . A Uniqu Paragraph E Heading Has ,-...
the . A uniqu PARAGRAPH e heading has ,- " -Barbarity been going by the a Gentleman round of the ; " pap but ers we wi are th q so uestion rry to say ( very it much does not in question repay perusal ) is one . The Mr . Charle " gentleman s Gibbs " in a with farrier shocking of Willersley cruelty , to and a horse was . charg It appeared ed at the that Petty the " Session gentle , - man and " ultimatel was drunk y fell , and . the Upon horse this the was " driving gentleman beca " me descended restive , brute from XXVSXXX the bt « U trap ilM |/ j , and OXIVi began U \ ^ g CW . X an Ull unremitting UUA ^ lilltUlAg attack CbllCHr XV upon U |/ Uli the IXXV * poor J _/* -FV / X
was interrupted , repeatedly b stabbing y a passer it -by about . The the poor neck hors and e breast was removed , until he , covered and suffered . Whether intense this agony last fac for t was a long regarded time , but as an ultimatel extenuating y recon circumstance sidered hors by e- the stabbing Bench as of a leg Mag itimate istrates proceeding , or whether , it is they impossible . to decide ; but the result of the trial was that the costs " gentleman . All we " can was do onl is y to fined state £ once $ , with more an that additional the name £ of 1 the for his " gentleman horse , is " _ who , when diabolically drunk , brutally knived Mr . Charles Gibbs , farrier , of Willesley .
Highl Y Sa Tisfa Ctor Y.
The We Newspapers Do Not Often , But Int...
the newspapers do not often , but interest the following ourselves announcement in - the money is sufficie articles ntl of y unique to be worth quoting : — . Trust "At and a meeti Agency ng of Association the India ( Limited Freehold ) , Land the report Colonization of the pence li Company quidators each as was share soon presented , and as resolution the . balance It recomm s were in ended hand passed should a to return dissolve have ' of four been the - approp This r iated is 3 the . " first ( and \ probablthe last ) we have ucv h ii eard ai vx , of kjl . the
India * . x & itp Freehold j . « bii \ M in £ Land 9 v \ ciajlx Colonization . uivuaui y v my Trust icvql ^ w and A gency ^— ^ . Associa i . & i \* - tion It often , and occurs it certainl that y seems companies to ; haye eat bee up n every a complete penny venture of their . here capital is , an or associatio what they n leave solvent the to ; Chancery the last . Wh Court atever devours disagree ; but - wou able nd things themselves may hav up e , be en wags said of can other not suggest concerns " which No Mo have ney Returned" as a fit motto for the I . F . L . ' C . T . and A . Association , Limited . They must find another .
Down With The Beggars I
Charitable We Notice Relief With And Gre...
Charitable We notice Relief with great Repressin pleasure that g Mendicity a " Society " has for been Organizing established , of which Lord Lichfield is the " Chairman of Executive in Council Britamiia . " The of p this lan month will be , in fou connection nd very similar with a new that system proposed of . and Poor reside Relief nts by in the Lon State don . to We atta strongl ch thems y u e lves all to this househ Society olders ; and all the public to observe this request : — " never to give
U 1 AU C 4 XX * 1 > XW £ / l 4 LSXll * WV \ JM &\* JL V V- IU 19 X V > V £ UWk 9 | , « 41 M ? JUlJ \ X V ^ w * V ** These direct tickets relief will ; but secure to give to the the holder applicant a full for inquiry charity into a ticket his or . " her fault case of , and s So adequate cietis relief that it in some shape es to or do other wha . The e S onl tate y ought to do out of the y Poor Rates propos ; and that owing t 6 the pre- , vagra sent co nts n , ditio and n of of refusing the law them the rel po i ef e , imless of com in m return itting c for onfir useful med U labour 4-lS < S * tf , , is 19 UdllCU denied to l * - » the IX the 4 G magistrate lliagl establishment >) liai . C and O . 1 JU of , Poor JL this \ SV / 1 Law J-IO . YV VSIU officer ^ V-J . alike W . n « . \»« .
i However n the right , we direction regard ; we only protest against Society individuals as a being move mous compelled sums to to do the , at official their own s to expense do for , what them . they One pay of such the great enorevils that lies at the root of the disgraceful pauperism of Engf ectl nd y is , what that private Government charity ought is always to do comp doing letel , an y . doing imper-
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Nov. 13, 1869, page 224, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_13111869/page/4/