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188 THE TOMAHAWK. [May 14, 1&70.
¦ <» Notu ready, price %?. 6d, \ VOL. II...
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LONDON, MAY 14, 1870.
It is not often that the " Official Cour...
It is a libel on the_ Police to assert t...
Why should it be that, when H.R.H. the P...
We have no objection to the Marquis of K...
We offer the following extract from a re...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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188 The Tomahawk. [May 14, 1&70.
188 THE TOMAHAWK . [ May 14 , 1 & 70 .
¦ <» Notu Ready, Price %?. 6d, \ Vol. Ii...
¦ <» Notu ready , price % ? . 6 d , \ VOL . II . OF BRITANNIA , Edited by A . a'Beckett , Illustrated in Colours by Matt Morgan .
VOL . V ., price 8 s ., of THE TOMAHAWK , Edited by Arthur a'Beckett ; Illustr ated by Matt Morgan . Office : 199 Strand . x — ~ : —¦— ' ~ - ' - " ¦ ' " —¦ ~ — ' ¦ —
London, May 14, 1870.
LONDON , MAY 14 , 1870 .
The Week.
It Is Not Often That The " Official Cour...
It is not often that the " Official Court Circular" tells tales ; but last week , on the occasion of the Princess Helena's accouchementthe Court Neivs ? na ? i took care to let it appear that Prince , Christian was amusing himself at Newmarket at the time , and had to be telegraphed for to come home . Fie , fie , Prince Christian . This is not the way to court popularity .
It Is A Libel On The_ Police To Assert T...
It is a libel on the _ Police to assert that they possess no clue to the probable whereabouts of the jewels stolen from . Lady Margaret Beaumont's , for we understand that an experienced member of the Force is next to certain that the diamond ornaments must have been carried off to Holland , and broken up long ere this . And yet people assert that the Police are wanting in intelligence !
The Block(Head) System.
Why Should It Be That, When H.R.H. The P...
Why should it be that , when H . R . H . the Prince of Wales holds persons Victoria a levte living Station at North St or . James Bel of gravian Pall ' s Palace Mall Pimlico and on behalf Piccadill should of y be , the bound condemned Queen for , the all to miss their trains or appointments , as , the case maybe ? It is certainly not the Prince ' s fault , nor is it the fault of those gentlemen Police who . As attend the regulations the levte , so are the now responsibility enforcedfor rests two with or three the hours in the middle of the day in the midst of , the Seasonwhen a Royal reception is being held at St . James ' s Palace , the , road from Marlboroug Pall Mal h House l to the which Mall of is the St . highway James ' s to Park Pimlico , by the is stopped wall of not only for cabs and , carriages , but even foot passengers , are not allowed to pass through to the Park . For these latter the hardship is not so great , for they can wend their way round by Stafford House into the sacred precincts of the Mall ; but for to make carriages the circuit and cabs of no Parliament such facility street exists , on , and the they one are side forced , and St . James ' s street , Piccadilly and Grosvenor Place on the other if they want to reach Pimlico . This , too , notwithstanding that there is a carriage road by Cleveland Row and Stafford House those into the persons Mall , whick who possess on levde the days mystical is quite entr deserted de which , even entitles by them to use the road on ordinary occasions . As the inconvenibeen ence is said a temporary aboutitbut one remembering , and lasts that but it a recurs few hours some , half little -dozen has times a year , and , on each occasion some three or four hundreds
Why Should It Be That, When H.R.H. The P...
we of the public at least are call seriousl attention y embarrassed to the matter by the with Police the regulations view to a , remed may y being providedespecially as we have , shown that the remedy is near at hand , in the shape of the second turning on conscientious the left . Colonel gentleman Henderson and may his intentions be , and no may doubt be of is , the a hi best ghly but he is proverbially obtuse , in seeing matters affecting the pub- , lic convenience and safety in their proper light . He evidently result allows is his a blockade military training of half London to warp on his icvJe civil days judgment . We , claim and the the position call on him , but to before surrender doing at battle discretion with the and gallant alter the Commissioner regulations , forthwith . ,
No Questions Asked.
We Have No Objection To The Marquis Of K...
We have no objection to the Marquis of Kildare being raised to any the title Peerage he may under have the a preference title of Lord for Kildare for the , noble or , indeed Marquis , under is the eldest son of the Duke of Leinster , , and must in due course have succeed amassed to his on father his ' s own honours account , when would any per distinctions forcebe swamped he may in the dignity of an Irish duke . But we , object to , the grounds on come which to claim , according a to the in press his own , the ri Marquis ht . That of he Kildare has been has Colonel of the peerage Kildare Militia since g 1849 having two years previously been married to Lady Caroline , Leveson-Gower , a daug sound hter honourable of the second and Duke of Sutherland hand which , are do facts his which lordship no discreditbut we proper woul enoug d remind , those of our contemporaries who have , heralded these achievements of the Marquis commanded of Kildare , that Militia other Reg men iments have married without duke being ' s daug raised hteis to and the Lard Peerage Kildare for so has doing been . selected For our part for a , we Peerage do not . If even we ask did wh ask y we think it likely that no one could tell us , but this en passant , —but we object however to his Militia service and his marriage being set down as qualifications for the honour conferred upon him satisfactory . If we one accept than any . this exp . lanation at all , it must be a more
The Gentlemen Of The Future /
We Offer The Following Extract From A Re...
We offer the following extract from a recent " Paris correspondent ' s letter " to the consideration of those stolid Englishmen who still insist that there is no real liberty of the pen or j tongue cite" we in are France told . that The : — subject being the approaching " Plebis" , At the Folies , recently , the proceedings bore a local stamp . dents Rochefort : the , Megy chair , was and taken Flourens bUlric were de elected Fonvielle honorary assisted presi b - other ardent Republicans . M y . Lissagaray advocated , perpetual y agitation in town and country in favour of the Republic . M . Jules Lermina refused to bandy words with Emile Ollivierand attacked 'the Emperor Monsieur Napoleon III ., ' who was , not there to defend himself . M . Paulet desired that the edifice should be crowned by a national bankruptcy . In his opinion the Lacor Empire re eloquen was tly at exc the laimed Bourse : — . ' Former At another ly when meeting there , existed citizen who a hydra destroyed or monster it was , called raised a to serpent the rank , bull of , or a demi eagle god , the . person And I ask—I who blush to see my country bowed down beneath the yoke—how it comes that none of us have yet devoted ourselves to rid ourselves of a tyrant ? ' Not even citizen Lacorre himself . " cussed Here and , then avowed , are — foul surel insult y a , dish treason sufficientl , and murder y strong openl to suit y dis the - taste side of of the the channel most ardent ! Wh supporters y , if this sort of French of thing liberty went on on this for substituted five minutes for in the London Emperor , the Queen and his and we her should Government have Messrs being . de Bow Fonvielle street or , Lermina the cat ' s , -tail Paulet without , Lacorre the , , sli and ghtest the regard rest of for them their at backs or their principles , and we can only trust that the discovery of the atrocious plot against the Emperor ' s life may send some dozens of them to the latter destination . ~*> v % :.--. : — . TV ,.. ' -.-zr' -r *'"^ .. 7 T . r" * v" ~* ¦ "• ¦ " ' r --- —— .- » "¦ "'' ' - - ..- " " ¦¦ . ; .. —w—m «» ¦ ¦ j — . ¦ . ¦ .. ... . - — ^ ,
Tomahawk (1867-1870), May 14, 1870, page 188, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_14051870/page/6/