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_ i\ • THE TOMAHAWK. . [December Hj l86 ...
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_ I\ • The Tomahawk. . [December Hj L86 ...
_ i \ THE TOMAHAWK . . [ December Hj l 86 ^
THEAT RE ROYAL COVENT GARDEN —Last SIX NIGHTS of the GRAND DUCHESS OF GEROLSTEIN . — be Monda performed \ next , ( Dece for posit mber ively 9 , and the last duri times ng the th week s season , will * Offenbach ' s Operatic Ext » avaganza , THE DUCHESS a OF scale On GEROLSTEIN Boxing of great Night splendour , . Decembe a gran r 26 , d will Comic be produced Christmas on Pantomime entitled THE BABES IN THE "WOOD or Harlequin RobiS Hood and His Merry Men .
THE ATRE ROYAL , Manager . DRURY Mr . V . B . LAN Ghatterton E . — , Sole Notwithstanding Lessee and the TRIUMPHANT AND BRILLIANT SUCCESS after of 1 HE T hur DOGE sday , D OF ° ceiu VENICE * er 19 th , . it in cannot consequence be performed of the TOMIME Preparati' . ns To f > r be th «? Produced GRAND on CHRIs BuXING 1 MAS NIGHT PAN . - Acts Se On rvants Monday , entitled will , perform and THE during the DOGE new the OF Romantic week Vt , NICE He Plav ir , " Majesty adapted in Four 's b b y y Mr Bay Willia le Ber m nard Beverley . New . and Magnificent Scenery J . Pr C incipal Cowper characters , H . Sinclair by , Mr E . . Phelps Phelps . , Barrett Messrs . Harcourt James Hermann Johnstone , Vezin W ; C Mis , . C s Temple . Grattan Warner , C & , . c W . Webb . To Mclntyre co , nclude & c . , Mrs with C . . The H Kate . Vandenhoff Harfleur Ladies , ' Grattan , Club Messrs . , . J Hudspeth Mesda . Rouse , mes , Barratt L Beatrix . WUmot C . Shirley Webb , Mrs , . F Te . mple Mor , eland & c . , ; H S' arcourt age Ma . nager James , Mr Johnstone , . Edward , , Stirling W . C . , . Doors open at Halt-past 6 , commence at 7 o ' clock .
NE ROYAL W QUEEN —{ Lessee and 'S Manager THEATRE Mr Alfred I WtGAN)—M- nday , November i 8 . h and every eve' ' i , nine celebrated LUNATIC , the performances . Comedy Aft-r which by will Tom ( commence bv particular Taylor , with Esq desire HE called ) 'S the A ; STIL W by yndha Me L ssrs m WATER , W Alfred M Ter » Wigan RUN rott L C , » Seyton W EEP H , Princip . Ste Miss phens al Ellen Characters . Charl Terry es , and Mrs Alfred Wisran . To con . lude with the comic Dra Alfred ma called Wigan will sustain FIRST his NI original GHT , in character which Mr of . Achille Talma Dufard .
ROY AL POLYTECHNIC . —Thomas —Ab Ba yssinia rnes , Esq and .. the F . « Ab . < yssinian 5 ~» ., will Eicpeduioa deliver a Lee Monday we , on the the 9 above th The , daily uecture at 2 and will 7 " = o bj , com illustrated mencing with Mr Baii Optical . cs , fro Dioramic m drawings Pic iites belonging , carefully to the taken Royal by sources Geographical . The Society P « . ris Exhibition , and from Lecture authentic introducing private duit Machine street -made . Jewellery , by Edin W . Streeter , Cou-
TV / TADAME TUSSAUD'S IVJ- EXHIBITION . —A Ufe-size PORTRAIT MODEL of THEODORE KINiJ OF ABVSof Horrors SlNIAi Engla . s n now d , American added from ; Eleven also Celebrities art a . the m . till Kings , etc dusk . and Room and Queens from of 6 Se d . ven Ext tillTen ra Open rooms p . m . , 6 Admittance d . is , Children , unoer Ten -
THE HALL ., Islington PHILH N ^ ar the ARMONIC Agricultural Hall . Cattl Special e Sh ar , w <<> Wee ngements * . Re- and en ^ agement novel attract of Si * g , nor ns Napoli for the , the D'Onzo Italian on Hercules the hoilrontal . We dcrfu bar- l feat Gre s » of t Hume success , and of o P f rofe talented -sor and artiste Madame *) , in t v Lawrence e novel representation ( 'Ssisterl by a named trnupe various & ' The c , & Sculptor c new , by and all ' s t Studio he Startling St . r " Conti C Novelti omedy n ues - es Burlesque in Open succession , at Danci Seven , and ng . , N . B . —The handsomest Public and Private Billiard Rooms and American Bowling Saloon in London .
ROY AL ALHAMBRA Three Acrobats PALACE Ballets , Mimics , 300 . ; Dancers ( Pictures Managing , , 60 Latest Director Instrumentalists Telegrams , Mr F . , , Strange Saloons Singers . ) , , Paper Supper ; -rooms Ten Orchestral , Lavatories Pieces , Smoking Every -rooms Niyht , Evening Open at 6 Half d . -past Keserved Seven , Seats begin 4 at s . Eight Privat . e Prices Boxes — from is ., as £ ., z and is . Box ; Office open from Eleven , ; to Four .
SMITHFIELD CLUB CATTLE SHOW . The SIXTY-NINTH ANNUAL SHOW of FAT at and AGRICuLTUR STOCK the 13 Agricultura th , December SHEEP AT l Hall , . PIGS IMPLEMENTS opening , London , RO day OTS , 9 th , , Monday , roth will S"EDS be nth , HBLO a , , X p and 2 . t m h . , Admlsaion , Five Shillings By order , Other days . One Shilling . S . SIDNEY , Secretary . SMITHFIELD CLUB OPt-NI CATTLE ^ G DAY bHOW M «> nday , Agricultural , 9 th uecembcr Hall , , a London o'clock . Admission , Five Sli . ilin ^ s . SMITHFIELD CLUB day , Wednesday CATTLE , SHO Thursday * . , Agricu and ltural Friday H , all xotb —Tues nth , - xath , and 13 th December . Admission One Shilling .
11 THB RUIN OP THE FEW IS THE GAIN OF THE MANY . " * PHE PANIC of ' 66 , and its enables J > Consequent the EAST Depression INDIA TEA of the COMPANY Colonial Market to offer , Tea TEAS fo LOWER * 6 » . 5 d . THAN cant be EVER dear . . Six The pounds Compan of goo y ' d s yard KA 1 , SOWS Blshopsgate are delicious street . .-9 ¦ Great St . Helen's Church-
THE LONDON , 191 Fleet st . that Mr 7 ; . he FREDERICK is again Corner SOLE " of Chancerv SAWYER PROPRIETOR lane . begs Temple OF tp THR announce Bar . LONprice DON s upon and having which received he relied substantial formerly wete proof consistent that the with the views df the public generally , has reduced the dinner inclu tariff ding to , its is vegetables . original 6 d . Dinners sca , chee le , viz tor se . , : — bread small Dinner , parties & c from , is , . in the od . private joint Yish , notice room Grand s . , Saloon from 3 s may . 6 d . be to engaged gs . per head by giving . A - Table a half hour in the ' s I . will The be served famous on London and after Dinner Saturday , at , as . gid 9 th . per of No head v .
! ! After THEATR the OPENING E , Long acre . — of the QUEEN ' jto SUP . 'S After the OPENING of the QUEEN'S THEATRE , Long acre . —EVANS' to SUP . __ After THEATRE the OPENING , Long acre . — of the QUEEN ' to SUP . 'S After THEATRE the OPENING . Long acre . — of EVANS the QUEEN ' to SUP , 'S After THEATRE the OPENING , Long acre . — of EVANS the QUEEN 8 ' to SUP . 'S After the OPENING of the QUEEN'S THEATRE , Long acre . —EVANS' to SUP . After the OPENING of the QUEEN' S THEATRE , Long acre . —EVANS' to SUP . After the OPENING of the QUEEN ' S THEATRE . Long acre . —EVANS * to SUP . After the OPENING of the QUEEN'S THEATRE , Long acre . —EVANS ^ to SUP . After CO VENT GARDEN Promenade After Concert Drury s , Lane Theatre , EVANS EVANS ' ' to to S S UP UP . . After After Hayuiarket Lyceum Theatre Theatre , , EVANS EVANS ' ' to to S S UP UP . . After After Oly Adelpbi mpic Theatre Theatre , , EVANS EVANS * ' to to S S UP UP . . After After New Stiand Royalty Theatre Th , eatre , EVANS EVANS * ' to to S S UP UP . . After After Prince St . James of ' Wales s Theatre ' s Theat , re , EVANS EVANS ' ' to to SUP SUP . . ' Covent Londo Garden n Singing . Vocal and Entertainment Supper Club at Eight ,. EV - ANS ';
THE ALEXANDRA street -a . . RESTAUR Public and Private yNT , Dining 7 Conduit Rooms street First . Regent -class . Theatres Cooking . and F HiLFRBNT Wines . Op , <—• troprietor for Suppers . after the
( LONDON ) CLARENDON PRIVATE HOTEL . Bed 17 & and 18 Breakfast ARUNDBL , 3 s ST . ; .. Servant STRAND , . 6 J . 17 pe & r 18 day . .
Dr Turk . C Ish U L Bat V H E S, R Remov...
DR TURK . C ISH U L V E S , R REMOVED W E L L from 'S » 9 St . MartinVl ^ -Granri , City , to 3 GREAT MARLtic JbOROUGH kets , is . 6 d . . ; STREET twenty , , 21 Rege s . Saturdays nt street , , i W s . . — Advice Single oa is ., Bath Mann gratis , Corn . hill Dr . . Cs . Medical Work , " Ourselves , "
P ATENT KID GLOVES . welts " 1 , c WHEELER elebrated for and half Co a century 's . own for make elegance , with patent of fit , finish delicately , strength perfumed , and . durability AU Colours . The in ladies stock . ' gloves Csadtes are ' , * s . * d . { Gents . 4 s . 8 d . ; post free two extra' stamps . 3 and Lt che s . dies Ge most Co nts ' .. Paris . careful no 3 s Regent . Kid Wedding and Gloves street prompt and , . as W . . attention Famil ; 6 d and . with y 33 . Orders Poultry two "V HEBLRR tbuttons receive , B . C , ., London
BEAUTIFUL HAIR . TEBBUTrs J . CRE 4 iVf Extract from QUILLAIA CIUMBERS'S TuURthe nau ion beauty . Society February and of luxuriance faris 1838 . , siys " Tha that of their bulletin the hairro wom of - the n a of prep Acclimlta Chili < r < owe tion - adapted virtu elegant of the -s Quillala of combination for th the rvark B stimulation » rk , , " with in Tebbutt a pure concentrated and ulein 's nutrition QulllaU , an form t is Cream of , singularly the of all Is hair the an . ¦ a causing most a beautiful rapid and nnd profuse brilliant growth gloss , Ic . Imparts Prepared likewise only at and by zx Aldersgatc is FkanJC 6 S d '" » , N as - > . 9 d ThbbUTT ico , streer and Oxford 4 ; , and each , Kilburn Retail street by ; Chemists MaW Agen's and , : in SaNGBr bottles Sons , ,
SECO ND-HAND FIREwhen PROOF have SAFES second . — - Why hand purchase Milner new and safes about other eminent you half may their maker prices , equal , ftqm In insurance tvery , oy respect companies to new every , the , a — Bombay GRIFFITHS nnd other , 43 , bank Cannon failures street t , List B . C . of prices free . ^ LL elssssssssssssssssssssssl sssV isH _ ss \ ssssV 4 s _ i ssssssssssssssssssssi _ LsB ssB ¦¦ bssT ^¦^ Lsssssss ^ BsssssssssiB ^ ^^ isssT Tsi ssssssssssssssssssS issS ^ H RE IMPROVEH ADING COT 'S CARRIAGES NEWLY for the street Removal , W . of ( Opposite invalids the On Langham Hire at HoteL 14 Riding ) House
DR . GARTHSHORE'S Tonic stores the RESTORATIVE secretions of nature PILL into promotes and order re-Price and CLEAVER re ts -eSt i # -. d blishe , ., Perfumer as s . od health ., and , 63 , 4 O however s xford . ^ d . per Street much box . proper . EDWARD debHitated " _ . ,
nr EETH ; - ~ Af set of the very so essential I best to for health Five Pounds and Comfort , with . soft Perfect gums mastication , wnich are Set distinct Dentist s from , articulation 56 One Great POUND , Russell and . — lasting By G street . H durability , . JO opposite NES warranted , Working BritisS . , Museum entrance . - '
ALL THE YEAR ROUND GOOD STATUE OF cheap A process HEALTH of taking may be secured by the simple and . ^ Bs ^ k ___> sj 5 ftk ___ 85 _ l __ __ k __ _ f 9 ~ bk ^ B 0 r ^ BsBK ^ ^ SBB ^ ^ KSfiS *^ ¦ ^ 3 B ^^ s whenever possessrthe there most is astonishing any symptom and of invi indisposition gorating : propet They - and ties , restore and they sound will overcome health ; there all obstinate is a return complaints of good , their appet mildness ite shortly as from a purgative the beginnin is a desideratum g of their use greatly , whilst required Chemists by and the Medicine weak and Vendors delicate . in May boxes be h * is d of iJ 4 all d as gd , and in Family Packets of us , each . , ,
PURITY * —Condy ' s Patent the J- atmosphere Fluid destroy of inhabited ' s all offensive rooms and odours close , purifies places , to frees inodorous perfect water . sound F fro or m use ness putrescible ONE tainted part organic makes food , is aco matter harmless . , resto and res Condy ' s Patent Ozonised " Water , - tastes the For skin and Toilet , allays odours purposes irritation from . the , removes Removes mouth , secretions purifi impure as and and , and forei softens tends gn J f work . enerally ottles Bell - , , , Batter 2 s & to . ; CO a doubl sea healt ., and , & London e y size ^ state nost , 3 . Chemists s ' of . 6 Eyery cL the , 6 body s ., bottle : and Wholesale . us In has . stoppered Sold printed at the by instructions . BHWARBOF COUNTBRfoBITS . .
HE ALTH RESTORED D \ J BARRY'S FOOt > TO BY TH £ STOMACH - , tion Fevers Nerve Sleeplessness ) . s , Co , Lungs Consumption nstip , atio Debility and n , Liver Diarrhoea , . Low , Wa curing sting . Spirits Acidity Uyspepsia . Cough . . , 60 , 000 a , Jlndigres Asthma itati Cures on , , - which had resisted all medicines , includingr that of His Holiness Oecies , of the many Pope years Cure of Dyspepsia No . 1 , 771— No Lord . 62 Stuart . £ x 67-The De Ma-chioness of Breha « , Of seven yehrs' indtescribable ago Liver ny Dis from order Dyspepsia , « nd Wa , sting Nervousness Away , Low Spirits , DU Tins BARRY , at is ij £ & d ; Co 1 . lb , , 77 2 s g Regent d ; 131 b street , ass ; , 24 L . lb ondon . 40 s ; Also at FORTNUM and Chemists MASON . 'S - , aad all Grocers and
GOUT and RHEUMATISM . is Quickly —The relieved excruciating and cured pain of in Gout a few or days Rheumatism by that by or celebrate to MATIC p confinement revent Me d PILLS d the Medicine icine disease . during They ndor , BLAIR attacking s , their require at 'S One use any GOUT no Shilling , vital and restraint and part are and . RHEU certain of Three Sold diet - box Halfpence , or obtained and Two through Shillings any Chemist and Ninepence per
HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT and PILLS . —Rheumatic and Nervous Pains . tortures —The chilly In constitutions mornings susceptible and evenings of such provoke maladies those . well Nothing rubbed affords upon so the much skin relief after as repeated Hollo way fomentations ' s Ointment . Thousands ful comfort obtained of testimonials from the bear safe witness and simple to the treatment wonderwhich by a judicious all can use adopt of . the Holloway Pills , is especially 's Ointment serviceable , assisted or cular In assuag internal pains ing . , whether the It is suffering - earnestly they from be recommended acute cramp , chronic and other that , external every mus- ,. Invalid dies Sufferer a few that from days a these cure ' trial pains will , which should be the will ifive result full Holloway y of convince continued ' s reme the - perseverance .
HUNTS APERIENT wards in boxes of at FAMILY SIXTY is r >* Y d . ttA and PI . RS LLS » . s od To . — ( co In be ntaining - unlvrsal had of ihree all use Ch botces for . mists up ) . , . SPANISH which dient in speedily Alhx FLY . produces Ros is s ' s the Whiskers CanthaJudhs acting and ingre thickens Oil - , Chemists ROSS Hair . , 38 . . 348 6 d ., High sent by Holborn poet for , 54 London stamps , . and ALE all X .
WONDERFUL DTSCOVERY .-Chiropo Corns cured . This in one preparation day , by using gradually ALBX . dissolves ROSS'S the H Price olborn Corn 4 s , . in ; London sent a few by , hours and post all , removing for Chemists 60 stamps . the . very 948 High root .
HAIR High Holborn CURLING , London— A LUX FLUID . ROSS ' S , Curl 248 Immediately INC Fluid it curls Is app Ladles lied . ' or Sold Gentlemen at 3 s . od ' s . > Hair sent for 54 stamps . Had of all Chemists *
GREY London . HAIR —Alex Ross , 248 ' s Hair High Holborn produces a , nent perfect sent by and colour post perfectly for immediatel 54 stamps natural y ; in It and effect is used all . Chemists . Price It is 3 permit . s , od . * f
HAIR DESTROYER , _ 248 High removes for arras Holborn 54 , without stamps , superfluous London . effect Had — , io ALBX of hair the all from Chemists skin , ROSS . the Price 'S . face DHPII 3 s , . neck 6 . d ATORY . ; , sent and
ft * AOE MARKPOWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED , a For nd Coug Medicine hs , Colds Vendors , Asthma , at is , . & i } c 4 . d S . old to as by . 3 all d ., Chemists and us . ~ each London bottle . . Warehouse — 16 ' Blackfriars road ,
\ XrHAT IS YOUR W CREST AND WHAT IS YOUR MOTTOi Send as . 6 d . to . CULLETON'S Heraldic Office for a k 1 Plata The Arms Sketch of , or man 7 s . for and a Coloured wife blended o ' ne . F I J together liveries proper what heraldic in proper buttons colours heraldic to be used for form servants and . The how ' t every ^ gggjust ' - tine tSooengravings c famil comp arriage , y lete in should the , a , arms very kingdom be , valuable crests painted , , t an he book , ; d result fee mottoes , , with 10 of s . colours thirty years . Family ' labour , pedigrees price . £ 10 traced xos . . printed from authentic in several records , Information as to the obtaininepf a new grant of Engraver arms , how to her to change Majesty one and 's name Royal , by Family T . CULLHTON ; also Die , ( Sinker comer of to St the . Martin Board ' s lane of Trade ) , W . , C . as Cianboum street
BOOK-PLATE ENGRAVED vs . Sd . ; with Monograms ARMS , bis on . ; Seals Crest or on Dies Seals th or the Rings most , ( elegant Majesty ane ) . , form as Cranboum by T . CULtRTON street ( corner , Engraver of St . Martin to her ' s
SOLID GOLD SIGNET Crest 4 RINGS SS . ditto , 18-carat , massive Hall-marked for Arms , Engraved Crest with and Cot Motto pure , , £ gold 4 ; 4 a . . - Send The , very Hall size - of inark finger , is by the fitting only , guarantee a piece of s thread treet . . W —T . C . CULLBTON , seal Engraver , as Cranboum
ULLETON'S IMPROVED paper C with EMBOSSING Crest , Monogram PRESS , or , Address bis ., for . stamp Any one ing ( can LBTON corner use , of them St Practical . . Ma To rtin be 's Engraver had lane ) only . , of * $ the Cranboura maker , T . street CULfULLETON'S VISITING V * » CARDS—A Cooper-plate engraved In the most fashionable Wedding - Cards style , , and fifty fifty each best , for Cards lady and printed gentleman , as . 3 d- , Sfty ess Monogram . & Embossed ., post , with free Envelopes maiden , T . CUIXBTON name , stamped printed , Engraver with on Crest the to nap the or > Quean . « S Cranboum street ( corner of St . Martin ' s lanel . CU GRAMS L LET . —The moat O N elegant 'S In MONO form i a design - seat velopes for . is 5 » . . ed , stamped - Five quires with cream Monogram -laid Paper , without and 100 charge Enfor the Dla . or No address charge dies for engraving if a Guinea cres ^ Bo arms * of . to Stationery monograms T . CULLKTOM be , ordered . Practical , all stamped Dleslnker , free . , « s P . Cranboum O . Orders street ( Corner of Si Martin's jane ) . ^ ULLETON'S PLATES for tention r V _* r MARKING every kind of LlNBN linen , ¦ ilk . — , By or means stockings of this , *** In ** - of taarked ean Numbers use with them ores . ea > Initial * , « monogram d . i pfite Creat , is , . or Mate 1 Name address , * a * . With . At Any I one f f- « U Admiralty direction T . CUULBTON !* , and , sent . Board Seal post-free Bmn of Trade -avw on , receipt and sg , Cranboum piesinko s of < r ' * to * street « P tne * £ ( comat of 8 s . Martin ' s lane ) . _
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Dec. 14, 1867, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_14121867/page/12/