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- ' ' - ' | r- ' - - - ¦' '¦' * - " . " . ' /'/ "' ' ^• r ' THE TOMAHAWK . '¦ , ' ' ¦ - rSta ^ wy ' is , i 8 yl ^ f *
, y * g OyEat-OOATip , 81 s . to 83 s . "
9 tmtt 0 * m * m ** BAHRY SULLIVAN , SOLE LESSEE AND MANAGER . EVE The RY Performances EVENING -will until romiaence FURTHER at 7 o NOTICE clock , , «« the wit ; the bath laughable Farce r o a r > . ' ; Af t " fEofc which , at * * LOVELL Sacrifice 'S great Play . " of --Concluding every evenln * ? -with the very laughable re " STATE " sECRETS ; " " OR , THE TAILOR OF T A M WORTH-
MB . W . S . WOODIN AT HOME , CARPET WITH HIS BAG FAMOUS &> SKE AND ORIGINAL TCH-BOOK In the Laree ENTERTAINMENT Room . EGYPTIAN ' HALL ? , , Picca-Saturday dilly EVERY Mornings EVENING at 3 . The 'except beautiful ' Saturday Scenic ) at and 8 . cently " Pano Mr . deco ramic Woodm rating I . lustration has and sp luxuriously ! ared by J no . O expens CONNOR furnishing - m . his magnin salon - ' onW for Seats n the from co may mfort fo be till secured 0 / ; his also patron i at n advance MitchelTs * . " at Royal the Box Library -office , . < Sox St Ad alls . Bond Ode -as . ; sueet T Area ^ o , and s , and « s . T ; hre all Balcony e the Gufneas principal , is . . Carriages Family Musicseller Private at to * . .
MADAME TUSSAUD ' S b is A een PO Cha added RTRAIT mber EXHIBITION to of MODEL the Horrors Chamber of . FRHIJERIGK < BAKER 5 d of . extra Horrors . STREET Open . HlNSON Admission . from has ix am ; . till to p . m . , TV / TADAME TUSSAUD'S A JlVX PORTRAIT exhibition MODEL of Troppman , bakhr street has been . added of to the Horrors Chamber 6 d . extra of Horrors . Open . Admission from » r a . m is . . ; tiU Cha topm mber -
THE MYSTERIES OF TJDOLPHO . f by ' rom Astounding Professor Maters Ono .- . 0 « WariSro Pep asionaily per Ef . fsctb Peculiar . Holland The . —Three Relics People and Ghosts of i of ts Maximilian the Exhibition emanate Period . , , by Petif Ooncert . fetro por ^ udog the eminent Basso Pro-» sJ ^ ffi « t ^ C ^ nd ^ l ^ c ^ Sn : Th ^ L ° POLYT Otic r kcHNIC Shitting * INSTITUTION . _ . . _ .
HOLBORN . '¦ Uzzie Louis On MONDAY who Graham has , the been next new , received and Serlo during -Comlc nihtly the . Funny with Week roars , L Miss \ tue of Emma laughter , West . West .. ¦ B , . D the . Davis celebrated , with his Stump g sons Tommy Orator , . and and Joey theMurray the well , the -Tcnown funniest Family laughter , of the fuony - fascinating provoking folks . Cormque trio Great . Jolly success . "lAsHUs Nash of . , Carlotta Danseuse Veite of the ,-acknowledged Music-Hall Stage to - . be Great the Premier success lesqus of and Metre Eighth Operatic Redman Ntebt Entertainment and of the H . ' wonderful . Metze . The in the Performance One refined Hundred Bti of r--- acknowledged Le most Petit ; "wonderful Blondin by performance awcl the - Blanche whole of ever the on attempted the public Tight Press . Rope Also the , Statuary Le Petit * . Blondin ' s Mr . unsurpassed Mr . P . . W CORRI . HAMILTON Imitations , Musical , Chairman Director of Ancient . . . ' Instrument ^ SPECIAL Maker NOriCK ) Benefit ,- W on . HiLLYAUD WEDNESDAY ' s , ( Musical Jan ^ X 9
.-- , ? vi This ^ -N j . ATIONAL brilliant : ROOMS and , HIGH favourite . ' HOLBORN Ball ASSEMBLY Room , is OPEN gg to EVE ensure ! * 8 i EVENING £ Si comfort . S ^ and The ' . enjoyment » greatest * x ^ regard ^ visitors du ^ . s paid ffi Reth ^ uir ^^ M S r . ^ R . A . M . _
JH'W'EIIjIjEIR'S' . ' THE NEW BRAZILIAN ALLOY , THE BEST AND MOST INEXPENSIVE \ ] toeauty Imitation of of design 18 Carat and Gold durability ever yet in wear produced cannot . For ^ be K ^ NER ^ * $ <> . . fr PEXCHimCH ST .. B . C . *•• U > WKOUWgAtB AN 13 RETAIL .
*^ C ^ o «»>* ^ ^^^^¦ Ce ^^ ' j ^_ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SB ^^^^
¦ JL iXEABOja ¦ I MM ^ ¦ 1 ™ e > WH 0 USALE or ' W BATTY r & Ct < BHlr a , fins bury LON D pavement O N
TO T _ , ^_ T 3 IEISTHE THE ABOVE SKIN— PREPARATION THE SOUTHERN is one used wi BLOOM th unvaried . New *• "York succe . This ss by pcntloinan an M . D . from having the made principal the hospitals skin his entire for tho study cure , conseq of ^ fil skin uently diseases the preparation in London , has Paris siever , and b b lotches een known or eruptions to fail even of in any the description most complicated from the cases skin . without It is perfectl the slightest y harmless injury , ai . « L It . s imparts peedily removes a clear and all health and clear ful . glow ¦ In to cases the at complexion 6 s . and us , . and each renders direct the from coarsest the Manufacturers and most unhealthy-looking skin transparent : 95 TALBOT T . S . BERNE & STREET CO ., WHOLESALE , , DUBLIN MANUFACTURING , and CHEMISTS NEW YORK „ .
G . P . FREEMAN -w * x 3 sr CaANBOTIEN E & A . 3 sr TER 3 D STREET OF ox g , - ^ a ^ ^ r s , CARRIAGE FREE to - any Railway than Station one dozen in England or two or gallons Wales * , for not ¦¦ ' less : THE QUALITY If not OF approved ALL w WINES ill Toe exchanged -IS' GUABANTBBD . ~ _• . . WINES DRAWN FROM THE WOOD PURE AS IMPORTED . A SINGLE GLASS AT WHOLESALE PRICE . .
WHAT " t to > , CUI- on l-BTON I Seals S YOUR , 'S Book HERALDIC Plates OREST , and OFFICH Steel Dl and , « 3 s s for . 6 * MOTTO stamping . plain j Sketch paper T , In Send 7 Heraldic s . 6 d . Name Manual Colours ¦ of , 7 and s H . . Crest raldry Ootmty eneraved , 38 . j ) d .. Ml post free by . ¦¦ . . ¦• ' .- - ¦ ¦ , . . ,, ¦¦ . ¦ - . -, ; JaL T . CULLKTON , OS CRANBOUKU STRUCT , CORNER . OF ST . MARTIN'S LANK . OrZ Y W -SSSS ^ jl [ ^ ^ rX wIth ° Ct tTLIiETON ost a ce ream olEao ^ and of order the motto very . . T Monoerom 'S best . maiden CULLETON GUINEA paper or and address 500 Semi envelopes BOX , Hn and raver the o ( f . el STATIONERY one die or engraved three Biros , free ) , of beautifully charge contains , on stomped racelpt VIJ f P , K ^ XiST JJ VrC ^ ^ ^^ f j ^ VISITINa bossed os _ Envelopes . 3 d ., post - free with CARDS . ! ncjudin £ name the by , njfravlnfi 13 s OTTLIiETO , tfd . : of T , . copper CuLL - . plRte ETON ^ — Wedd Seal Fifty Engravers ing , cards best So eaclii auality , ; So ,- *«»• , TVrONOGRAMS charge ***• xae for entrravms Envelopes r die i stamped . T by . CULLETON with CULLETO Monomrara , Die In 3 Sink ST rich er , colours to Quarter tf 10 , Board «¦ . 6 d of ., and Trade Ream sent , aj to any Cntnboum of part Paper for street stamp . Comer * and NTo
rzr ^^ / ¦ —o i & msmnto •^^ P EVERY EVENING , ^ Sr LITTLE E'MLY . THE P rTn CE SS . BV W . S . GILBERT . . *& 0 n BEfMfo - EVERY EVENING , ^ OfiW * ^ MESSRS . J . L . TOOLE , HENRY IRVING ^ JOHN CLAYTON , ETC . MI 5 S NEII . SON and MISS E . FARREN . l ~ UNCLE DICK'S DARLIPTG . OTtat angler ,. ' fitup .
E . MOSES & SON , /^ . ^/ READY-MADE ft BBSPOKB ^ S ^^ .-TAX LOBS , /*&/ HATTBR Boot & Sko 3 , « HOSIERS Makers , J , % f * 5 # ^ T f ^ MinoricB , GUTTERS J & ^ Aldgate , y TOSH AXXi f ^? f nd Hart Btreet Classes . f ^ S ** SAfrf / Q & $ S X * nd Tottenhanoi " Boston load Court , road , ^^ jf ^ ' ' - Ijondon . ^/ AlsoSradford , Yorkshire . Any article All goods exchanged marked if In not plain worn flgrures or inj . ured . Rules for Self-measurePattora * , Liflt of Pricesand Fashion SLbeet , . post free . ,
A . LYNES and SON'S KENSINGTON New Styles £ 1 OVERCOATS WJnter . , 20 s . OVE"ScO ; ATS . FACED WITH Sent Carriage FUR . Paid SILK for , P OR . O . ' ' VELVET . , . ¦ " OXJB . f :- .-: &* Jon i '' i ^ 3 ^ AX ^ lsrpw ready » ¦ ' ^ , , ; , . their A in uthors produc magnificent , A ne rtists one , Engravers new of thd ' B ' pok most , and for clepnnt " Printers h ^ vJlnUir volumes have * -S united killed -ever . is issued spocitilly toy any intended firm in the to worid illustrate , . V OUR the Fashion JOURNAL sand " , . Blve NAL Kensington most " also graphic contains Ciothinpr descriptions PATTERNS for the Winter of nnd . eveirv ' a " new OUR Karmeht Code JOUR , for of - . Kratis Self-Measurement and post-free ; & to nd any "OUR part JOURNAL of the world " . is sent , A- LYNES & SOSiT , 103 SH CORNER ORHiDITOH OP HOmVELL , L LAWB ONDON . "'¦ -,- ' ,
Just ready , price 6 d . j by post for 7 stamps , ' RIMMEL'S "W % : ^»!?;! ( THE HEROINES OF BRITISH POETS ) , BBA . UTIPULLV ILLUMINATED . , " Rimmcl Novelty ¦ Rimmel ' s NEW for ' s Tea FLOR Balls , PEUFUMES Coffee . nnd AL , CRACKERS Parties & c , from , Vnnda . as Ss : . , , 6 ililanc d a 6 , d cliarminij . per -Ihlanff doz . , . -.-. Sold by all the Trade . "vxxatt RIMMEL , Perfumer ' & sent Jtt application I-1 eBBigtgSEP . R . H . . tile .. Princess of -
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Jan. 15, 1870, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_15011870/page/2/