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July 16, 187a]. • i "%T / THE TOMAHAWK. ...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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July 16, 187a]. • I "%T / The Tomahawk. ...
July 16 , 187 a ] . i " % T / THE TOMAHAWK . ¦ !* ¦
; - — : ¦ ' ft i , 5 ^ 5 : —¦ ¦ — . ¦—¦ ¦—¦ . ' , BOYS' . DEPARTMEN — T . —PRICE LIST . pl ^^ S C L O T H I N G . — ROYS' DEPARTMENT . —PBICE LIST . — Mr - « — ^ — . J I _ Zouav ___ I Zouave : Zouave : ^_—_ X > ¦ NEW ARBANGEMENTS , . —_ I Zouave I Neelieee h ^ eglige SSU e Boys _ * QIASS : ~ . I H su > g . 3 { fc I h ^^ . I Hg ^ -8 ia < j He ^ -4 ft . . - t - VERY of ordering succeeding Clothing ' from London Year Houses the become advantages more im- O LASS ' U \ ^ fen . U \ ^^ n . STiSS ~~~ * ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ - -I I 18 s ; I I 17 S . i . - 18 wo s . . 1 I 19 J . C 7 S P . . difficu pressed lty upon m send the ing Provincial prices wi community th the Pattern . Hitherto s requeste there d for has BOY been 'S a A A * - on 4 US < a . I - QA S-iS . q . Q -5 OS 5 s . ou 6 d .. x 12 ^ ao s . . « 0 " d-.. Bj 1 1 2 OS - T I " 2 l 8 - ' I a 23 - ~ j j I 23 ^ which Ir CLOTHING ^ will ER allow , in consequence par ^ ents ^ ^ of guardians the ages to being receive quoted patterns instead , of and the , sizes after . — — - B — = ^ —¦ | 24 . \ — 283 . | 29 — S . GO — . 108 . 6 d . Dl 0 . j 243 28 * -..- » s . - 1 1 25 29 ,-.,- S * s . 6 ^ , d d . . j 27 31 ^_ s . J i ~ 32 283 Z ~ . s . 6 d . the to makin Classes the Class g- height repre their to which senting selection of the it boiongs seven boy , at . o qualities nce Each . to ascertain description of cloth . the On of price each suit Per is pattern made suit , according is in marked Seven — D fj ^ s ^ = ^ | ; « 3 34 -OS " - " s « J ; « 33 38 - " - ** s . =. 0 6 d . j 35 4 Os w s . . Od d | . "j 24 ~~ 2 OS s . E — I sis . I 33 s . j , 35 s . S 7 s . f OTJAVE SUITS , with Knickerbockers E : 39 s . 43 ^ 46 s ! 28 s . II >« [ j ~ . —~— 34 s . ~ T 1 37 s ., f [ , 4 OS . j [ 43 s . ^ -fc- £ Fashions * ff or Trousers l containing a ? elul 10 , ^ NEGLIGEE ^^ ^^^ Figures , ' SUITS 37 of which , , and are . OVERCOAT adorned . with S , - from the — -= F = = | \ 46 s . | ; 5 Os . j | 54 s . 6 d . 33 s . VI ^ * I 38 S . I } 41 S . I 44 S . I I 47 S . B deducted 0 ?*!^ from , ? f a purchase ^ Poets . , Patterns _ and painters sent fxee . . Post-free for six stamps , ^ ( * * | 60 ** vs S » . . j I 57 « - » < s ~>» . j 61 S . 6 d . j 38 S . SAMUEL BFrOTHERS , 50 LUDGATE HILL , E . C . / LONfiJON .
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THOMAS ELLIOTT'S C I .- T Y HA I R-C U T TING CHAMBERS , 51 PEN ( gHtJRCH STREET , E . G . T : ' _ — —* Hair Shampooing Hair-Cuttingf Singeing ... — QcL 6 6 d d . . And Annu as to - al without Number Subscriptio any of restriction Times n ,. ... £ 2 £ 1 2 I s s . - ELLIOTT'S Golden Melana has restored the Hair upon Bald Heads . ELLIOTT brows ' S Toni . 3 a c . 6 Loti d ., 5 on s . 6 has d ., 10 produced s . 6 d . and Whiskers 21 s . , Moustache , and Eye-ELLIOTT'S Pilo Chromatic has restored the Hair to its Natural Colour . Forwarded on receipt of stamps , 5 s ., 7 s . 6 d ., 15 s . 51 FENCHTTRCH STREET , LONDON .
JOHN GOSNELL AND . CO . 'S ; CHERRY TOOTH PASTE is Teeth greatly a pearl superior -like whiteness to any Tooth , and protects -powder the , gives enamel the from decay . Price xs . 6 d . each . . ; Angel Passage , Upper Thames Street , LONDON . : r ' T ¦
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LUXURIANT WBl & KEBS , MOITSTAOHES , ~" \ v AND A FINE HEAD OF HAIR . Ti" ™ _ ' ¦ . MRS . M E H R I A M , through her SPRINGFIELD English Agents , MASS , Mess . rs , . U WESLEY . S ., will send and , W stamped KNOX . C . . her envelope FEATHFRSTONB RECEIPT , producing ( Formula BUItDlNGS Hair } , for vn nfne . Face , sfontps LONDON 1 ' or Head and . . in a month . 0 fye bottle only required . -
BtJ ' ' Tr ' BES . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN PATENT LEVER . TRUSS is allowed b Hernia y upwards , consists of 500 of a Medical small and Men elastic to be pad the , to best whic for h bandnfje a descri lever ptive is , attached fitting Circular 1 so ( instead closely on application of as the to avoid usual to detection spring Mr . ) , JOHN a . soft ¦ A "WHITE , aa 8 Piccadilly , London . Double Single ditto Truss , , 3 16 x 3 s 6 , d axs , 42 , a s 6 , s and 6 d . and 533 31 6 d s ; fid postage ; postage xs 8 is d . . Umbllcal P . O . O . to Truss JOHN , WHITE 403 and , Post < as 6 Office d : postage , Piccadilly is zod . . — . I KNEE ELASTIC -CAPSetc . Prices STOCKINGS 4 s 6 * d 73 fidzosand x 6 , each ) postage , 6 d . , ' , , , , JOHN WHITE , Manufacturer London . , oa 8 Piccadilly ,
C 3 ZE 3 C JEy -A . 3 E > EDIT iOlsT i Now ready , Price 3 ^ ., " ¦ TUB VOLUMES - . ¦ ¦ : TOMAHAW OF I-, II . and III . K . " MAY BE HAD OF REEVES AND TURNER , 19 6 STRAND j And all Booksellers .
: : JVo-w , ready , price 2 s . each , GREEN AND GOLD , BEVELLED BOARDS , THE TOMAHAWK BINDING CASES For VOLS . I ., II ., III ., IV ., V ., and VI . May be had ¦ from all News * Agents , Bookstalls , & c . ; and at the OFFICE , 199 STRAND , LONDON .
MAZET'S ANTIPEIIICUIAIRE , ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ¦ —o—• . all the causes which deterso destructive mine the as the FalHrig scur - bff THREB of the ' Hair applications , " none ore of ¦ Is guaranteed MAZEI ' S cure ANTIPELUCULJMRE that disease In the most serious coses . 3 s . and 5 s . Sent pn receipt of Stomps . MAZBT , Inventor , xoo Blshopsgate street Within . > ' i n ¦ - 1 ' . .. - OAKEY and SON'S EMERY ondniackLead Mills , Bldckfrlars rd ., London , S . 1 AKEY'S . SILVERSMITHS Sliver O SOAPfnon Electroplate -mercurlallfor , Plate Glass Cleaning , & c & c . and Tablets Polishing , 6 d . OAKEY'S WELLINGTON 6 d ., is ,, KNIFE as . 6 d ., and POLISH 4 s . each . . Packets , 3 d . each % tins , OAKEY ' S INDIA RUBBER KNIFE BOARDS from is . fid . each . AKEY'S GOODS SOLD G rocers EVERYWHERE , Brushmafcerg , DrugRlsts by ItojimonKCM , Szc , Oilmen , 1 11 in )
GRIMA . ULT & CO ., CHEMISTS , 7 RUE DE LA FEUILLADE , PARIS . BJE 2 TER THAN BALSAM . 1 Krl & v I k 1 w * 11 ll I ^ BI ^ BV 5 ^^ rB ^^^&' MATICO INJECTION nnd CAPSULES . tions "Where are all always other medicines ertectlve . have They failed insure , these rapid prepa and - cases extraordinary of disease cure . They of severe are used , recent in , the and Hospital chronic s found of Paris greatl by y the superior celebrated to all remedies Dr , Ricord hitherto , and known ate . denhall Paul per Price ' s box : Churchyard Injection street , at Messrs and , as : . Messrs retail od . . Newbhrv per . by Pilchard bottle Mr . Constance : & Capsules and SON Constance S , , , 37 4 44 s . Lea ( St id - . .. 65 Charing cross ; 1 and all respectable Chemists . , Scientific Pamphlets to be had gratia .
HOLLOWAY'S ' PILLS . vous In irritability general debility , there , is mental no medicine depression which , nnd operates nerso blood fact give lik , tone make , e soothe a to charm the the and patient stomach as strengthen these sensibl , elevate pills the e to . nerves the They a total spirits and purify and , system and most . the In , tnmily delightful be commended medicine revolution In most existence of unreservedly his whole . Though system as so the . powerfully They tery may best and efficacious might , they be given ore singularly wtrh perfect mlid confidence in their operation to deli- , cate women and young children .
Tomahawk (1867-1870), July 16, 1870, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_16071870/page/15/