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176 \ THE TO MA HA WK. {October 16, 1869...
The Rev. — Mackarness of ¦ , the new Bis...
The American crew complain that the Oxfo...
A REPORT is gaining currency that Lieut-...
This is an age of progress and of wonder...
We understand that Doctor Cumming is abo...
A report is current, although we do not ...
Mr. Westropp has a very delicate conscie...
appointment In consequence of the of Rec...
over Mr which . Bright he presides has j...
pressive Everybody engine knows of tyran...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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176 \ The To Ma Ha Wk. {October 16, 1869...
176 \ THE TO MA HA WK . { October 16 , 1869 .
Zondon, October 16, 1869.
ZONDON , OCTOBER 16 , 1869 .
The Week.
The Rev. — Mackarness Of ¦ , The New Bis...
The Rev . — Mackarness of ¦ , the new Bishop of Oxford , should have been born a sailor , for he will be all at See in his new position . Does any one know who he is ?
The American Crew Complain That The Oxfo...
The American crew complain that the Oxford four gave them " the wash " in the late race . In spite of this , they don ' t seem to have come out of the affair with clean hands .
A Report Is Gaining Currency That Lieut-...
A REPORT is gaining currency that Lieut-Colonel Thompson , who was supposed to be in command of the Volunteers in Belgium , was mistaken , by more than one of the Belgians for a soldier . We fear this pleasing and harmless on dil will prove to be a canard .
This Is An Age Of Progress And Of Wonder...
This is an age of progress and of wonderful inventions . In a paper published on Saturday morning appeared an announcement of the great success of the new drama at the Adelphi , which was not produced till that night . This beats the telegraph . Mr . Webster has been till lately rather behind the age . He now se ems determined to get the start of time .
We Understand That Doctor Cumming Is Abo...
We understand that Doctor Cumming is about to receive a Cardinal ' s hat for his services rendered to the Roman Catholic Church by his work entitled the " Hammersmith Discussion , " which , from recent statistics , it appears has c ££ . J verted thousands of Protestants to Romanism . The learned Presbyter ( who
is still taking in his coals by the scuttle ) , has fixed the end ' of the world for November the 5 th , having refused , finally , to make any arrangements for the holding of the Pope ' s Council .
A Report Is Current, Although We Do Not ...
A report is current , although we do not wish to assert that there is the least truth in it , to the effect that the First Lord of the Admiralty , in strict adherence to those principles of economy which so characterize his administration , proposes , in the interest of the public serviceto relinquish his official residence
, at Whitehall , in order to afford greater room for the Admiralty clerical staff . If this magnanimous move on the part of Mr . Childers is agreed to by the powers that be , it will probably be accompanied by a snug douceur in the shape of compensation . Thisagainmight be economically applied in keeping up the
, , First Lord's state and dignity at South Kensington . How pleasant it is to be able to feel that there is at least one conscientious member of the present Cabinet !
Mr. Westropp Has A Very Delicate Conscie...
Mr . Westropp has a very delicate conscience , which does not admit of his telling anything but the exact truth . He adprovided mitted before ^ 500 for the the Bridgewater purposes Election of bribery Commission , and when , accused having by the Commissioners of having sworn before the Committee of the House of Commonson his oathand on his honour as a
, , gentleman , that he had not expended a single penny in bribing , or beyond the legal expenses , he naively replied , " I did not expend it—other persons expended it . " We are afraid the Commissioners hardly appreciated Mr . Westropp ' s simplicity .
Mr. Westropp Has A Very Delicate Conscie...
It is good that men should be brought face to face with the fact that perjury and falsehood are perjury and falsehood , even when only uttered in defence of such a respectable institution as Electoral Corruption .
Patronage At A Premium.
Appointment In Consequence Of The Of Rec...
appointment In consequence of the of Rector the great of Honiton success to which the Bishopric has attended of Oxford the ried ( the somebod sole grounds y ' s sister for his and selection was apersonal having been friend that of he Mr had . Gla mar d - - the stone following ' s ) , we understand appointments that as the vacancies Premier contemplates occur in the making offices below mentioned : — Archbishop cousin of Mr of . Canterbury Gladstone ' s footman . —The ' s Rev mother . Mr -in . - Smith law . , second
Commander-in-Chief of the Army . —Private Jones of the 199 th Regiment , eldest son of Mr . Gladstone ' s greengrocer . Master and contractor of the Horse for odd . — jobs Master in ordinary Brown at , Carlton crossing- terrace sweeper . Admiral A 1 X of X , the the steamer Fleet which . —Captain was to have Robinson conveyed of Mr "Citizen . Glad , - " As stone a sli and ght his compensation party to Greenwich for the disappointment this year—but . did not . widest If the sense present of the Cabinet term is we not should proving like itself to trul know y liberal how in much the further liberalism can go . , Perhaps we shall yet see .
Mems. Op The Ministry.
Over Mr Which . Bright He Presides Has J...
over Mr which . Bright he presides has just so discovered ably , unlike that the the head Board s of some of Trade of his , to subordinates know as much , is not about made his of duties wood . as B his y next junior session clerk . he Here hopes is progress It will with surprise a vengeance our readers ! to learn that Mr . Childers , the passage First Lord . Some of the of Admiralty his colleagues , was none were the not worse quite for so his fortunate stormy . " In Sic derision vos non of nobis their " misfortunes which he elegantl , he has adopted translates for " his You motto were ,
, y , ill dence , but at I was the Anti not . " podes This improves pleasing our anecdote Latin and shows our how manners a resi . - wear Mr . their Cardwell beards is . about After to this g , ive we permission may expect to to our see him soldiers som to e day Commanding plucking in up Chief courage . to beard H . R . H . the Field-Marshal
An Erin For Britain!
Pressive Everybody Engine Knows Of Tyran...
pressive Everybody engine knows of tyranny that and in Ireland injustice the that law was is the ever most devised op . - is There only are in I no reland blemishes that the to poor speak tenan of in t spends the laws his of money England on . im It - provements Here is a dreadful of which case the : A wicked . B . takes landlord a house gets on a all lease the for profit two . fifteen and a half years years , he . exp On ends the two imp hundred lied assurance pounds of in a necessary renewal for repairs shrubs . He Theiextensi plants the on garden of the lease with sixtyipounds howeveris ' not worth completed of rare
in of A the . B . . two ' s lifetime and a . half The years landlord , and claims A , . B . ' s possession heirs , and at executors the end have to give up all the two hundred pounds' worth of improvements move one , and at as their for the peril sixty . Of pounds course ' , worth this happened of shrubs , in they Ireland cannot ? No , strange to say , it is what may happen any day , and does very oppressed often , in Ireland England laws —that so different brutal country from which its own gives There poor
. are to give writers tenant and farmers statesmen of I , reland as they practical call themselves possession , of eager the landlords as a uniform ' property poor- , rate while in England they will , not or a hear tax for of such education a measure . Oh wi no th ! privat these e measures right 1 would be an unwarrantable interference ,
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Oct. 16, 1869, page 176, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_16101869/page/4/