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October 17, 1868.] THE TOMAHA WK. 171
The Criticism War-cry on " of Pindee the...
[Private and Confidential.] Dashover, Be...
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Comin G As We Do In The Field Of Critici...
truism reading caug to be ht simp up b ly y common the crowd -place at , the while moment the real turns poetry out con on - tained elaborate Take in up a outline any line paper may of only of the Monday ex story pand . , by There the study 5 th is , in and the perusal you hero will . , Vyvian find an , repudiated is the inevitable for a young time by lady his , moth Evelyn er , , Lad saved y Montreville from some . danger There or another ful heir , p Lord irates Beaufort we think and , by there the is hero presumptuous . There is heir the
wrong presumptive WiUU ^ iUl J . J . V ^ J . , , Sir JL ** VJJ . VJ Grey . J-l taU de ll-ri t Mal , , aiJVA pas . Add U 1 O CL a a jJl ^ p OUillJJtUWUJ irate with his ^ li who face corked in this , a cas military e is a naval friend officer ( there ) , is a always seneschal a military , and a friend judge , , with the usual number of seafaring supers , and men in brass , mani and cessful pulation you play have now , have the performing been ingredients cooked at the up which L into yceum , the under Theatre extraordinaril Lord . Lytton y suc ' s - t — ^ The X Ai ^ five UV V ^ acts ClV / ltO and CL 1 XU . V ei ^ 1 . g { £ ht XXC tableaux LaL / lV / O'U ^ a * - ^ p . drag UX * J Cl-g their bXXWXX a > weary YV WC 4 . 1 . V ^* wei VV ^ igllU g ht UXVlAg along A ^
We has like _ the did not . coils actors not of see a engaged sick Mr . serpent Bandmann in it . capable There in JVarcisse is of one bearing good : we scene its are wei which ght . for it , for honest critics of judgment praise highly some parts sorry of that performance . We went with the hope of finding our thoug stage h possessed not arrived of another at the hi good ghest romantic art , is a good actor . romantic Mr . Fechter actor . , We vn , were wtxt . sadly oaui ^ disappointed uxoc *> Ly L- > isxxxi . v * u . . . j Mr . tj . x . Bandmann jl- » cu . xu . xxxcu . jixx has xxao a command v . uuiiiicuiu - -
mean ing fi s gure , a talent but for scarcel dressing y an himself expressive ; and face , thoug ; has h his not accent , by any is less and noticeable has such a than German that delivery of Mr . that Fechter it is , very makes difficult such to a cat noise ch what he says . His passion consists in shaking his head rap is idl princi y fro pall m side y evident to side in as profuse if it were persp on iration springs . , and his energy He is quite capable of taking a leading part in popular mebeyond lodrama , what but he his has stature no breadth gives . of In sty the le and scene little in distinction which his
mother mother repu rermdiates diates him him he he goes ? oes as as far far as as he he can can . , but but it it is is below below the mark ; and the thrill imparted to a sympathetic audience by the art of a great actor does not come . A great actor would never have allowed himself to act while reading a proclamation . Mr . Bandmann does this to such an extent English that , he one does almost not understand imagines that what , in he spit is say e ing of his . His excellent general ture delivery does not smacks always too suit much the word of the . learnt lesson , and his ges-The character which stands out in the play by the efforts of the actor is that of / Sir kJil de MalMrVezin has the
instinct bli ^ C *\* L , VSJL of X b > < J the *¦ CLXCI artist U ¦ V , X in * him aa Grey V m ^ J . . JT He bm UW » *^ J . is * TXUlLy never pas ct ^ t . , offensive J . YJL 4 . . V m ** , £ . ! . IX and XX ( 4 . ^ WX 1 V often extremely good , as in the scene where he pictures , to him very - self the chances of his inheriting the title . He really merited the applause which followed his exit . We wish we could say as much for all others concerned . The scenery was flashy , but artistically bad . We speak of those scenes which were new , for we noticed cloths which had done agement duty in The The Master costumes of Ravensivood with few , exceptions under Mr . had Fechter been ' s
raised man XX 1 U AlUg V among ,, 1 XXWXX t « . the J . XAV authorities < VUt 9 l * UXXiVi 7 y of , W the 1 U 1 a Cfc Bow XWW -street UAUW | lkl costumiers > VU > 3 , ) XJ . C 4 . V 4 . . The piece was listened to with great attention ; and had it been the author utterly of bad The , the Lady same of respect Lyons and would Richelieu have been . The shown critics to memories seem all to , — have carried away the same line in their retentive " Bravery leaves cruel deeds to cowards , "—
w bial hich Philo , we sop submit her ' s , is verses scarcel . y Cruelty above the is cowardl average of the Prover brave - ma that n line is n . ot But a cowar there d , were or vice versd lines , is which all you w c an lead make us t o o u rea t of d The Of th g e htful popularity Heir when of the we many play get we a copy have . no doubt . It will not last up to Christmas .
October 17, 1868.] The Tomaha Wk. 171
October 17 , 1868 . ] THE TOMAHA WK . 171
The Criticism War-Cry On " Of Pindee The...
The Criticism War-cry on " of Pindee the Alderman Singh *"—Good on the is not Woodcock the word ' s ! Trail .- —The Turtle ' s Hoop . desce At n th ded e to Church punning Congress about noes . — an The d nose Archbishop . Rather undignifi of Dublin ed for of D a ublintender prelate . He . will be known henceforth as the Archbishop
The Kaleidoscope Reflection's. A Preface...
[Private And Confidential.] Dashover, Be...
[ Private and Confidential . ] Dashover , Beds , Oct . 13 , 1868 . send My you dear the whole Sir , — thing A good - as notion it stands has . As just exp occurred lanation to would me— be to useless finish the , and ' 34 they I are can expecting only refe me r back you to in the the dining enclosed -room MS to ., tionabl adding y at the the thoroug , same h time misunderstanding that the mai of n the idea British was peop unques le— - as as a a . peop j _» v ^«_» ^^ jjxv le - . . But jl < ul I j . dare uat v . say aa , y you y \ j \ x will vvxxx aa excuse v- av / ujo brevity i _» a \_» xi-jr when ituv" I j —4
-tell that leading and ^ ^ you catch the county I conversation have . the post men left ^ . my over Perhap friend turned . their s , it Mr wine on would . the Banks ^^ , ^^ to hel position pen p Johnson matters this of hurried , the and to add country several note also , them before of Europe the step , and I had that more I gave than th contemp em fully lated my . views " Send , and it told off at once , " said every one of them , and then J ohnson had up two bottles man for of the ' 34 post port In , , but great and I will we haste exp drank , dear lain success more Sir , full to y to it - . morrow Here . is the
Montague Yours Yours Rochefoucauld faithfull faithfullv y ., Baker . just P . try S . — and As the touch man up says the thing there , is and ten put minutes it a little to spare ship- , shape I will . As to terms , I will write about them to-morrow too . MS . tions urtr Before for ± I title tiiJt begin 1 , what I haven do ' you t 1 time nixx say to i \ to j / the Jxci lain Kaleidoscope how vv it j mi Reflec ht be
-VE , < y xvj a a , w > x uavv ^*^ exp ^ -kj-. xxx xxu . u migut g »~* w appropriate Britain and . , but -a Ireland a I think ^ -f , " Banks " . it "' l is better " 1 Johnson . - . than ^ ' s the idea " 1 " . History " »* TT However . ¦ of , Great a *™ " ! take which you like . Mark please that the MS . begins here * : — once * , Never to write mind a when book the about idea Eng struck land me and , but her it did political strike and me social institutions . I felt that she was misunderstood as a nation , not only by foreigners universally , but unhappily also by too many of her own children .
familiarly ft I just and add pleasantl a line y , here yet at to the say same my idea time was preserve to go the off too dignity much due , cut to it the out subject . On . looking If you over think it the again first I " see struck it is " the is " However did strike do me exactl " which as gives like the about familiarity both . to N the . B . passage Let the . printer understan , d y these you bits marked 11 do not go in . The MS (\ .. ) . continues Influenced i . j . iiiucui , cu ( . ) b uy y here this Lixio : — feeling xctixxig , for iui ex a . long iuu ^ time ijlxxx ^ I x confess bviiiv . as that ixx cli .
took beyond sented no to sketching practical do so step at out the in plans the earnest , and matter jotting solicitation , and I down have of a a now note distinguished onl or y two con , I - circle of friends who have assured me that the vindication of the national character is a patriotic and important work . f f The very words used by Banks Johnson and the leading county * * men I have . MS therefore . again * determined * * upon at once giving the result of my few days' investigation into the subject to the
world world searching , , and and manner continuing continuing . Of design my mv labour labour or form in in the the in most most the combinati complete comDlete on and and of but my materials it is to the the continued casual reader attention may of possibly the find that little I or look none for , that appreciation # which # # many # # * * if J ¦ . X Banks , 11 ,- » " -R . R H «> isf aven Johnson I VlJiXAi 't a moment * wanted WtVilbVU . to bW The make XiAMAV man his XX Xk says ? will fTill he . * and - ** -VJ couldn «^ b catch WM >*>« ' t X-V wait the »»** W , down ^* even W "¦ " ai a i m a * ¦> aaB ¦¦ . a % all a . «* in the _ * # * a * ^ P ^ m a
mail it , and with try it and . I tack post the therefor bit e I send above roug on to Please the rest , and to make it fit . More to-morrow . Great haste . Rough Notes . Feb . 91867 . o Notes Pump n the court character made , Inner by of Montague Temp British le , institutions Barrist Rochefoucauld er at and law customs , M Baker . J . L . S , in ., , Esq & relation c , ., & c , to of their the peopl influe e n . Heading on the social for , p first hysical chapter , and , political " The , Old educatio Times n versus the New . " Idea to be carried out by contrasting the
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Oct. 17, 1868, page 171, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_17101868/page/11/