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172 THE TOM AH A WK. [October 17, 1868.
To our gri faithful phites, and Double w...
7, 2, 6, 7, 4, 7, 12 , Athamas. 2 7 , , ...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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[Private And Confidential.] Dashover, Be...
1 good old " coaching days with the modern system of railway worked travelling round . The to subj show ect the . to be genial skilfull , hardy y handled , generous , and , and eventuall danger y - scorning nature of Englishmen . Notes continued . On reading the above , I cannot see exactly now J une what 1 , I 1 meant 868 . The by it . onl It seems method to of tell doing the other the thing way thoroughl oh the whole is . to N beg . B . — in
with ¦»• A * w the V ** A y I Queen A * . lVfbltUU and Constitution MV 114 & Vl & V lililllg ,- and go WAAWA strai V / U t g ht y f throug Jt « -J fcV ^ E h ^ N ^ J the ^ bV * . * subdivided list down to —( the 1 ) very the bottom Queen . ; Say ( 2 ) the Chap Lord . I . — s ; The ( 3 ) the Three Commons Estates , . gorical Necessity . Gold of treating head , silver same bod in an y , ori and ginal lead manner legs . . Carry Try alle out - idea fully . Allegory won ' t do . Better go straight at Oct the . 4 , subjects 1868 . in a familiar mannerInquire into matter
-. » - »¦•> y . - *• * Do »** 4 ** iAi London * A AllM > lAlJI and VAt . the «* .. AA great V-j U 1 A W provincial liibV every W T V * J towns UlMVbVA . Look person w « -W * . WW up . * . * . to Banks meet J me ohnson . N . and B . — get Write him to to B ask . J . som this e afternoon leading . county people ******* The subjoined letter reached us when the paper was made up . We , however , publish it in connection with the above : — ( Private . )
Dashover , Beds , 7 . 30 A . M ., Oct . 14 , 1868 . Dear Sir , — trouble I feel I that fear some I apology have is due iven to you . for Under the unnecessary may gyou the excitement—I am sure I deeply regret it—of an after-dinner gether conversation with the , I desi forwarded gn , for you a series last of nig pap ht ers a few I once materials contem , to- - lated writing AAbAlA & l I need scarcely \\ that ¦¦ I trust M- bT will fl kindly * lk & Jb
¦ regard p £ " »» - W ^*^ - «» the «» whole ^ . b *» thing ^ AXWWii m a in # h the *> A m ^^ A li ^ J . ght ^ say W a *_* J of fcAVJVl ^* a pardonable fv V * JL ^ m * Mt yon J ^ - ^** j oke ^ * . ** , played im A ^* Jh ^ not wilfully upon you Yours , but sincerel rather y upon , with every apology , Montague R . Baker . The Editor of the Tomahawk . P . S . —Will you kindly return roe my MS . ?
172 The Tom Ah A Wk. [October 17, 1868.
172 THE TOM AH A WK . [ October 17 , 1868 .
O Yes! O Yes! O Yes!
To Our Gri Faithful Phites, And Double W...
To our gri faithful phites , and Double well- Acrosticizers beloved Charaders , and all , Eni the gmaters other , M Lo erry go-Maniacs , greeting : We have received the following letter from our former contributor of groundless of food irritation for your towards mazy brains ourselves , which , and , spite equall of y its ground tone - less self-satisfaction , we publish : — TO THE EDITOR OF THE TOMAHAWK .
your Sir contemptible , —With the true conduct magnanimity towards myself of geniu ; my s , I wrath forgive is you apget peased signed on , without b has y the inflicted just me . punishment on Your you pride . So which has you been actuall Fate humbled , y and thoug not . ht the It you was under could not - position tics out enoug , to though h , that its which readers you you nearl should knew in y every feeble my compel aversion miserable halting me to to rhymes that construct comic trick , paper and y doubl sort by now e of aid acros doles com of - - " Maunder on this ' s point Treasury and of I even Knowledge succeeded . " However in reconciling , I yielded myself to
to you V \ J 1 * 1 a form J . J , ** AJ . BVB of JJV eni /> ' -VI gma , MlilM which * ** ** VAJ I saw MWWWVVtVVk was capable A ** « V VVW * of AWA poetic - >> A . ^ >*** J and MW-V * my elevated endeavour treatment to instruct . Sir , as more you than well to know amuse , it has ( ) ; always and whether been the it was vulgar a charade trick , of an obscurity enigma , or than an the acrostic noble , I art relied of poetic less upon diction ( ) . I did not object either to your associating me with a perpetrator childish form of of logogri problem phes , yet , which were , thoug treated h I by deem your them word to -twister be a with some skillI undertook at last # the b 1 somewhat difficult task
f f iVAA W" ^** . *^* M **> 4 k 4 * VV . V **»»**^* **^* t « *^*>* «*«•* ¦»•> ' «>•¦•* ««*< ww « V ¦ " ••»• " *»* «*¦» b > A * « b * •*¦>«» « t *»*<• •*••*> «¦» my ( under pup - _ ils the ^ in cloak ^ Abyssinian of a pretty . The fiction ^ Bk insolent ft ) of attempting ingratitude B with to instruct A which that instead attempt of shielding was received me from I do the not insults wish of to record idiots , . lau ghed , Sir at , ( ( a x ) ) You Quite were true quite I—Hn ritfht . Tom . . I sec you know enough logic to perceive that the greater includes the ess . —lio . Tom .
To Our Gri Faithful Phites, And Double W...
me full , of and impertinent mocked me and with vul petty gar abuse taunts , , with and ill forwarded -disguised me satisfac letters - tion . You know the consequences . Hurling at you and that ribald crew a Parthian dart of fiery scorn and gleaming satire back in the on shape you , of and an left " acrostic you to shift for boys for yourself and girls . , " I turned my Awful and speedy was the punishment . I have often reflected on sitting the melanchol in the ante y - spectacle room of afforded the Bithynian by the tyrant figure , of waiting Hannibal his patron ' s pleasure to admit him to kiss his hand . I do not mean to vt aa * |~ Sirfor one momentwith avwab the mighty
Carthag understand « inian ^ compare ^^ C ) , , « , ¦ . but « «^ you Latin 7 ^ a ^ still v ^ a , h , ( ^^ 2 fiarvis & ) , ; but ^* . ^^ a cotnponere * some *** aaax ^« one aa ^ a »»« will , magna tran * ** — . * slate «** I know « j , ^ WAA it for you J ^ MA you don VA — 1 C ' t able spite still , I promise of say your , I cannot many ( 3 )—sitting faults help , shuddering in I consider the waiting a as young I room think man of of our you of consider princi —whom pal - , lunatic serve asylums turn , . waiting Well ! the for column a jabbering for . maniacs maniac who mi dail ght weaker of its your own and stup weaker idity , till ( ) at then last it c sent ollapsed into beneath the highways grew the wei and ght y
by-ways to find a more ; jovial you lunatic , and he producer ! a charad of the e which answer you and had now to print twice have actuall over before descended you could so low think as ; you y bird " My , & i , c 2 . " , 3 , Oh 5 , , 7 shame , 9 , is a I dish where of is vegetables thy blush ; ? my Wh 3 y , , 6 that , 4 , 2 sort , is of a thing However is even , as I belo said w before \ h & Famil , genius y Herald is magnanimous ' and the Boy , ' s and Magazine I once . 111 more V * . ^*» come *^ '» r * V * 4 V ^»» to v ^ b » your T ^^ •»»* , rescue Jt *^ bb * ^ rf V 4 *^ V . I ¦»¦ * have »»>*» w ^ b * * invented aa v *** jfca > v *« «* b a *>** ¦ new A * ^» f w species «^ k . ^ bs ^ v ^ A V' *^ ^ of ^&
meanwhile acrostic , about I have which great you p shall leasure hear in more presenting next week you . with In the the following Double Acrostic . By Darwin ' s theory the mother Develops further in the son : Thoug The h other one too never often will is be the one other . , The first and dearest word for men . The Landseer of the classic pen . The substance of a full Amen .
To Our Gri Faithful Phites, And Double W...
( ( i a » ) Von Thank humbug you . — J ED It . ' TOM s plnln . from your writing you had to look this sentence out In your Dictionary ( 3 ) Ditto of Quotations to you ; but before you never you knew keep whether your promises it was . — " Ed parvls . TOM " or . " nmgnls J " -ED . Tom . self 14 ) he Very next well time j we you will \> o send out this for a to walk the in " Lunatic the country of Camberwell Green , " and look out for your
Last Week's Numerica L Mythological Char...
7, 2, 6, 7, 4, 7, 12 , Athamas. 2 7 , , ...
7 , 2 , 6 , 7 , 4 , 7 , , Athamas . 2 7 , , 9 , , 5 . 5 , » 7 , 3 » i , » 9 Typ , 7 , hi Aspasia s . . 4 > 9 > 5 » 6 > 9 > 2 , 9 , 1 , Miplutig , 9 5 » 5 7 » 6 8 , 9 7 , 4 1 , I phis . II 1 Palamedes . 2 7 , , 6 3 > , 3 8 , , 7 , , 1 , , Ay , las . , 12 , Th . , , , , , , , yeses
2 1 1 , , 6 11 11 , , 7 4 , , 8 11 9 , , 8 8 7 , , 11 11 Th , , alia Seme Semele . le .. 5 , , 8 , 9 , 7 , , 1 Pelias . 2 8 , , , 11 , , , 2 2 , , , 6 6 , , , 3 , , , , Lethe , Teth . ys . 6 , 9 5 » 5 » 9 » 7 » I 2 , 7 Hi , Ecli ias ssa . 5 K , , , , 11 , , q 9 , 7 7 , 10 10 , > 11 . , 12 12 pp , Pleiades Pleiades ..
S 5 » , 3 7 , , 2 8 , , 6 8 , , 9 7 , , 7 , , 4 Pallas , Pythia . . 9 8 > , 5 » , 6 , 10 9 , , 7 4 , , Leda 11 , 10 . , 9 , 7 , Iphimedia . Answer : —Stymphalides . Sparrow Answers , Pafif have y and been Seventeen received , H from . H . T . D H ., . J H . . H G . . L H . . Winton L . F . O , . C , . Java B ., SamCockroachLBeckerPowellDoddChocolate vi
O 0 . 11 J , , V / UV . 1 V . JI ( Jtl ^ ll , J _/ . . JUC ^ IVCl , , Mary XVXai y XUWCll , , Tommy X ^/ JUllUJf X _/ UU . U , x ^ J . JiW ^ . ux < .. v > Cream Ashford , , Cinderella A Grecian , Classical Crayfish , Dic Hugo ( k ) , von Old Bomsen John , Rub , F . y ' C s Ghost , Samuel , J . C E . . Thomas Buzwig , ( Ross M . T ) , . Rustic S ., Charles Cheltenham Wren , , H D . yrba W . Deyo Howse ] , , Yorkshire S . H . E . I . L ke ., , Linda The Barnet Princess Devils , A , Black Barnaby Heathen ' s Kaven , QLdi , W . M , . Robertson L . J . Wright , Old , W Tommy . L . J . , , J Mari . R . e Moor St . Leger , L . , E Relampago . S ., Willie , Winged and Annie Partridge , H . J . , T Longcoldandhungry ., Eureka , M . W ., .
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Oct. 17, 1868, page 172, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_17101868/page/12/