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162 THE TOMAHAWK , [October 17, 1868.
The Commissioners The Working re-assembl...
Epistle XI. From Florence's Mother to Wi...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Letter No. 2. Miss Leonora Loring, M.P.,...
wayfarers , defiled the provisions that their greedy maws could could not devour not . understand " He quoted ) , that so man we were y Latin nearl verses y driven at us to ( which despera we - tion some ; of and the afterwards more vehement , in the of Lobby our darling , I almost sisters regret set upon to say the , vituperaterous senses than one wretch ) brow , and the white plucked locks from which his imposing had so long ( in more been his generous boast . outburst Of course of the enthusiasm -wretched , and Men sentenced took advantage to imprison of this - ment in 111 the vaults of KJM Westminster VV Abbey the most prominent IliXiViA
XU ^ lXt LAIC VaullO . ^ OIXXXLXXOU ^ X ^ 3 . 1- * LJ \* J L 11 U JL 11 UOW ^ XVJ ... b leaders futile , for of this a week vigorous after the attack third . But division all such on manoeuvres the Bill " for proved Promoting the Prospects of Unmarried Women" the Government resi Minister gned ; assumed and oh the ! g rei lorious of triump office h for , Camilla the first ! time —a female in this gns would poor Here man leave , my -oppressed you dearest some friend country space . to enjoy guide the , I contemp must pause lation . of I such fain before to the untoward
gales a heavenl to which y prospect the bark , of the I attempt State , spite pourtray of the angelic beings who sit at the helm With , has many been fervent exposed kisses . , believe me , Your own devoted friend and pupil , Leonora . P . S . —Oh ! something so dreadful has just happened ; but I must write again not delay soon this . . Oh , Camilla darling , live and hope . I
162 The Tomahawk , [October 17, 1868.
162 THE TOMAHAWK , [ October 17 , 1868 .
On Trial.
The Commissioners The Working Re-Assembl...
The Commissioners The Working re-assembled Man ' s at Candidate ten o ' clock . this morning , when sent inquiry , notwithstanding was one capable the prevalen of exciting t impression the most that lively the public preinterest The first , the witness room was summoned but poorl was y filled Mr . . Jonas Freeboot . He was said certainl he was y what what was he called considered a working himself man to ' s be candidate , though . That had not consulted working liiWill \ JXL the IXXV ^ subjectHis clai V ^ XCLXXXX to
the 1 XWU confidence W / lI ^ UXb ^ U many XXXCLXIJT of his fellows Ul I ^ lAlg was men unquestionable on - OUUJV ;^ Li . . lllO Yes , he m IU come quite , forward in his op as inion a representative , a public man of , Scrubbsboroug and , as such h , entitled in the new to if Parliament required to . do He so coul . They d state were what at were least his three pleas in number for notoriety , and the might Nine be more Dials . Elocution In the first and place Harmony he was Club the , and best was speaker generall in y he 1 known *** _ _ AW had 1 _ vv _ XX 1 written _ in AX » _ T * the L _ . 11 W XlWXg nei series ghbourhood iAUk / of Ul # - X 1 VUU , C as ** 7 " Jawing J CL letters 1 VV . lilg . Jonah I ISXXC si 4 . XX . * " Secondly k Lexibus T / UUVXAUX ¥ V 9 , *
in the Scrubbsbo a rough Mercury anonymous , in which he gned proved " that one , " working share with man them was in worth their six landed peers property , and oug , and ht , to to quote go share his own and words was support that , " . si on He milar which had aristocratic pulled he chiefl five y baubles relied feet of . for " railings His popular third up sympath p at H , y however de y park and , , who harangued never would the mob be — slaves he begged —from pardon the summit , he should of a say sweetstufif , Britons liberties iii not stall . i ^ i , and , j of \ jl their UIV made . 1 J . country buuuu one of with by \ j a bonneting uuill glorious ttllllg seven a policeman JJkJXlv who ^^ Ll . vindicated lcllL when wu ^ ll he ug was was the
to Parliament looking . . He His hoped political princi such ples antecedents were not to quite be fixed returned but he go The had into universal no the objection House abolition to deter state of mined war their would to leading effect be one features five ; the simp fair . le He and reforms sho equal , uld . dastardl division y of newspaper property writers would who be anothe ran down r ; the the imprisonment working man of , be the as represented to fifth pay all would members by be himself the of legal , would Parlia equalisation ment be a * x third handsome ; of the intellect fourth salary . wo ; and uld He it could would not work well beneficiall k exp /« Mll lai llV n what Xl and he meant prevent by the that swells , but from he felt getting sure
p all W ublic TV the UUAU p meeting icking TV VIA s . of This ^ his frie last y ^ y , CbllVA nds sentiment , the JJX UVWUb other he IXXI evening * - had OWU 1 enunciated < 9 , and V / XXX gWlbXllj it at was a th received at it was with sound vociferous , and he cheers meant . He stand was therefore it . Yes quite , some certain one would did cry " carry from it the out other , " end he of got the roo very m to fitting ask him answer how to he a his question eyes , and so entirely he was pitched superfluous into . the His stre hat et . was That knocked was the over way
The Commissioners The Working Re-Assembl...
to Disraeli treat ' s hat political over his oppon eyes . ents He . would He would not mind like knocking to knock Mr Mr . . the and Gladstone matter his wants ' s over that . Only his , None eyes wait either of till them , he or understood got Mr . into Bright Parliament the ' s working over his . { , man The for hea witness rd when , who he st had rong something ly insisted to on say an , was Englishman here ordered ' s right to stand to be down the cha , and rge of was two even policemen tually removed ?) from the committee-room in
A True Trag1-Comeby. Told In A Series Of...
Epistle Xi. From Florence's Mother To Wi...
Epistle XI . From Florence ' s Mother to Willie . My dearest nephew , Florence bids me say To your cannot kind letter possibl she y herself receive d to -day ; ^^^^^ V But « - » uc she one her ^ m ucbirca desires thanks _ . ^ most iiiuai imme a urgentl uigcuti ^ tf A ^ ^ y that « . ** a . v » I
To you assure that until diately she convey shall die . Your But deem nobleness you herself she for never ever in shall forget debt , . , your I wish And that more indeed could get she does to say more but it all Onl And JL X y . 1 XU amounts which W 11 LUU ' tis US to scarc what aj - ^ Wi el she worth VYU said 1 say til before AJLiJ , ' while » . » x , *** w to » -w ww scra - « wl - — .-•~ v 9 * whether •¦ . « to . y my . 1 lore
One Mi ' s g words ht just , as well be spoken argue or to imp a wall . , She Its content would s not to show herself your , and note o ' er to them me , wept but kept . But what they are , I easily can guess . And You want dear Willie her still wish to marry she would you , I s ' m sure ; And For thoug , that h alone of course her , malad she nothing y would doth cure ay , co . yes nfess , ,
Her Her love Inv p for for you vmi doth Hofh as as of of old old endure endure ; : Just And as ' tis if provoking one the other you are deep separated ly hated . I know And yet I h ave thoug myself ht to alone do it to for blame the best , . A cousin as a husband ' s not the aim And And Of even even mothers had had for I I yvielded ielded their daug . all all the the hters same same , ' tis confessed .
Your uncle would have , never let me rest . Who Now , he ' ry is moment just as sorry am inclined as am I , to cry . And A wealth I suspect y cousin you thi with nk if pretentious you had bee places n In The town matt and er country dift ' rentl , then y , and , we should grimaces have seen Made about cousinshiIf 11 that VLlCbb mean
X 1 J . CIUV > aUUUtp ^ UUJllUULIJ p ! . you JTWU X 1 . &\* UU , , But We both should a cousin ; for and circumstances a one alter 1 How cases . Could we so easily the thing poor allow ? And And girls we supposed e very cha her ngeable preference , you was know fancy , , And A mixture not , as the strange result of s app love ear and to necromancy show , VUW . t ? W How O .. I . WVV could WUUXU we W \* guess g , UlV * i 9 « 9 that bllCbl * things bAAi ^ l ^ wo V V W uld U * V 4 . t urn * JkX * out so ? «
W A as s chosen for that , and villain the , it choice was but might by cha have nce succeeded he . All men do not conduct themselves as he did . 'Tis Will no always use arguing think , us I feel grossly j for in you the wrong . But , Wi not llie quite , the like real the world worl — d you one know reads , ' in tis song true— . The Or many how could must ma be tt wis er e r ha th v an e the e on , so lon ? gong For But , our be this mistake as it you may should , I ' m grieved have paid sincerely so dearly .
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Oct. 17, 1868, page 162, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_17101868/page/2/