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October 17, 1868.] THE TOM AH A WK. 163
for Wasps their honey manufac . Yet ture...
of It political may reasonabl Leotardism...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Epistle Xi. From Florence's Mother To Wi...
However Your , irits put a brave for face irls on are ' t , and fitful keep creatures spup ; g ; And If she though beheld she your vows pale she reproachful ne ' er again could features sleep , You the reward of constancy will reap Woman If only so you keen don , to ' t let start her with patience , in enlisting beat yours . In hard resolves , are poor things at resisting .
And But Unworth for when the I present of you her , she and h declare ard she with always s she that was is and so this ; Answers me press in Italian , non posso . , She With seems her to fair think fame that and something value , just because amiss so Worthless His people a ' scamp urgent as prayer Bullion for , when , levanted she granted .
Now Either ' tis no forget good her entreating or appear her to at do present so . . Besides To have , my your dearest only nep child hew and , ' tis daug not hter pleasant you so Love Play ^^ m ^ H ^ # ^ — p m just ^ a a ^ mr part W ^ ^ . ^ v as ^ b ^ v like w thoug ^ b ^ b ^ h ^ mW the ^* # h *^ ^ mw she Heloise *^ ^* m ^^ r ^— were ^ r ^ ^^ v ^^* - of ^ a ^^ common ^ Rousseau ^^ ^> "m ^ ^ p ^ ^ r ^^ ^¦ mw * - ^^ peasant ^ w . -
That Must c annot done be properl . The y thing or not , whate at all . ' er befall , Therefore , rely on me to bring her round ; If I any 'll do body the does very , I best know for the you ground I can . , And may be trusted to devise a plan . But Althoug at the h ¦ pap I little er ' s end thoug myself htwhen I ' ve found began ,
Good To ^ me write ^ w ^ - b ^ mr w v v a —^ dear " twentieth ^ " * ^™ ~ ^ Will ^^™ ^ m ^ ^^^ mmm . part - ^^ ^* Your ^^^ ^^ of , J the uncle ^^ above ^^ sends *** ^ . ^ " ^* lfcrf his » , m love . ye , So up to date doth stand Epilogue this precious . Drama , A Enacted Creed ~ war more in a country than h which that «¦ of doth J ove - ^^ r boast or Brama .
And ^ fc ^^ Yet " % T mr ^^ is it * ^^ p - ^ m * lain 1 ^ is B ^^ r * enthroned pure w ¦ ^^ ^ m that a ^ ^^ ^^ p A - ' ¦ Fashion ^^^^ * ^^» mv 1 the r ^ m ^ m ^ p ^ British - ^ sway ^ ^ j - s ^ . r our Lama ^ h ^ 4 m mm coast *^^ ^^ . v ^^ v ^ b ^ h J , m * mm ^ Hence money our persouce dramatisengrossed H In ave its for prevailing the present worshi made p , by a the pretty , stress mess of it of it . Finis .
October 17, 1868.] The Tom Ah A Wk. 163
October 17 , 1868 . ] THE TOM AH A WK . 163
Chops {To Follow). * Ahhh^Mm
For Wasps Their Honey Manufac . Yet Ture...
for Wasps their honey manufac . Yet ture a comb man thi , but nks have he has never only come to make into notice verses to be a poet . * * coward A man in of diffic spirit ulties can sinks always in spirits keep his and head water out . water , but a
" All men are liars . '' Of course * the other sex is not included . What says Miss Becker ? dence " The to Divinity back any that one h to edges win in a king the , " Bourbon must have Race great .
confi-V " What ' s in a name 1 William Tell would never have come down to posterity without it , ** Birds in their littlnests * that do not reci
e agree they procate when six egg they s to hear one m an would " woulding not know he were a fly bird if h . " e had They wings lay . V dress A wo to m xxicvrw an who e has nnai a good of it it figur but vub e does badl not \ require made viw irl too ca vuiuiub low nnot a
• "vaa uu w vyiiv one , aware v UM . . : a cv uo . Jixy y j . ij , u > g gut . de suppos nies . e that undressing herself will prove what the bare fact V Motto for ladies in evening dress . " Bare and forbear . " ***—¦—— . —— - _
For Wasps Their Honey Manufac . Yet Ture...
chap What lains an came extraordinary to the execution thing . ! as Calcraft said when two * * The Empire is Peace . That must be the mouth-piece of war .
romance Women and are their like padding magazines to make . They them must perfect have . their little y ' . . y . ¥ Leone A friend . This of mine is like has being been comp put limented on the staff with and the sent command to Sierra of a Forlorn Hope , or flattered with precedence at a barricade .
Militar Yintelligence Extra Ordinar Y.
Of It Political May Reasonabl Leotardism...
of political may reasonabl Leotardism y be expected and buffoonery that now , nothing -a-days , in will these astonish times the The public German . popular story of the boy who could not shiverfri part ghten now everyone in a public around that cannot how be surprised might— . finds But its while counter there - is claimed yet a for chance a Premier of one who sing does le shiver not know existing what -, may are it the not con be
stitutional functions of a Secretary of State—for a First Lord Treasury of the Treasury have decided who does and not have know ordered what , " and my Lords have defended " of the in Parliament 1 Yet such is the case , taking only one small item of the mountebank marvellous of Bucks . man Minister ifesto has which latel , b y addressed an " awful to the dispensation historic county / ' our
in " the Her hands Majesty of a ' sing Government le individual , " says a control M . Leotard over the , " expenditure by placing of the War Office , commenced a considerable reform during the but late M session . Leotard in the knows administration that there of has the existed army . " ever Now since everybody 1856 " a single individual" charged with " the control of the expenditure What What , of then then the , War is is this this Office new new , " viz creation creation ., the Secretary of of the the of Prometheus Prometheus State for War of of .
Bucks Secretary , ? Is of , State he above , or is the he in Secretary lieu of the of Secretary State , is he of under State ? the Is new Sir John marvel Pakington this omnivorous abolished , superseded clerkivorous , or assisted ministerivorous by the monocrat 1 , , , Minister But M . . Leotard What view is First have Lord the Lords of the of Treasury Her Majesty as well ' s Treasury as Prime ¦ taken v »^ of the appointment tmT tm of the Controller ™< mm wmt -in-Chief—the officer
referre date Controller ^ V ^ 4 29 * ^ d th ^ to ^ 0 m - June \ m in * ^ b y - m Chief r m the ^ , 1868 ^ First ^ » should ^^ , ^ to ^ r " ^ Lord be ^ r ^ mr —— be " of ? kept " op * M - ^^^ inion ^ mw y entirel ^ Lords ^ ^ mw th ^ ^ mr ^ at m y " were ^ the distinct mm - ^ a ^ 4 functions mw m p ^* leased 4 h from ^» A A ^^ , under of ^ those A m the \ ^ m & ^ m ^ of the financial department of the War Office , " and insisted that he officer should of the have third beside rank ( for , on this manifestoed same platform monocrat , a financial is him-^ self ^ ^* w ^ B ^ B to ^ m * ^ amw be mmw ^ ^ mr onl ^ m * ^* V ^ v y w of ^ mw ^^ the ^ m ^ m ^ m v third ^ m-wmj ^ mwm ^^ - ^^^ ^ rank ™ " ¦— " ™ ^ " ^™ ^ ^ m ^ in — ^ ^ m the ^ ——^ m ^^ r War ' ™ ¦ ¦ ^— Office - ^ mr ^ m ^ m ^ v ^ m * ^ mr cosmogony V ^ ^ mm ^ ^ m * ^ m ^ b ^^^ k ^ M ^^^ A A r ) M
who advise shall their review common his chief arrangement as to his s proposals , control . his control , and in But the perhap discussio s M ns . ^ Leotard at the Tre took asury no part on with this subject " my other , not Lords being " he aware had how in his important hand , until the subject came to was play , and it out how when strong " speaking a card to Even Buncombe ^ imw w ^^** this ^ rmn ^ ^ m" p Wmv " -ma ^ — m * mr ^ to cannot ^ m ~ mt m > Bucking a * m *^^ ^ mr mr be * ^ ^ ar p j ham — leaded ^ m ^ mr ^^ ^ , ^^ - we ^ , J unless should ^ - ^ ^^ ^ mr m ^ ** Hansard say ¦ ^ p « mr m ^ . vmm ^^^ ^ tfv . has i ^ ¦ m * UK ^| V joined ^^ m * A 4 ^^ ^ ^
taken all acrobat the by rest ; the for of Leader the that world hitherto of in the turning House credibl against i e n the witness debate our amusing records in the the political House part of Commons then on can the the subject statement of this now very made Treasury bthe same letter Minister . b didat e exp e lained , he deems , ? We it expedient cannot accept to fo the rget solution the Minister y that — in the the First can-Lord—the Leader of the House ; but we can only conclude
that that he he k knows nows , , as as well well as as everyone evervone else else does does , , that that not not one one word word v promises of what he is possible states is j b true ut , a lorie nd s that in the not cleverness one word b y which what he he bequeaths insult . " to his heir—now very apparent—this "legacy of : 1
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Oct. 17, 1868, page 163, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_17101868/page/3/