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164 THE TQMAHA WK. [October 17, 1868.
Now Ready, Price 8s., VOL% II. of the " ...
* # * E Correspondent ditor on any consi...
There is not the slightest truth in the ...
A very great Spanish wag, calling himsel...
Of course, somebody has offered the Span...
Those enthusiasts who have been exulting...
You My may heart tell 's , in dearest my...
Chancellorship Mr. Ward Hunt of the , Ex...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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164 The Tqmaha Wk. [October 17, 1868.
164 THE TQMAHA WK . [ October 17 , 1868 .
Now Ready, Price 8s., Vol% Ii. Of The " ...
Now Ready , Price 8 s ., VOL % II . of the " Tomahawk , " Beautifully Bound , Gilt Edges , Bevelled Boards . Order of any Bookseller .
* # * E Correspondent Ditor On Any Consi...
* * E Correspondent ditor on any consideration s are Informed ¦ whatever that . Contributions Contributors cannot should make possibly copies be of returned their articl by es the If they the Editor attach . any Letters value , to on the purely m . All BUSINESS letters on matters LITERARY , should matters be addressed should be to the addressed Publisher to ( Mr . Heather ) to ensure attention . Envelopes containing : solely Answers to Puzzles must be marked after the " Thursday Puzzle , " or evening no notice following will be the taken publication of their contents of the paper . Answers . cannot be received
London, October 17, 1868.
LONDON , OCTOBER 17 , 1868 .
The We E K.
There Is Not The Slightest Truth In The ...
There is not the slightest truth in the report that Mr . Mark Lemon will shortly give Readings of Falstaff" out of ( not in ) costume , " at the Turkish Baths , Jermyn street ,
A Very Great Spanish Wag, Calling Himsel...
A very great Spanish wag , calling himself Don Juan , has taken advantage of the flight of Queen Isabella to inform the world that he considers the moment has arrived for his own abdication in favour of his son , Don Carlos . This is only one claim similar to some dozen others » J resultinfrom IiJVA & i the bllV fall 4 of the
UlUllli . t 9 XJ . Xll-. LtVX t »\_ S aWXlJ . ^ ' VAV-FZjWA * . Vfe ** W * . A WklU ^ I-Ulg g . XCVJ . U V * VA 1 V last Bourbon Crown ; or , to quote his Royal Highness e s own words , " Spanish fly is the stuff to bring out the rightful hairs / "
Of Course, Somebody Has Offered The Span...
Of course , somebody has offered the Spanish Crown to Prince Alfred , and strange to say , notwithstanding the fact that Gibraltar and ^ 40 , 000 , 000 of English money are to go with the young monarch , the idea is not very popular at Madrid . Surely , some more commanding and elderly individual would have had
a greater chance of success . Why does not somebody ask Mr . Stuart , the well-known comic-tragedian of the Theatre Royal New Adelphi % He would , we have no doubt , look the thing to perfection , and do it cheerfully for half the money .
Heads Ann Crowns.
Those Enthusiasts Who Have Been Exulting...
Those enthusiasts who have been exulting over the success their of the prop revolution hecies as in to Spain the brig have ht already future commenced in store for to that modif very y unsettled A republic country is all . very well in theory , but as far as the Spaniards practice are concerned ; and , those it has who even professed now been the voted deepest an impossibility pleasure in the in turn easy events about the have difficulties taken during V which the are last beginning month to , are present already them un-
-V ^ r ^^*^ v p ^ r f ^ v ^ r 'V ^ ' ^^~ ^^^ . ^ v ^ P ^^ ^ V ^^ V ^*^> — . ^» w . ^* ^^ V ^~ v ^— ^^ ^^ ^ hv v ^* * ^* ^^ w ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^^^ r ^^ ^^^ ^ H ^ K ^— ^^ ^* ^^ ^^ ^^ *** ^* ^ P ^ K ^* ^¦^^ V ^^ ™* ^^ V *^ V ^^^ ^** ^^ ^ V ^^ ^^ * . * ^^^ *^* ^^ ^ V selves in the remodelling of the dislocated Constitution . On although one point one all are would agreed have —viz supposed ., that a sovereign that a great is wanted many ; very and if eligible it were peop offered le would to them be ready , yet , as to accept a matter of fac throne t , the of Spanish Spain , repose chair of to state its occupan does not t , and promise the eli to gible offer peop any le great in question comfort are or
Those Enthusiasts Who Have Been Exulting...
thing alread to y showing do with it unmistakable . However signs the alarmist of shyness s need in having not at once anydespair of providing a fitting , soverign for the vacant place . Althoug a few other h the miscellaneous Emperor of Brazil princes , the have Duke hinted of Edinburg their intention h , and them of declining , yet there with are thanks numbers any overture of Royal that personages might be holding made in to - ferior positionsor out of lace altogetherwho would be read
, p , y bility any at a number moment . Indeed ' s of notice , we oaths happen to , or make undertake to be any in number the any possession amount of promises of of responsi exclusive , swear - information concerning the persons who have expressed their willingness to fill the Spanish throne ; and while we regret our space does not permit us to reproduce the whole number of we app are lication constrained s which have to publish been sent the in following to the Provisional which have J unt been a ,
selected from the list , as possessing some interest , for the British public . a little Prince French Christian . Knows , ofSchlesivig the King -Holstein of Portugal — . Speaks . Would German make and himself Queen generall Emma y ^ . agreeable of the Sandw . Hates ich Is the lands English . —Is . highly moral . ¦ Middle aged . Of economical tastes . Would annex her present territory ¦» if »«^« required » .
" - ^* ^ " ^» ^ ^ ^ r ^ " j ^ - ^^ -wj « vw - ^^ - ^ 0 ^ m _ appearance The Maharajah . Understands Duleep Sing nigger h . — driving His Hi . ghness Would is find of p his leasing own regalia Onslow and coronation S . W . robes . Address D . Singh , Esq ., 199 square , self Prince well suited I-have for -seen the -the lace -world . , Feels of A himself byssinia . rather —Considers in the himin England , and does not p want to be educated in the famil way y of
a clergyman of the Established Church . Mr . Henry Cole . —Is just the man wanted . Knows all about everything . Is a C . B . Has lots of sons . It will be at once seen that the alleged difficulties of finding a fit and proper person to succeed the ex-Queen Isabella have if been a bright exaggerated future . is With not in such store a for choice Spain as , we it is have her enumerated own fault . ,
Epigram By A Timid Lover.
You My May Heart Tell 'S , In Dearest My...
You My may heart tell 's , in dearest my face Lucy , thoug , when h I ' m sleep small takes , by your my si mother ghs : , Yet M ' y tis heart useless 's in my my cowardl mouth y when feelings she to opens smother her eyes ; .
Very Conscientious.
Chancellorship Mr. Ward Hunt Of The , Ex...
Chancellorship Mr . Ward Hunt of the , Exchequer when he succeeded , seems to Mr have . Disraeli inherited in some the the of the course ready of effrontery a speech of at his an predecessor agricultural . dinner The other at Welling day , in - had boroug taken h , he such said an that active his friend part in s had the often cattle asked plague him debates why he in the assured early his part audience of the session that as of Northamptonshire 1866 . His reason was had the been county , he
which made itself the , most prominent in clamouring for legislation as one on of the its represent subject , he atives considered in the House it to be of Commons his bounden to duty ventilate the question . Evidently Mr . Ward Hunt counted on his hearers having forgotten the part he played on the occasion of which he speaks . Happ ^ m liw WV % ^ w ^ ily ^ -fc J « , the »«»• ^^ cattle ^ w v ^ w ^^^^ plague *> r f % ^^ is «¦» past Mr «^ vm # ^ and mmm h * «^ over ^^ w ^^^ , m ^ and ^^*<&^ tf ^ 4 its i % ^^ very w ^ m ^ J exist ^ # «^ vh w -
ence has almost gone from our memory j but if we succeed in the calling Exchequ to mind er in the the proceedings House of Commons of the present at the period Chancellor to which of the he so honourable boastfully gentleman refers , they was would actuated certainly rather ten by d to the show spirit that of petty opposition to any proposal emanating from the other side of the House , than by a sense of duty to his constituents .
Howcan ever ever , , obtain let let Mr Mr . . . Ward Ward He is not Hunt Hunt the tak tak onl e e all all member the the credit credit of to to the himself himself late House that that he he of anx Commons iety for re whose -election respect , nor is for he the the only truth member is weaker of the than present his motto Government . who has adopted " Popularity at any price" as a
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Oct. 17, 1868, page 164, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_17101868/page/4/