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No. 37.] LONDON, JANUARY 18, 1868. [Pric...
The Times has, either for want of more i...
There is playing now at the Ambigu in Pa...
There is an amusing side of most matters...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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The Tomahawk: A Saturday Journal Of Sati...
No. 37.] London, January 18, 1868. [Pric...
No . 37 . ] LONDON , JANUARY 18 , 1868 . [ Price Twopence .
Panacea, Or Panic?
The Times Has, Either For Want Of More I...
The Times has , either for want of more interesting copy , or for ing some more inscrutable than a column reason of best its known valuable to space itself , to latel accounts y been devot of the - of holding manifestoes - of meetings , and , the the general passing dissemination of resolutions of , the what publication not else , which ment on the holds we subject refer the . of place But Fenianism of it honour is to . be It is supposed keep true ing that that up the the provincial by ag giving itation ele it to a - AX 71 f \ C ± YYliTVil * " * l 4 "ir i ~ it A r f V- » m » o 4-l- » rtv / MirrV » lir An > 1 Avc / ic 4-T- \ * = » c » - **\ £ i-t 4- -itti 4-1- »
to which answer it is for animated . . The Times , therefore , has a good deal that Precaution , as our views is one on thing the subject but panic of revolution is another have , and been we conclude already deal pretty of indul of plainl g this ing y recent in expressed Fenian public in sympathies these meeting pages holding when , we sh we all as denounce not dangerous be suspected a good and foolish . The continual swearing-in , too , of special constables , if ( we not suppose the least it is bit heresy cowardly to say to it wit ) appears . Perhaps to be those but who little for better one ,, condition moment will of things take the with trouble that of soberl 1848 y , to compare even to take the present a more mnrl ¦¦ prn inefsni B >«^ f . ** . r *^ c \ f 4 t 5 ?^^ •« 7 ill n UUUV -nrf f ^ 1 fct kJhU -an AV ^ ixrh n + ¦ ix »/» AA TYi *^ * * » i » - * J n
Were ~~~ outrage ^^ ^* w all a * . such «« London . »^ r as that , to . be recentl . ^^ sworn >^ V ^ , y perpetrated - in A and armed at ^* Clerkenwell to TI JLA (^ the , b II teeth W coul ; an d execution scarcely be not provided the against combined , inasmuch action as of it depends but for its secret savage police determination , , therefore upon , of and few not . A an small army band of raw many of and \ yell , ready organised upon -made foolish magnify kind constables . To to the a , i is gnore degree evil the which proper . the Compared former has antidote to , be and to eradicated for adopt the re overwhelming ckless the . latter consp This , is is iracy masses obviousl simp of ly this to of y the sum loyal total of and disaffected peaceably Irishmen disposed must population be , numericall of London y , simp , the ly ridiculous . Most probably the professional thieves are to them
tive most in number strength injudicious as of ten Fenianism di to plo one macy . To . is , if pay not this a stupid compliment blunder to , the certainl effec y - for Again the , sole as to purpose the public of enabling meetings , which lishmen are apparentl to assure y each held other acquired by resolution in a contrary that direction , spite the , they obvious really reputation do condemn they wanton have bloodshed favour ? Is and it necessary brutal massacre that Eng , —what lishmen can , of be urged men in their the world selves , should rom such deem reproaches it a duty as to these come ? What forward , the to , clear is the them good - vears of the wh apo ol . e when thing ? sensible Perhaps men the could Times can divine say th ? at Some whatever three
of Fenianism English Public did mean Op , inion it did was not capering mean inaction about , like the great a fool guide , and m cracking To -day of it Fenia vulgar pitches nism jokes its , about tale however in Ireland quite , just another and about its as key national creditable . Its " last Green to esti its . " - ing saga journal city as were its first not . a In matter short , if such reflection want , it of m ballast ight be in amusing a leadtibl to note y given how the lace g to ibbering the howl of of the the talk frightened y jackdaw hyaena has . impercep-
English History A La Francaise.
There Is Playing Now At The Ambigu In Pa...
There is playing now at the Ambigu in Paris , apiece called JLes French Chevaliers , we admit du , is Brouillard rather so , so from ) the which following we learn important t ( our historical facts : — 1 st . —That destruction Jack . Sheppard of Westminster discovered Abbey a Jacobite by gunpowder plot for . the 2 nd . —That the Tower of London is situated at Greenwich . 3 rd . —That rate George dispiiisfid I . was as in the the habit Lord Mavor of walking of London about New and
attended by " Sir William Hogarth . " , 4 th . —That sumptive Jack Sheppard to the British was , throne in earl . y youth , the heir pre-French And yet know there nothing are some of Eng people lish History who will ! have it that the
A Traitor In The Camp.
There Is An Amusing Side Of Most Matters...
There is an amusing side of most matters , and Fenianism , ridiculous despite all incident its abominations s within the , has last given few rise days . Not a good the many least lau and ghable was on of this these wise occurred . last week in the Brigade of Guards , The sentries having orders to report fully to their commanding arouse their officers suspicions all occurrences , the sentinel that on attract guard their near attention the Powder or Magazine , in Hyde Park , reported ifxr , when Vn = » relieved , that he had rf ^ T ^ c /^ Kir / ari in 4 kllW * l-i /* i imiT AillllVM » P / 1 i * ilUbV t < a * ri IVlllib /* in r \ £ tTV ^^ i cfci i \ n * = » o
cncniVirtiiC-WUtr fX V \ V 111 . . V T \ f 1 . bilV ifAUwiibili V « - *¦ UMU L / l VtVUa looking with evident ^ individual ^ signs , that of a he dark was , gloomy making ~ cast particular of countenance observations , and of dul the y forwarded arrangements to the around Captain the place of . This Guard report , was having by been him promptl Brigade y , who reported immediatel to the y ordered Major-General out a Troop Commanding of the Royal the and Horse intimated Guards his Blue intention to patrol of the fully Park investi throug gating hout the matter night in , the for the morning vigilance —adding with that which the they sentinels performed were most their praiseworth duties , as he y nrn o Viimeoif ourora T-ioxrii-irr t-Yici < irf * y \ r Act \ r crf \ rtc * vrninrl iwwtjAuir * ii nil + V » f
sentry * va % Early ] AiAitxwviA posts the following unknown vr ma w « ituviii morning to the vaj . « men *» * the or ^ Major v their *« -. jr gvnw officers -General . according . . ** . ly proceeded ascertained to the the exact Barracks time and and instituted circumstances the fullest of the inquiries matter , appearance and particularly of the the mysterious extremel and y dangerous ill-looking stranger and treasonable . At his , orders the soldier was brought before him , and being called upon could by identif the Maj the o r-General if he to state him whether again , Private he thoug Tommy ht he indeed Atkins immediately could , and , p rep lease lied in , you dreadful ' re the trep party idation yourself " Yes ! ! " Sir , A frond storv . and what is more , a true one ! It was verv
ri stranger ght of , Private and no Tommy less the Atkins duty of to the observe Major-General the mysterious to take ev a that little ery the measure earlier Private , at of and least precaution the the Maj Troop , or but -General of it H was orse did unfortunate Guards not compare Blue perhaps notes ( very may blue I possibl ) who patrolled y have thoug Hyde ht so Park . " for a long wet wintry night
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Jan. 18, 1868, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_18011868/page/1/