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April 18, 1868.] THE TOMAHAWK. 155
ment Why pages don' of t political the E...
week Under with a this prize heading rid...
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Weep Lo Ing ? I Her Dreamt Eyes A Out Dr...
wretch Minerva cut out . —It of black reminds paper me with of a a picture pair of I scissors once saw held a in poor his toes . But , sin as it is , it is not such an unblushing crime as A Roman would shut Window it for Mr during . Noble the they Ca would rnival be ( S doing 79 ) - a real somebod service y the to the ground artist , . with Stop merit a minute in it . , there Who ' is it b icture y ? down there , near Ap Minerva ollo . — . — : An D interior epend on ( 6 it 34 ) whoever . No name it is . he has studied in
Paris P ^ H-IO . , ^ lig Ap ht , ollo with . — a vision Good of gracious deformed , what wretches ' s that leaving ? A flash a hosp of ital green I Minerva . —That ' s Rescue of Rahab ( 412 ) , and I will swear that committed the sins here of . Rahab were nothing to what Mr . Denby has fear fear a ^ APOLLO me me I I sh sh . — all all By leave leav the e much much ine Muses of of vour , sister ODinion inion ; but . . thi Is Is s there there is painful not not . one one I your op
just tion ? person who may save the figure-painters from condemnabut Minerva that proves . —Look nothing here but , 'Pol the , we general shall i find gnorance no one of noticing the public it ; . Look at that portrait of a girl ( 189 ) , called A Mothers Darling ¦ , by about Flandri S . B that . n , Halle now child . dead but That ) that , or man oug of Nature is ht a to pup have and il of been Flandrin . No ' great s ( Hippol beauty yte
for effectand yet most effective in its reality simple . treatment No great . search But goes then for the nothing , name . Halle is not an English one after all , so that Apollo . —By Parnassus ! but it makes me wish to see more by Muses the same for artist box . I' Mount ll give him bla . order to paint the Nine Minerva my . —Come we will y be off to see the Meissonier in
Pall Mall . ; Then Apollo I . observed —I will go that with Apollo you , , while sister waiting . for his lyre , which he descend had left before with him , and umbrellas I heard outside him tell , allowed the guardian Minerva of the to the door lady , in confidence in a helmet , th and at , thoug spectacles h he quite who agreed had just with gone his sister down , stairs stairs , he he felt felt he he oug ouerht ht to to encourage encourasre . with with a a word word or or two two of of
recognition These , were , Mr some . A artists . H . Tourrier of whom for his his , sister clever had Missal not taken Painter note . landscapes ( 162 ) , and his ( 535 d -572 lapor ) ; te Mr dhm . Bromley fiauvre , for ( 378 his ) 5 Forge Mr . Payne ( 397 ) , and for his his Serenading Mr . W . Gosling ( 414 ) ; ( Mr 696 . , Kni 763 g ) ht ; for Mr . his Varley Edge of ( 776 the ) ; Forest Mr . G ( 449 . S ); . ¦ Walters ^ V ^ ^^ V ^ V ^ V W ( » 829 ^^ a ^ v and ^^ M , a 856 ^ B ^ J Miss V ^ r , M V and ^ W «^ «* ^ M . especiall * V ^ **^ m ^ ^ r Glasier ^^ ** ^^^ ^* ^~ y W 901 ^^ J ^^ ^^ ) J J ; ^ Mr ^ >*^ ^* b . V ^ E ^^^^ . W V * . V | W Robinson ^ | ^* ~~ V *^ ^ h ^ ^ ^ b ¦*** ~ j — ^ b ^ b
deserves ( The 979 , Careless 1037 . ) , Guardian F . ( 429 E . ) , much hi ( 103 gher 7 *) . up Mr th . an G . its Pope merit for It seemed then to me in my dream , that we were all three of Bel us gian transported Works of Art to Mr in . Pal Wallis l Mall ' s Exhibition ; and transported of French indeed and we were . But of that anon—I must e ' en rest for a week . It will Salter take ( 21 at ) , least out of that my head to get . the portrait of a wig block , by W .
April 18, 1868.] The Tomahawk. 155
April 18 , 1868 . ] THE TOMAHAWK . 155
Why Jvot?
Ment Why Pages Don' Of T Political The E...
ment Why pages don ' of t political the Era parties ? We then take mi a ght hint see from , previous the advertise to gene - - ral elections , some such announcements as these : — be to ted the , a Moon good trick Utility . Sober Men . Money ferred no and object character . Must if possible up . Good business . Borough pre or county , .
Liberal Stokel . y Princi on Pent ples . — light An , opening pockets heavy for a . Leading Must sing Young and Man turn . somersaults . Young Greys or Elliots can communicate . line Wanted , to do virtuous by a Party indign , a few ation H . eavy Charity Old chairmen Men for up the to serious afterferred dinner . sp Go in . od No Churchmen desertio , n a . nd Benevolent sound on Game , not Laws too bald . Money , prefound . Good Wanted rattli for Radicals a Starring . Universal Tour in Liverpoo smash l and , Birmingham turn inside , & out * c . ng
Ment Why Pages Don' Of T Political The E...
ness trick . . Good Yankee feeding yarn , s , and and the to chance do the of " a flesh testimonial and blood . " busi-Good Leading disguises Business . To — p Wan lay Clown ted . A , Burlesque or the Angel Character , if required Actor . ; also Nottingham the bones Buffoon . Properties treated with found . , No including Whalley character need app . ly The . stage We in think some the constituencies above suggestions , and would might support advance the dignity matters of a candidates .
The Late Boat Race.
Week Under With A This Prize Heading Rid...
week Under with a this prize heading riddle Tomakawk for their solution presented , offering his readers the same last time fied has a reward been gained of ^ 10 , by 000 no for less the a best person answer than . one The of sum the first speci of - our a cheque European for the Emperors amount . has It is already scarcely been necessary despatched to say to that the , ¦ London representative r of the successful potentate . Here
follows at ^^¦^ H ^^^ 30 ^ k ^* ^^^ Tavistock some ^ ^^ h ^ k ** ti of jh ^ the ^ ^ . ^ ^^ street 4 »« w correspondence ^ r ™ ^ ^ p ^* , having ir ^^ ^ m v ^^^ - ^ reference ^ ^*^ ^^ that ^ - *^ ^ atf ^ ^ H ^ ^^ has ^^ - ^ to ^ ¦ ^ ^ m recentl the W" ^ n . «* ^ intensel ^ ^** ^ y been h —i - w y ^^ received interest *^» ^ v ^ —i | — ^ ~^^ ^^ - ing subject : A Monsieur le Redacteur en Chef du " Tomahawk . " If you please sare—oh ! blow-my-eye-rosbif!—I spik de
English . of You Oxfor ask -Cambridgge me sare , vy like i * de tm late turni boat p 1 race I tell between you sare de . Ce college bon garqon boat round de la dis Tour point d , 'Auvergne and round ' dat say corner dat de , and coxswain den de steer people de bien on de I Very banks well dey . cheer I give and you mak rdponse e de hurrahs : De — race de bravos den was . Eh all turn-i ! i ! i!—turn-ip I ip ! ip ! Turn-i ! ip ! i ! oorah ! 3 i
p p p p p Pay de money Receive to ce bon distinguished garqon de la considerations Tour d'Auvergne , . L . N . sare P . 1 S . —Why you not sold on de Kiosques of de Boulevards
garqon P . P . de S . — la On Tour second d'Auvergne thoughts ;— , you pay ' ad not better de money send it to over ce bo to 7 i me direct . Good mornin ' , sare . Oh , blow-my-eye ! To th'Editor Tom-hic- ' awk . stup Dear id con Tom -con -hic -conundrum - '—Tommy ' yours , —I shay ;—Wh ole y f ' s 'la boat , —know -race th like ' answer at ' nip ? 'Cause t ' nips are often hollowlike the boat-race ! See
the idea ? , Yours eloquent—hie—eloquently , Ben . joll P . that S . —Read night ! my Never p ' ration such on fun the — Irish hie— Debate in m ' life 1 ! I
was—hie—Other Answers , finished W . M , . — Oxen Because had it , when I —[ You the have rowing surprised ( 2 nd crop us . — of Ed grass . Tom ) was . ] [ Eh Amicus ?—Ed . . — Tom Because . ] the race was not worth peeling for !—F . W . H . —Because one of the crews was sure to beat
( be-ate ) this year !—[ Silly !—Ed . Tom . ] name Cru- and CI-fer address - ^ s ) . — of Both this are gentleman pulled by ( who the has greens so !—[ grossl The y insulted office to the any member University of sixteen the crews ) will , on recei be g pt iven of up a stamped at our envelope . —Ed . Tom . ] rows Percy !—[ . Something —Because in the that boats . —Ed row . Tom and . ] the turnips grow in
skulls J . Es to cott make . —Because bogies of , turni —and ps you are push sometimes the boats scooped along with into long Ed . Tom poles . ] , called by nautical ^ , sculls !—[ Yes , that ' s it . — answer Snake is evidentl in the y intended Grass , ( for Clapham something ) . —Ritualism else j but !— it [ This isn ' t bad . —Ed . Tom . ]
Tomahawk (1867-1870), April 18, 1868, page 155, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_18041868/page/3/