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t w April 18, 1868.3 THE TOMAHAWK. 157
evidentl DURING y been the written last ...
Present—Smith and Jones. Friday Smith ?"...
in authority We Hyde are Park , that del...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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My Cousin—" The Garrison Hack." Poor Vic...
th and e accent a noisy of Fr a ench native P — easant de Putney , who spoke ; and an insan wn la e nguage individual with , mig who was ( as supposed appropriatel to r epresent ) have de " c Croquet lared him " in self the to flesh be th , e "Sp irit of Pork Sausages ; " and a beardless cornet ( who was blasc p h n em ical ous a d n blasp d cynical hemous ) ; ) , n a nd half mou a stachl thousand ess en others sign . ( who -And wa I s saw Marguerite in dyed hair , and Marie , Queen Ondine of Scots / ,, in a
too chign much on , and champagne Lady Jane . Grey And decolletee there they , and were , da ^ ncinp vj ^ . little and ov flirting er and , an d la r , u ghi er ng —and over laughing , over and , and over flirting again , and ! darfcing '• - , fairy Tired nodding with the at me sight and , I beckoning made for a me seat towards , when I her saw . a I poor put old up my dress g , a ss nd , and absurd to my -lo surprise oking wings found , a that nd long the lad star y - in surmounted her gaudy and staff VA , painfull and obvio painted kfMf us & M l VVMi y false eyebrows hair , was and no hid A % less AVWkl eousl a y rouged than cheeks i ,
t cousin ^ AAUM > Victoria *«*« y I ! *" j ^*** r ^^^ *^ J , *¦ * ' * ' *¦* . *^ M person Ly ^ A W VAJk V **« - ** my AAA * knu I ckles greeted with her cor diall an , and y , she met old me non with sense the about old rap being of the " a naughty boy . " She asked me if I " wanted a * round ; ' , me tho — ug it was she blank had th . e I ' m ext not dise ngag dan e d n , " and man held , and told her her card so to . So t ^ % ^ we V . V ^ p * W sat * - *« *• down ^ - ^ Vj' * r **• and Mixtvfc b » - ^ egan ^^ J ^ V » a * chatting Vi > AUil > l > 4 Al ^| . The •& * A ^^ g «^ && irl . AaJ s around UA « - ^ M 4 * Vfc h A * e V r 1
alone were . soon I never marched had such off a by painful their partn talk in ers my , and life . we Eyes wer sunken e left and covered with Indian ink , brow wrinkled and plastered with what powder she , fe wa atur s ; es there sharp was and nothing blushing to remind with rouge me of the A wreck Victoria of of Her ten manner years was ago , always save the make gigglin -believe g and , it the never false was merriment so make- . b and elieve pret as ty , now and ! livel Still y , and she kept I humoured up the her fiction . We of had being talked young of ,
thi sai s d ga e nd y , ' . s " marriage Well , Vicky and , we that soon friend shall 's marriag be losing e , you and . One last of thes and e H arry e days Thornbury you will , and follow marry the exa me mp one le yo of urs H e lf , y Wilson then good bye to balls , picniqs , and parties . " giggle " Don and ' t be a rap so of absurd her fan you . naughty boy , " she said , with a or " give Mind I must » I come or , let the me retu - rn than ener ks Then for the when brides UWXl maids are ,
\ JJL ttl ^ y M ed . W % ¦» in you T V ^ U a away % j oll ^^ y , littl * ¦ ' * e pay r h ous •»•» e and pew r * ' a op n £ *¦ ice + *** . ¦*** gard . . . * . e n . XVAA , full » T of you J flow V ^ V * . C er 4 . A V s you and must all that — " kind of thing , and are as happy as the day is long , lip " q Don uivered ' t be , and so absurd she burst you out naughty a-crying — " ! she stopped short , her * * * * * , * * * woman Poor woman ! \ I repeat from the bottom of my heart , poor
T W April 18, 1868.3 The Tomahawk. 157
t w April 18 , 1868 . 3 THE TOMAHAWK . 157
Woman's Word-Book.
For The Use Of Our Young Friends. {Conti...
FOR THE USE OF OUR YOUNG FRIENDS . { contimted . ) Gallant manners , adj . — of A the good nineteent old word h century scarcel . y recognizable in the Garden Gaine ^ to . — make Flora of ' s . — boudoir Making . a point before killing . Garrison making -town move . —A s to chess be mated board by where the Kni the g Queen hts . s are always
Generosity there is . — no Giving possibility your time of a flirtation and services . to a bazaar where Gentility Giggle . — — . The Nothing safety- under valve of a boy weak in machinery buttons . . Girlhood to take . — their A prep bachelors aratory school ; I to for women in before they go up Glass Give , — . — A A verb friend imp who lyingia & av £ ^ s esire most women receive the trouble exchange of . reflectting ¦ ¦ '
Gold Glove . — — . The A . sheath sun which for a dazzles cat ' s paw all . , and blinds so many . Gossip . —The copper currency of the realm , of woman . Governess see that . —K intellect poor sister is menial who . has not enough intelligence to Grace worthless . —The . flower without which the loveliest garden is
For The Use Of Our Young Friends. {Conti...
Grave . —The accent which must fall on our last syllable . Green heirs . —The . colours most becoming to pale girls and young Guards Gum . — . — The Archan pink gels velvet in in the which heaven Venus of M sets ars . her pearls .
The Next Book7
Evidentl During Y Been The Written Last ...
evidentl DURING y been the written last few expressl days a y work for the has perusal appeared of , snobs which . It of is called the Hon Recollections . Amelia Murray from . 1803 It is to to 1837 t > e , hoped and is that from some the other pen Recollections amiable and titl from ed n 18 obody 37 to 1868 produ , when ce we a pendant may expect book , to called see something of this sort . Victoria * 'I went and out had to- an day exceeding to see Her linteresting 111 Most 1 Gracious conversation Majesty with , Queen 11 her 11
madame Her » iviuiia Majesty , . ' < a . xxu 'Oh . said uau , ' returned , * How tAl-ccuuigi are the Queen you y ^ to , - smiling day CSlllJg ? ' I sweetl LUUVCISitllUll replied y ; , * * then Quite WIL I'll well say CI , . good wore day black . ' kid And gloves I left . " her . Her Majesty had on a pair of Boots , and book There is filled , that . ' s th If e our kind readers of twaddl buy e the with work which it Miss is no Murray fault o ' s f ours—their folly be on their own heads . ,
Ijst The Smoking-Room.
Present—Smith And Jones. Friday Smith ?"...
Present—Smith and Jones . Friday Smith ?" . —Did you see that leader in the Telegrafih for " Good JONES . —Do you mean the one in which the writer observed first ( I can who quote found his and exact owned words no ) , " limit The to D the ivine law Sufferer that sacrifice was the of g se lorio lf fo us r each delig ht nd to the is happy the golden victim . cret Let no man od to take all , offence and of
mystery at us ; w of e ask teaching no nobler , where interpretation the majesty of of the this Father day , no ming deeper les in with a g th lory e obedience of light a of nd th tr e Son to , and dazzli the ng divine for any and eyes human save blend those of faith ?" Smith . —Yes . What did he mean by that sentence ? Jones . —I ' m sure I don ' t know . It ' s too " dazzling " for my eyes Smith . —I if the leader hadn ' t sounded slightlshall I
say sacrileg . ious say , wouldn , ' t it have been funny 1 y , article Jones more . —Funny heartil ! y I in should my life think . Fancy so . the I never Telegraph laughe turning d at an religious in its old age ! sion Emperor Smith of the . of — French the The French next Correspondent thing . we shall to hear the of Catholic will be faith the conver by the - Jones—Butseriousldid read the article through ?
Smith . . —Yes , . y , you Jones Smith . . — — What Well , did / thought you think it blasp of it hemous ? twaddle . Jones . —So did I . Ring for the coffee . { Scene closes in . )
A Great Improvement.
In Authority We Hyde Are Park , That Del...
in authority We Hyde are Park , that delighted , and the vast the to parasitic block be able which buildings to announce now covers of which , on so entirel the much very y space close best one of the most necessary and pleasant of public roads , need we will say not the be as Prince useless Consort as may ' Memorial be supposed ( No . . 2 , With 001 in a the view books to the ) requirements the basement of the fashionable will be fitted habitue ' s as of a the refreshment Park during room the thousands season or something , of pounds of that that sort . have This been is up delig wasted htful on , considering monstrous the ex- , crescences One at least to will perpetuat be useful e the as well memory as ornamental of the Great . and Good .
Tomahawk (1867-1870), April 18, 1868, page 157, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_18041868/page/5/