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April 18, 1868.J THE TOMAHAWK. 161 ^^
matter The . day The wi words ll be long...
on Not between " to put the too chap fin...
Evening A contemporary Express :— quotes...
Because The Priesthood tfrey perform the...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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April 18, 1868.J The Tomahawk. 161 ^^
April 18 , 1868 . J THE TOMAHAWK . 161 ^^
Jules Ojstce More Ojv A Great Event.
Matter The . Day The Wi Words Ll Be Long...
matter The . The wi words ll be long of the past wise before arrive I never shall re too ach late you , , but nd the no is experience of course of those who Oxfor know -Cambri is always -race worth that the I shall candle address * It you . I was of your them , the spectators gge . Among the millions of joke your ) . mees I p , la ced r daug mysel hters f ne ar perfide to the A Barns lbion - bri excuse gge . Ma s , the foi what who make sight the ! book The crowd and cheat surging the , terrible odds . , fe But roce not , of for betsmen me is
your that . bifstake No—I join excu the se agai gentlemens n , the joke who )— give the the true fair sportsmen stake—not of the chief rac , the e , the caads ivelchers , and , of blacklegges which your of the Princ turf e . I proud say to to myself be the , with but it these is lorious the bet is safe I . w I rite take not the " odds ell " I this ' edge . , It I l is ose the — loss of the g Cambrigge boat that makes me take yo the pen— " Why of is thi the s Thames loss ? " yo . ur Ah papers why 1 ask La ! France " Why shall 1 " asks tell to e oarsm the an
reason it ^^^ ^ - they ^ V ^™^^ ~^^» . do - ^^^ b ^ It ^ - ~^ not —^ ^^ ^ is ^ ^^ v ^^^ this wi ^ n ^^ . . ^^™ - ™—^ , ^ p Then It is ^^^ r ^ v ^ m because I shall ^^ v ^^^ h ^ Br ^ p ^^ mm tell they ^ ^» v w ^ F you ^^ d ^^ o ^^ — ^ ^ M not ^ n ^^ v it ^ V ^ k ^ M is win ^^ ^^^ ff v ^ h because ^ M , and t ^^» you V ^ wh ^^* ^*^ P they y ^ tf ^ kMB is lose cheat . And And wh wh y y do the they n do not th cheat ey los ? e Ma ? foi Bec yo ause u as they k ! Bec do a use there is no prize . That is the response of France . But will Eng say lish , m " No , , stolid this French , indifferent oarsm an the of the true S eine lory , h of e does fig ht , understand us . " Eh MenI sI bow . Our views are like
the two ends of the stick , , they do ay , not meet . You ont without the horn do not , gre do en these coat , u t take gold cocked meet to hat eat , the sword r ! ho Yes rse , you , your upon you , face T an d n race ! in Parbleti your the fox boxe not ! E you xcuse riht say ? th it e It laug is is not h —and ri ho ght n this o to urabl you kick e call stroke right the in ' ori that the t ! wins the fight . , But to g our mutton ; there is no use for me to tell h you h why blue de del will not win . You have no 1 faith in
Jules ^ v ^ v ^ v ^ w ! - ^^ ¦ Your — ~ ^—^— m ™~ sportsmen ^ ^ r — - ^ v — - —~ ' ™ v v » say » ^ m ^^^^ ^^ it - ^« V ^ is j w W the ^ ^ m ^ W train ^ ' ^ ^^ V ^» . . Vk ^ kv The ^^ v ^ M ^ ^* train ^ ~ J ~ . ^ » J ^ « V ? ^ p ^ ^ h A tfb ^ ^* bah Com e , I shall too tell muc you h th . e The train other 1 What day came is it th across en , once the mi mo ghty re ? wav cry of es of the the wild Atlantic Indians the ! challenge It was the of the struggle Red Skins of death —the they war strokes sought with was crafty your bra , subtle ve Oxfor , like -men a fiend . The . Ma movement foi / it g of lide wi s gwam
without its eyes , it creeps alone , it has no admiral : you guess , you laug whit say thi h e , our s you thing flesh shriek is it new , you , it dance s frig we htens — will it has us not , w no race e fai coxe n the t , / our Your cheeks oarsmen he grow shall " stay at , home . This creep was ; not good . Not so the savage Seine , replies to the Niagara . Read the rules of the approaching race : — Grand International Race
between Eight Gentlemen of HARVARD , CAMBRIDGE , U . S ., and
A Picked Crew of the PARIS BOAT CLUB . rowing Notice and . — steering As each , and boat in has order its , therefore own peculiar , that a method just esti of
mate determined of the , powers it is arranged of the that respective two races crews be may rowed be , accuratel one being y according French fashion to the . American , and the other according to the The American Race . 2 1 . . Each No coxswain crew to allowed consist . of not more than eight rowers . 3 . The race to be over a four mile straight course .
The French Race . 2 1 . . Three Each crew admirals to consist and a of ilot not in less full than dress twenty to be -six carried rowers in . the stern of each , boat p . ,
3 . The race to be across the Seine at Asnieres . 4 5 . . Th Th e e si Ump gna ire l in to be rting a Fren to b chman e given , and by the not French allowed boat to bet . 6 . The against French his boat countrymen to carry . the winning post . and W yo ell ur , you Oxfor see -men the rule should above do is the fair same . Each . But has stop his you chance say * ,
Will what Jules is this tell rega you rd to He Cambri shall gge , they and will the not race make of Ptitney the change reach — ? they they train wear , straw they - at irt but , they will not , cha they nge flash . Each the oa year r , they it is jerk the , and same . Let victory them for , the but m . copy Come Jules brave —and s it change is Jules that the does " ad le , " - dress you . This year he puts the " pony " on the light blues—Ma foi the 7 to chan 1 in elep e the ha styl nts . , and next year he bets upon Adieu you—yes . ,
The Church Militant.
On Not Between " To Put The Too Chap Fin...
on between " to put the too chap fine lain a point of Dieppe upon it and , " a his great parishioners row is go . ing It the appears reverend that gentleman Lord Stan , who has formerl dispensed y was attached with the to servic the es Con of - sulate , to his reverence ' s intense disgust . Nay , more , the parson the is not fees that y disgusted were once but his refractory due . The , and residents insists upon have receiving elected a
committee to pay the expenses of divine service , to the great wishes displeas to ure receive of the the incu offerings mbent , of or his rather flock incumbra in proper nce person , who . Th Notices e result are post an ed unsee up m and ly squabble torn down , posted church up and every torn Sunday down . r eli thro gion u . gh It was e se to rvic be es thoug , to the ht great that the scandal St . George of the -in Protestant -the-East that outra there ge wa ' s s a Dieppe dept lower h of still Chur ! ch disturbances , but it seems
A Surplicejd Snob.
Evening A Contemporary Express :— Quotes...
Evening A contemporary Express : — quotes the following from the Leeds cumbent '' Tn one gave of notice our Evangelical that the ' young churches ladies in ' who Leeds were recentl candidates y , the in for - women confirmation ' were were to assemble to meet in at the the school parsonage -room I " , but that the ' young castigation This scandalous We reall i piece of clerical ht that snobbery the Rev \ deserves CH a Craufurd thoroug iaumiuo ' h
recent ua . biiga sermon . nuii . . vvc on a cdiiy tex t inuugm from oug the u B ri tish B -cv ibl . . v e , . . " could . . v ^ not be s effrontery surpassed . for The clumsiness disgusting , fact arrogant alluded bombast to in the , above and tactl extract ess feeling out-Craufurds in the matter Craufurd we . can If the quite " young imagine ladies them " had refusing any proper point blank to set foot within the precincts of that snobbish parsonage ; were whilst certainl the " young y favoured women with , " though the purer assigned atmosp the here " lower . We room need , " such
name as scarcel the ought above y point to . out be When given the charge utter in justice unfairness s of this to those description of of vague the clergy extracts are mad who , e , , the of course proceedings , would so be recklessly naturally , vulgar anxious . The not Bishop to be mixed of the up Diocese with a oug sermon ht really on to " insist respect upon of persons the Christian , " and delinquent ought to be preaching present himself with these " young ladies " and—eugh ! horrid thought ! — order " young a special women service , " unless for them his in lordshi the school p would -room consideratel . y
Because The Priesthood Tfrey Perform The...
Because The Priesthood tfrey perform their of Wom ministrations an . —The as Hi Ritualistic gh-men . Clergy . " Bones and I . "—A testimonial was presented last week , at the Mr , St Moore . James . ' This s Hall is , to wh the at , " were Bones we " of a the comic Christy periodical Minstrel , we s , should call a Memento Moori .
Tomahawk (1867-1870), April 18, 1868, page 161, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_18041868/page/9/