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18 THE TOMAHAWK. [May 18, 1867.
LONDON, MA Y 18, 1867.
Our artist here a sketch has planned . T...
June 4 1 th st. . — — Grand Conference M...
before do in We the wrong train the know...
A A Comedy Tragedy .— .— Cynicism The li...
The soi-dlsant Dr. Jordan is said to be ...
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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18 The Tomahawk. [May 18, 1867.
18 THE TOMAHAWK . [ May 18 , 1867 .
London, Ma Y 18, 1867.
LONDON , MA Y 18 , 1867 .
Burying The Hatchet. (See Cartoon.)
BURYING THE HATCHET . ( See Cartoon . )
Our Artist Here A Sketch Has Planned . T...
Our artist here a sketch has planned . Two So well skilfull -known y , you warriors 'll scarcel yonder y match stand it , — , Engaged in burying the hatchet . Far from her home the dove unstained Grim Of War Peace was seemed seen flown : there , and still throug remained h the latchet The plan of burying the hatchet .
" My name is entered for the fight , " All Quoth Europe BISMARCK sees me ; in , weep her si ing ght , " can I scratch it ?* Dare I thus bury then the hatchet . " To patch a peace ! " — " A patch , don ' t fret , { Aside ) I'll stake soon my undone crown , " quoth , you scarce Nap , " regret so patch it ! Thus tamely burying the hatchet !" So sank Jfeace the returned hatchet to 1 its grave , atcn it 1
so says Europe * w A B deal y calml of blood y buryi -the ng world the hat you chet 'll save . " You Warns , Prussia Europe , France , " for , you hold both this will in mind catch , " it—The You matter either ' s mine disentomb , now— the if hatchet I find !"
Programme Of The Reform League For The Week Ending June 30th.
June 4 1 Th St. . — — Grand Conference M...
June 4 1 th st . . — — Grand Conference Meeting of the in Hyde Reform Park League . m the Earl of Derb Government y ' s private manifestoes residence . , in defiance of the 8 th . —Mr Clerkenwell . Beales , attended assists at b a y debate 35 , 437 in pat . the riots House from of uuiuii ,
v ~ . uj . ;> . 12 th . —Grand cipal Reform metropolitan Demonstration prisons . in most of the prin-16 th . —Reform by the in Reformers Pall Mall . . Burning of the Carlton Club 25 th . —Third Grand National Reform Demonstration in private apartments of Windsor Castle . 26 th . —Coronation Britain and of Ireland Beales the and First President , M . A ., of King the of Reform Great and League Clerkenwell and the . Republics , of Chelsea , Margate , c 8 th . — TlliiTrunatinn His Majesty King nf Rmmntnn Beales the nnri First Tclino is in nn stalled . I * w » ri D *» . D rii 1 .
joy sion and , one fireworks shilling . at Manager Cremorne , Mr Gardens . E . T . . Smith Admis . - 30 th . —The following Cabinet is appointed : — Lord First Chancellor President Lord of of the the of Exchequer Treasury the Council X \ \ V znfT Beales T , , > D t > - -n - > Lo Lord rd Hi Privy gh Chancellor Seal — . King J Beales , Barrister at Law . Secre „ tary of State reign for Affairs War . . — — Rig Rig ht ht Hon H" -. . * . Joh Whalley n Brig . ht . „ Home Ajfiairs and -. j-Right Hon . 3 . A . Walpole . Minister of Public Worship . *—Mr . Bradlaugh . * This appointment is translated from the French .
Curious Correspondence.
Before Do In We The Wrong Train The Know...
before do in We the wrong train the know , m that to two we Berlin we are letters are doing , on sure whicfe Monday wrong our were readers ; but last left . then , will b As y . an f we it org is I dont ive mperial so us pleasant wish if courier we to lay get to means any of our by which friends this into correspondence trouble , we will came not divul into ge our the possession ways and , uui win uuuui 10 iauiueiuitu
nu unc -y . LETTER NO . I . Tres-cher ,, Dated , Paris . franchement Tu sais bien et of sans t iL de y ' t a our la- , geile dis moi il n oil ' tu en veux plaisir venir ; alors dans , cette affaire t ^ n ^ breuse . metre En meme du Champ temps -de , -Mars j'ahnerais —r-on bien ne sait voir pas aehever pourquoi mon , mais petit , enfin gazo- , j avant ' y tiens la ; cl c 6 ' est ture un , gate joujou ktoil comm je me e un facherai autre- — pour et . si de tu bon m . ' ennuies Ainsi
trouves et crois quel moi qu toujours e chose qui amusera les diplomates . en attendant , Ton devoue compere , L . N . LETTER NO . 2 . xzbzr Jreimfr , Dated , Berlin , % Je rf te % t ^ comprends ^ JWjct § tt parfai bist tement a' m |) t . jtscjjtckter kerl ! et selon moi , nous nous respecterons toujours , amis oti ennemis . % hzx sic btt j'ai aussi mes soldats qui viennent de se bourrer
trop penser de nanan quoi pour que ne nous pas fassions en envier , nous dav serohs antage , forces ce qui d ' en re i - venir aux armes—fi done . ' —a l ' essai de nos propres inventions . W & znn matt imr a' bissl ftras § at , xst zx ftafy .- — Oui ! mais e ' est toujours envie de cet brin objet de plus Luxe ( mbourg l ' on de ) , sire viens : et le chercher si tu as vraiment : choisis ton temps : rien ne presse : je te le garderai jusqu'k ton arrivee . remets Jlas Fouverture ist mix jan de | ir la ^ ffcola Chasse ^ . — ( Aujourd peau ) a la 'hui fin ou de demain ton exposition . Si tu , les comme petits qui di dirait plomates ,, au jeu pourraient de l ' oie— s quoi ' amuser ! & tenir un Congrds , g | tls 0 xejj zmnfztyz mizfy . B . ^
Definitions For The Theatre.
A A Comedy Tragedy .— .— Cynicism The Li...
A A Comedy Tragedy . — . — Cynicism The lime and light buffoon , and plenty ery . of it . A Burlesque . —Legs , comic songs , and ankles . flesh A . Dramatic Author . —The English-French Dictionary in the box A in Burlesque the theatre Ac . tress . —A brougham at the stage door , and a A A Favou Patron rable of the Criticism Drama . . — — A An protector expensive of advertisement the Ballet . . An Unfavourable Criticism . —A libel case . Shakespeare The Prompte . r ) . — __ A Clothes myth . -horses for the million . Goethe . )
Unholy Land.
The Soi-Dlsant Dr. Jordan Is Said To Be ...
The soi-dlsant Dr . Jordan is said to be a " circulator of indebelieve dirty cent pamp little he hlets is work thor . " , and This hl we is very to ' t intend his possible work to . do and We so that , have but it we not is can indecent read quite his ougy up , — pamp very hlets . These may quacks be regarded are pestilential as so many nuisances cases of : ' their malignant little type-us ot , attacking the morals of the young is and unwary . ior Every tne
corner curious . our The principal Royal College inorougniare of Surgeons s nteraiiy have , a w corner e are glad to land sense see , tak b medi eyond en steps cal . Jordan to Should prosecute , and they open this not , a fellow crusad ever in , e take every against a sense peep Quackdom i but nto the the gen swear erall fealty y ? We , and will use enrol our Tomahawk ourselves beneath with a their strong broad arm banner . ,
Tomahawk (1867-1870), May 18, 1867, page 18, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_18051867/page/4/