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23 8 THE TOMAHAWK. IJtme 18, 1870.
Now ready, price 7 s. 6d., VOL. III. OF ...
LONDON, JUNE 18, 1870.
It seems that since the commencement of ...
If crime and disaster are good for the n...
The West End water carts need something ...
We must indeed be a physically degenerat...
The new scheme for regulating admissions...
Of course, the Civil Service Commissione...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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23 8 The Tomahawk. Ijtme 18, 1870.
23 8 THE TOMAHAWK . IJtme 18 , 1870 .
Now Ready, Price 7 S. 6d., Vol. Iii. Of ...
Now ready , price 7 s . 6 d ., VOL . III . OF BRITANNIA , Edited by Arthur a'Beckett , Illustrated in Colours by Matt Morgan .
VOL . V ., price % s ., of THE TOMAHAWK , Edited by Arthur a'Beckett ; Illustrated by Matt Morgan . Office : 199 Strand .
London, June 18, 1870.
LONDON , JUNE 18 , 1870 .
The Week.
It Seems That Since The Commencement Of ...
It seems that since the commencement of the session , which \ is now getting on for five months old , fourteen Acts of Parliament have been made . This is at the rate of about one in every twelve days , which , with an average of an eight hours' debate , gives close on a hundred hours' talk to each Act of Parliament . The talk this session has not only been tall , but long .
If Crime And Disaster Are Good For The N...
If crime and disaster are good for the newspapers , our contemporaries must have been driving a roaring traffic for the last ten days . What with horrible murders , hideous trials , and wholesale losses of life , space has been at a premium . No wonder that we have not heard the complaint lately that there is " nothing in the papers . " Even the monster gooseberry crop has failed .
The West End Water Carts Need Something ...
The West End water carts need something more than vestrymen and parish beadles to look after them . During" the recent dry and dusty weather , instead of proceeding upon a fixed principle , they seem to have utterly neglected their mission . Although ! late at night , and early in the morning , when the streets have been comparatively empty they may have been seen about , at middav . when the traffic has been at its height , and the dust at
its worst , they have been nowhere to be found . That twelve o ' clock is the dinner hour , and that in this hot weather a siesta after the substantial meal is by no means unpleasant , is probably the solution of their disappearance at the time they are most wanted ; but this would not happen . if it were that the water-cart men were put under the direction of the nolice
authorities . It may be urged in objection that the policemen themselves are always conspicuous in their absence when they are most wanted ; but on the principle of setting a thief to catch a thief the principle we advocate would no doubt be found to answer . We commend the point to the consideration of vestrymen in search of a grievance .
Out Of Training.
We Must Indeed Be A Physically Degenerat...
We must indeed be a physically degenerate race when such Standard advertisements , are found as the necessary following ;— , which we have culled from the WANTED , ONE or TWO MEN , with good address , to country push houses a , new on liberal PATENTED commission ARTICLE , samples , weig much h wanted three or in fou all r pounds . —Apply by letter , stating what references can be given , to not That to lift it should , but onl require y to push the united , an object strength weighing of a coup onl le y three of men or , four done . pounds The appointment , proves that of it a is Royal time that Commission something on . shoul Physical d be Strength , or the institution of a society for the supply of quinine and iron gratis to the multitude must soon become a necessity .
An" Official Regeneration:
The New Scheme For Regulating Admissions...
The new scheme for regulating admissions into the Civil Service has at length been published . As has been long since promised , all junior appointments in the Government offices are to yet be been thrown said about open to the public subjects competition in which candidates , but nothing are has to be as examined . As the new regime is not to come into force until August next , we suppose that sucking Civil Servants must bide ever their , will time be patientl of any y use . If to specimen them , the " following examination are papers very much , how at
-IUC 11 SUVJLC . " Foreign Office . 2 1 . . Have Have you a a brother title , or in how the nearl Guards y are ? you related to a peer ? 3 . What you has been your average expenditure for the following articles ( 3 ) 4 pomade . Show during , how ( 4 ) g the love last s would ? five years t : an ( 1 ) invitation clothes , ( 2 to ) flowers dine at , Lord — ? you accep free 5 . translation Quote a passage . from La Grande Duchesse , and give a 6 . State ( 1 ) your private means , ( 2 ) the amount of your debts ,
( 3 ) your expectations . Somerset House . 1 . State the names of six families residing at Bayswater or Clapham . with whom you are on visiting terms . 2 . For whom did your father vote at the last election ? the 3 . words Have " you chaps ever , " " been chink to , " a a Grammar nd " bug . " School ? If so , define 4 . Give a short history of one of your pipes . 5 . Show how you would accept a bill , and state the difference between note , with the reference execution to of the that Treasurv document Minute and of of a 1 promissory 867 on the
subject of the bankruptcy of Civil Servants of the Crown ? 6 . Are you in the habit of going to the Derby , and how ? Post Office . on 1 their . Wh books o are your ? Specif parents y Members ? If tradesmen of Parliament , whose names Heads are of Departments . and 2 . to Are undertake you prep not ared to to keep itate f wife r an increase family of on . £ 90 ? a year , 3 . Have you ever been ag a crossing-sweeperor pay fulfilled any nfh AY * nrteifiAn + r \ o + urAiiln WUU 1 U 41 "fi f- ivah \ J Wl 1 / VU * \*» 4 \ % 1 a / 4 i « 4 > iae > \ « , CV n ** 1 a ** 1 v * «** 4-tt ^
WW-LXWJL . J ^ VSh ?* K . J . WJ . J . l ** AC 4 . b Jf IAW UUWlUiS JM , ViWllV XXX L 11 C Savings' Bank Department of the Post Office ? 4 . How would you borrow five shillings ? Look round the examination room , and try to do it . take 5 . Vance Will you or Ar promise thur Llo to yd be as particular your model in ? your dress , and to 6 . Can you remember if you ever went to school ? )
Of Course, The Civil Service Commissione...
Of course , the Civil Service Commissioners are already busily employed in making arrangements for the forthcoming examination . We understand that they are in treaty to obtain Mr . Spurgeon ' s Tabernacle or the Agricultural Hall as an examination room for the competitors for the first clerkship which is to be given away .
Tomahawk (1867-1870), June 18, 1870, page 238, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_18061870/page/6/