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July 18, 1868.] THE TOM AH A WK. 21
{By our own Court Tailor — we beg fiardo...
on The nothing oft-recurring and living ...
l. s. n-Lusioxr.
Of all the crimes to which sensationalis...
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July 18, 1868.] The Tom Ah A Wk. 21
July 18 , 1868 . ] THE TOM AH A WK . 21
« Welcome Home Our Sailor Prince".
{By Our Own Court Tailor — We Beg Fiardo...
{ By our own Court Tailor — we beg fiardo 7 i — Poet . ) This is a jolly , glorious day ! W For hatever home now m from an may Australi say — : a , " We With welcome shouts wh home ich would our Sailor a stone Prince convince ! , Hhere in the Galatea /
e came The He never h showed sea never the m ade ght him est fear ueer ! ! roug q " Then He ne welcome ' er looked home sour our like Sailor a quince Prince ! ! Sh Ha o s happ ! Britons ily turned , shout out no the go ! sassin ' s blow Our Alfred is no more so so !
His cheek is red as coloured chintz ! So welcome home our Sailor Prince ! B ( H ravel is cousi y he n stood Mary u po d n the Prince deck Te ck , ) His tie it floated round his neck ! Then He man welcome ned the home ropes our ! he Sailor reefed Prince the sp ! lints !
Bravel Bravel y y he mock furled ed the snow merry -white gales sails ! ! Bravel His hands y he are baled hard the as boats any quince with pails ! ! Then welcome home our Sailor Prince ! The nation sings this loyal song ! But ( The not natio to n sing hopes it wo it u ld ' t too wrong long , ! )
So But welcome ng it loud home and nev our e Sailor r wince Prince ! ! Encore Verse . Come let us load our Prince with gifts ! ( For this rhyme idea s w our e are bosom sometimes lifts ! put to shifts , ) Then Give h welcome im a pearl home big our as a Sailor quince Prince ! ! it * will There be , if ! our Glover will only fit that to music , what a success
Mart Age A La Mode.
On The Nothing Oft-Recurring And Living ...
on The nothing oft-recurring and living controversy on love has on once the advisability again taken of possession marrying of There half-a isjon -dozen e great columns objection a-day , to of these some marriage of the morning or celibacy papers con- . troversies never can . do They so . never Indeed have it is led to doubtful any practical if there result is , a sense nd they in them at all . The question , is very really a personal one . any Each case outrun stands his alone mean . The sand Marquis being of head Broadstairs over ears having in debt considerabl with y
wish and effort to , economise , would probably congratulat , e every himwhereas self on getting Mr . Smith throug , h of the Clapham year on and anything Somers less et than House , £ 4 , , 000 who ; married to the City Miss every Jones day , whose at a quarter father lives to nine at , would Bayswater no doubt , and goes consider himself in affluence if his annual income amounted to now ^ 400 repaid . Again for , the Lucy little , who self married -denial ten she years once ago had on to ; practise £ 8 o , and b is y being risen ** r *** . a . ± ^ surrounded h ? M 4 , * UUXAUVU by ^ J a AHdXJ famil . IAJT y of VI six fcJA . Sk . children ^> l * 14 Vil VJll ^ , whose VV A *\ J + J \ + father 1 UWUWJ . 1 has J > U ^
salary to of the ^" 150 proud a year position , would of head probabl clerk y have in the little " house in common " with a with the Guards Lady M on ary the who occasion married , and young is now Spark starving s , who on sold £ 800 out and of " an annual round of visits to a large circle of aristocratic , what and acquaintances her it ladyshi cpsts . to p , Therefore live cannot , althoug throw the h Marquis m they . uch li may ght and - on compare Smith the question , and their Lucy ex of ^ periences Everybody until knows doomsday what . mutton costs , and how much one pays for house rent and servants' wages , and whole newspapers
On The Nothing Oft-Recurring And Living ...
full of opinions and sentiments cannot reduce the water-rate or the stave peop off le the who rele live ntless on ^ tax 1 50 -collector a-year say . By they the put way aside , why £ 4 . 4 s . a such year extravagance for " Pew at wo church uld be ? " wicked Nobody while believes there are them such . Indeed things , as free seats in the land . and The habits whole . A contro bachelor versy with resolve ^ 100 s itself a-year into who a qu manages estion of to tastes live within a bachelor his income with ^ will 500 generall a-year y who find gets it safe into to marry debt on had , better while into remain poverty single and if he want does . not Voilct wish tout to ! drag his wife and family
L. S. N-Lusioxr.
l . s . n-Lusioxr .
Of All The Crimes To Which Sensationalis...
Of all the crimes to which sensationalism must plead guilty , public perhap mind s not the wron least g on is all it great s never questions -failing . habit In sensational of setting lan the - guage proper an International Exhibition means the inauguration perity tween of , two and the States p Millenium lenty for for ever every ; a Royal ; a one new who m line arriage happens of railway a bond to , be of peace domiciled amity , pros be- - within VV ItlliLX ten bvlt miles lllliJ \_/ of X * a - ** branch I *^ X tVXJIVlii fcJ station fc . * -- *» w 4 . v ^ J- * . Sensible Pfc ^ > , « A & hy « i h' -LV men - ¦ . 1 . ^ . % ^ JL ^ a of ^ # i course ^ - # - *~ r v * i k > v m . ^^ , ,
gap read ing these , gullible things body in the their British proper public light . , but not that gawky , under greate after It - is dinner r the on mo guise m this ent gush , of accou we that some pause nt rec anniversary that to entl , say ' y midst found a few dinner the its words stir way in about of into connection things the the papers idiotic of with far the Atlanti were c cable hurried . During across the the ban Atlantic quet in question whichnotwith several - messages known standing as their " tea- arrival time , " in appropriate America at answers the very , were unconvivial returned , . hour As " by specimen MrCyrus , let us Field jl iv tak vi ' s e daught ucbu a few ^ AAbWJ lines er : "— addressed to the Chairman
* -ry atxx . \^ jiu j ^ j-. vj . " New York , 4 . 5 P . M . —I thank you most sincerely for the that kind w wo e r ds e frien have ds , al spoken though our of m y q fath uaintanc er , causing e is th m us e to mad feel e across the sea and in a moment of time . " - occup ill I y enoug this ied , in of h ; course but e co still rr , esponde beyo , if a nd sort n the ce , of there waste relish is of is no labour imparted great and har to m material a . series It is means at of dish twisting e let s by them a handle twist knowled at That g two e that electricity ends two of gentle a should long men wire are travel , taking then at a turns y rate all
. earth considerabl moves , revolving greater than round that its own which axis , is , if sur no face t a of nove the l p di nner ece of fun infor . The mation good , at old le joke ast of capable somebody of hel in p ing out York afte get r - - t n in ot g obj ne e ctio of n abl L e ond in itself repast , and if five a little hours " se before ntiment it " happens about the is the wond wine ers of , ev ery cien excuse ce gets oug supe radded to be , as made it natur when ally does sol , o em ver n misery & tJ VtftA of a «^ public A % a » dinner vtlA ^ AAV is ** -r taken % **/ u ^** r ± + into ^ account % t \ % i However - ¦ . -m- ¦ >^* . ex + -
jkXX , T V ^* yj WL I ^ S ^ * w J . *¦ * . v ar ** s * v ^ w * * * w . » x ^ r v ^^ » ^** * . cuses must end here _^ . What ^_ ^^ ^ A ^ is ft deserving 4 . i . m of none is H the ^ , conduct of men who get up and talk frothy balderdash about the Atlantic the shores telegrap of which h cem it materiall enting the connects friendshi . Wh of the on earth nations can- , not a lot of stock and shareholde y rs conratulate y themselves on g the commonl commonlv success y wel well of l a purel without withou y t co inferentiallv inferential mmercial l speculation y assuminer assuming , that that which they thev pays are are un a a -
bestow band of blessing good angels , , wherever whose they mission may rest it is their to usher sainted in peace feet ? and bring quicker As— about as exponent has a serious been of men issue very 's angry trul between y passions remarked this country > it — -is the far and telegrap more the likely United h is to States , if they ever set themselves to hearty quarrelling , than cold cold could --blooded blooded have , been - - deliberation deliberation possible under . . For For the all all old the the system crlorious lorious of thirteen Durooses days of of ' gpurposes
money papers - , making the Cable and is -supp supreme lying . It is the e parag great rap boon hs to of the money news- - makers this is not and onl sensation ridiculous -mongers but mischievous . To look at and it we as trust more there than have will be referred in futurp ; y The less of thing the , , maudlin perhaps , fraternisation is irritating ; to rather which than we things serious , by yet their still ri even ght names in an , sigc and of desi sham gnate s it money is better -making to call — money-making , and not philanthropy .
Tomahawk (1867-1870), July 18, 1868, page 21, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_18071868/page/3/